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Promotion - Subcommander won't complete. (this is working as intended for now)



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    messahlamessahla Member Posts: 1,160 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    jivedutch wrote: »
    It is intentional to prevent further progression with your Romulan captain.

    That information is listed in the episode list for the next mission.

    Yep it is by design it enforces the level cap of 21
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    talongardtalongard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I'm having the same problem. Promotion to Subcommander (lvl 20) will not complete even though I have completed all objectives. I have advanced to lvl 23 and now I have another mission that wont complete. Neutral No More wants me to go to the Fleet Flotilia and claim a new ship. The proplem is I have claimed all the ships I am entitled to at this lvl.
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    messahlamessahla Member Posts: 1,160 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    talongard wrote: »
    I'm having the same problem. Promotion to Subcommander (lvl 20) will not complete even though I have completed all objectives. I have advanced to lvl 23 and now I have another mission that wont complete. Neutral No More wants me to go to the Fleet Flotilia and claim a new ship. The proplem is I have claimed all the ships I am entitled to at this lvl.

    Its by design it enforces the level 21 cap the devs have put on this round of LoR testing once round 2 comes out the cap will be increased.

    So just sit tight be patient and enjoy the mogai your flying before everyone else on the holodeck :)
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    outooffocusoutooffocus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The mission does not complete even though i am level 28 now and keep leveling up
    I seen players flying a D'deridex Battleship and players way beyond my level 28 so it does not seem to have to do anything with a level cap, it just caps the story line progress as far as i understand
    So it seems a bug that i does not show that mission completed while being allowed to level up
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    maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    It's not a bug. This is a test server not an early release. We were invited to test Romulan content from 0 -20, beyond which progression in Romulan mission content is locked. You can delete your Rom and roll another one to try out the 6 progression avenues; Tac Eng Sci for Fed or Klink. Players who are flying at higher ranks are doing so by taking other missions outside of the Romulan content, which is fine for them but rather a pointless waste since they aren't helping to diagnose Romulan content anymore and even if they make it to tier 5, they can't take that character to Holodeck.
    If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
    Oh Hell NO to ARC
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    kartimozkartimoz Member Posts: 57
    edited April 2013
    I am having the same issue. Promotion at lvl 20 for Romulans will not complete.

    If it is a dev-made cap...okay! I want the D?Deridex!^^
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    xenosisukxenosisuk Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Well, I like the Romulan Story

    I understand that I can't go beyond the lv21 Romulan Ark , Just made lv30 Commander, could get myself the Tactical Escort Refit (captain version), but gone back to my Mogai, its more fun.

    As I am staying in the Mogai i am still bug testing Romulan stuff :D

    Hum... a Mogai upto lv40 now that will be a challenge :D

    and yup I still have the Boff bug.

    Question is it possible to get the featured Episodes not related to the Romulans (the One starting at that space station)?
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    assimilatedktarassimilatedktar Member Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    xenosisuk wrote: »
    Question is it possible to get the featured Episodes not related to the Romulans (the One starting at that space station)?

    Nope, I tried. It says they unlock at Level 35 but it seems as long as you don't finish the storylines before that you're locked out.
    FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
    Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
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    voyagerfan9751voyagerfan9751 Member Posts: 1,120 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Nope, I tried. It says they unlock at Level 35 but it seems as long as you don't finish the storylines before that you're locked out.

    The storyline at the moment is hard locked by the dev at "Temporal Ambassador" after that story you can not get or complete any storyline missions. Including all the Featured Episodes series.

    When they are ready, they will unlock further progression in the Romulan storyline, but currently it is not possible.
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    topman112topman112 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I went to New Romulus and get my ship and it won't let me get the Mogai heavy warbird. I can't complete the pormotion to subcommader mission.
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    caemgencaemgen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I'm fine and understanding with the level cap, and mission progression caps, but one of the things I was looking forward to testing extensively was the available Romulan ships. Right now I've played the BOP and the Dhelan, and can't seem to trigger the free Mogai, let alone anything beyond that if claims of D'deridexes are accurate.

    Ticket sent, but I'd like to be able to at least play what I've been graciously invited to test.

    (also, bigger picture is freezing me at the freighter location, as some have mentioned elsewhere, but no other problems so far).
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    commanderkorcommanderkor Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Have now completed "mindgames" which is usually when you would receive the mission for the promotion to subcommander. Even though you cant complete the promotion you would normally still end up getting the ship token. However on my Fed-Romulan I am now level 24 and have yet to receive the mission and did not get a ship token. Got the mission on my KDF-Romulan just fine even though I couldnt complete it. Filed a bug report on tribble as well. #38,437
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    blassreiterusblassreiterus Member Posts: 1,294 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Have now completed "mindgames" which is usually when you would receive the mission for the promotion to subcommander. Even though you cant complete the promotion you would normally still end up getting the ship token. However on my Fed-Romulan I am now level 24 and have yet to receive the mission and did not get a ship token. Got the mission on my KDF-Romulan just fine even though I couldnt complete it. Filed a bug report on tribble as well. #38,437
    This isn't a bug, it's actually working as the devs want it to work. You will not be able to complete the Subcommander promotion until they release more episodes.
    Star Trek Online LTS player.
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    spearhawk2013spearhawk2013 Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    So I am stuck at level 21 with a quest called "Promotion: Subcommander".
    It says the quest but all the things are done yet it does nothing.

    a bug?

    what to do about it?

    Can we level Romulan to level 50 really?
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    spearhawk2013spearhawk2013 Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    oh and I did everything in promotion and got a new ship so the next quest that says "claim a ship" does not work since I can't buy any ships.
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    voyagerfan9751voyagerfan9751 Member Posts: 1,120 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    As stated, This is not a bug per-say.

    The devs have hard locked the system so Subcommander promotion never completes. This is in an effort to stall the player at that level so they can not get Commander/Admiral etc, and claim ships that are not available because the team is still working on them.

    Cryptic is not ready to test any of the T3+ ships, nor are they ready to test anything above Temporal Ambassador as far as missions go, So they have some hacks in place to prevent progession beyond a certain point.
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    alkeldaalkelda Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    My wish list for Tribble:

    full unlock of Romulan content

    All currently-reported bugs addressed and fixed, including the persistent mail bug with the new system that prevents me from sending *any* mail while on Tribble at all

    No new bugs created by the previous bugfixes

    All romulan ships and carriers for everyone (even ship with a - listed for price) unlocked in the cstore

    10,000(?) Tribble-only zen given to every player every month, to maybe let them actually *test* the items rather than just staring at them in the c-store

    All c-store items that are available for Holodeck (like duty officer capacity additions) added to the Tribble c-store

    ::closes eyes and clicks shoes together:: There's no place like Tribble...there's no place like Tribble...

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    sentinel64sentinel64 Member Posts: 900 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Promotion Sub-commander is done at the Command Post on New Romulus; I was able to do that, make Sub-Commander and get a Mogai; along with progress to level 25. Temporal Ambassador is the last mission you can do in the storyline, but you can still do DSEs, Foundry Missions (though the Station UI Bug messes with your Ground abilities), or just repeat the story arch.

    It is probably best to work witht he Devs and just work your toon up to Sub-Commander and wait for the next beta session to test out the rest of the ranks with the corresponding storyline.
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    commanderkorcommanderkor Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    so tested on another fed rom, got to level 20 and never got the promotion to subcommander mission at all. I remember at least getting the mission for promotion with the KDF Rom so that I could at least get the token for the mogai. So far two fed roms and nothing.

    Bug report #38,590
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    kitsune424kitsune424 Member Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    so tested on another fed rom, got to level 20 and never got the promotion to subcommander mission at all. I remember at least getting the mission for promotion with the KDF Rom so that I could at least get the token for the mogai. So far two fed roms and nothing.

    Bug report #38,590

    I never got the promotion mission either
    We are the Borg. Existence as you know it is over. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
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    shailatshailat Member Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Let me Quote dastahl
    dastahl wrote:
    You will not be able to progress after Mind Games. You can still earn XP, but the character is intentionally restricted in a hacky sort of way.

    We would like play testing focused on the first three story arcs and first two tiers of ships at this time. We will open up the second half of testing at a later date.
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    z3ndor99z3ndor99 Member Posts: 1,391 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Well im at level 23 and i still can't get my mogai, no free ship nothing, I've got loads of xp but no free ship? I haven't finished the story arc yet so could that be the problem? I just want my mogai is it to much to ask! ( gonna cry soon ).
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    z3ndor99z3ndor99 Member Posts: 1,391 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    ^ well that might explain it.....
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