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Emergency Maintenance (May 25, 2013) [Complete!]



  • whitestar001whitestar001 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    My patience is wearing thin. What is with all the Emergency Maint. For the last couple of weeks STO (Cryptic and PW) do these emergency maint during mid day and prime time playing. Who is making the discussions up there. They need to re-evaluated themselves?:mad:
  • rarmstormrarmstorm Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. SOE has EXTRAORDINARY Customer Service. How do I know? Im one of the god damn GM's. And I've been with them long enough to actually know what im talking about
    2. EA sucks .I agree.
    3. Dont sit there an complain. Yes we ALL have issues with whats going on with STO. And YES it is extremely frustrating But To be honest you dont work in there company or have acess to there equipment. They have to deal with a lot more then 'point and click' here. Theres CODING involved Server routine maintenance. UDP protocols..and so much more. People make mistakes and BUGS happen. Its an inevitable expectancy for all MMO's or any game for that matter. If you want to get a honest and detailed reply from the devs and community managers then you need to approach them with some respect. Use a tactful approach and be polite.

    i'll be the max polite i'm can be now. :cool:

    SoE, plz, ...

    Only on congo a game can run so BUGGED and SLOW with all the money u get!!!
    Sop think at ur holiday and SPEND OUR MONEY FOR GIVE A ****ING decent SERVICE!!!


    Awaiting some news.
  • spearhawk2013spearhawk2013 Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    add this into your computation....

    1. the weekend after the biggest update to STO
    2. 18.00 (6pm) CET aka prime time in europe.
    3. already pissed off people from europe cause this always happens in our game time.

    and what do you get?

    Why is Europe beaing treated this way? why can it not be lets say 11.30pm when prime time is over, thats not even prime game time in US, thats in the middle of the prime gametimes.

    I pay to play, and to be honest, I am glad that server being maintained BUT can you at least alternate time times so that it does not always happen on prime gametime in europe?

    like you did a few days ago, the server main was in middle of night europe, that was awesome.
  • seventhpawnseventhpawn Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In the last two weeks (even before the LOR release) the servers have degraded during day/prime time to the point where the only time anyone can even play is in the dead of the night in the US.

    Its fricken memorial day weekend, one of the best and last times before the kids get out of school for the summer to get some play time in.

    Stop being silent and diplomatic about this, get on here and explain to us what the heck the deal is. Especially to your PAYING customers. This is atrocious. I have played over a dozen MMOs in my lifetime, and this last fortnight worth of server slowdowns, crashes, queues, emergency maintenances that made the problems worse, tops even SOE and EA's penchant to blunder and deliver a shoddy CS/Technical support experience.

    And here we are again for the fifth day in a row the servers are shot at prime time. Get it together. You are risking losing a LOT of paying subscribers. More to the point, I am considering going back to LOTRO or finding another game full stop. At least they can keep their servers running.

    Have to say well said. I am patient enough, but bringing the servers down during hi traffic times is rather silly. Hopefully things will stop going up and down like a super ball.
  • overdriven89overdriven89 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    cryptic/pwe you should definatley read my suggestion for server improvements

  • kenlbenkenlben Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I was in the middle of a mission when the shard went down, where will it put me, will I have to start the mission all over again?
  • wazzagiowwazzagiow Member Posts: 769 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    starting to become star trek offline :( I hope they fixed this time!!
  • tsurutafan01tsurutafan01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So, if any Cryptic staff have the nerve to claim again that a hardware upgrade is not required, would one of the community moderators please be good enough to outright ban them?

    Because really, this trolling is getting tiresome.

    "We are smart." - Grebnedlog

    Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
  • oraxisonarisoraxisonaris Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think I'll sit down, watch Star Trek VI, and laugh at the forums.
  • xariamaxariama Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    (why didn't this come up in Tribble?!?)

    It never materialized on Tribble. I tested what I thought was everything (clearly, it wasn't close), and it never came up once. I just had to laugh that I was getting STO mails in Neverwinter. :)
    Lane Bjorn Jorgensson, Captain, ISS Voltaire

    Here's a map to show how much they've screwed up the game map.
  • styxslethestyxslethe Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In the last two weeks (even before the LOR release) the servers have degraded during day/prime time to the point where the only time anyone can even play is in the dead of the night in the US.

    Its fricken memorial day weekend, one of the best and last times before the kids get out of school for the summer to get some play time in.

    Stop being silent and diplomatic about this, get on here and explain to us what the heck the deal is. Especially to your PAYING customers. This is atrocious. I have played over a dozen MMOs in my lifetime, and this last fortnight worth of server slowdowns, crashes, queues, emergency maintenances that made the problems worse, tops even SOE and EA's penchant to blunder and deliver a shoddy CS/Technical support experience.

    And here we are again for the fifth day in a row the servers are shot at prime time. Get it together. You are risking losing a LOT of paying subscribers. More to the point, I am considering going back to LOTRO or finding another game full stop. At least they can keep their servers running.

    +1, he sums it up alright
  • mn03mn03 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Was there a day the servers were *not* down for maintenance? The server is getting band-aids instead of a real fix.
    Join date: 5 Feb 2010
  • firetrekkiefiretrekkie Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hopefully its nothing to serious and you guy can keep up the good work and work out the kinks that are expected for a new release. I know that it must be a pain to having to keep doing this to people and have them expect you to be like Data and stay up all night and only take it down at night in the states. heck sometimes it does go down at night look what happened a week ago you took it offline at midnight PST. just because they want it taking down only at night for the states but yet the fact is that its not 5 o'clock everywhere it's 5 o'clock somewhere and its morning in Singapore when it night here so where is the fairness in that if it should only be taking down at night here in the states. KEEP UP THE FINE TUNING OF LOR STO TEAM. LIVE LONG AND PROSPER
  • ethoirethoir Member Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    They are only going to fix the issue with the login queue, I expect a few hours to fix the mail and other issues (why didn't this come up in Tribble?!?)

    It didn't come up on tribble because the population that played on tribble is a fraction of the size of Holodeck. Less people, less server strain.
  • psychoplattpsychoplatt Member Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Remove the TRIBBLE LOR from holodeck, put it back on tribble and Launch it in six month again. Maybe in this time the Beta-Testers on Tribble realy do their Job.
    nice u wasted so much time in your sig - i do not see it anyway :)
  • darkfader1988darkfader1988 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If I'd still be a subber as of today I would've definately unsubbed about now.

    MT - Sad Pandas
  • mcca01mcca01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I just hope they fix my god damn oversized aquarius in this maintenance, that things been bugging me for ages. As well as the painfull lag and all that other stuff
  • cenellcenell Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I do not understand, all of a sudden I get " server is going down shortly for emergency maintenance" what kind of a warning is that? then 1 minute later , kicked......I was going to write a few other thoughts, at this point though, I am really starting to believe that would be a Moot point.
  • drasymdrasym Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. SOE has EXTRAORDINARY Customer Service...

    SOE? the company that failed to protect my credit card information from hackers? Then barely offered an apology, much less compensation for losses? Then did little to nothing to revive the game after leaving it offline for weeks?

    Um... extraordinary is not quite the word I am looking for in reference to SOE.
  • virgofiredragonvirgofiredragon Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    saddly enough they don't care they already got money off the lifetime ppl. they care more about money then upgrading thier own servers. Cheap money digging ........... can't say what i want to say about the ppl that make this game. all i know is this if they can get their act together this is a great game but come on really?!
  • sjokruhlicasjokruhlica Member Posts: 434 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Cryptic, maybe it's time to petition your Chinese overlords for some equipment upgrades.
  • betayuyabetayuya Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    it was my fault! sorry! the Tal Shiar made me vent theta radiation into a Eppoh habitat, but i loved the eppohs, so i rerouted power to the system and beamed the radiation elsewhere, but i didn't have the time to find out where, until i realized, PWE's hamster farm was all dead :..(

    the horror! the aggony!

    *sobbs in tears*
  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    funny thing is you posted this "were gonna bring the servers down in a few minutes for bs emergency maintnace" like 5 minutes after the servers crashed lol... i call shinanigans.. lol..

    seriously, are we gonna have emergency maintnance everyday.. i understand a few here and there and maybe bringing the shard down a few times after a major release.. but this is like the 10th time in a month..

    also, i have noticed that sto has been eating up alot more bandwidth than it used to in the past.. i used to be able to stream songs through youtube, or listen to poscasts on youtube, now, while sto is open, i cannot do anything.. the second sto (or the sto website) is closed, i suddenly get all my bandwidth back.. dont know if this is coincidence to a problem with my ip. or if it is a link to cryptic..
  • wargillwargill Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    RAGE!!!! I'm so MAD!!! Why would you take the soda machine.... Oh wait what are we talking about?
    Give me all your latinum... Hew-mon!!
  • x0ligyx0ligy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Games down (again) and when ever the game is down the forums fail LOL
    Quit being a chap assed company.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    finally getting some sort of connection to the forum at long last! the last 10 minutes i literally couldnt access sto site because of how bad the connection is cryptic side. the whole thing should be brought down for a long overdue rebuild and upgrade.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • tinbluetinblue Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It really does seem like Perfect World need to start questioning who is looking after their server infrastructure and routing etc..

    One bit of evidence that leads me to believe the technical team are a bunch of muppets is the fact that for quite a few people the support links loop into infinate redirects blocking lots of people from even being able to post a ticket. This problem has affected me personally for over a month now!

    I work in IT Networking and I can tell you now that this problem could be fixed in 5 minutes. If the same people who are responsible for this 'too many redirect' issue are also looking after their game severs then god help us all.
  • whosnotokinwhosnotokin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Gee thx for the 1 min heads up on maintence. I assume once you are done "fixing" whatever I wont be able to log in again, since that seems to be S.O.P. for you guys. Why dont you hire me so i can hit the servers with a rock, that will probably fix more then what ever you guys do to them when you TRIBBLE them up.
  • spearhawk2013spearhawk2013 Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Remove the TRIBBLE LOR from holodeck, put it back on tribble and Launch it in six month again. Maybe in this time the Beta-Testers on Tribble realy do their Job.

    and you ofc are a avid beta tester who done your job, if not then I suggest you shut your mouth.
  • tahlloltahllol Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    warlordsob wrote: »
    Really you all take the servers off every 2-3 days for maintenance and after when I log back it still seem just as laggy, just as buggy, and just as shabby as it was before, if not worse off. Can't Cryptic get there company in order and provide the service they say they offer.

    Only way to fix cryptic is to fire the entire dev/tech staff and start over.
This discussion has been closed.