Well unfortunately we'll never get to be the Romulans we all loved from the shows.
Farmers it is, I guess.
I am excited about the backstory, and I don't care to play as a Tal Shiar minion. At least with the Romulan Republic, you have a lot more freedom where if you were in the Tal Shiar, you'd have absolutely no freedom.
I am excited about the backstory, and I don't care to play as a Tal Shiar minion. At least with the Romulan Republic, you have a lot more freedom where if you were in the Tal Shiar, you'd have absolutely no freedom.
I say the third option, rebuilding the Romulan Star Empire without the influence of the Tal Shiar and their Iconians, or D'Tan's Fed-Lite Republic and his Fed and KDF allies, is the best way to go.
Although I think there should be an option to be the Tal Shiar. Some people like playing the bad guys, and clearly there are Romulans who have made that choice.
I say the third option, rebuilding the Romulan Star Empire without the influence of the Tal Shiar and their Iconians, or D'Tan's Fed-Lite Republic and his Fed and KDF allies, is the best way to go.
Although I think there should be an option to be the Tal Shiar. Some people like playing the bad guys, and clearly there are Romulans who have made that choice.
I say the third option, rebuilding the Romulan Star Empire without the influence of the Tal Shiar and their Iconians, or D'Tan's Fed-Lite Republic and his Fed and KDF allies, is the best way to go.
Although I think there should be an option to be the Tal Shiar. Some people like playing the bad guys, and clearly there are Romulans who have made that choice.
You could just have two; the Romulan Star Empire and D'Tan's Republic. What happens though is that those which wish to join the Tal Shiar can do so after they've picked one of the previously mentioned faction options, and proceed to work to help undermine or influence said factions with various side missions and mini games. A bit like the Emperor's Inner Circle missions from TIE Fighter.
They'd even have their own "secret hub" on Rator III which only Tal Shiar members can enter and so on.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
Its all well and good.... the problem is that most Romulan fans WANT to play as part of the Sela faction. They don't want to be part of Generic Space Society With Pointy Ears #467. They want to be part of the RSE, and even if its fractured into several groups Sela's has the most air of legitimacy among the players. Yes, they are bad guys.... so what, people want to play them, not generic space adventurer.
Unfortunately the RSE as a player group was never in the cards, it'd get in the way of the faction agnostic content that Cryptic desperately wants to use. I'm not a hardcore Romulan fan, but I can't imagine this is making any of them happy. What's the point of playing a Romulan if it has none of the good and bad Romulan trappings? Non-xenophobic/sneaky romulans may as well be a generic species! In fact why wasn't this "x-pac" about a generic alien species instead? It'd sure be a better fit.
Because it is a faction. Choosing an ally is for your benefit, so that you gain access to their ships and their gear in addition to your exclusive faction based items..
Originally Posted by wazzagiow View Post
if we have are own ships as we are meant to be our own faction, why would we need access to fed ship or kdf ships? or am I confused on this point.
Because many customers have spent money to purchase exclusive ships and have spent countless hours of effort to build up starbases and fleet holdings. We are trying to be as open as possible with the Romulans to respect the investments that have been made in the game. That is why you are seeing people post "thank you for considering that" threads when it comes to Starbases. We haven't ruled out allowing Romulan Starbases in the future, but for now, we're limiting it to existing Fed or KDF faction holdings.
that is why I said what I did, sounds like the access to ships is based on previous purchases either c-store or fleet store. if that's not the case then it's pretty misleading.
I personally think each faction should just stay in their own ships!
Well unfortunately we'll never get to be the Romulans we all loved from the shows.
Yep, my favorite Romulan blew his ship and himself up after losing to James T. Kirk in combt (see the TOS episode - "Balance of Terror"). I certainly can't play him.:eek:
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Thats not what I taken, also you have two shipyards ... Fed and KDF, you cannot restrict ships outside level.
Also it would make no sense, having Fleet ships only when they could make Romulan Fleet ships if they could make such block.
Really? Have you been to DS9? It's the same shipyard, but if gives you different stuff based on whether you're Fed or KDf. If you're a Romulan... well... I'm sure it'll show you Romulan stuff.
Huh so how many Romulans are going to arrive on the colony and simply remain slowly but surely building a community Because if it's like the original tutorial you'll be able to see all the other players still in it.
Like the Romulan Alliance System? Of course you do, it sounds fine to you because you aren't Romulans, you're FED or KDF who are going to make a Romulan alt, it makes a HUGE difference in perspective.
People don't get to leave the military just because they want to, especially not in oppressive police states., and especially not after cataclysmic disasters. Warships don't tend to be left around for people to salvage, and it takes more than a handful of trained specialists to run a warship the size and complexity of a Warbird.
Maybe you should spend more than five minutes thinking about these things before you declare your ideas flawless.
Officers can resign their commissions even in many police states and The Romulans are clearly modeled on the Romans.
Unfortunately the RSE as a player group was never in the cards, it'd get in the way of the faction agnostic content that Cryptic desperately wants to use. I'm not a hardcore Romulan fan, but I can't imagine this is making any of them happy. What's the point of playing a Romulan if it has none of the good and bad Romulan trappings? Non-xenophobic/sneaky romulans may as well be a generic species! In fact why wasn't this "x-pac" about a generic alien species instead? It'd sure be a better fit.
I'm a Romulan fan and I like the Romulan Republic angle.
Officers can resign their commissions even in many police states and The Romulans are clearly modeled on the Romans.
No, they can't just resign. Any resignation has to be approved, and even then they still have to fulfill their contractual obligation first, and resigning in a totalitarian police state is a sure way to end up in a labor camp (if they're lucky). That's in a modern society.
As for the Romans, well, a quick search reveals this on Wikipedia:
When the Roman soldier enrolled in service to the state, he swore a military oath known as the sacramentum: originally to the Senate and Roman People, later to the general and the emperor. The sacramentum stated that he would fulfill his conditions of service on pain of punishment up to and inclusive of death. Discipline in the army was extremely rigorous by modern standards, and the general had the power to summarily execute any soldier under his command.
Its all well and good.... the problem is that most Romulan fans WANT to play as part of the Sela faction. They don't want to be part of Generic Space Society With Pointy Ears #467. They want to be part of the RSE, and even if its fractured into several groups Sela's has the most air of legitimacy among the players. Yes, they are bad guys.... so what, people want to play them, not generic space adventurer.
Unfortunately the RSE as a player group was never in the cards, it'd get in the way of the faction agnostic content that Cryptic desperately wants to use. I'm not a hardcore Romulan fan, but I can't imagine this is making any of them happy. What's the point of playing a Romulan if it has none of the good and bad Romulan trappings? Non-xenophobic/sneaky romulans may as well be a generic species! In fact why wasn't this "x-pac" about a generic alien species instead? It'd sure be a better fit.
Because it is a faction. Choosing an ally is for your benefit, so that you gain access to their ships and their gear in addition to your exclusive faction based items.
... Romulans have their own exclusive new ship class and combat mechanic, their own exclusive storyline and episodes, their own exclusive costumes, ther own exclusive ship costumes, and a leveling experience that is very similar to what the Feds had a launch prior to all the Feature Episode Series and not limited to just the 1-10 "starting area" like Pandaran are. Romulans have far more exlusive content than that, and the fact that we then give you all of the stuff from your chosen ally gives you twice as much which is the "best of two worlds" idea.
Cryptic has been known for taking shortcuts. When the fleet ships were introduced, the majority of them contained c-store skins. Instead of making the ship skins from scratch, Cryptic grabbed the ones that were purchasable through the c-store. If they are still following that same line of mentality, the Romulan ships were taken from the already in game npc models. Since we haven't been able to use them, I have absolutely no problem with Cryptic implementing those ship. I wonder if Cryptic didn't have enough Romulan ships, so they developed the ally concept as a shortcut.
I loved the Romulans evan as a kid they were my favorite... When this game was in early development there was discussion then of a Romulan faction and that fell through.
Now I got all excited and was really looking forward to finally be able to play a Romulan! Here I would be Captain of a Mogai or maybe even a Scimitar blasting the hell out of feddies and klinkers alike. I would be the newest hero of the Romulan Star Empire diligently following the example set forth by Empress Sela.
Then I hear that most of that will not be true. I will not claim my birthright I will be forced to align with filthy stupid Klingons or weak Federation who through their bureaucratic bumbling allowed my home world to be destroyed. Now today it gets even worse.. I will be relegated to life as a farmer. A FARMER.... this is what they come up with for the backstory. Although it does seem somewhat fitting most of our time in this game has been reduced to simply farming anyway. Why don't all factions just disassemble their ships. You can make rakes and hoes and shovels out of them and we just dig in dirt all day long hoping to find buried fleet marks, dilithium, and zen.
If this was the plan for the Romulan "faction" why not just simply add Romulans as a playable race to each of the two factions and leave it at that. Basically that's what is being done anyways. I know some people are very excited to have Romulan ships, but why do we have them? Was the prize at the colony fair this year for largest radish a Warbird?
Could have made an exciting backstory that people would love to be a part of but instead you give us a farmer... Not that the Tal Shiar had infiltrated your ship and during the fight you were the senior surviving officer. Not that you were recognized for your leadership skills and were admitted to the KDF/Starfleet academy to help rebuild a fleet on the side of D'Tan. Not even As a reward for bravery in battle and loyalty to the empire Empress Sela has given you command of a small ship to prove your worth or die. We get a farmer..
Im quite happy to be counted as a hardcore Romulan Fan-When I bought STO -I knew the Romulans were not playable than -but a trek MMO I had to play. Tried as might never real could get into the feds or KDF
Im one of these guys that bought the lifetime player thing with money-why because i knew one day -the Romulans would appear -I had faith -I also rolled with the new timeline as well
(Now I have massive issues with all of the ST2009 movies stuff-I ignore it-the game does not but does a good job of returning The Romulans back (for a while) to something i recognise-not bald miners cruising around in hellraisers ship)
The way I read this is as a colonist you are neutral but as an option may join either faction at a later point
This game is not about we all play good guys -Klingons are not good guys -The Universe is Grey
I have waited years to play Romulans not this joke of a republic-That said thank you bringing the Romulans as playable
Unless, when you get to lvl 10 and you have to decide your side, you can choose to side with D'tan and the Federation, or Sela and the KDF?
That could be interesting.....
No, because Romulans are neutral to each other at their social hub.
I say the third option, rebuilding the Romulan Star Empire without the influence of the Tal Shiar and their Iconians, or D'Tan's Fed-Lite Republic and his Fed and KDF allies, is the best way to go.
Although I think there should be an option to be the Tal Shiar. Some people like playing the bad guys, and clearly there are Romulans who have made that choice.
You could just have two; the Romulan Star Empire and D'Tan's Republic. What happens though is that those which wish to join the Tal Shiar can do so after they've picked one of the previously mentioned faction options, and proceed to work to help undermine or influence said factions with various side missions and mini games. A bit like the Emperor's Inner Circle missions from TIE Fighter.
They'd even have their own "secret hub" on Rator III which only Tal Shiar members can enter and so on.
Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
I wouldn?t stick the torpedo under his desk...... I know a far more painful place...
Likewise. Let's hope they're just placeholders, or just complement the unique episodes that haven't been added to Tribble yet.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
so.... we're going to be naked?
Unfortunately the RSE as a player group was never in the cards, it'd get in the way of the faction agnostic content that Cryptic desperately wants to use. I'm not a hardcore Romulan fan, but I can't imagine this is making any of them happy. What's the point of playing a Romulan if it has none of the good and bad Romulan trappings? Non-xenophobic/sneaky romulans may as well be a generic species! In fact why wasn't this "x-pac" about a generic alien species instead? It'd sure be a better fit.
you have to be max rank to use fleet ships.
Originally Posted by wazzagiow View Post
if we have are own ships as we are meant to be our own faction, why would we need access to fed ship or kdf ships? or am I confused on this point.
that is why I said what I did, sounds like the access to ships is based on previous purchases either c-store or fleet store. if that's not the case then it's pretty misleading.
I personally think each faction should just stay in their own ships!
Yep, my favorite Romulan blew his ship and himself up after losing to James T. Kirk in combt (see the TOS episode - "Balance of Terror"). I certainly can't play him.:eek:
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
My character Tsin'xing
I would be more excited if it read like slash fiction.
Jengoz =/
"Star Trek Online is powered by the most abundant resource in the galaxy . . . Gullibility"
Officers can resign their commissions even in many police states and The Romulans are clearly modeled on the Romans.
I'm a Romulan fan and I like the Romulan Republic angle.
No, they can't just resign. Any resignation has to be approved, and even then they still have to fulfill their contractual obligation first, and resigning in a totalitarian police state is a sure way to end up in a labor camp (if they're lucky). That's in a modern society.
As for the Romans, well, a quick search reveals this on Wikipedia:
Please provide actual evidence for this claim.
I am just speculating.
Now I got all excited and was really looking forward to finally be able to play a Romulan! Here I would be Captain of a Mogai or maybe even a Scimitar blasting the hell out of feddies and klinkers alike. I would be the newest hero of the Romulan Star Empire diligently following the example set forth by Empress Sela.
Then I hear that most of that will not be true. I will not claim my birthright I will be forced to align with filthy stupid Klingons or weak Federation who through their bureaucratic bumbling allowed my home world to be destroyed. Now today it gets even worse.. I will be relegated to life as a farmer. A FARMER.... this is what they come up with for the backstory. Although it does seem somewhat fitting most of our time in this game has been reduced to simply farming anyway. Why don't all factions just disassemble their ships. You can make rakes and hoes and shovels out of them and we just dig in dirt all day long hoping to find buried fleet marks, dilithium, and zen.
If this was the plan for the Romulan "faction" why not just simply add Romulans as a playable race to each of the two factions and leave it at that. Basically that's what is being done anyways. I know some people are very excited to have Romulan ships, but why do we have them? Was the prize at the colony fair this year for largest radish a Warbird?
Could have made an exciting backstory that people would love to be a part of but instead you give us a farmer... Not that the Tal Shiar had infiltrated your ship and during the fight you were the senior surviving officer. Not that you were recognized for your leadership skills and were admitted to the KDF/Starfleet academy to help rebuild a fleet on the side of D'Tan. Not even As a reward for bravery in battle and loyalty to the empire Empress Sela has given you command of a small ship to prove your worth or die. We get a farmer..
It's really no worse than some of the existing story missions. Divide et Impera anyone? I'll take pretty much anything over that trash.
Mine Trap Supporter
Im one of these guys that bought the lifetime player thing with money-why because i knew one day -the Romulans would appear -I had faith -I also rolled with the new timeline as well
(Now I have massive issues with all of the ST2009 movies stuff-I ignore it-the game does not but does a good job of returning The Romulans back (for a while) to something i recognise-not bald miners cruising around in hellraisers ship)
The way I read this is as a colonist you are neutral but as an option may join either faction at a later point
This game is not about we all play good guys -Klingons are not good guys -The Universe is Grey
I have waited years to play Romulans not this joke of a republic-That said thank you bringing the Romulans as playable