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Emergency Maintenance (May 25, 2013) [Complete!]



  • oraxisonarisoraxisonaris Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    No, and no, i do not shut up.
    - My Main is bugged since lor, i start an stf without Boff and with luck i can get 1 in during
    - None of the Beta-testers tried to delete a mail?

    And no, i do not spend my rare time on tribble, i have a full time Job already.

    This issue wasn't present on Tribble, as far as I saw. We caught 95% of the bugs on Tribble. A small minority got through, and a few more were created between the final Tribble build and the build that got on to the Holodeck. I honestly can't understand how you can blame the closed beta testers for bugs when we went looking for bugs with no compensation at all. We did our jobs as best we could, but a few things got through.

    This downtime is common to all games when they release a major expansion. Lag is to be expected when there are large numbers of people trying to connect. There are always bugs. Few of the bugs in the expansion are game breaking, and those that are are isolated to a relatively few people. I feel for the people experiencing those bugs, but they should have been expected.
  • firetrekkiefiretrekkie Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    vorga113 wrote: »
    remember all of rage with last seasons release (or possibly the season before I forget) about how players felt they were getting shafted over dilithium? All the player rage that DSthal complained about and said people should be more polite, well can you practice what your boss preaches?

    The words after "Hi Captains" should be something like "We apologize for the inconvience but..." Be polite and at least pretend to give a TRIBBLE.

    I 100% agree they are working day in and out on the issue here. ppl please give the computer a rest and smell the roses maybe it wouldn't be such a hassle if some people didn't sit day in and out on their pc and overwhelm the STO servers. there is another plus its called cutting your electric bill down cause you don't need the computer on all the time.
  • oldorcguyoldorcguy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    No, and no, i do not shut up.
    - My Main is bugged since lor, i start an stf without Boff and with luck i can get 1 in during
    - None of the Beta-testers tried to delete a mail?

    And no, i do not spend my rare time on tribble, i have a full time Job already.

    Let me get this straight, shame on the unpaid beta testers for not volunteering more of their time and doing a job, once again unpaid, you are personally to lazy and/or selfish to do yourself? LOL. Spoiled brat much?
  • squonkmansquonkman Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1...UDP protocols..and so much more...

    If they were using UDP, not many people would be able to play the game "out of the box". UDP is connectionless and most routers reject incoming requests unless a connection was already established from behind them (i.e. from the players).

    UDP was popular in the 90s because it's lighter than TCP and most people were still using modems at that time. Today, most people have some kind of broadband connection and TCP is mostly used even though it's heavier than UDP, because it's also much more reliable.

    As for the coding, I don't think there's a kingpin programmer working on STO. From outside, it looks like all they're coding are light scripts.
  • ivannanukeivannanuke Member Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just be more then when in how devs, once you have become one with the holy penguin, and the elvis commaned camels with TRIBBLE lasers, soon all cheese will bacon your giraffes.
  • poppawoodiepoppawoodie Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i wont lie, the constant emergency maintenance is a bit annoying by now. But, i would much rather have those fixing things than to not get to play at all.. helluva job on the LoR expansion and once u get the wrinkles ironed out it will be fantastic. i appreciate the hard work and long hours u guys are putting into fixing the expansion. way to run with it guys.. semi patiently waiting for the server to come back up..lol
  • wargillwargill Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ivannanuke wrote: »
    Just be more then when in how devs, once you have become one with the holy penguin, and the elvis commaned camels with TRIBBLE lasers, soon all cheese will bacon your giraffes.

    I was thinking the same thing! I totally agree with this statement.
    Give me all your latinum... Hew-mon!!
  • daynjarusdaynjarus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thanks for this oppurtunity..I Just started LOTR Download. Maybe they want some of my $$$$$
  • stryider8121stryider8121 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ok you have the servers down, now fix ALL the problems.. Yes and let us all know whats going on.. Don't keep us in the dark.. Thanks
  • captainbaileycaptainbailey Member Posts: 356 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shard_(database_architecture) so you guys have an idea off what a shard is, and what they are maintaining... its a data structure, and either something is being read wrong, compiled wrong or the output is wrong. So they will have to go into it and actually check it, and since its most likely held across servers, which is the main reason you use a shard pattern and not the other patterns, they have to double check and update those as well. Does it suck that we cant play a game we enjoy, absolutely, but whining about it really doesn't help.

    Disadvantages of sharding [edit]

    Sharding a database table before it has been optimized locally causes premature complexity. Sharding should be used only when all other options for optimization are inadequate. The introduced complexity of database sharding causes the following potential problems:
    Increased complexity of SQL - Increased bugs because the developers have to write more complicated SQL to handle sharding logic.
    Sharding introduces complexity - The sharding software that partitions, balances, coordinates, and ensures integrity can fail.
    Single point of failure - Corruption of one shard due to network/hardware/systems problems causes failure of the entire table.
    Failover servers more complex - Failover servers must themselves have copies of the fleets of database shards.
    Backups more complex - Database backups of the individual shards must be coordinated with the backups of the other shards.
    Operational complexity added - Adding/removing indexes, adding/deleting columns, modifying the schema becomes much more difficult.

  • hullkenhullken Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Putting together my Christmas wish list:

    1. fix the game (maybe support will respond to ticket by Christmas)
    2. gimme back my money I spent since expansioin launch (yeah, right)
    3. peace and goodwill to all (best chance of the 3)
  • donhouston9donhouston9 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hey everyone. Long time reader first time replyer. LOL. Hope everyone is having a great memorial day weekend. Man i have been playing sto for soooo long. Over 3000 hrs. Oh and btw this is my first MMO i have ever played. Please help a newbie understand. I paid alooooot of money to get this far in STO. Way more than i thought i would ever pay to play any game. I will be honest i love STO. So much fun. So any threat i make about moving on to a new game will most likely be empty. BUT! the strain that is put on families and the time we spend with them could cause me to stop playing STO. Family or STO, easy family! As a husband and father I have to make time to play STO. When you all dont make time for us and dont make sure the game is right u are telling me that a bunch of comp data and game TRIBBLE is more important than my family or the collective me. So i will be honest again and say that it is not. My family is more important! So please for me bring your standards up by 1000% please. My first fleet mate brought up to me that the past 3 yrs felt like a beta. Being a noob it took me a bit to understand, like 3 yrs. I understand now. There is like 2 million players in STO, U would think that would make u wanna do better. IMO u have done allot better. Legacy of Romulus pack is AMAZING. LOVE IT. 130$ though. Wife didnt like me paying that for a game, holly TRIBBLE guys and gals, wtf. U are telling me with millions dollars u cant make your deadlines? And especially with this weekend. A total miff guys. IDK i am just a noob over here. Funny thing is i believe that no one will read this other than players like me. I dont think the things i say to STO will ever come to light, because there is nobody listening. Seems peeps are blinded by all the money they are making. "The needs of the many out weight the needs of the few" not the opposite.

    Ok my apologizes for being blunt please dont stunt my account or bug my ****. I am not a programmer so i honestly not for sure how much work goes into STO. I am sure it is allot, BUT again it can be done better and smarter. Get it together TRIBBLE"s. Oh BTW lvoe the singularity sets AMAZING stuffs.
  • psychoplattpsychoplatt Member Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I honestly can't understand how you can blame the closed beta testers for bugs when we went looking for bugs with no compensation at all. We did our jobs as best we could, but a few things got through.

    Sorry, it was not intended to blame the beta-testers. What i meant was that the testing time was realy short. So many changes would need a half year for testing - imho.

    So english is not my native language and sometimes i use the false words. I am working on this every day ;)
    nice u wasted so much time in your sig - i do not see it anyway :)
  • adrianasrxadrianasrx Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Here we go again with the rants, The devs DON'T want to take the servers down but when there is a ongoing issue affecting players and reducing there enjoyment of the game they are forced to. If you have ever written a program and bug tested you know what I am saying, even when you think you have the program running right until its stress tested sometimes there are problems that show up that haven't been foreseen. Even if its beta tested there can be problems that show up when MANY more people get to play it. I am annoyed that the server is down too, but I do have a life

    Don't dis the devs just because the server is down they are trying to improve your playablity
  • johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This issue wasn't present on Tribble, as far as I saw. We caught 95% of the bugs on Tribble [...] I feel for the people experiencing those bugs, but they should have been expected.

    Unexpected bugs, fine. Unexpected issues are to be expected. Queues and lag, also to be expected since Tribble was in open beta for only a week.

    But what about some of the other stuff?

    Why didn't anyone testing on tribble say "Hmm, the rewards for Nukara Hard seem a bit low" or "How come I can only buy common Romulan Republic boffs, and why can't my allies' boffs train my current boffs?".

    These are issues that should have been addressed on Tribble and never have made it to holodeck.
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
  • totenmettotenmet Member Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    From a positive perspective: The servers are more up, then down :)
  • betayuyabetayuya Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i am responsible, i killed the hamster farm, i did it ... For Cardassia!! lol :D
  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited May 2013
    Thanks for your patience, Captains! STO is back-up. We'll see you in-game!


    Brandon =/\=
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