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Closed Beta Feedback



  • chipz073chipz073 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    First of all I would like to express my appreciation for the huge amount of work that the devs have put into this amazing expansion. So far it has been a real immersive experience!

    My feedback so far (and it might have been posted here before, didn't check):

    - In the character creation screen, under the romulan traits "singularity specialist" and "conservation of energy". The description of the traits is very non-descriptive "enhances specific powers", "only affects certain things". My guess would be that this has not been implemented yet, but I wanted to report it just in case it might be forgot.

    - In the description of the Romulan race (character creation screen), second paragraph: "control a interstellar empire" --> "control an interstallar empire" (-n)

    - The introduction text in the tutorial could really benefit from a voice over (if this is possible). It it difficult to both enjoy the stunningly beautiful and new scenery, while at the same time having to read the subtitles. Also, the text of this subtitles disappears too fast in most cases. I don't know if there's a way to slow this down, but it's difficult to keep track.

    - A typo on the map of Virinat colony (after pressing M). "shoting range" --> "shooting range".
  • sesnrs122101sesnrs122101 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    First of all I was very surprised and appreciative when I received my invite to play this closed beta and thoroughly enjoyed the Romulan faction. That said I loved to ability in the beginning when setting up my character to see how the different combonations would work before choosing them: At the same time still having access to the advanced settings. As it has been said the speed of most of the dialogue especially in the beginning went way to fast. It seems that is where a narration will happen but it could still slow down a bit. Also just some minor spelling and grammer errors like when talking with Veril's father and he says he cant be the one to give the order in that place the word be should be removed or order should be changed to ordering. I absolutly loved how the first few BOFF's tie into the story that immersion into the story is what I look for in games. I did have some trouble when battling the mysterious ship it seemed on several occassions as i was flying at it to attack it would somehow pop up behind me all of a sudden but my torpedo would still fire. In the tutorial on the planet my upper body seemed to turn first and then my lower half would lag behind for a second before catching up. Other than those things and some other minor bugs and glitches everything was great. I was curious how the Romulan "Azura II" ship would be included for us and I was plesantly surprised how it was added. Overall I loved the work that has been done so far and can not wait to play the finished project in less than 5 weeks. I'm kind of a history lover and absolutly love everything about Rome. So when I got into Star Trek the Romulans instantly hooked me an now to be able to be one is going to be just amazing I feel. Great work so far and thank you again for the opportunity to play the closed beta.
  • greyfox1974greyfox1974 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I have just played this mostly yesterday, some bugs yes but overall has been playin and running smoothly, a few lags here and there but I guess is what to be expected with the ouncement of the closed beta, I feel that when u reach a new rank a lack of rumulan ships to choose from is a bit of a let down, there is one ship to the maybe 5-6 federation ships to chose from so and on top of that in ship customisation there are only style of the one romulan ship to chose from, maybe the introduction of more of a choice for rumulan ships to chose from wud be good considering that it is still closed beta.

    On a whole excellent, enjoyed and enjoying the story line too, jus the lack of choice when u rank up on romulan ships.
  • aspartan1aspartan1 Member Posts: 1,054 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Pleasantly surprised (lore issues aside) with the expansion so far. You can see lots of polish right from the beam-in point. This ships looks excellent and the environments are solid. The story seems a bit simplistic but given the overall experience of STO it is acceptable.

    The only thing that really irked me so far was the face and hair columns in the CC that come down between the the toon and the options area. They should be removed when one goes into advanced settings methinks. It would also be nice to have more hair, face and makeup options as well as clothing - especially for chick toon.

    There are some minor language issues I noticed as well as what seems to be unfinished descriptions but others have already mentioned them in this thread so I wont.
    If you are looking for an excellent PvE fleet consider: Omega Combat Division today.
    Former member of the Cryptic Family & Friends Testing Team. Sadly, one day, it simply vanished - without a word or trace...
    Obscurea Chaotica Fleet (KDF), Commander
    ingame: @.Spartan
    Former Alpha & Beta Tester
    Original Cryptic Forum Name: Spartan (member #124)
    The Glorious, Kirk’s Protegè
  • cptshephardcptshephard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The only complaint I have is that upon choosing a KDF alliance it changed my transporter effects to red KDF ones. I'm hoping this is just a bug that will get worked out.
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    kemops wrote: »
    Oh and all this talk by other posters about having lag may be on their systems because I have had no lag for these two days of closed beta. Everything in that department is working well.

    Don't worry, some day soon your PC will be slow and clunky and you will have to buy a new one. ;)

    As for "all this talk" this is a feedback thread about a Beta product. Cryptic needs to know if people are having problems with it since they have to market this to everyone else as well as those few who are not having lag, which appear to be in the minority.

    For relevant forum posting etiquet, see my sig.
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    jacknm1 wrote: »
    Only just started, but im loving it thus far, love the story lines, the back grounds to why you are starting in this ship/on this colony, very engaging. Not having any graphical issues but then again, who does with a core I7 16GB Ram and 2x 2GB GPU's lol.

    I have a Quad Core I7 with 2X Dual 2GB ram cards and 16GB Ram and I have experienced a lot of Lag. I also have a 100Mbps internet connection and all other games run Awesome. This leads me to believe there might be a problem on their end that since this is a Beta I feel obliged to report.

    Also see my previous post for clarification and posting etiquet.
  • sharpie65sharpie65 Member Posts: 679 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    :For the Dev's:

    I'm running a female Romulan Science toon, but when I got Subnucleonic Beam yesterday, it and Hazard Emitters refuse to work - any ideas?
  • captainjack21captainjack21 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    1.fix the chat box where it's not popping up all the time. could use a pin chat box close or open to fix that.

    2.make it so we can get the faction (depending what fact you sided with.) ship when levelup.

    3.suggest putting tranwarp botton to faction world making it easyer to get to faction hone world.

    4.depending on people's graphic's card the right pant leg is white no matter what color the pants are.

    5.make bridge officer windiw a tad bit smaller and move to the left a bit.

    6.don't change how we level up please.

    7.has a cool for fed side UI. use a TOS styling for the fed.
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,463 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Is it really a closed beta if you're offering feedback in an open public forum?

    Everyone whom i have spoken to has access to the "closed beta". Almost like when you tested on Redshirt or tribble before you get instant access.

    That is a discussion for another time though.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • garakfan84garakfan84 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The only complaint I have is that upon choosing a KDF alliance it changed my transporter effects to red KDF ones. I'm hoping this is just a bug that will get worked out.

    Indeed. I wasn't sure if this was intended or if they're going to change it. I hope they do.

    I've read most of the feedback here and without repeating myself (sorry if someone already said this), the voice when you get promoted as well as when you are in combat is either the Fed one or the KDF one. Is there a way to change that to a Romulan one? Or just different from the other two? And also some animations like Science Team, the icon is different but the animation on the ship is the same as the KDF one.

    Also others have said about the Loading Screen not matching the UI colors and Lt. Ferra pops up for the Duty Officers.

    Overall I'm hoping for something more unique for the Romulans with this feedback.

    Other than that I really apreciate to have been given an invite to the Closed Beta. So far this has been wonderful and I was at awe with a lot of things. It almost felt like a different game :D Wonderful job, I'm really excited for May 21st.

    P.S.: I was also happy to see female Remans :)
  • captain25075captain25075 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Ok the intro was a little fast, some minor spelling mistakes, better lighting on character builder.

    Level 7 Romulan

    but still living the LOR
  • kemopskemops Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Don't worry, some day soon your PC will be slow and clunky and you will have to buy a new one.

    As for "all this talk" this is a feedback thread about a Beta product. Cryptic needs to know if people are having problems with it since they have to market this to everyone else as well as those few who are not having lag, which appear to be in the minority.

    For relevant forum posting etiquet, see my sig.
    If your post is anything like, "I have a sandwich so you can't be starving" it's time to rethink posting.

    Yes and the Devs also need to know per your "sig," that people are not having your problems.
  • akaar2akaar2 Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    naevius wrote: »
    I'm assuming all LTS'ers automatically were included.

    Nope, been a LTS'er since launch.. no invite and so not able to participate. :( But I'm liking the feed back I've been reading. Really liking the feedback on BOFF's as part the storyline. Can't wait till May 21st:D
  • wazzagiowwazzagiow Member Posts: 769 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    a fair few bug through out the systems when I was allied with kdf. things like duty officer stuff.

    lt.ferra pops up about your duty officers. he is from the fed side.

    when I was a centurion. when I hit a level up. the voice over said lt.commander.

    also I was wondering should a centurion be ranked above a lieutenant?

    some boff sci boff power problems. which seemed better when I changed ships.

    also some times at the start of a mission my boff would get unslotted.

    some times I felt the conversation choice didn't feel right. I would make a choice then suddenly it was like I never said what I did. making me think.... what was the point in having a choice in what to say. so some time the flow of 'your' story didn't come across very well. and I basically at around level 19/20 thought I'd rather go it alone then side with any of these muppets.

    I liked the boff story line. actually making your boff more relevant to your story.
    but was unable to modify any romulan or reman boff appearances at the tailor.

    some of the maps look great. there is the mission, memory lane, when you return to virinat system. I managed to jump over a wall easily close to the centre of the map. which you can get trapped in. easy to jump in when looking around can't jump back out. I suggest putting some rocks in there between the wall and the building. I got out by beaming up. but that caused me to loose my progress.

    I also noticed what has to be a typo the d'deridex retrofit say it has a turn rate of just 2 !?! :eek: when other d'deridex says turn rate of 5.

    I was unable to complete the sub commander promotion mission.

    character selected screen is sluggish when clicking between characters. also some faction/career icon are missing.
    always my fed/engineer and my new rom tac seem to have this problem. the other older characters seem unaffected.

    intro went quick, couldn't keep up with the text on screen. maybe i'm a slow reader but I could have done with a few more seconds. 1st time I've seen this as an issue.

    that's all I can think of for now
  • dirlettiadirlettia Member Posts: 1,632 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    As others have said unable to complete sub-commander promotion. Doing the (KDF) space chase missions the Feds have gone blind and referred to my Warbird as a Klingon Bird Of Prey. When we first see the alien battleship on the planet and are told to look up, we still have about 4 or 5 seconds before it comes into view so may be worth tinkering with the ships entry position.

    For the DOFF missions I would be inclined to see if you can get them to trigger only in a non combat zone as when in the middle of a firefight the last thing you wish to do is read a dialogue box.

    Overall i really do like the Singularity abilities although when they are added as extra abilities it does make the other ships pale in comparison. The plasma wave in particular is a heck of a spam clearer/finishing move.

    Supplementary edit; It may be worth considering seeing if you can do a similar thing with warp cores to give things like eject warp plasma, EPTX abilities or similar as a balancing option.

    The interiors of the warbirds are beautiful as are the social areas, and the selection of uniforms is pretty good even for KDF aligned Roms. On the uniform note though it does appear that the tailor options for the skirt seem a bit off. There are four colour options but only the first one does anything, and that one does a cheap photoshop filter on the entire skirt making it look a bit dreary.

    For future directions though it would be nice to be able to go full circle ad have a colony to look after of our own.

    Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Firstly, Kudos on creating something new for players.

    Other than some of the obvious placeholder stuff (fed phaser rifles, kdf beam out etc.) that I'm sure has been mentioned already it seemed great fun.

    The story is very engaging and it's nice to get a back story for some of your boffs, makes you less likely to want to bin them for a purple. Speaking of which, it's nice to get a purple boff as the first one.

    The New Romulus mission was ok, I did like to re-explore it pre colonisation but I felt that the tholian enemies were a little too tough that early in the game. Particularly as you don't have the expertise to train up your boffs properly.

    I did feel a little cheated that at least two of the missions post faction choice were rehashes of current missions on Holodeck. Namely "Stepping In" being a rehash of True Intentions and "Roadside Assistance" a rehash of the Sh'mar distress call. I take it these missions will be missing/moving for the other factions next season also?
  • kemopskemops Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Charva - Space - Virinat
    "All our intelligence reports said there would be be weapons..." --> remove one "be."

    To drake on Drozana
    "As terrible as Virinat was, its the simply the most..." --> remove "the."

    An Inside Job text by Col Tal'Mera on Drozana
    This text is full of errors and needs to have a relook.
  • pingaheadpingahead Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Any way you can get an Intern from CalTech or some place that can proof read the dialogue before you put it in? Really?
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I believe that I read here yesterday that the Sub Commander Promotion is turned off on purpose.
    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • drac0s65drac0s65 Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Started my Rom Eng yesterday morning before I went to work and only got through the character creation. But, when I got home from work I went to town until I got the "Captains the shard will be shutting down in 10 minutes for maintenance." Killed a pretty big buzz right there I can tell you because I was in the middle of the intro.
    Feedback beyond that?
    This expansion is freakin' awesome. I am loving the graphics, the ships (inside and out), the new station interiors and the story line. I got to level 11 last night before I couldn't play any more and then up to 15 this morning before leaving for work.
    I agree that the intro may have gone a little too fast in some parts but I managed to get through most of them. The new tutorial pop-ups are great. I like how things are being pointed out rather than a window that just keeps gathering information that you have to read through if you don't close them right away.
    I only had a couple of problems during space fight where it seemed like I should have been firing weapons but nothing was happening and then suddenly I changed my angle and it started shooting.
    I love the bridge officers being included in the story line and not just someone who is assigned to you. I did end up getting two assigned who are not included in the story line itself. The first when I aligned with the Federation and then the second when I completed one of the missions. I would like to see bridge officer slots open up a little quicker so that you can actually use those BOffs. Right now I have the initial crew, no slots and one BOff waiting for a slot so I don't lose a green BOff.

    Sorry, I digress.
    The game play seems so much more real than playing the Federation or Klingon sides. I like that we actually get to start this character from the very beginning rather than suddenly we get a level 20 and being made to run around looking for stuff and NPCs.

    All in all, I have to say, I am sitting at work right now frothing at the mouth because I really want to be home running my Rom.
    Vice Admiral Ky'Lian Berat - U.S.S. AVALON
  • myrnwynmyrnwyn Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    There's lots of good stuff, but that's not what I'm really testing for: wave of problems, complaints, and nitpicks incoming:

    Crying a little bit every time I beam out or warp out and it's the KDF effects. That can't be fixed soon enough. On a related problem, the CXP indicators on the doff interface have the Federation counters (i.e. diplomacy) even though KDF-allied Romulans earn marauding CXP. I haven't earned enough for T1 marauding so I don't know if that will get in the way... yet.

    Yet another report of being unable to finish the subcommander promotion mission, as well as picking up the first promotion mission from the KDF as well as the Romulans, giving me access to two ships for the first upgrade.

    I liked that you've changed Temporal Ambassador to reflect the faction as far as who actually helps you get past the Tholian, but I'm sad that the Wisest Tribble doesn't like me just because I allied with the KDF - it's supposed to like Romulans/Vulcans.

    Female Remans are a nice concept but I'm inclined to feel that you've "prettied them up" a bit too much - smoothing out a Reman's face feels like smoothing down a Klingon's forehead.

    It's obvious from the moment you return to your colony and there's an opposing away team on the ground that you've walked into a Tal Shiar setup, but naturally you have to kill a half-dozen groups of the weirdly aggressive Federation explorers before you finally work out that maybe you've both been had and then say "okay, sorry about all those redshirts we murdered let's shoot at this third thing."

    Color settings on costume pieces are a mess, as usual. Left/Right gauntlets have different sets of allowable colors, some pieces with 4 color boxes only reflect the choices made in one of them, certain pants seem to be missing a color box - naturally the one determining the main color - but still have another box that doesn't do anything at all, metals don't have the limited metal color pallet except when they randomly do, a couple of KDF ally uniform pieces seem to be mislabeled with some sort of weird placeholder name, lots of the belts and chestpieces clip through the costumes, there's still no undo button or "hide unowned items" toggle, etc. etc. etc.

    All the EC and dil equipment vendors (e.g. in shipyards) sell stuff to you as if you were in the Federation. There's no doff recruitment contacts in the command center on New Romulus the way there are in the other faction's "academy" areas. For some reason the command center ship tailor is standing on top of a box.

    I appreciate what you're trying to do with the bridge officer tray, but what seems like a good idea with two bridge officers quickly becomes a terrible idea with more, as the tray grows taller and taller. The inconsistent dimensions on the right side make it even harder to find a HUD arrangement that keeps everything tight together without ending up with overlapping pieces in the interface every time you change to a ship with a slightly different set of boff stations. The old "two horizontal rows" arrangement might not have been as visually appealing, but it easily wins out for practicality and visual consistency.

    You've got a month to do proofreading and I hope you take it - at least once I told a Federation captain that it's "too bad I'm not a Romulan, or today you might have lived to tell your tale of woe." Apparently even my character doesn't think Romulans are their own faction. That might also explain why my bridge officers seem to spend most of the time in their communications boxes speaking from the bridge of a Klingon warship, red lights and all.

    As a last note, when I got access to the trait for hitting level 20 for some reason the level requirement descriptions for all the trait slots went away and never came back.
  • phoenix841phoenix841 Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    tc10b wrote: »
    The story is very engaging and it's nice to get a back story for some of your boffs, makes you less likely to want to bin them for a purple. Speaking of which, it's nice to get a purple boff as the first one.

    If you notice, you can't dismiss your first one. That's probably why he's purple. He required for the storyline, so they don't let you get rid of him.
    pingahead wrote: »
    Any way you can get an Intern from CalTech or some place that can proof read the dialogue before you put it in? Really?

    Seriously, it was good at the start, but as you progress further through the storyline, there are more and more spelling errors. In one dialog, the word 'intelligence' was spelled incorrectly, twice, in two different ways and in the same dialog.
    But that's nothing a little proofreading can't solve. I opened tickets for all the ones I found.
    myrnwyn wrote: »
    Female Remans are a nice concept but I'm inclined to feel that you've "prettied them up" a bit too much - smoothing out a Reman's face feels like smoothing down a Klingon's forehead.

    I agree, the smoothing out of the reman female face doesn't look that good. It's ok if they aren't 'pretty', as the Fed's have rigellians and the KDF have naussicans. Neither of them have been 'prettied up.'
    myrnwyn wrote: »
    The old "two horizontal rows" arrangement might not have been as visually appealing, but it easily wins out for practicality and visual consistency.
    The old layout supports two rows of BO commands? Mine just grows sideways until it is obscured by my weapon controls. I was unaware of that. Does making the window larger to the right help at all (expand to right edge of screen)?
    akaar2 wrote: »
    Nope, been a LTS'er since launch.. no invite and so not able to participate. :( But I'm liking the feed back I've been reading. Really liking the feedback on BOFF's as part the storyline. Can't wait till May 21st:D
    I participated in most of the testing events since open beta (I have a lot of tribbles). That's probably why I and many others were selected.
    Don't worry, some day soon your PC will be slow and clunky and you will have to buy a new one. ;)

    As for "all this talk" this is a feedback thread about a Beta product. Cryptic needs to know if people are having problems with it since they have to market this to everyone else as well as those few who are not having lag, which appear to be in the minority.

    For relevant forum posting etiquet, see my sig.

    I'm playing on a single-core P4 and don't normally have any lag worse than what I see on holdeck. I did on the first day of closed beta, bit since then it's been pretty smooth. Although I am on an 18mbps symmetric FTTH, so that might have something to do with it.
    LTS Since Beta (Jan 2010).
  • kalvorax#3775 kalvorax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    one of the things that needs to be rearranged is the boff UI layout for the Mogai heavy warbird


    its really messed up that i have to move the hotbar even higher just to see my boff abilites, even though i stick them on the hotbars.

    Edit:...hmm it seems to have fixed itself...weird


    Back to normal :)
    I find this line of replies sadly hilarious. We put a lot of work into the massive list of fixes/changes above, and ya'll are hung up on the ability to skip our content. =p
  • myrnwynmyrnwyn Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    phoenix841 wrote: »
    The old layout supports two rows of BO commands? Mine just grows sideways until it is obscured by my weapon controls. I was unaware of that. Does making the window larger to the right help at all (expand to right edge of screen)?
    Mine has always stuck maybe three BOs on the top and then another row beneath, but I have no idea how that particular HUD element works beyond being a bit irritating to position where I want it. Mine usually looks pretty much like cynder's second screenshot.
  • aspartan1aspartan1 Member Posts: 1,054 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    myrnwyn wrote: »
    Mine has always stuck maybe three BOs on the top and then another row beneath, but I have no idea how that particular HUD element works beyond being a bit irritating to position where I want it. Mine usually looks pretty much like cynder's second screenshot.

    When you go into the change layout mode you can grab the side of the bar and stretch it out.
    If you are looking for an excellent PvE fleet consider: Omega Combat Division today.
    Former member of the Cryptic Family & Friends Testing Team. Sadly, one day, it simply vanished - without a word or trace...
    Obscurea Chaotica Fleet (KDF), Commander
    ingame: @.Spartan
    Former Alpha & Beta Tester
    Original Cryptic Forum Name: Spartan (member #124)
    The Glorious, Kirk’s Protegè
  • sulustrike96sulustrike96 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I lvled my romulan from 1 to 22 in about 4 hr.s of gameplay. Its a nice change from the Fed. and Klingon. I can see much work has been done on the new faction. Had no problems in the work to 22 but, for one. I used a romulan science officer that had the new abilities like operative and subaforged. For some reason I couldn't use her space abilities at all. Because of this, I died a few times because of not able to heal my ship. Over all, enjoyed the experience and tks for the invite to test this out.
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I had to delete the game and reload it to fix my lag and modem crashes...

    But everything is fine now. :D

    I have another nit...

    In the "Khitomer Conference" Mission there's a point where my toon goes to get the Klingon Delegate Woden, a mug of Bloodwine...,

    Upon picking one up..., I drank it... Then didn't pick up another to give to Woden.

    It's not really a big deal, but it's kinda strange.
    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • kalvorax#3775 kalvorax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I lvled my romulan from 1 to 22 in about 4 hr.s of gameplay. Its a nice change from the Fed. and Klingon. I can see much work has been done on the new faction. Had no problems in the work to 22 but, for one. I used a romulan science officer that had the new abilities like operative and subaforged. For some reason I couldn't use her space abilities at all. Because of this, I died a few times because of not able to heal my ship. Over all, enjoyed the experience and tks for the invite to test this out.

    its been figured out that the tal shiar deflector is what is causing the disabled aux abilities bug.
    aspartan1 wrote: »
    When you go into the change layout mode you can grab the side of the bar and stretch it out.

    Thanks....didnt know that
    I find this line of replies sadly hilarious. We put a lot of work into the massive list of fixes/changes above, and ya'll are hung up on the ability to skip our content. =p
  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I noticed that all the Vendors in New Romulus Command only sell stuff to Feds, have the original fed names and generally are facing the wrong way/standing on tables. (maybe a cultural thing... lol)

    I get a FED captains yacht as a KDF ally as well.. which is amusing.
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