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    kalvorax#3775 kalvorax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    you have to go to the flotilla for the romulan specific weapons....the new ones atleast
    I find this line of replies sadly hilarious. We put a lot of work into the massive list of fixes/changes above, and ya'll are hung up on the ability to skip our content. =p
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    gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    i still think the flotilla should be the main hub for the romulans with all the leveling up done there

    really think having the new romulus command is a bit redundant
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    bluedragon7612bluedragon7612 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Played it till level 11 now and I really enjoy it. It could be me, but there is a more RPG part in the whole story now. The first BO's are not just being appointed to you at random, but have a story why they joined and when.

    What I also believe to be a very good improvement is the more interactive choices you can make when conversing within the storyline. The option to bring the ship on screen, before you hail them etc. Hope that will be updated throughout the whole story line. It would give a nice new reason to start over with a certain character and/or trait.

    I also like the new layout of the menu's and such. Really a good job on that one. Looking forward to see it go live end of May.

    One more thing... the load screen has improved big time, but the splash screen in between the various moments to load a new area or beam down etc. is still 'old'. Wouldn't mind seeing a change in those as well.
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    stogungravestogungrave Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Great work so far. I love how you guys gave some boffs backgrounds, and making you care about them. On one of my fed toons I just just labeled my boffs things like "ground sci healing"; I wouldn't even think about doing it to these guys.

    I have noticed a few bugs (mostly text ones), but they have been posted already by other people. I don't think anyone was posted this bug yet in the flotilla; this npc must be using magnetic boots, or something to go and talk to the ceiling. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/850/romulanonwall.png/
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    mikelmothmikelmoth Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Teeny tiny remark on the tutorial:

    "Two weeks before the attack on the Vega-Colony" is a weird point of reference. For one: Only those who played the Feds will even understand what it means. For another: It's not the type of event that has much meaning within the Romulan story arc - at least as far as I've played it. It violates the perspective the player is supposed to take.
    I think it would be better to change that to something like "twentytwo years after the destruction of Romulus and Remus". That event has been introduced by the movie and it is much more relevant for a romulan community than an attack on Federation colony that hasn't even happened yet.
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    tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Oh I also notice, my Boff Space Skills show up on the beam down screen. So it looks like my Tac Boff can use Cannon Rapid Fire 1 and Lunge 1 on the ground simultaneously...
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    jungeeyjungeey Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Greetings from Germany, this is my feedback until Level 21

    What I like:
    the new (singularity core) explosions
    the new Layout of the game (it makes the game more suitable)
    the pop ups (very helpful for rookies)
    the new speech bubble
    choosing my ally for the rest of the game (SF - KDF)

    Some Bugs:
    In some mission logs/briefings the text was cut off on the left side, just some pixel but it was easy to recognize

    Some Maps have a bad performance (Like the Town map at the beginning)

    If I am in Space, and press "U" I get the character settings/attributes for the ground character and not for the space character (maybe it's a bug, I don't know)

    What I don't like:
    Pop up Notifications are a little bit to big, and I can't set their position

    Dialog box
    New designed dialog box - Looks so much better than the old one, and more like a call on the big screen (Enterprise D Style)

    My Problem is: Compared to the Text box the Faces are way to big, there is not enough room the the mission log/briefing, if the mission briefing becomes more text I have to scroll, and scroll, and scroll, and scroll, even on a Full HD Display ;)

    Hope could understand everything :D
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    monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Is it really a closed beta if you're offering feedback in an open public forum?

    dstahl wrote:
    Q: Is there an NDA for this Closed Beta?

    A: No. Please tell us what you think and post your feedback in the TRIBBLE forums!

    This means no non disclosure agreement. We are not restricted to what we can discuss about the beta. Feel free to go wild. :)
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    pmaddenpmadden Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Ive played the beta from 1 to 10, so far and i love it!

    The feel of the story is much more immersive with the multi option diolog.

    The ship implotions are beautiful.

    The singularity Powers are a good addition, but could use some more description, I.e Range of effect for plasma wave.

    I would like more ship customisation choices with out having to buy refits from Z store.

    At the moment i cannot customise the uniform of my Boffs.

    The cinematic diolog moves to fast for me, if it was V.O'd then would be better.

    In all, a Fantastic addition to a Fantastic Game. I can not wait for my D'deridex!!!! :D
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    pwecangetlostpwecangetlost Member Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Just playing through the 'Space Chase' mission as my romulan.

    The last line of dialogue is:

    'Too bad I am not a Romulan...'

    As I say, I'm a romulan, I'm flying a Mogai. :P I think there should be another option to end this mission. :P
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    dirlettiadirlettia Member Posts: 1,632 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    There are lots of instances like that where faction and ship type are hard scripted. Being referred to a Klingon in a Bird Of Prey or even having the flavour text of population calling you a Federation type does spoil immersion. The dialogue texts of some missions have also repeated lines in them suggesting that at times they have been hurriedly thrown together.

    I am sure many of the more avid bug reporters will have sent these in to be fixed already so pointless duplicating the early adopters works.

    Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
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    admiral3nickadmiral3nick Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Opening text scrolls by way to fast, but I am hoping for voice over to take this over :)

    The tutorial was great, but I would really like to see a few things added that set experienced players a notch above the rest. The benefits of crouching and aiming need to be included. These are two game mechanics that liven up the ground action and have been completely overlooked since the beginning. If another player doesn't cue you into these, you are loosing out on major defensive and ranged damage stats.

    I also noticed that "shooter style" wasnt the primary ground mode. I remembered a big change to the fed tutorial making this the default. I have not played through the fed tutorial since they included the option to "pass" the tutorial if previously completed (a wonderful option). To the point though. I would like to see something included to at least que new players into shooter mode.

    Enjoying the romulan story arc, graphics and HUD are much improved. It has really brought the game to life!
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    kemopskemops Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    First, thank you very much for the opportunity to review the new Romulan faction. It has been a wonderful experience. Overall the expansion as seen so far is outstanding. In fact, my concern is that it is so good few will want to play the FED/KDF factions unless they get a makeover that will bring them up to the set design standards that are found within the Romulan faction. Everything from the way your are totally immersed in the lore of the Romulans through the tutorial (in fact it doesn't even feel like a tutorial) and the way you initially build your crew within the story, to the environmental set design of the everything from the colony to the Flotilla, ship interior, and finally Command on New Romulus. Bravo.

    Most of my posted feedback has been on the story/mission text. Surprisingly they errors are minor and relatively few. I read everything and think I caught all the mistakes.

    Here are my final two:

    Cdr Janed - Cloak & Dagger mission brief -
    "...so the rest of the feel can move in unseen." Should read "fleet."

    Chief Medical Officer on Hakeev's ship, last sentence -
    "I think were learn alot from..." Should read "learning a lot."

    Thank you again Cryptic for finally making a game that Star Trek fans feel truly reflects the Star Trek universe (in my humble opinion). I know the KDF is getting a makeover adding the opening setup like the Romulans, I hope in the near future that the FEDs can be brought up to the visual standard you have now set with the Legacy of Romulus.
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    aspartan1aspartan1 Member Posts: 1,054 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Played it till level 11 now and I really enjoy it. It could be me, but there is a more RPG part in the whole story now. The first BO's are not just being appointed to you at random, but have a story why they joined and when.

    What I also believe to be a very good improvement is the more interactive choices you can make when conversing within the storyline. The option to bring the ship on screen, before you hail them etc. Hope that will be updated throughout the whole story line. It would give a nice new reason to start over with a certain character and/or trait.

    I also like the new layout of the menu's and such. Really a good job on that one. Looking forward to see it go live end of May.

    One more thing... the load screen has improved big time, but the splash screen in between the various moments to load a new area or beam down etc. is still 'old'. Wouldn't mind seeing a change in those as well.

    I just commented on this dimension in two other threads. It really does come across well and has a professional feel to it. I'm also really enjoying it. I was simply just going power level my toon to max level like I did all my others since release but now my opinion has changed. I will take my time and progress slowly and take the time to smell and drink the ale methinks. It is worthy.... :D
    If you are looking for an excellent PvE fleet consider: Omega Combat Division today.
    Former member of the Cryptic Family & Friends Testing Team. Sadly, one day, it simply vanished - without a word or trace...
    Obscurea Chaotica Fleet (KDF), Commander
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    The Glorious, Kirk’s Protegè
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    incubus1980incubus1980 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    First of all thank you for sending me the Closed Beta invite for the Legacy of Romulun. I must say. i didn't think it would be great, but i think its awesome. Good Job All :) oh and so far i have not come across any bug,
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    phoenix841phoenix841 Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    jungeey wrote: »
    Dialog box
    New designed dialog box - Looks so much better than the old one, and more like a call on the big screen (Enterprise D Style)

    My Problem is: Compared to the Text box the Faces are way to big, there is not enough room the the mission log/briefing, if the mission briefing becomes more text I have to scroll, and scroll, and scroll, and scroll, even on a Full HD Display ;)

    I have to agree with you on the dialog box size. I like the new look, but the main part you read is too small.
    I just finished it last night, ending with Temporal Ambassador.
    First off, that mission didn't really seem like it belonged at that point. Especially since when I started it, it bumped me to VA 50. It also didn't fit in with any plot elements.
    Back to the dialog: during the maintenance shaft portion of the TA mission you have to look at the hand-drawn map and due to the size reduction of that portion of the dialog, you have to scroll to see the entire map.
    I'd like to see the map on the upper portion of the dialog if possible (though I'm not sure it is). Either way, I like to see the entire map in one view, otherwise it's difficult to use the map due to the constant scrolling.
    LTS Since Beta (Jan 2010).
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    sylverwolfiesylverwolfie Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    At first, I didn't care much for the change of the HUD. I liked the old HUD, and how it worked. However, the more I play, the more I like the new HUD. I guess it takes a bit to get used to. I do like the sound effects the new HUD makes.

    As for bugs or suggestions:

    1) I'm playing a female romulan with the skirt and there is a lot of clipping when she runs.

    2) The cutsceens go way to fast. When reading the subtitles, I don't finish reading them before they change. I recommend slowing them down by 40%.

    3) It would be nice for the choice to go fed or klingon would happen later - maybe around level 40 or so to force the person to get used to the romulan ships before they make their choice, and to give more of a storyline for the romulans.

    Nice work though!
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