I'm a life-sub, and a beta tester... I downloaded the tribble update last night, and the holodeck patch before work this morning. I even took the day off work tomorrow, so I could properly enjoy LoR... But, I am the victim of this "Unknown Reason" error when attempting to log in. Certainly hope this issue is resolved soon... I am very unhappy at the moment!
I think if you expect it to be screwed then your not disappointed when it inevitably happens. I mean this game has reliability issues, connectivity issues and bugs on a day to day basis. A major release when they are juggling open beta for a 2nd game is obviously not going to be a smooth and enjoyable process and players should simply expect the worst and hope (with little expectation) for the best.
I mean all the patching and client issues recently weren't enough warning?
Do patches, start first star trek movie
load game, get unknown errors
start watching second movie
second patch up, do patch, finish watching second movie
Open orange juice
Start watching third movie, add vodka
aha can login - damn version change wtf
do patch
more orange juice with vodka, find red bull
watch 4th movie, check logon screen, it loaded
dud doh patching again
mmm redbull vodka and orange juice, feeling more awake
watch 5th movie, log into game woohoo
what are these trait thingies
disconnected from server wth
login you are player 10 trillion of 12 Septendecillion players logging in, please wait there "might" be a small login delay
what no VODKAAAAA left, wheres the bourbon
try to watch 3rd movie, get confused saying havent i seen this already.
login yaay, what is this trait thingy, i know, they are trying to trick me, i disconnected when i clicked it last time, ill just close it.
Disconntteded agern, borbon bottle half empty, start final episode of tng
galaxy x, best ship in the fleet, pity bloody big laser thing doesnt work like movie.
Q i s a w e s o m e a s a l w a y s. :rolleyes:
oh yeah reconenct time
toilet break
ah much better, oo look, still in Q heehehehe
time for ds9 reruns, hopefully will be finished when finished wattching them.
1. Start patching,
2. Start Star Wars movies, starting with the 1st movie with Jar-Jar.
3. After lasting probably 20min into movie, take out DVD, load shot gun, and shoot dvd.
4. Insert Star Trek movies, mostly Wrath Of Khan, wait for KHAAAAN line, smile like this ( ) Then, look to see if patching started or stopped or crashed,
If crashed: Yell, "KHAAAAN!!"
If still going: Yell, "You KHAAAAN do it!"
If slowly going: Yell, "KHAAAN this take any-longer?"
5. Start Nemesis movie, think to yourself about how you are going to have a scimitar some day.
6. Leave house go watch new Star Trek movie, it is awesome.
7. Check forums, if ranting and people panicking, then repeat steps 1-5 again. This should take up a good part of another day. Or read the tribble breeding chart, and wonder why tribbles love romulan ale... ale... yummmm.... anywho.
8. 2 days later, you should be able to play now, possibly. Again check forum for people ranting.
Good luck!
The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few or the one.
I'm a life-sub, and a beta tester... I downloaded the tribble update last night, and the holodeck patch before work this morning. I even took the day off work tomorrow, so I could properly enjoy LoR... But, I am the victim of this "Unknown Reason" error when attempting to log in. Certainly hope this issue is resolved soon... I am very unhappy at the moment!
Damn shame they got your money for "Uknown Reason" errors. It will be fun again once you can login and not have to "wait in some effning queue? oh NO NONO" Till then, have some candy (if you aren't diabetic, as am i)
Could we get an email when the que and log in is fixed, my friends and I havent been able to log in since the patch or the server is down. You might up the limit for refining dilithium and lowering the cool down on the rep system too since we are not able to log in to do it. Especialy since this seems like its going to take a week to fix or more.
22,000 in queue?!?!? Really congrats on still having a good customer/fan base but this is a little crazy launch day wasn't even this back-logged. There I said my peace please work quickly I like this game too much to rage quit LOL
How to: Be Prepared for the launch of Legacy of Romulus
Subscribe, so you stand a snowball's chance in Hell of actually getting in to play. :rolleyes:
Query: Will things improve by/at the weekend, or is it more reasonable to expect "more of the same until Friday night, when things will really start going haywire?"
Subscribe, so you stand a snowball's chance in Hell of actually getting in to play. :rolleyes:
Query: Will things improve by/at the weekend, or is it more reasonable to expect "more of the same until Friday night, when things will really start going haywire?"
Schools are starting to let lose in the States. So hopefully that means the load will start to spread itself out.
"If you have never used Cello, I'm not interested in your browser opinion."
In game: Commadore_Bob; Joined Jul 2009; That post count + 20,000
Ok I have a dell dimension 8200 (old comp) started with 256mb ram and I upgraded to 1 gig more, so it shoud be 1,256 megs but am only showing 1 gig. Also converted a small amount of hard drive space to ram witch helped a bit. I'm getting the error a required vertex shader failed to compile or load error. The graphics im showing for my comp is a 64 meg card nvidia geforce mx/mx 400. My port is PCI so I cant run anything pci express. I'm low on money from bills I forgot about so I can only spend $20-$30 on a card.
I found a 128mb graphics card on craigslist for $13 witch is pci. Heres the post isionTek Radeon 9250 128MB DDR PCI DVI/VGA Video Card w/TV-Out. Will this run sto?
My brother took his comp back and wont let me install vent anyways. I really like the game and my Fleet so I need to use my own comp in order to run vent and get on when I want. If 128mb graphics card wont run sto, then can someone plz tell me whats the cheapest pci graphics card I can install to run sto? Any links to a cheap Good card would be very greatly appreciated. I've been at it for a solid 5 or 6 hours looking for a card and am stumped. From what I hear you dont need the minimum system requirements listed on the sto site witch are NVIDIA GeForce 7950 / ATI Radeon X1800 / Intel HD Graphics. I also read a post of someone using a 128mb card who said it ran they just had to put they're setting to lower.
So links and or suggestions for cheap graphics cards that will run sto would be a HUGE help. I am also getting a new comp later on so no need to buy anything aside from the cheapest that will work.
Also heres some system properties if it will help the decision
Windows xp professional version 2002, service pack 3
intel(r) pentium (r) 4 cpu 1.7ghz
1.69 Ghz, 1.00 gb of Ram
Save your money and buy one of these or one of these. It'll run STO on lower settings, but it'll still look better than anything you could add on to what you are using.
Plus, it has the added benefit of running an OS that isn't being discontinued in nine months.
"If you have never used Cello, I'm not interested in your browser opinion."
In game: Commadore_Bob; Joined Jul 2009; That post count + 20,000
here is How to: Be Prepared for the launch of Legacy of Romulus
Find a good book that you have been meaning to read but haven't because you spend too much time playing STO
now is your chance.
At least I don't resort to name calling.
I mean all the patching and client issues recently weren't enough warning?
Do patches, start first star trek movie
load game, get unknown errors
start watching second movie
second patch up, do patch, finish watching second movie
Open orange juice
Start watching third movie, add vodka
aha can login - damn version change wtf
do patch
more orange juice with vodka, find red bull
watch 4th movie, check logon screen, it loaded
dud doh patching again
mmm redbull vodka and orange juice, feeling more awake
watch 5th movie, log into game woohoo
what are these trait thingies
disconnected from server wth
login you are player 10 trillion of 12 Septendecillion players logging in, please wait there "might" be a small login delay
what no VODKAAAAA left, wheres the bourbon
try to watch 3rd movie, get confused saying havent i seen this already.
login yaay, what is this trait thingy, i know, they are trying to trick me, i disconnected when i clicked it last time, ill just close it.
Disconntteded agern, borbon bottle half empty, start final episode of tng
galaxy x, best ship in the fleet, pity bloody big laser thing doesnt work like movie.
Q i s a w e s o m e a s a l w a y s. :rolleyes:
oh yeah reconenct time
toilet break
ah much better, oo look, still in Q heehehehe
time for ds9 reruns, hopefully will be finished when finished wattching them.
Hilarious dude, made me laugh out loud.
1. Start patching,
2. Start Star Wars movies, starting with the 1st movie with Jar-Jar.
3. After lasting probably 20min into movie, take out DVD, load shot gun, and shoot dvd.
4. Insert Star Trek movies, mostly Wrath Of Khan, wait for KHAAAAN line, smile like this (
If crashed: Yell, "KHAAAAN!!"
If still going: Yell, "You KHAAAAN do it!"
If slowly going: Yell, "KHAAAN this take any-longer?"
5. Start Nemesis movie, think to yourself about how you are going to have a scimitar some day.
6. Leave house go watch new Star Trek movie, it is awesome.
7. Check forums, if ranting and people panicking, then repeat steps 1-5 again. This should take up a good part of another day. Or read the tribble breeding chart, and wonder why tribbles love romulan ale... ale... yummmm.... anywho.
8. 2 days later, you should be able to play now, possibly. Again check forum for people ranting.
Good luck!
The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few or the one.
Damn shame they got your money for "Uknown Reason" errors. It will be fun again once you can login and not have to "wait in some effning queue? oh NO NONO" Till then, have some candy (if you aren't diabetic, as am i)
Subscribe, so you stand a snowball's chance in Hell of actually getting in to play. :rolleyes:
Query: Will things improve by/at the weekend, or is it more reasonable to expect "more of the same until Friday night, when things will really start going haywire?"
Schools are starting to let lose in the States. So hopefully that means the load will start to spread itself out.
In game: Commadore_Bob; Joined Jul 2009; That post count + 20,000
Ok I have a dell dimension 8200 (old comp) started with 256mb ram and I upgraded to 1 gig more, so it shoud be 1,256 megs but am only showing 1 gig. Also converted a small amount of hard drive space to ram witch helped a bit. I'm getting the error a required vertex shader failed to compile or load error. The graphics im showing for my comp is a 64 meg card nvidia geforce mx/mx 400. My port is PCI so I cant run anything pci express. I'm low on money from bills I forgot about so I can only spend $20-$30 on a card.
I found a 128mb graphics card on craigslist for $13 witch is pci. Heres the post isionTek Radeon 9250 128MB DDR PCI DVI/VGA Video Card w/TV-Out. Will this run sto?
My brother took his comp back and wont let me install vent anyways. I really like the game and my Fleet so I need to use my own comp in order to run vent and get on when I want. If 128mb graphics card wont run sto, then can someone plz tell me whats the cheapest pci graphics card I can install to run sto? Any links to a cheap Good card would be very greatly appreciated. I've been at it for a solid 5 or 6 hours looking for a card and am stumped. From what I hear you dont need the minimum system requirements listed on the sto site witch are NVIDIA GeForce 7950 / ATI Radeon X1800 / Intel HD Graphics. I also read a post of someone using a 128mb card who said it ran they just had to put they're setting to lower.
So links and or suggestions for cheap graphics cards that will run sto would be a HUGE help. I am also getting a new comp later on so no need to buy anything aside from the cheapest that will work.
Also heres some system properties if it will help the decision
Windows xp professional version 2002, service pack 3
intel(r) pentium (r) 4 cpu 1.7ghz
1.69 Ghz, 1.00 gb of Ram
Thanks in advance for any help guys
Plus, it has the added benefit of running an OS that isn't being discontinued in nine months.
In game: Commadore_Bob; Joined Jul 2009; That post count + 20,000