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Ask Cryptic: April 2013



  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    While Denise voices Empress Sela, it's not Sela congratulating you. The voice just happens to be narrated by Denise Crosby.


    Brandon =/\=

    Cannot wait until all her VO is added to the Romulan faction. :D

    Denise Crosby gets the award for most complete VO work in STO to date!
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • llywelallywela Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Q: (westx211) Will there be playable liberated Borg Romulans for Lifetime Subscribers?

    STO Team: Yes! More details will be provided in our upcoming blog about Lifetime Subscriber/ Veteran/ Gold Member rewards

    Thank you! :)
  • capnmanxcapnmanx Member Posts: 1,452 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    psiameese wrote: »

    That sort of threw me as well. Do they mean to say that in order for Foundry to be viable toward legit (for lack of a better word) Exploration Missions for player's, that Foundry itself needs as much as two more years of development? Or do they mean something else?

    I suspect it means that it isn't really on the timetable at all; it's just something they'd like to squeeze into the schedule if the opportunity presents itself.

    So, not only are they not planning to revamp exploration, but even the workaround is a low priority.

    I can already access foundry missions any time I want. The proposal to use them for exploration content just sounds to me like the devs want to wash their hands of exploration completely.
  • firelordzx5firelordzx5 Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The Romulans Interiors are amazing! good job in creating them devs
    By the way, we only see only one bridge and Layout for the RR, for the future will be getting new others interiors? also any planning for customizable Interiors like in neverwinter?

    for the ship variants in the RRs seems very poor, KDF have very poor customization for ships, is possible see new variants/skin/templates for ships no only for RR but also the KDF? I feel like a pawn using only one template in the KDF while the FED have three variants per ships.
  • linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Q: (originpi) Will Romulans who have selected Federation allies and Romulans who have selected Klingon allies be able to join Teams together? If so, which allies (if any) would also be able to join the team?

    STO Team: Due to the way that teams and open teams function in Star Trek Online, once a Romulan selects an ally, they will not be able to create a team with another Romulan who chose a different ally unless they are in an event queue.

    What this means is that Romulans who have selected different allies will be unable to team for specific episodes in the Romulan storyline, but will be able to team for events and fleet actions where cross-faction teaming is allowed.
    Bummer. Missed opportunity.

    Other words, once you choose your ally at level ten, you will no longer belong to a Romulan exclusive faction. As I previously mentioned before, your avatar will belong to a Romulan-Fed or Romulan-KDF faction. No exclusive Romulan faction exists.

    Too bad.
  • felderburgfelderburg Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    STO Team wrote:
    The current storyline in STO still revolves around the year 2409. While Legacy of Romulus will not yet take us to 2410, getting there in the future is not out of the question. Once we do get there, the story will have progressed significantly for the Federation, Klingon Defense Force, and Romulan Republic, but we?re still a ways off from this and have a lot of stories to tell that still take place in 2409.

    Why is this, exactly? It doesn't make sense that a person would jump from ensign to Admiral (captain maybe) in only a single year. Nor that they would command five or more ships in a single year. Additionally, converting the stardates you use for things like the logs of captains that found the derelict Jem'Hadar ships and the Crystalline Entity put the CE months before the JH ships are found - despite the ships being released years before the new encounter.
    STO Team wrote:
    While members of the Romulan Republic can build reputation with Task Force Omega, they will be gaining access to the STF gear of their allies.

    Makes sense, but kind of disappointing.
    STO Team wrote:
    We?re happy to announce that players will be able to create both male and female Remans if they have unlocked the Reman playable species. A future Dev Blog will discuss more information about them.

    Gorn? Lethean? Nausicaans?
    STO Team wrote:
    We?re considering options that will address this, but we don?t have any concrete details to share at this time.[regarding pet inventory]

    I thought CO had a pet inventory thing? Shouldn't there be a way to port that over somehow?
  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited April 2013
    rtk142 wrote: »
    So there's a good question, can we expect maybe to see mirror Romulan ships in the future? And what would happen if a Romulan character opens a lock box and whatever algorithm that determines what you get pops out that you should get a mirror ship?

    No mirror Romulan ships on the current schedule, but that doesn't mean there will never be -- never say never, just no plans as of right now. If you open a lock box and get a mirror ship, you just won't be able to open it -- feel free to sell it, put it in your account shared bank, etc.


    Brandon =/\=
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Yeah I'm up to around 11 or 12 kdf toons in xii gear and probally over 20 sets I am just hoping they fix that problem with the KDF XII costumes soon.

    The only other thing is wow every time i hear new news makes me want to make even more new alts LOL with reman, romulans, and romulan liberated borg LOL :D

    The only thing did not get answered though is how the B'rel and T'varo are going to be addressed with their issue as Enhanced Battle Cloak having so many disadvantages that their not any sufficient gains for pros vs cons. The only thing I could recommend is modify some existing skills that most of which are deemed useless or only have one purpose like tactical team ppl just use tactical team 1 because there is no purpose to have Tactical Team 2 or 3 to apply certain functions that may help ships like these and others that are not used much or at all with those that seem to be left out of the mold being developed by ships in the last 12 months (also in more detail thinking about it there are quite a few skills like tactical team, aceton beam, photonic shockwave, etc that are not used much but if they could be used for making these ships that are not used much better to use and had appropriate buffs and counters but not be completely countered that it would benefit the game).
  • rtk142rtk142 Member Posts: 613 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    No mirror Romulan ships on the current schedule, but that doesn't mean there will never be -- never say never, just no plans as of right now. If you open a lock box and get a mirror ship, you just won't be able to open it -- feel free to sell it, put it in your account shared bank, etc.


    Brandon =/\=

    Thanks for the clarification. I really like the mirror ships, especially the patrol escort
    Let us upgrade the Seleya Ceremonial Lirpa and Kri'stak Blade
  • odyssey47odyssey47 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    felderburg wrote: »
    Why is this, exactly? It doesn't make sense that a person would jump from ensign to Admiral (captain maybe) in only a single year. Nor that they would command five or more ships in a single year. Additionally, converting the stardates you use for things like the logs of captains that found the derelict Jem'Hadar ships and the Crystalline Entity put the CE months before the JH ships are found - despite the ships being released years before the new encounter.

    It doesn't make sense for an Ensign to be given command of a ship in the first place. But this is a game. As far as the chronological order of events in the game, the order they are released in the real world doesn't necessarily mean it happens in that order in the game. Legacy of Romulus being a good example, as it begins two weeks before the Borg invasion of Vega Colony.

    The recent Starbase UGC interview with Captain Gecko further touches on this, as he says that not everything in the game necessarily takes place in 2409, it just starts there. In fact, a stardate given in the "Hearts and Minds" mission places it in 2412. The dedication plaque for the Enterprise-F places its launch date in 2410, etc.
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    It doesn't make sense for an Ensign to be given command of a ship in the first place.

    I have two words for that... RED SQUAD! LOL and they were not even ensigns they were still cadets :D

    Only if their commander had a respawn button :)
  • superherofansuperherofan Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Very happy about the Liberated Borg Romulan. Boo about the STF ground gear. I don't mind if it's the same stats, but I'm begging that we get different visuals.
  • cratchmastercratchmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Very happy about the Liberated Borg Romulan. Boo about the STF ground gear. I don't mind if it's the same stats, but I'm begging that we get different visuals.

    Heck, even just make the lighting on the maco set green. How hard would THAT be? SOMETHING to make it feel Romulan would be nice.

    But other than that, I'm really excited about this expansion. Of course not everyone is going to agree with every single decision made, but all in all this looks amazing! :)
  • odyssey47odyssey47 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I have two words for that... RED SQUAD! LOL and they were not even ensigns they were still cadets :D

    Only if their commander had a respawn button :)

    As I'm sure you're aware, the Valiant was on a training mission, not active duty. You could also reference the J.J. universe's Kirk being given command of the Enterprise while still a third year cadet.
  • kirksplatkirksplat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    While Denise voices Empress Sela, it's not Sela congratulating you. The voice just happens to be narrated by Denise Crosby.


    Brandon =/\=

    huh? Wait... huh?
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    As I'm sure you're aware, the Valiant was on a training mission, not active duty. You could also reference the J.J. universe's Kirk being given command of the Enterprise while still a third year cadet.

    That is like saying if a President dies or resigns and the VP takes office of the President that he's not actually a president lol.
  • odyssey47odyssey47 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    That is like saying if a President dies or resigns and the VP takes office of the President that he's not actually a president lol.

    Ok that made absolutely no sense. What does that have to do with a cadet or ensign being given command of a ship? We weren't talking about a first officer replacing a dead captain.
  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited April 2013
    kirksplat wrote: »
    huh? Wait... huh?

    Denise voices Empress Sela.
    Denise voices the introduction to the Tau Dewa Sector Block.
    Denise voices the message that congratulates Romulan players upon rank-up (e.g. "Congratulations, Subcommander").

    Just because she voices all three does not mean she is acting as the same "character" for each. That would be like saying Nurse Chapel is actually voicing the computer in TNG because Majel Barrett happens to voice both :P


    Brandon =/\=
  • odyssey47odyssey47 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Denise voices Empress Sela.
    Denise voices the introduction to the Tau Dewa Sector Block.
    Denise voices the message that congratulates Romulan players upon rank-up (e.g. "Congratulations, Subcommander").

    Just because she voices all three does not mean she is acting as the same "character" for each. That would be like saying Nurse Chapel is actually voicing the computer in TNG because Majel Barrett happens to voice both :P


    Brandon =/\=

    I recall an episode of TNG where Majel Barrett plays Lwaxana Troi and talks to herself as the computer voice as well.
  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited April 2013
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    I recall an episode of TNG where Majel Barrett plays Lwaxana Troi and talks to herself as the computer voice as well.

    Yep, LOL. That was a doozy.


    Brandon =/\=
  • kirksplatkirksplat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Denise voices Empress Sela.
    Denise voices the introduction to the Tau Dewa Sector Block.
    Denise voices the message that congratulates Romulan players upon rank-up (e.g. "Congratulations, Subcommander").

    Just because she voices all three does not mean she is acting as the same "character" for each. That would be like saying Nurse Chapel is actually voicing the computer in TNG because Majel Barrett happens to voice both :P


    Brandon =/\=

    Still, the voice of my enemy congrats me for killing her ships. I don't think that is comparable to L Troi awkwardly talking to herself as a computer, when her voice was established as the computer.

    It's lazy. And it breaks immersion. It's like Spock congrats the KDF for killing Fed ships. LAZY.

    Maybe I'll get to fly a Borg cube as a Fed captain while hearing my enemy's voice promote me.
  • tsurutafan01tsurutafan01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Kind of like how spock congratulates us through time, space and reality?

    Spock is way too cool to be affected by spacetime, death, or any other force real or imagined. He's beyond all that.

    Must be said, Romulans being denied a timeship is rubbish though. Hopefully that doesn't last.

    "We are smart." - Grebnedlog

    Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
  • voyagerfan9751voyagerfan9751 Member Posts: 1,120 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Must be said, Romulans being denied a timeship is rubbish though. Hopefully that doesn't last.

    From Dev comments, it sounds like, much with the 1000 Vet ship, it is something they are working on fixing after LoR launches. When that is exactly is still anyone's guess, though.

    I imagine when you consider all they had to add with ship and the Roms entering the game, they just didn't have enough time to do EVERY ship that need to be done, so some had to be postponed. given the relatively small part of the population effected, it would make sense that the "Not needed for launch" would be a vet reward and lockbox ship.
  • umaekoumaeko Member Posts: 748 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Wait. You guys are raising a fuss about Denise Crosby doing voiceovers for general Romulan stuff?

    Wow. Mountains out of molehills.

    Not to mention that it's not a definitive that Sela will consistently stay our enemy as the story advances. What if the Romulan Republic soldiers are the ones whom rescue her from the Iconians' clutches? (assuming she was taken against her will) I'd daresay she might be grateful. Heck, she might even start supporting D'Tan's Republic. Then the enemy would be more clear cut as being the Elachi, the Tal Shiar rogues (Taris?) and the Iconians.

    Basically, we shouldn't assume or take things too much at face value.

    Personally, who makes the voiceovers doesn't matter all that much to me. Having Denise doing it is nice because, well, she was part of the TNG cast. That's something, right? Better than the Klingons whom have this random klingon sounding guy.

    Who else could it have been anyways? D'Tan? Obisek?


    Hold on. I was being rhetorical... but I'd love to have those voiceovers done in Obisek's voice. Mm. Oh well.
  • reximuzreximuz Member Posts: 1,172 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    kirksplat wrote: »
    Still, the voice of my enemy congrats me for killing her ships. I don't think that is comparable to L Troi awkwardly talking to herself as a computer, when her voice was established as the computer.

    It's lazy. And it breaks immersion. It's like Spock congrats the KDF for killing Fed ships. LAZY.

    Maybe I'll get to fly a Borg cube as a Fed captain while hearing my enemy's voice promote me.

    I feel the same way when Captain Picard tells me to rent a car on TV. Totally lazy. :rolleyes:

    I think its pretty cool that Denise Crosby is congratulating me, like I thought it was cool that Leonard Nimoy was congratulating me. Of course I seem to be able to know the difference between a person an a character they played. I'd rather have someone connected to the franchise talking to me then some nameless voice actor. If you don't like you you are welcome to turn your game sound off.
  • redshirtthefirstredshirtthefirst Member Posts: 415 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Yep, LOL. That was a doozy.


    Brandon =/\=

    Ahah, and just read the "Excalibur" novels, There's quite a great twist to all of Marjels' characters and ties in, it's hilarious... Great series anyway, love Calhoun.
    Server not responding (1701 s)
  • cyberpunkfalconcyberpunkfalcon Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I have a question.
    Will the Federation ever make peace with the Delta Quadrant Klingons?
    It would make sense as allies and be an amazing story arch! towards the peace the FEDs always strive for.
  • odyssey47odyssey47 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    kirksplat wrote: »
    Still, the voice of my enemy congrats me for killing her ships. I don't think that is comparable to L Troi awkwardly talking to herself as a computer, when her voice was established as the computer.

    It's lazy. And it breaks immersion. It's like Spock congrats the KDF for killing Fed ships. LAZY.

    Maybe I'll get to fly a Borg cube as a Fed captain while hearing my enemy's voice promote me.

    Calling it lazy doesn't make any sense. The same amount of effort would've been put into getting a different voice. I also don't see how it breaks immersion, as there's not really a character talking to you storywise, it's just a voice for the text that pops up when you're promoted. And it is comparable, because when Lwaxana is talking to the computer, it's two different characters/voices, since it isn't intended to be Sela congratulating you, it works just fine. The voice is talking to the player, not your character. And Spock doesn't do the voice for Klingon promotions, at least not anymore.
  • daboholicdaboholic Member Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    I didn't say it made sense nor that I was in favor of it, but besides the shared fleet system, the Romulans have enough content to stand as it's own faction. By saying it's not a full faction implies that it doesn't have enough content to be considered one which is misleading. As far as the pvp, you're right, other than the queues. Their reasoning for the PvP thing may actually have been a response to why there won't be a 1vs1vs1 instead of a reason for the alliance.

    As far as the decision being quicker and easier and lightening the workload, it's very possible they wouldn't have had the time to make Romulans their own Starbase, etc, also it may have been a matter of seeing how popular the Romulan faciton ended up being before putting more time and money into it. There's talk of having a Romulan starbase one day, so this may change and Romulans may be 100% faction instead of 90%. I don't see this being a huge problem in comparison to what they've done right with this expansion. So I recommend choosing your battles more carefully.

    I just remembered also, devs stating that having 3 completely separate factions is bad for business, that likely being the main reason. Though as I said, the success of the Romulan faction could very well change their minds.

    I see what you're saying but you seem to be missing my point. I am not basing my judgment of this "faction" on what content they have but on the fact that they are being divided by the line that seperates the Federation and KDF into factions.

    Cryptic have cleverly disguised the Character Creator to appear to have 3 factions - Federation, KDF and Romulan. But in reality what they have done is make the first 10 levels of Romulan gameplay one big tutorial and moved the faction choice to an in-game event at level 10.

    They've given the Romulans their own ships, missions, costumes etc. But despite all this, at its core, this will still be a 2 faction game, as you yourself stated in your point about PVP - Red vs Blue, there is no Green team.

    Dstahl himself said in another thread a while ago that Federation players would be able to team up with Federation allied Romulans (likewise for KDF) to help them with the Romulan missions. But from his most recent quote the same cannot be said for KDF allied Romulans and Fed allied Romulans.
    dastahl wrote:
    What this means is that Romulans who have selected different allies will be unable to team for specific episodes in the Romulan storyline, but will be able to team for events and fleet actions where cross-faction teaming is allowed.

    Cross-faction? That statement would suggest that Fed-Romulans and KDF-Romulans were in fact 2 separate factions.

    So I ask you, How can the Romulans but anything but a sub-faction of the Federation and KDF, when they can do more with their allies then they can with members of their own "faction"?
  • odyssey47odyssey47 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    daboholic wrote: »
    I see what you're saying but you seem to be missing my point. I am not basing my judgment of this "faction" on what content they have but on the fact that they are being divided by the line that seperates the Federation and KDF into factions.

    Cryptic have cleverly disguised the Character Creator to appear to have 3 factions - Federation, KDF and Romulan. But in reality what they have done is make the first 10 levels of Romulan gameplay one big tutorial and moved the faction choice to an in-game event at level 10.

    They've given the Romulans their own ships, missions, costumes etc. But despite all this, at its core, this will still be a 2 faction game, as you yourself stated in your point about PVP - Red vs Blue, there is no Green team.

    Dstahl himself said in another thread a while ago that Federation players would be able to team up with Federation allied Romulans (likewise for KDF) to help them with the Romulan missions. But from his most recent quote the same cannot be said for KDF allied Romulans and Fed allied Romulans.

    Cross-faction? That statement would suggest that Fed-Romulans and KDF-Romulans were in fact 2 separate factions.

    So I ask you, How can the Romulans but anything but a sub-faction of the Federation and KDF, when they can do more with their allies then they can with members of their own "faction"?

    Well I'm assuming that most Romulan players will ally with the Federation, so you do the same and you shouldn't have trouble teaming. You can also create another Romulan and ally it with the KDF. Problem solved, you can now team with everyone.
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