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Maintenance Announcement (May 27, 2013 - 7AM PDT) [Complete!]



  • azmodeasazmodeas Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If this Maintenance will resolve the log in failure I keep experiencing as a life time sub. the wonderful, " too many login attempts; try later " . an this error occurs the first time I've tried to log in . It continues to occur each time I try at a later time . Same results same unable to log in . the so called posted work arounds for this issue have failed to resolve and continue to be unresolved.

    If the maintenance resolves this problem and I'm able to log in and actually play then I'm all for it . However I am not holding my breath. Since the start of may I have found the servers to be unstable and unreliable to get any relevant gaming time in. The execution of this expansion is really brutal it feels like basic things like stress tests an server loads were conducted to see if the current hardware etc could support the changes to the existing game this current expansion has delivered, were never preformed . The daily patching and maintenance's are understandable the first couple days prior an post launch but that grace period shoulda ended .

    I'm honestly feeling like I've not spent big money for the lifetime sub as advertised, and instead have paid a large amount of money to be a lifetime beta tester for a game that seems stuck in beta with the bugs and unreliable servers . This issue of server stability have easy solutions . It seems clear cryptic has some how under estimated the popularity and the current live server ( holodeck ) can't handle the population explosion . Alot of people seem to have invested in either the starter or legacy packs , So ponying up some coin to invest in a second live server would easily take care of the population overload . the overhead for keeping a second live server shouldn't be that much more then the current overhead for keeping one live server operating . This would help stem the overloaded and obviously over worked single server . This would help solve several problems .

    Now before anyone baulks well this is a short term problem on population and in a few weeks the population will go down an things return to pre expansion levels population wise ... that's nice . But solves and does Squat for those who have paid money for being ahead in the que priorites etc . doesn't do any good when your unable to log in to enjoy those benefits .

    Adding a second live game server allows for greater use of options for future updates to the game and for future improvements .If the nay sayers are right an populations do decline then the second server can be shut down til needed again .

    I dunno , I don't work in the IT field so i'm prolly off base . No I don't have all the answers. Yes I apologize for my rant but as a paying customer I'm frustrated and as a paying customer it's not completely out of line to request that a service one is paying for , performs for what your paying for. So please Cryptic fix the log in issues so people who are supporting your game can enjoy it . That's all I'm asking for . Thank you .
  • ru4tedwardru4tedward Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There's still a few of us that haven't been able to log in. Can we get on that at some point?
  • neohunter200neohunter200 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am okay with the frequent maintenance ever since Legacy of Romulus went live. I guess it is unavoidable that bugs will get through the UAT process and make it to the live server.

    On that note however, I do hope that Cryptic does learn from these incidences and not let them repeat again. For example, it would be damn embarrassing if a bug was fixed in the next patch only to reappear after new content or a new patch went live.

    I also think that the other issue is how subscribers feel that they have been short changed with all the down times in a single month. Personally, I think there must be some form of compensation in-game to this group of people. After all, its all about the customer experience.
  • redshirtthefirstredshirtthefirst Member Posts: 415 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Make the river of tears flow through the dry plains of Africa for it will quench their thirst...

    While I wish they would swap peak times between US and Europe to do maintenance, it is what it is... Today is a HOLIDAY for those not knowing the US calendars, which is pretty rare of a thing to be noted in the US. These guys rolled out of the bed, drove to work and... work, on one of the rare day off in America.

    So, I am one to thank the team for the time spent. Overall, the launch is rather smooth compare to other games I played...
    Server not responding (1701 s)
  • matkempmatkemp Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Maintenance again?

    To be honest I'm not surprised, the game now has that many bugs and glitches, its now becoming a bit of a joke...think you need to get Scotty and Mr Spock in, they will be able to fix it.

    I'm predicting that at 5pm UK time, when the servers go live, very few players will be able to log in. And we'll have the "Login failed for unkown reason," message...again.
  • amahoodamahood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    We do understand that this time is unfortunately inconvenient for some of our players.

    - No really? just landing a maint right at game time europe, thats smart... and then not even compensating for it.

    though in this particular situation we have server-side maintenance tasks that need to be performed ASAP in order to ensure a smooth play experience for everyone. We will do our best to complete this maintenance as quickly as we can in hopes of keeping the downtime to a minimum.

    every day there has been a 2 hour or more maintanence
    every day you say the same bull**** reason, server stability etc.
    When do you think its gonna be obvious that the servers are just not stable at all and that
    you are playing whack-a-mole trying to fix the issues.

    I am a gold paying member, in europe, the losst of 2 hours per day in a week means that there is gone 10 hours of game time. That means that I have paid for game time that is not being compensated back to me in any way shape or form.

    If this had been US and you had shut it down then you would definately come up with some kind of compensation for the lack of gametime.

    I am serious fed up with the bull that is coming out of cryptics mouth and I do not believe a single word thats said about "server stability" and jackshiiit.

    Poney up the missing amount of hours and I might be kinder.

    I filed a support ticket with Cryptic cause the 30 keys from my legacy pack had vabished during the mess at start, that ticket suddenly just vanished, it was erased after 5 days.
    So I had to make enother ticket and wait additional days and that to me is utter horse TRIBBLE.

    Get it done, shut down the fudging servers for a 24 hour shutdown and fix the ******n problem once and for all, shutting it down 2 hours per day at game prime time is just idiotic and pissing people off.

    Oh, I couldn't agree more. There has been , very few times, once or twice it seems, in the past year, where the time has been good for Europe players, yet most of the time, it's not.

    And so, it pretty much feels like, we get "shafted" in Europe by the STO maintenance. I would definitely not be so frustrated either, if they did indeed compensate for it.

    I know that those in the usa, would most definitely get mad about it too if it happened to them all the time.

    But most of the time, unless you "walk a mile in another shoes" ya don't understand or sympathize.

    oh well...

    though to say something positive somewhat, it is understandable why so much maintenance has needed to be done with such a large addition to the game.
  • furlong359furlong359 Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    it is very rough for me to get in any game time since im an over the road truck driver, and when ,in the rare cases, i get to come home , log in and..oh sorry the game is down, however such is life in a perfect world. please fix it and please if you wouldnt mind, hook everyone up with a freebie, it would stop some of the ********, i know it would make me happy as well.

    great xpac so far! love the game and it does keep getting better!
  • jc89123jc89123 Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    How about some of the many needed bug fixes, including the messed up TOS (22nd Century) Uniforms where the color pallets don't match up and in some cases, won't even change the color of that part of the uniform? The digital surround sound audio issue is another, not being able to delete mail, quite a few bugged missions, instance switching and staying in the same instance as your team issues, and so on.
  • sashibaisashibai Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So what are you guys going to break this time?
  • natewest1natewest1 Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    matkemp wrote: »
    Maintenance again?

    To be honest I'm not surprised, the game now has that many bugs and glitches, its now becoming a bit of a joke...think you need to get Scotty and Mr Spock in, they will be able to fix it.

    I'm predicting that at 5pm UK time, when the servers go live, very few players will be able to log in. And we'll have the "Login failed for unkown reason," message...again.

    Haha, and the return of the dreaded, Lo-queue-tus...
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Please fix the bug that kicks people out after 5 seconds from non cross faction pve queues like gorn minefield or colony invasion or mirror event.

    Please fix them. :(
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • zix74itaelitezix74itaelite Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    well this does it.. if i don't receive some sort of compensation for the time loss this month you can kiss goodby my subscription... i know you don't own me any refound but you should start considering that gold player are customers and we should be treated as such or we'll take our money somewhere else...
    I'm an adult and the fleets (more than one) I'm in are made mainly of adults.... and we all agree on this: its ok to support a game you like but been constantly frustrated because the product you've paid for it's only available 30% of the time ITS NOT!

    there aren't excuses for the poor job that has been done with LoR (btw Lag Or Rubberbanding).

    Please I'm 40yrs old don't even try to say that with an update like this some problem are to be expected.. we pass the line... this its just not right and unprofessional...

    why should i keep spending money in something that never work when i've got some free time (btw i'm from europe).

    you should know i'm not alone and all of the ppl i've spoken to feel the same way and are ready to cancel our subscriptions and stop spending money on this game untill you give us back some sort of quality...

    thanks to your game been constantly offline we're trying other games and even you should realize that this its bad!

    english its NOT my language so be kind, this post its not an attempt at trollin or flammin its just a customer speaking is mind...
  • obsidiusrexobsidiusrex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wow... on a US Holiday? Someone's going to get paid double time.
    I don't care how long you've been playing. I only care about how you play.
    And remember to follow the rules.
  • sabouma1979sabouma1979 Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Guys, this is bad stuff... seriously.... you started with Emergency Maintenance on Saturday of 1,5 hours, then yesterday shard maintenance of 2 hours, and now today again?

    Come on! :mad:

    I'm starting to feel bad about buying a lifetime sub...
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    catrick76 wrote: »
    If any of you COMPLAINERS can do a better job then they can then I want to see it and proven. If you cannot Wittle down Heavily on complaining. BUGS happen. Everyone wanted this and wanted it as quickly as possible.

    Not Everything we do on Holodeck is done easily on Tribble. Tribble gets wiped once in a while not only that but how many people do Mail in game in Tribble or heavy Exchange Or even Heavy Use of the PVE content. Many things are found in Tribble and Fixed but when the stuff goes live the things NOT seen in Tribble in bugs comes readily appearant.

    Its during this time that Cryptic takes the time to go through the petitions and bug reports and sets them to a priority list. The tress factor has played a big role in helping find these bugs and they are being Prioritized. Not EVEN Blizzard with millions of paid Subscriptions gave out flawless Patches and updates. They had to do the same thing cryptic is doing now at times.

    So once again unless you can do the job better then them Shut it on the complaints and give proper comms with those that are trying to fix the game to let you enjoy it.

    As for those that can't shut it well thin of it this way what if these Pitiful excuses of complaints were thrown in your face day in and day out would it make you like that person either. Think of it that way would you throw half the complaints you are if you were aiming them at yourself if you are at them now?

    bugs are one thing and tbh there are only 2 that needs addressing more then any other, the mail and pve queue system. however this is not a bug related issue, it's a failure to recognize that the server can not handle the load and something i am not surprised by even before launch. in fairness i did try to give it an open mind but my skeptical outlook is correct as suspected before launch. the more it was hyped up the more i didnt want anything to do with it. but thats water under the bridge and now i have to deal with it as it comes since i went LTS. but money doesnt mean much to me at all, given another few weeks i will have regained what i put into the game but luckily i have enough to pay my way this month.

    the more things change the more they stay the same.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • andihraveyandihravey Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    We do understand that this time is unfortunately inconvenient for some of our players.

    - No really? just landing a maint right at game time europe, thats smart... and then not even compensating for it.

    though in this particular situation we have server-side maintenance tasks that need to be performed ASAP in order to ensure a smooth play experience for everyone. We will do our best to complete this maintenance as quickly as we can in hopes of keeping the downtime to a minimum.

    every day there has been a 2 hour or more maintanence
    every day you say the same bull**** reason, server stability etc.
    When do you think its gonna be obvious that the servers are just not stable at all and that
    you are playing whack-a-mole trying to fix the issues.

    I am a gold paying member, in europe, the losst of 2 hours per day in a week means that there is gone 10 hours of game time. That means that I have paid for game time that is not being compensated back to me in any way shape or form.

    If this had been US and you had shut it down then you would definately come up with some kind of compensation for the lack of gametime.

    I am serious fed up with the bull that is coming out of cryptics mouth and I do not believe a single word thats said about "server stability" and jackshiiit.

    Poney up the missing amount of hours and I might be kinder.

    I filed a support ticket with Cryptic cause the 30 keys from my legacy pack had vabished during the mess at start, that ticket suddenly just vanished, it was erased after 5 days.
    So I had to make enother ticket and wait additional days and that to me is utter horse TRIBBLE.

    Get it done, shut down the fudging servers for a 24 hour shutdown and fix the ******n problem once and for all, shutting it down 2 hours per day at game prime time is just idiotic and pissing people off.
    The fact that your moaning about the devs doing maintenance to a game to ensure stability and smoothness of play just shows your a moron for not understanding.

    The fact you mention 2 hours of down time costs you money and there is no compensation just shows your a penny pinching idiot,

    The fact your constantly swearing and your post is full of spelling errors just shows your illiterate.

    Do yourself a favour, go into a corner and have a word with yourself
  • wolfieebryanwolfieebryan Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hammer51st wrote: »
    Come on, stop complaining...its just a new daily released with LoR...called maintenance....duration: 2h, cooldown 22h. 100% Critical failure, so come back tomorrow & try again :D

    and come back tomorrow for the same "stability updates" which has been happening everyday? only problem I have is mail (since LoR) and now sound problem since yesterdays "stability updates". Oh also enemy ships seem more powerful now too
  • haubrockhaubrock Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    @ Cryptic: How about announcing a daily downtime between 4 and 6 pm european time? How about fixing bugs instead of just working on the server stability?
    But since Cryptic isnt caring about the things we write here:
    You are just depressing my carma...
  • sonoframonsonoframon Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    andihravey wrote: »
    The fact that your moaning about the devs doing maintenance to a game to ensure stability and smoothness of play just shows your a moron for not understanding.

    The fact you mention 2 hours of down time costs you money and there is no compensation just shows your a penny pinching idiot,

    The fact your constantly swearing and your post is full of spelling errors just shows your illiterate.

    Do yourself a favour, go into a corner and have a word with yourself

    The fact that you had to rage in response to his claims shows that you might need to sit down, breathe deeply, and say "But he is right though".

    We are all pissed off at what's going on. As long as they fix the Mail and PVE queue, everything else is unimportant to me. I'm just surprised that none of you have taken to the streets yet with pitchforks and torches hellbent on burning Cryptic HQ to the ground lolol. I mean, I could suggest an idea, but the last time i threw the 10-letter "L" word around, i was summarily booted from the STO Facebook page...

    So in the end... relax, it's two hours. I'm sure you can do a lot of fun real life things in that timespan.

  • stressedchrisstressedchris Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Cryptic really are a joke of a company aren't they?
    Get this stuff sorted guys, it not acceptable for a 3 year old mmo to be having daily downtime, even after a update like this, AS IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN TESTED FIRST!

    You guys are sooooo lucky that there are idiots in this world who are willing to pay real cash for this half-finished, poorly maintained abomination of the Star Trek license, i wish they all stopped and you get no more money, YOU DONT DESVERE A PENNY FOR THIS TRIBBLE!
  • drysyndrysyn Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    really this is what NINE TIMES in 7 days, and atleast TWICE in the same day.... No MMO i have ever played has been this bad

    Cryptics reputation is firmly in the toilet at this point
  • jalawaranjalawaran Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    andihravey wrote: »
    The fact that your moaning about the devs doing maintenance to a game to ensure stability and smoothness of play just shows your a moron for not understanding.

    The fact you mention 2 hours of down time costs you money and there is no compensation just shows your a penny pinching idiot,

    The fact your constantly swearing and your post is full of spelling errors just shows your illiterate.

    Do yourself a favour, go into a corner and have a word with yourself
    It's much easier to call someone illiterate if you're* one-upping them. just sayin
  • chaz200565chaz200565 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Bring the game to a 24 hour downtime,and go through it with a fine tooth comb.
    This surely will squash and get rid of all and any bugs in this game.
    Also,i think new servers are needed that can cope with the numbers,and no more queues.
    I for one have put a lot of really money into this game,its about time we got something back. Better more reliable servers,more fun added,and less restrictions.
    More realistic affordable prices and cheaper projects too.
    Not everyone can currently afford some of the prices,and a level playing field would make this game fairer. I am sure many would appreciate less need to grind,and a lot more fun added.
  • drysyndrysyn Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    chaz200565 wrote: »
    Bring the game to a 24 hour downtime,and go through it with a fine tooth comb.
    This surely will squash and get rid of all and any bugs in this game.
    Also,i think new servers are needed that can cope with the numbers,and no more queues.
    I for one have put a lot of really money into this game,its about time we got something back. Better more reliable servers,more fun added,and less restrictions.
    More realistic affordable prices and cheaper projects too.
    Not everyone can currently afford some of the prices,and a level playing field would make this game fairer. I am sure many would appreciate less need to grind,and a lot more fun added.

    i don't know about that but upping the 8k dilth refining a day wouldn't hurt neverwinter gets atleast twice that amount so why not STO
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Another one? Seriously? I'm not one to moan about updates and maintenance, but this is getting beyond a joke now. We've had more crashes/maintenance this past week than STO has had 'seasons'.

    And what's worse; this probably wont be the last one either. It's all good fixing things, but apparently your maintenance isn't working out too well (hence your needing to do more maintenance).

    It's times like these that I am glad I'm not a subscriber. Please, for the love of god, and all the players this game has got, get it together. :(
  • amoroxicamoroxic Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hammer51st wrote: »
    Come on, stop complaining...its just a new daily released with LoR...called maintenance....duration: 2h, cooldown 22h. 100% Critical failure, so come back tomorrow & try again :D

    Spot on!

    Development Assignment: Emergency Maintenance
    Send a pudo officer to restart the servers. This is a daily mission.
    Notice: Your officer will be cloned in the process, caution required or your roster will fill with pudos.

    Reward: 2h downtime, Special Duty Officer
    Critical Reward: 4h downtime

    Requires: Engineering, Incompetent
    Critical Success: Unscrupulous, Tactful
  • greydog2greydog2 Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Normally I don't comment on these issues ..because well, a devs gotta do what a devs gotta do. But all three days on a holiday weekend? ...that's kinda much aint it?
    I plan on living forever ..so far so good

    Squadron 238
  • tinead51tinead51 Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What is with all the Europe QQing? is 3pm in the afternoon considered primetime - everyone gets off work early there I guess.

    It's a bank holiday here in blighty Mr Richard Cranium ;)
  • pwetacodeathpwetacodeath Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    First off: Congratulations PWE on a well done game addition. Though I am new to the game, I can say that I am loving it. So give yourselves a big round of applause, and a big pat on the back!!!! :D

    Now, to all you whiners out there: Be glad they are trying to fix the issues at hand. Yes, there are some unfavorable down times, it might interfere with your game play, ect ect, but as a Gamer who has played TONS and TONS of MMO's and all sorts and varieties of online games, I can say this....Be thankful they are trying to get everything smoothed out as fast as they can.
    In many Online Games I have played, (granted some could be classified as jokes, though some are awesome themselves) they tend to wait the week or so before their "normal" maintenance time, or patch times to even begin to start fixing said problems. A process that can take weeks even months.
    PWE as you yourself can see, are doing the best they can, as fast as they can.

    Patience is a virtue, get over yourselves, remember the DEV's/PWE Team are human JUST LIKE YOU

    Again, Great Job Team PWE on an awesome awesome game!!
    I am not a Mod. I am just a player. You have been informed :cool:
  • sashibaisashibai Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Cryptic really are a joke of a company aren't they?
    Get this stuff sorted guys, it not acceptable for a 3 year old mmo to be having daily downtime, even after a update like this, AS IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN TESTED FIRST!

    You guys are sooooo lucky that there are idiots in this world who are willing to pay real cash for this half-finished, poorly maintained abomination of the Star Trek license, i wish they all stopped and you get no more money, YOU DONT DESVERE A PENNY FOR THIS TRIBBLE!
    I am assuming (and probably correctly) that you haven't put a dime into the game? Well you get what you pay for. Have a nice day.
    drysyn wrote: »
    really this is what NINE TIMES in 7 days, and atleast TWICE in the same day.... No MMO i have ever played has been this bad

    Cryptics reputation is firmly in the toilet at this point

    Apparently you weren't around for the WoW Lich King release.
This discussion has been closed.