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Stuck character: server not responding on loading screen [NOW RESOLVED!]



  • doktorrenzdoktorrenz Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    well i?ve got my response from support.... "please restart your PC and turn firewall off".. soooo nice... -.-
  • balorgafdanbalorgafdan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Day 3... nothing referenced in the maintenance about this...
  • doktorrenzdoktorrenz Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    4 days for me... it is horrible -.-

    i hope they give us a little gift as reparation...
  • valdescaavaldescaa Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If have been having problems before the patch, then you may have an issue outside of Cryptic's control. Many issues are a result of non-Cryptic assets (ISPs, etc). Read this thread to diagnose the problem: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=225155

    Another thing you could try is to reset EVERYTHING!
    Turn off your computer.
    Turn off your router.
    Unplug your modem.
    Reverse process.

    This can sometimes fix log-in issues. I had a ping of 850ms last week and a simple reset of the modem knocked it back down to 65ms.

    how this can affect to one character on federation ( stuck screen server not responding), and not to one new romulan alien, that i can play for now, i managed to create do the first tutorial slect 2nd ship on select facction ? all char dont conecct same way? on same server?
    Time Zone Spain. GMT +2. I'm not English, so try to understand my texts from the context.Thanks. Acolade Complete: Discontinuing Payment.
  • valdescaavaldescaa Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    parazallis wrote: »
    Today is the third day I haven't been able to login to the game with my one and only character. Sure, I understand that I may have to wait awhile with the release of a new expansion to be able to play again. That's okay with me - I don't mind waiting along with others for the enjoyment of the game. But, I do expect to be able to play my character again though. "Sorry, you'll need to delete your character and create a new one." isn't going to cut it if there's some type of corruption issue.

    This isn't whining, it is what it is, and I'll have to move on accordingly if that's what I have to do. I've spent about $300 on my character since I've been playing. Reached T5 on reputation projects and spent months building up dilithium and to enhance my character. I'm not interested in having multiple characters - one I can build to be the best is good enough for me. I'm not doing it again. I'm hoping TPTB are able to ensure I'm able to play my character again - as I'll certainly spend some more money on the game in the future as time goes by. But, and this is just the way it is, I'm not doing it all over again in creating a new character and spending the time and more money to go through everything again for another character.

    Hopefully TPTB will be able to resolve this issue (I'm sure they will, it just concerns me) as I have no intention of spending another penny on the game without access to be able to actually play the game with my character. No, this isn't "rage-quitting" - just stating I can't spend more money on the game if I can't play it with my character (and I'm sure not doing it all over again from the beginning).

    I understand these were my first plan, have one char only and lvl it up, as i am newbie here on STO, since i could not play and to try to create one, worked i did so i play a bit and ...see i need relax.
    Time Zone Spain. GMT +2. I'm not English, so try to understand my texts from the context.Thanks. Acolade Complete: Discontinuing Payment.
  • morden2morden2 Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Cryptic, Tell us you are going to fix this problem with our main characters today. I am sick of customer support closing my tickets on this and saying its solved. When its not. You need to review whats going in customer support. Things are not right there.
  • morden2morden2 Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    valdescaa wrote: »
    how this can affect to one character on federation ( stuck screen server not responding), and not to one new romulan alien, that i can play for now, i managed to create do the first tutorial slect 2nd ship on select facction ? all char dont conecct same way? on same server?

    For this major interruption, The only gift that would acceptable to me would be a bug ship :)
  • morden2morden2 Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This needs to be fixed today.. I have been unable to much of anything since the upgrade. I am so upset that this was reported during beta and it was ignored. And they still launched. Its too bad the upgrade launched this way. It could have been very profitable for the company. With all the media hype about Star Trek. Instead all their hard work land face first on the floor with all of the problems. Don't get me wrong The quality that went into this expansion as far content was awesome. The game play and operational side was a disaster.
  • zeropiumzeropium Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Captain's log, star date 42479.8.......wait a moment...."server not responding"...

    -Bridge to Engineering: status report. What the hell is going on down there?
    -Captain, the servers have become overloaded and are not responding to any of our commands.
    -Any ideas on what caused this malfunction?
    -We're not entirely sure, sir. However, we think the Romulans may have had something to do with it.
  • helo426helo426 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i had the similar problem. i still have it for that character when the server times out at 93%. so until somebody fixes this issue I can play as a different character and start all over again. mind you the last achievement i got was lieutenant commander and a constitution class bird but still all my achievements may have been lost.
  • dekker05dekker05 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I thought I had a fix, by disrupting my connection in order to have my stuck character force the safe login menu options.

    However, safe and normal login both lead to the dreaded server not responding error.

    It seems wherever my character is, it isn't D'Kel Cluster like the game says.
  • morden2morden2 Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dekker05 wrote: »
    I thought I had a fix, by disrupting my connection in order to have my stuck character force the safe login menu options.

    However, safe and normal login both lead to the dreaded server not responding error.

    It seems wherever my character is, it isn't D'Kel Cluster like the game says.

    This is some thing with the character itself. Or assets the character has in its possession. It's something related to space. Since my character was fine while on ESD. This happened on tribble too. I transferred a character over and as soon as I tried to go to my ship after all the upgrade changes processed that's when the this map loading problem occurred. I would delete my character and transfer it over again. And the same thing happened over and over. I reported it as a bug and received no reply or acknowledgement. Then they wiped tribble and I could no longer transfer characters over. During the open beta weekend. So I was unable to test if it was resolved or not.
  • morden2morden2 Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The really sad part is I know this was going to happen and could do nothing about it. :(
  • aristotecharistotech Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yup, this is nonsense. My new Romulan toon just hit level 20, got the new ship outfitted and customized and shiny. Went to beam up and ended up in the dreaded server not responding loop at 94%. Been around 18 hours now for me, only one toon disabled, but its the one I wanted to play around on. Now I'm glad I didn't pull the trigger on a lifetime sub when I saw they were onsale again.
  • aisfishbone2aisfishbone2 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi i have a problem with my Star Trek Online game

    when i try to spawn my captain the it loads until it's 91,63 %

    and then it gives me Server not responding

    What should i do about this

    Here its a photo

    sorry for my bad english
  • damadorrdamadorr Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Old toom 36 hrs stuck - new romulan made yesterday stil lwork :) - away till monday
  • morden2morden2 Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    helo426 wrote: »
    i had the similar problem. i still have it for that character when the server times out at 93%. so until somebody fixes this issue I can play as a different character and start all over again. mind you the last achievement i got was lieutenant commander and a constitution class bird but still all my achievements may have been lost.

    I can not start a new character since this is my main with hundreds of days of active game plays and hundreds of millions in EC spent to rig him and and the ships up. And over 20 Million in Fleet Credits accrued. Needless to say I want this character back.

    To be safe I transferred him over to tribble again to make sure I had copy of everything he has. In case I have to fight to get it all back..
  • velldunvelldun Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Was still stuck this morning. Going away for the weekend. Hope it's fixed by Tuesday.

    Keep up the pressure on cryptic, folks. Please don't let this thread fall off the main page!

    I have no idea how many of us are affected, but we need to band together and keep the heat on.
  • damadorrdamadorr Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeah som,e are stuck with main char that are endgame 200 - 300 + days long ... seems that is one little thing in database that cause it :)
  • morden2morden2 Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    velldun wrote: »
    Was still stuck this morning. Going away for the weekend. Hope it's fixed by Tuesday.

    Keep up the pressure on cryptic, folks. Please don't let this thread fall off the main page!

    I have no idea how many of us are affected, but we need to band together and keep the heat on.

    Oh yes.. We need this fixed
  • pissonyoutoopissonyoutoo Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    last night i said i can log in my main federation character. But the reason for that was i was in Solar system and everytime i get stacked was when i was trying to get in PVE queue for StarBase 24, but my character got free of this loop once that instance got closed and he was back in Solar system. But i wanted to test, an well warped in sector, well i wanted to warp :), now i'm stacked in endless "server not respond" forever and ever.
  • carrowcanarycarrowcanary Member Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    morden2 wrote: »
    To be safe I transferred him over to tribble again to make sure I had copy of everything he has. In case I have to fight to get it all back..
    If you transfer to Tribble, the bug transfers with you.

    So if (and it's a very big if considering character rollbacks and the like) something is corrupted that means the character's completely lost, it won't help.
  • equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,300 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    last night i said i can log in my main federation character. But the reason for that was i was in Solar system and everytime i get stacked was when i was trying to get in PVE queue for StarBase 24, but my character got free of this loop once that instance got closed and he was back in Solar system. But i wanted to test, an well warped in sector, well i wanted to warp :), now i'm stacked in endless "server not respond" forever and ever.

    Have you tried the 'safe login' option?
  • bclark09bclark09 Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Reading this has me a bit scared to play my character. I was able to log in and commit my new traits on launch day before getting DC'd...now I'm worried if I log in and this glitch hits my main, I'll be in the same boat.

    Sorely disappointed with the lack of explanation from Cryptic's end here, though I can't say I'm surprised. :(
  • asdfjkadfjkasfasdfjkadfjkasf Member Posts: 345 Media Corps
    edited May 2013
    I heard a patch was coming for this, won't be installed till Tuesday.
  • pissonyoutoopissonyoutoo Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    equinox976 wrote: »
    Have you tried the 'safe login' option?

    No sorry havent, will try again when servers come up. But wont this be solution for everyone ? or temporary ?
  • carrowcanarycarrowcanary Member Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    equinox976 wrote: »
    Have you tried the 'safe login' option?
    There isn't one.
  • loading159loading159 Member Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I heard a patch was coming for this, won't be installed till Tuesday.

    Cryptic got gobbled up by the nexus. :D
    Captain Moe
    U.S.S. Prometheus
    Fleet Multi Vector Advanced Escort
    Resistance is futile
  • equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,300 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There isn't one.

    Try this

    Hope it works for ya.
  • arrowdasharrowdash Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's nice that people want to offer suggestions for fixing this issue, but please read through the thread before doing so. This issue is not resolvable on the client side. It is an issue on Cryptic's side.

    Cryptic's communication outreach and technical support have been horrendous regarding this issue. The emails I received from tech support after I submitted a ticket are laughable in their lack of even comprehending the issue.There are players in this thread with thousands of dollars of real money tied up in characters that are no longer accessible. Cryptic has provided them with no explanation as to whether their characters will ever be accessible again in the future.

    Even worse, its clear from reports in this thread that this bug is continuing to occur. That means that every player who makes a map transition in this game is placing their character at risk. Why this issue hasn't garnered widespread concern among the playerbase is beyond me. Why Cryptic hasn't been more vocal on this issue is also very concerning.
This discussion has been closed.