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Maintenance Announcement (May 27, 2013 - 7AM PDT) [Complete!]



  • herbiehdykemanherbiehdykeman Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    No skin off my nose, I'm normally working right about now anyway. I just happen to be off today for the Memorial Day holiday :-)
  • burstorionburstorion Member Posts: 1,750 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Call me silly, but has anyone noticed the majority of the posts you could class as 'cryptic white knights' seem to have only ever posted a few dozen times?

    Not saying anything but its an odd thing, people hopping onto rarely used accounts to defend a company...
  • cha0tic1acha0tic1a Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have only been playing this for four days and three of them have gone fubar because of maintenance issues...pretty laughable.

    Is this "working as intended" or unusual?

    I am not going to spend cash on this game if this is the usual gaming experience
  • chris919ukchris919uk Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    First off let me state that I am not complaining or whining but for how long are Cryptic going to keep applying the daily 135mb maintenance bandaid? Seriously Cryptic please shut down the servers for 24 or even 48 hours and completely fix all or the majority of the problems.

    As it stands these daily "fixes" don't really seem to be achieving anything its fairly apparent to see that ingame problems aren't being addressed. Maybe things are being fixed but you state its "general server stability". I'm sorry but that doesn't really mean a great deal to me since you always give that reason. Can you be a little more specific on what you are doing?

    Currently there is the being kicked from PVE maps problem. The login failure issue. The retrieving list of characters problem. The missions that can't be completed issue. The buggy sound issue. The random disconnects and game crashes. The costume colour problems and the buggy sound. The ship colour schemes that charge as Zen instead of Energy Credits. Also the mail problems even though its annoying I agree thats a much lower priority.

    Having said that I don't expect miracles but can't you at least fix some of these issues in these 2 hour maintenance periods?

    Regardless I do appreciate Cryptic staff having to come into work on their holiday since its also a bank holiday in the UK too. Thanks guys but seriously take the whole thing offline for 24 hours.
    "You have not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original Klingon, taH pagh, taH be"
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Did not answer the question. There was maintenance YESTERDAY. Why were the issues not fixed YESTERDAY instead of TRIBBLE things up and TRIBBLE your customers out of more play time (that many of us pay for) TODAY?

    Do not give a party line BS answer, simple tell us how someone could be so incompetent as to require 2 unscheduled downtimes for shard maintenance in a 24 hour period.
    Just wait, there will likely be more 'maintenance' either tomorrow, or some time next week. If we're lucky, we might actually get over 48 hours without any maintenance.
    chris919uk wrote: »
    Regardless I do appreciate Cryptic staff having to come into work on their holiday since its also a bank holiday in the UK too. Thanks guys but seriously take the whole thing offline for 24 hours.
    If they'd have checked the update on a private server before unleashing it to the world and fixed everything before hand, then they wouldn't need to work on their days off.

    LoR was released back on the 21st. I expected the server queue; we're always going to get that until they buy more servers. That was to be expected. I would have anticipated a single maintenance schedule for Thursday or Friday (23rd/24th) to address server stability and LoR bugs. As it stands, we've had maintenance nearly everyday because they didn't do the checking and preparation before hand. That's on them.
  • confessor1978confessor1978 Member Posts: 20
    edited May 2013
    One thing above all still amuses me every single mmorpg and i mean every single one has same problems same generic we are fixing the issue messages and to lessening and greater frequency at some point a collosal release of bug ridden content that takes a while to fix i'm sure everyone here has had this before in this game in other pwe games or other companies games so....

    why the same old crying on the forums...

    no imagination at all

    its nothing new go make a brew enjoy the weather...
  • qqqqiiqqqqii Member Posts: 482 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    someone said you have head this one before......like really?

    if your going to insult everyone at-least spell it right. without making yourself seem like some kind of pervert who's just talking to be talking

    If you're going to troll someone about their spelling, you might at least check your own spelling and grammar.
  • pel2pel2 Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    We do understand that this time is unfortunately inconvenient for some of our players.

    - No really? just landing a maint right at game time europe, thats smart... and then not even compensating for it.

    though in this particular situation we have server-side maintenance tasks that need to be performed ASAP in order to ensure a smooth play experience for everyone. We will do our best to complete this maintenance as quickly as we can in hopes of keeping the downtime to a minimum.

    every day there has been a 2 hour or more maintanence
    every day you say the same bull**** reason, server stability etc.
    When do you think its gonna be obvious that the servers are just not stable at all and that
    you are playing whack-a-mole trying to fix the issues.

    I am a gold paying member, in europe, the losst of 2 hours per day in a week means that there is gone 10 hours of game time. That means that I have paid for game time that is not being compensated back to me in any way shape or form.

    If this had been US and you had shut it down then you would definately come up with some kind of compensation for the lack of gametime.

    I am serious fed up with the bull that is coming out of cryptics mouth and I do not believe a single word thats said about "server stability" and jackshiiit.

    Poney up the missing amount of hours and I might be kinder.

    I filed a support ticket with Cryptic cause the 30 keys from my legacy pack had vabished during the mess at start, that ticket suddenly just vanished, it was erased after 5 days.
    So I had to make enother ticket and wait additional days and that to me is utter horse TRIBBLE.

    Get it done, shut down the fudging servers for a 24 hour shutdown and fix the ******n problem once and for all, shutting it down 2 hours per day at game prime time is just idiotic and pissing people off.

    I live in the U.S. They don't compensate us, if they were to do something then it would be game wide. In the EULA it states that they do not guarentee play time. I am just as agrivated as most of us are at the fact that since LoR they have brought the servers down EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!!!
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    One thing above all still amuses me every single mmorpg and i mean every single one has same problems same generic we are fixing the issue messages and to lessening and greater frequency at some point a collosal release of bug ridden content that takes a while to fix i'm sure everyone here has had this before in this game in other pwe games or other companies games so....

    why the same old crying on the forums...

    no imagination at all

    its nothing new go make a brew enjoy the weather...

    Thank you!

    Actually, it's nice weather outside today (for Britain).
  • lake1771lake1771 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mightyjazz wrote: »
    This is not a moan in any way as I do enjoy playing but I think it is time for some account refunds/gift I know this work has to be done but ask urselfs how many times as the server been off this week alone, as one guy pointed out right in the middle of England/Europe prime game time, As a company You now have to dig deep and offer some sort of refund its only fair or I feel you are in risk of losing gamers as its now getting out of hand.

    sometimes, two comma's are not enough.
  • tharrisxtharrisx Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    > (d) PWE is not be obligated to refund all or any portion of any Account fee (if any), by reason of any interruption of the Services by reason of any of the circumstances described in paragraph (a) or (b).

    Just because they aren't obligated to doesn't mean they cannot.

    They give away presents to players who hit tribble and beta test for them. They could certainly show a bit a appreciation for the gold/life members who have paid for the game and find that it's down most of the time they are able to play.

    This is especially poignant since PWE made the decision to link STO to the Neverwinter Nights game servers, which is one of the big reasons for all these server stability issues. It's well known by all IT staffers everywhere that you are supposed to separate and isolate services for different customer bases, so if one goes down it doesn't bring all the others down too. This is the "single point of failure" scenario. We shouldn't be locked out of STO because some unrelated D&D game is broken or slow due to traffic.

    And, again, LOVE the new Romulan content. The story missions are great, the art is fantastic, even the voice acting this time. The ships in the legacy pack are nifty.

  • pupibirdpupibird Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Thank you!

    Actually, it's nice weather outside today (for Britain).

    Please specify!
  • irwin109irwin109 Member Posts: 518 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    We do understand that this time is unfortunately inconvenient for some of our players.

    - No really? just landing a maint right at game time europe, thats smart... and then not even compensating for it.

    though in this particular situation we have server-side maintenance tasks that need to be performed ASAP in order to ensure a smooth play experience for everyone. We will do our best to complete this maintenance as quickly as we can in hopes of keeping the downtime to a minimum.

    every day there has been a 2 hour or more maintanence
    every day you say the same bull**** reason, server stability etc.
    When do you think its gonna be obvious that the servers are just not stable at all and that
    you are playing whack-a-mole trying to fix the issues.

    I am a gold paying member, in europe, the losst of 2 hours per day in a week means that there is gone 10 hours of game time. That means that I have paid for game time that is not being compensated back to me in any way shape or form.

    If this had been US and you had shut it down then you would definately come up with some kind of compensation for the lack of gametime.

    I am serious fed up with the bull that is coming out of cryptics mouth and I do not believe a single word thats said about "server stability" and jackshiiit.

    Poney up the missing amount of hours and I might be kinder.

    I filed a support ticket with Cryptic cause the 30 keys from my legacy pack had vabished during the mess at start, that ticket suddenly just vanished, it was erased after 5 days.
    So I had to make enother ticket and wait additional days and that to me is utter horse TRIBBLE.

    Get it done, shut down the fudging servers for a 24 hour shutdown and fix the ******n problem once and for all, shutting it down 2 hours per day at game prime time is just idiotic and pissing people off.


    "If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe." - Carl Sagan
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Thank you!

    Actually, it's nice weather outside today (for Britain).
    It was nicer yesterday. Clouds are coming over ready for a wet week. :(
  • betayuyabetayuya Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    me grabs the popcorn, numnumnumnumnum lol :D

    but i think i will say, (in cardassian)

    "they are 'helping' us, can't you see? they brought it down to bring us closer together, and i 'sure' they will have the issue sorted out soon, but they 'do' want us unveil any and unloyalties and post then here for review by the new Obsidian Order, so that any unrest can be handled swiftly and accordingly"

    this should clear things up, i recieved this transmission by uh, i am not telling! naa, naa naa naa, naa! lol :D
  • guard41guard41 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Ok, I just have 1 thing to say. I have a very specific window of game time (the computer is not mine, incase you are wondering) .Even though I was never a Romulan fan I have been looking forward to making one and trying new stuff out, but so far, I have been unable too! :D I have gotten into the game but everytime I decide "ok now is the time" something happens!

    I know this is just bad luck with my circumstances but it is pretty icky. I am not mad or anything, there is plenty of other stuff to do, just saying :)

    With all the maintenance I would of thought at least ONE thing would be fixed too!

    The times I have been in game since LoR came out, It has run fine except...

    My bridge officer stations go blank half the time I zone!
    My ability trays get jumbled upon zone!
    I cannot delete E-Mail
    I cannot queue for anything in the PvE system! I've been wanting to earn Fleet Marks for days, I can't!!

    I now agree with a friend of mine, who says that everything we see 'server stability' in the patch notes, it just means the hard drives are being defragged! hehe! :)

    I do hope you guys can sort it out soon though!
  • jhiettjhiett Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Star Trek is an American Franchise So the Europeans can sod off. Personally I feel bad for the techies that have to come in so early on an american holiday to do maintenance for all the yahoos who are complaining, all to give you a quality game that you don't even have to pay for. I.E. Free to Play. What a bunch of ungrateful dolts.
  • slurmerslurmer Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dezstravus wrote: »

    B]Why is another maintenance necessary, and why at this time?
    We do understand that this time is unfortunately inconvenient for some of our players, though in this particular situation we have server-side maintenance tasks that need to be performed ASAP in order to ensure a smooth play experience for everyone. We will do our best to complete this maintenance as quickly as we can in hopes of keeping the downtime to a minimum.

    Thanks for your patience and support!

    -Dezstravus and the Star Trek Online Team

    I as a gambling person will not put any money on the fact that once you have done this patch that we (the players) will get a "smooth play experience"

    I don't think I ever have had a smooth experience since season 7....:rolleyes:
  • confessor1978confessor1978 Member Posts: 20
    edited May 2013
    qqqqii wrote: »
    If you're going to troll someone about their spelling, you might at least check your own spelling and grammar.

    well said +1
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    pupibird wrote: »
    Please specify!

    Sorry, sunny weather in Suffolk, United Kingdom.
  • echattyechatty Member Posts: 5,916 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lake1771 wrote: »
    sometimes, two comma's are not enough.
    Yeah, agreed, and what bothers me more than the downtime are the people who have difficulty spelling 'you'.
    Now a LTS and loving it.
    Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
    I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything. :D
  • irwin109irwin109 Member Posts: 518 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    flash525 wrote: »
    It was nicer yesterday. Clouds are coming over ready for a wet week. :(

    Yeah it's been raining here (NW UK) all day =/

    "If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe." - Carl Sagan
  • confessor1978confessor1978 Member Posts: 20
    edited May 2013
    slurmer wrote: »
    I as a gambling person will not put any money on the fact that once you have done this patch that we (the players) will get a "smooth play experience"

    I don't think I ever have had a smooth experience since season 7....:rolleyes:

    oh i dunno they seem pretty efficent at shutting the server down daily... if never fails to happen rofl

    and the log out button works even if login is tempremental at times...
  • beeblebrox72beeblebrox72 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I probably needed a break anyway, i've never leveled a characater this fast lol. I love the new season, it's epic! :D
    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Is it just me, or are many of those defending cryptic at times such as this "one post wonders"?
    That said however, maintenance is required from time to time especially in the time immediately following a major release. As aggravating as these extra outages are, they are understandable to an extent.

    Also, I feel that I must inform all of those who have said that "beta testers should have done their job better" of something.
    We tribble testers encountered, made note of and reported many of the bugs that have reared their ugly heads on holodeck. It is not our fault if the powers that be decide to ignore bugs that were widely reported by volunteer testers. It is our problem, but it is most certainly not our fault.

    The thing that concerns me however, is the relative inundation of maintenance periods that we are experiencing. I'm no IT specialist but from my experiences in life thus far, if something is continually breaking down then it is likely that there is something inherently wrong. Perhaps there is a fundamental issue with the way the network was designed?

    Now if you will excuse me, I really must find Jethro. Mr Palmer? Have you seen Agent Gibbs?
    I need a beer.

  • ericandrewrossericandrewross Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    flash525 wrote: »
    Just wait, there will likely be more 'maintenance' either tomorrow, or some time next week. If we're lucky, we might actually get over 48 hours without any maintenance.

    If they'd have checked the update on a private server before unleashing it to the world and fixed everything before hand, then they wouldn't need to work on their days off.


    One thing above all still amuses me every single mmorpg and i mean every single one has same problems same generic we are fixing the issue messages and to lessening and greater frequency at some point a collosal release of bug ridden content that takes a while to fix i'm sure everyone here has had this before in this game in other pwe games or other companies games so...

    Not so true. I also play SWTOR, and have had around one tenth the server downtime that I experience with STO. We did have one or two short downtimes after the release of Rise of thee Hutt Cartel, but nothing as bad as what REGULARLY happens with Star Trek Offline. It is like PWE wants me to give my money to SWTOR instead of them.
    Vice Admiral Ross
    and others too numerous to name...
  • confessor1978confessor1978 Member Posts: 20
    edited May 2013
    irwin109 wrote: »
    Yeah it's been raining here (NW UK) all day =/

    That sucks man... gorgeous sunny weather with gentle breeze in anglia
  • txn8vtxn8v Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wow... on a US Holiday? Someone's going to get paid double time.

    Not if you are a salaried employee! Only hourly employees usually get overtime, we get (if we are lucky) an extra day off sometime in the next year or so.
    "You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who's in ruttin charge around here." - Jane Cobb
  • confessor1978confessor1978 Member Posts: 20
    edited May 2013

    Not so true. I also play SWTOR, and have had around one tenth the server downtime that I experience with STO. We did have one or two short downtimes after the release of Rise of thee Hutt Cartel, but nothing as bad as what REGULARLY happens with Star Trek Offline. It is like PWE wants me to give my money to SWTOR instead of them.

    re read i said to greater and lessening degree that would infur every single game has it.......
  • betayuyabetayuya Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A: tribble is not holodeck, directories must be linked, things rewritten, issues in patching and rewriting directories are a common battle
This discussion has been closed.