Tiered of flying the same old escorts and looking for a challenge? Try to build a cruiser that can spike and potentially replace an escort in team based PvP.
Whose up for the challenge?
I know for a fact it is very very doable. Go on, impress yourselves
cruisers don't have a well compensated tanking capability to balance with the lack of dps
and don't do it, dem might be nerfed
but try this in the fleet assault
tt1, bo2, apo1 or bo3
hy1 with omega torpedo
epts1 rsp dem2 dem3
et1 auxtosif1
he1 tss2
it might work with the thunderchild console to rip some shields, then, the omega torpedo and dem should do the rest, but i dont see a good spike build for a cruiser
Use Dual beam banks
fire a serious torp launcher
AND deploy secondaries (turrets , fighters etc) you can do just as much damage as the average escort
CUUCUUMBEER! "-With slight partigen with it."
Proud member or DPS-800 "-We kill dem mines with our scitter turrets."
only 3 ships come in mind: D'kora, the galaxy X, dreadnought carrier
d'kora was explained already so i leave it at that
the galaxy X may have potential when coming out of cloak with DHC...but it will allways lack high ranking tac boff powers and maneuverability...so i would say forget that ship.
dreadnought carrier has potential to be bursty, but i think it will be hard to bring those weapons on target in PVP.
klingons have it better...fleet vorcha with great boff layout, cloak, DHC
Glad that TAc's in cruisers can spike, god forbid that Tacs would be useless in any given combo.
*cue sprinkles*
a history of sto pvp: 2010 - 2011
a history of sto pvp: 2012 - 2013
Flogging a dead horse is pointless
Don't forget the well timed Abandon Ship at the end. :rolleyes:
Traits - Accurate, Elusive, Astrophysicist, Warp Theorist
New Rom - Precision, Emergency Secondary Shielding, (QSM)
Omega - Omega Weapon Training, Omega Graviton Amplifier
BO1, BO2, APO1
EPtS1, EPtW2, EWP1, DEM3
2x Rom Tac BOFFs, 3x Human BOFFs
Deflector - AMACO Mk XII
Engine - Omega Mk XII
Shields - Omega Mk XII
Fore - Hyper-Plasma Torp, Omega Torp, Experimental Beam, Romulan DBB [CrtH]x2
Aft - Cutting Beam, 3x Romulan Turret [CrtH]x2
Tac - 4x Plasma Infuser Mk XII
Eng - Borg, 0Point, Tachyo, Neut Mk XII
Sci - 2x Rom Flow [Pla]
Devices - RMC, SFM, Wep Batt, Eng Batt
I can explain the reasoning behind any of this (including the Eng Captain instead of a Tac) if anybody cares. It's obvious to me...but I'm flaky, so I might be missing something obvious too.
Hush. A kirking G-X stacking leadership doffs works quite well while pugging. Do not know about those mythical "serious" "only way" "true" pvp matches though. I'm no expert in mythology.
Galaxy-X with Tac
double A2B
500%+ hull regen
20s RSP
Complete selfish build
Oh I'll be floggin it until I either get a re-career token, they become usefull, or jorf deletes all his non-eng toons.
a history of sto pvp: 2010 - 2011
a history of sto pvp: 2012 - 2013
With a slight drizzle of theta vinaigrette.
I'm sorry, but don't you know escorts tank as well as cruisers now?
I read it on STOwiki, and I tried to shoot one bugship this one time. He flying SO FAST with APO and EM and I couldn't shoot him down.
We had to call the army and the airforce and the knights templar to kill him.
but in STO it's a different thing.....
btw i love a tactical character in a temporal destroyer or in a Dkora ship
Is that reference to the forum clown havam?
either you kill'm in the beam overload combo or you dont. the rest of the beams wouldnt really be doing much anyways.
oh and make sure its antiproton for the extra kick.
i think the exceslior because it has the ltcmdr tac... but it is a bit more squishy...
Do you even Science Bro?
The Fleet Excelsior has a 1.1 Shield Mod and base 42.9k hull.
Which, using dedicated napkin math, will be north of 10k shields per facing and 55k+ hull.
This is a pvp thread...
Fleet excelsior, fleet assault cruiser refit can be unbelievably lethal.
The real determining factor is pilot skill. Your escort will always have better maneuverability and battlefield control.
Tax buffed:
Romulan hyper flux + FOMM + BO3/2 on a DEM3 Marion doff setup... Does horrible things to other ships. So long as you can lob everything off in 8 seconds!
Emojoe's little blurb about cycling beam overloads is actually very valid on fed cruisers.
cruisers like the dkora and excelsior that can make use of DBBs and the DEM doff that have strong tac skills can spike that way too.
the all beam array builds or all singles and turret builds are still useless though
And the Regent, the Galor and the Ody in saucer separation mode.
OOh. DEM3 + thunderchild console
@rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
@rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
@rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
Pretty much this.
have i got build for you. I call it the Wizards 1st Rule and it is as bad azz as they come, my bet is once you try it you will be done with escorts for a while. Just drop me line in game and we can pop on boot camp server and I will link ya the build.
Good Luck And Have Fun Out There...
~The Eleventh Order~
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