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Maintenance Announcement (May 27, 2013 - 7AM PDT) [Complete!]



  • crushedcrushed Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Happy Memorial Day Cryptic! Thanks for coming into work on a national holiday to do maintenance.

    Yes thank you, and to all that have complained about there time zone getting the shaft most of us are in the same boat I have taken a few days off with today and yes it is abit annoying but its a game. Take this down time to go out side and get the stink blown off ya or god forbid talk with some one in your house or right outside your door or dust off one of those old games you've been neglecting. Just saying....
    Join Today! Click Below.
    Decloak and Destroy!!
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Happy Memorial Day Cryptic! Thanks for coming into work on a national holiday to do maintenance.


    I love threads like this.... they make me stronger.... I can feel it growing... my biceps are bulging... my skin is changing colour... NERD RAGE MAKES ME STRONGER... I FEED OFF THE TEARS OF QQ.... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Seriously though, thanks. Even though I'm in Europe and it's primetime for me, these things happen and I won't give you a hard time over it.
    Kirk's Protege.
  • borgx666borgx666 Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dezstravus wrote: »
    Greetings Captains,

    What happened to Branflakes?

    He's off on a quick away mission, but he'll be back very soon!

    LOLZ Branflakes couldn't cope with the flak from players over all the downtime so has quit for fears of a backlash over this latest server maintenance! :D;)
  • leescottyleescotty Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i'd be half happy if you could fix the keybind loading problem as its very distracting trying to keep those skills going while actually flying
  • johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dezstravus wrote: »
    Greetings Captains,

    We will be performing a maintenance on Monday, May 27, at 7:00 a.m. PDT to deploy the next round of stability updates. We anticipate that this maintenance will take approximately two hours.


    What happened to Branflakes?

    He's off on a quick away mission, but he'll be back very soon!

    Why is another maintenance necessary, and why at this time?

    We do understand that this time is unfortunately inconvenient for some of our players, though in this particular situation we have server-side maintenance tasks that need to be performed ASAP in order to ensure a smooth play experience for everyone. We will do our best to complete this maintenance as quickly as we can in hopes of keeping the downtime to a minimum.

    Thanks for your patience and support!

    -Dezstravus and the Star Trek Online Team

    Would it be too much to ask that you get what needs to me fixed/maintained done today, or are we going to be looking at more downtime tomorrow as well? Rather that deploying these stability upgrades in stages I think we'd all prefer it you'd fix the problem and release the patch when the problem is actually fixed, rather that what we're getting at the minute, which feels like you're releasing half-finished patches in the hope that it'll solve your problem.

    For me, the worst thing about this "Emergency Maintainance" isn't the downtime. It's the fact that bigger issues are being overlooked just so that server stability can be fixed. When's the patch due that will give us Romulan/Reman boffs?

    This Expansion's launch has been one farce after another. I don't care if it's down to PWE incompetance or nuclear war. Fix the problem. Now.
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
  • vorga113vorga113 Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Happy Memorial Day Cryptic! Thanks for coming into work on a national holiday to do maintenance.

    Well if they'd done thier job properly in the first place they wouldn't need to come in. So really you are thanking them for TRIBBLE up.
  • enterprise629enterprise629 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I would rather have a few hours of downtime every couple of days than a massive 10 hour downtime in one single go, on one single day. Okay, maybe that's over the top, but that's my point.

    We just got LoR, a FREE expansion with a wonderful new UI, now I feel like its a true trek game, it's lovely.

    Yet all people can do is complain about downtime. At least most of it is working, and we can still play. Go watch a 2 hour movie, or a DVD - the game isn't going anywhere, it'll still be there when you get back.

    Good luck devs :) I hope you all get some time off, I think you deserve it!
  • ydypydyp Member Posts: 6
    edited May 2013
    Next few days the maintenances should be moved to 4pm-6pm PST time, let see who is going to get annoyed then, shall we?

    They need to take the servers down for fixing stability (especialy if they add a blade to the servercluster), with that fact I don't have a problem. Even if they do it in their holidays is even nicer as it shows their dedication. But as they already have to be paid extra I don't see any reason why not to alternate between US and EU primetimes for the maintenances.

    So the EU players complaining all got a valid point, and the US complainers are just scared that the QQing would pay off and they get shafted with primetime maintenances.
  • craig76craig76 Member Posts: 775 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    cant believe people are still crying lol
    like a little baby that wants its dummy "waaaaaaaa gimme my sto, stuff the down time waaaaaaa "

    awwww, now now little baby, its ok, heres your dummy :P LOL
    I believe God created the universe, because he knew we wanted to explore. So, he made us a playground...
  • brigadooombrigadooom Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Mail and PVE queues, please. Particularly mail :(
  • istianisistianis Member Posts: 43
    edited May 2013
    What people seem to forget is the fact that it is almost DAILY at the SAME time EVERY DAY.

    Now imagine you are a casual player , and you payed for x or for y or for sub , and you main playing time is from start of maitenance till end of maintenance(if everything goes well)+1

    Then you are actually f***** the same group of players every single day , making those players to actually be unable to play.

    But maybe we should indeed move the maintenance to US players main playing time and see how they would like it :)
    Anyways , we are having alot fo downtimes , and i dont see much being fixed. You know you have alot of hidden issues which you encounter once in a while , but those that actually prohibit to play a part of the game , they are still there and not fixed. Time to fix those
  • virgofiredragonvirgofiredragon Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I would love to buy the Life Time membership, but if every day your going to shut down this freaking game why waste my time and money on a game that don't freaking work. So you all want money fix the freaking problems and maybe more ppl will buy lifetime members. Wake up you're losing money and ppl with your daily maintenances.
  • devil96helldevil96hell Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hell thay still not fix things in game from 2years ago maybe all of us need to stop playing for 1year so thay can fix this TRIBBLE
  • ogariousogarious Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You know, this is starting to get old. Why the hell do you guys need to do maintenence daily. Fix this and get it over with. It's starting to get a bit irritating. Dont you guys know what your doing? After the BS over in Neverwinter I'm really starting to wonder.
  • levdarkenlevdarken Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I would love to buy the Life Time membership, but if every day you're going to shut down this freaking game why waste my time and money on a game that doesn't freaking work. So you all want money fix the freaking problems and maybe more people will buy lifetime members. Wake up you're losing money and people with your daily maintenances.

    I took the liberty of making a few corrections. At least if you're going to complain don't make yourself look ignorant while doing so.

    -grabs more popcorn-
  • jam3s1701jam3s1701 Member Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree that the downtime should be alternated between US and Europe time as shafting the European group every time is hardly fair. .
  • levdarkenlevdarken Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jam3s1701 wrote: »
    I agree that the downtime should be alternated between US and Europe time as shafting the European group every time is hardly fair. .

    Yes but you have to realize that when this happens the people are just getting to work. Server maint is the first thing they do at the start of the day so that they have the rest of the day to work on things. No. It is not very fair but who said life was fair?
  • jake477jake477 Member Posts: 527 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Who callled it?

    Well while they are at it, fix the tearing on the uniforms, the tailor itself and even the selection of them outside the tailor.

    That is a priority since people pay for those.

    SO get it DONE Cryptic you got it stable now fix the bugs on stuff WE PAY FOR!!!!
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "This planet smells, it must be the Klingons"
  • betayuyabetayuya Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    now if they only added a free retain at LoR update ... lol :D
  • clerigoptclerigopt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Why server maintenance keeps happening at prime hour on Europe time table is beyond my reasoning of things.
  • apacheone5565apacheone5565 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It has been said to me that no beta testing is being done and perfect world is saving money by releasing a faulty game and having the public do the beta testing.also fleet marks now have gone out the window and you are being force to do fleet missions which getting 3 fleet marks for some reason or another with maybe 10 total will take small fleets a lifetime to create a starbase.THIS IS A JOKE MAYBE I SHOULD LOOK AT GETTING MY MONEY BACK FOR THIS GAME.Then you lower dilithum from 1440 to 990 another joke.
    I have been talking with the right people and it appears that there is more in store for the public If what I heard is true there those of us who pay your wages looking to take this to the next level.
  • knightshade263knightshade263 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Galaxy X Saucer Separation as "Quoted" is 2012 the whole "wide beam lance" mode ...... anything ring a bell cryptic just need that console "hint" "hint"......
  • redsnake721redsnake721 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Too Funny...everytime there is a downtime announcement it is always followed by a swarm of rude, nerd rage, over entilted, self important gibberish posts from neck-bearded, besement dwelling 30 something virgins who in the real world would be to afraid to ever speak to someone the way they speak to the Dev's at Cryptic when they are behind a keyboard. I just hope they know when thay make rude, threating, and insulting posts all it does is make themselves look like an idiot.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    For all the crappy maintenance they're doing, at equally crappy hours, I can't believe I just upgraded to lifetime. :P

    EDIT: WTF?! Shouldn't my Lifetime subscription be denoted on my profile here?
  • kaledarkshinekaledarkshine Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Really? People complaining about a down time of two hours? Big deal. So what if it's every day? Go read a book, step outside for fresh air, watch tv, watch a movie, or hell, play another game for two hours! It's not that hard to wait two hours.

    Side Note: I'm pretty sure that maintenance has been completed AHEAD of schedule pretty much every day.
  • captainchaos66captainchaos66 Member Posts: 409 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I dont ussually comment on these rager threads.. however this one REALLY pushed my buttons. " COmpensation" for server downtime? Give me a fracken brake... what the hell kinda world do we live in when people want to be " compensated" for server maintenance on an MMO... no wonder the aliens havent invaded,, aint not intelligent life down here...

    We do understand that this time is unfortunately inconvenient for some of our players.

    - No really? just landing a maint right at game time europe, thats smart... and then not even compensating for it. Why do you need to be compensated for 2 hours of server downtime? why? Dont you have ANYTHING else you could be doing? Is STO your ENTIRE LIFE? WOOW dude,, take a long hard look in the mirror why dont ya...

    though in this particular situation we have server-side maintenance tasks that need to be performed ASAP in order to ensure a smooth play experience for everyone. We will do our best to complete this maintenance as quickly as we can in hopes of keeping the downtime to a minimum.

    every day there has been a 2 hour or more maintanence
    every day you say the same bull**** reason, server stability etc.
    When do you think its gonna be obvious that the servers are just not stable at all and that
    you are playing whack-a-mole trying to fix the issues. ok so now YOU are a server technician.. why dont you fly you happy TRIBBLE over to Cryptic headquarters and show them how its done! what? you dont know anything about how to run a game server.. we whoda thunkit...

    I am a gold paying member, in europe, the losst of 2 hours per day in a week means that there is gone 10 hours of game time. That means that I have paid for game time that is not being compensated back to me in any way shape or form.I'm a lifetimer whos spent a TON of $$$ on this game.. and ya know what? Its well worth it... you, my raging friend,, need to take a step back and think about something.. when you loose cell signal does you company credit you? when your computer freezes and you have to reboot it,, does microsoft send you a check in the mail? TECHNOLOGY IS NOT GOING BE 100%,,,, 100% of the time... get over yourself!

    If this had been US and you had shut it down then you would definately come up with some kind of compensation for the lack of gametime. The server IS going down in the US,, and on holiday no less!!!

    I am serious fed up with the bull that is coming out of cryptics mouth and I do not believe a single word thats said about "server stability" and jackshiiit.Thats just the stupidest thing ive ever read.. why dont you just go somewhere else if you are THAT unhappy at STO.. trust me,, you wont be missed

    Poney up the missing amount of hours and I might be kinder.

    I filed a support ticket with Cryptic cause the 30 keys from my legacy pack had vabished during the mess at start, that ticket suddenly just vanished, it was erased after 5 days.
    So I had to make enother ticket and wait additional days and that to me is utter horse TRIBBLE.

    Get it done, shut down the fudging servers for a 24 hour shutdown and fix the ******n problem once and for all, shutting it down 2 hours per day at game prime time is just idiotic and pissing people off.
    Since its odvious you know JACK about how to run a game company,, let me inform you of a little secret... when your ENTIRE product is on one server,, you pull the plug on said server AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE!!!!! Also,, if they applied all there fixes at once there is no gaurentee they will work.. applying fixes alittle a time makes more sense... because if you put one in and it doesnt do anything or make things worse,, your going to want to take it out and try something else

    ok im done raging about this raging tard.. please dont bother complaining about my complaining about the complainer post.. i know i know....
    One more thing.... Dev's dont listen to Jackholes like this.. im pretty sure they are the MINORITY in the STO community.. just keep doing what you are doing!!! And THANK YOU for spending your holiday listing to us whine and complain,,,when you could been at a BBQ drinken a beer....
    Fleet Admiral In charge of Bacon
    Fighting 5th Attack Squadron
    The Devils Henchman
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Too Funny...everytime there is a downtime announcement it is always followed by a swarm of rude, nerd rage, over entilted, self important gibberish posts from neck-bearded, besement dwelling 30 something virgins who in the real world would be to afraid to ever speak to someone the way they speak to the Dev's at Cryptic when they are behind a keyboard. I just hope they know when thay make rude, threating, and insulting posts all it does is make themselves look like an idiot.

    Funny, every time there is a downtime announcement, it is always followed by a swarm of brown-nosing, self important, apologetic egomanics, who will take the opportunity to tell others to treat Cryptic as if it were a charity, and to be grateful, and to not cry like a baby. Yet these same people would scream red, in the real word, if, say, their food wasn't being delivered in time; or the fries were missing.

    So, stop your endless grandstanding, and accept that, as a paying customer (and I've literally spent thousands of dollars on this game already), we have a perfectly legit right to complain when nothing gets ever fixed; and even the right to be pissed about it. Try taking your car to the garage, because of a fuel leak or something; and see how happy YOU are when you keep paying the mechanics, but they never fix your problem, and instead always try and smoothtalk you into buying even newer stuff.
  • ztempestztempest Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Speculation here...but I wonder if they have some sort of issue where the servers degrade rapidly over time -- wiithin 24-72 hours or so...

    Seems like that might be the pattern...this downtime is occuring practically every day.

    With that being said...two points.

    First -- everyone that complains adds to the fact that the expansion is a resounding success. People can't wait to get in-game.

    Second -- I do think that Cryptic did a good job with the expansion. I left the game for a few months...but am finding that the expansion has re-engaged my interest.

    Good job -- and also a good job of staying on top of the maintenance.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Since its odvious you know JACK about how to run a game company,, let me inform you of a little secret... when your ENTIRE product is on one server,, you pull the plug on said server AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE!!!!!

    And let me let YOU in on a little secret: when your ENTIRE product is on one server, and you're making money, hand over fist, you have the courtesy and foresight to GET A SECOND SERVER, and load-balance your stuff, like any normal company does.
  • mattyd95dxmattyd95dx Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Mail. Fix the Mail. Please move heaven and earth to fix the mail.

    I also want the Mail to be fixed, my Mail Box is getting full and I don't want to lose any items that expire from Exchange because my Mail Box is full. I also want to see less lag and fewer jitters.

    They should always make sure that the last major update was 100% ready before releasing it. I would rather wait for an update and it be near perfect when it is released than have it rushed and released unfinished with loads of bugs and issues. It?s not like we can just go back to playing the older version of the game like you would on other non MMO games, E.G. if someone doesn?t like Halo Reach they always have the option to go back to Halo 3. We don?t get that choice; we have Star Trek OL as one standalone game which a large majority of people have paid to play. They can?t just jump back and play the version of the game that was available to them before the LOR update was put into effect.
This discussion has been closed.