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PVP Tournament without the BS



  • kevaldtkevaldt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    HUZZAH! All Hail Laser
    [SIGPIC]InGame - @Darth_Tauri[/SIGPIC]
    Joined - 9/2011
    "You Best Make Peace With Your Dear & Fluffy Lord" - Malcolm Reynolds
  • synnbadsynnbad Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    naz4 wrote: »
    You know something guys? We all got beef with each other in way or another. Why keep escalating it on and on?

    good point . this bickering has gone as far as having people silenced in game or banned from forums for no good reason what so ever . all because they are hating pure and simple . and having connections with forum mods and devs makes it so unfair . but that's really another issue .
  • davidfloresiidavidfloresii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Well I don't know about all those other complainers, but it sounds nice. I like the idea of it. Now if I can l can make the date of the contest is another story. If it's not a Friday or Saturday night, then I think I can get a crew together.

  • maicake716maicake716 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kevaldt wrote: »
    Ill feel free to comment whenever i damn well please... freedom of speech and all.

    actually doesnt apply to the forums.

    aiden227 wrote: »
    Why you going to quit you don't like trolls. You all need to realize devs and moderators that your little 5 man fleets are nothing in this game. There are fleets that kick more people a day then you have ever had in your fleets.

    where did he say he quit?
    also.. if our "5 man little fleets are nothing in this game" then why are they the fleets that are always given the finger when people complain that premades are in the que's ruining pvp?

    really, id like to know how they can be "nothing" and also the "cause of all things bad in the game" that they get blamed for quite often.
    hydrodura wrote: »

    it always Bs no boarding party not broken
    emp burst not broken
    no scramble sensor with doff cause it add 10 sec to your power really." the issue is, if it works, it ruins the fun" from 1911

    emp burst itself isnt broke, but it can be combined with another ability to give it a cooldown that is way to quick and thats when it becomes broken.

    i think boarding parties has an issue when you die if you boarded the cooldowns stay

    the scamble sensor doff should never have been introduced into the game to begin with, you can have a 5 second scramble with a 10 second side effect. that needs to be changed, but it is "working as intended" so im indifferent about it.
    lazerrage wrote: »
    Threads have always been derailed in PvP forums. The reason? Devs think there are only a handful of people who pvp. Devs only seem to listen to a select few who can spam these forums as much as they like, and it is only 8-10 of those names u see ruling all the forum posts. Anyone else posting a valid question or making a valid statement gets chat banned.Devs must start taking notice that there are other fleets with 250 + members who want to voice their opinions also and stop showing favoritism to the same old names whose personal opinions and views are getting disgustingly boring now !


    where has it happened that posting a question on here has gotten someone chat banned ingame?

    the dev's actually dont seem to listen to any of us or else this would have been a very different game.

    we've actually had disagreements with the dev's about the number of people playing pvp YET its always been the dev's who have basically told us there arnt enough of us to matter. that has not been because of the forums but their own "secret ingame counting thingy" they say says people just dont pvp.

    as a matter of fact, there was a guy asking for science advice here on the forums, and guess what. he got help.

    synnbad wrote: »
    good point . this bickering has gone as far as having people silenced in game or banned from forums for no good reason what so ever . all because they are hating pure and simple . and having connections with forum mods and devs makes it so unfair . but that's really another issue .

    id actually say the dev's and mods have been pretty well neutral with everyone.

    surprised right?
    mancom wrote: »
    Frankly, I think the only sound advice that one can give new players at this time is to stay away from PVP in STO.
    Science pvp at its best-http://www.youtube.com/user/matteo716
    Do you even Science Bro?
  • naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Well I don't know about all those other complainers, but it sounds nice. I like the idea of it. Now if I can l can make the date of the contest is another story. If it's not a Friday or Saturday night, then I think I can get a crew together.


    Awesome, Team 1
  • muhadeebmuhadeeb Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    u know its a sad day when people can get banned for speaking their mind about the stae of things in pvp obviously there is shannagens going on fleets have been manipulating pvp since this game started hundreds of players would like to get involved but are stymied by these so called great pvp fleets who absolutlly help no one but themselves with their own agenda in mind when people ask questions on opvp they are trolled to the point of quitting all because they are new to pvp but when u start denying post on forums this goes against all that this game is meant to be the game has changed old ways are not the way any more these fleets have effectivly ruined pvp in this game only a select few are allowed in with few exceptions and they know it this is why forum posts are banned fleets dont allow players in ect.well i have news for ya fleets that want in are banding together to fight this trend we are here to stay. we are growing by leaps and bounds and ARE going to change these trends .who ever these forum moderators are they seem to have these so called best pvp fleets in mind and not the hundreds and hundreds who have been held out and want in. so we are not gonna knock on the door any more we are gonna kick it in. the old guard pvp fleets have been good for the game but now with their own agendas in mind they have destroyed opvp u guys have been the best but all u want to be is the best in a GAME [sad] at all costs . well cryptic is eveolving the gamenot beta anymore [lol] so get with it open up the forums to teach not to degrade new players. we here in america have whats callled freedom of speach and anyone who speaks out on these issues is banned from the forums WHY unless bad language or personal attccks are involved all should be posted and left for all to read this is not the case at all.over the past few months i have watched pvp spiral down the tubes we as a pvp comunity cant even hold a tourney this fleet wants these rules this fleet wants that banned so someone puts out an idea for round robin tourney with whatever rules hosting fleet wants and still cannot agree its a pity this cant be what cryptic had in mind for pvp.untill these trends are changed nothing with change and pvp will die but for a [SELECT] few for u that want to learn there are fleets willing to let u in and teach u pvp.those at the top will say ohhh those guys suck they dont know squat well i have news for u that want to learn YES WE DO. and we are not gonna stop untill we change things to where we have a REAL pvp community whose goal is to make this game and pvp great. nto just for a select few and u moderators need to stop running interference for these few this post comes from over 2 years of playing this game and watching all of this from afar . no more. i do not speak much this is my first forum post but these things need to be said and put out there for all to read and make an informed opinion for themselves and not be trolled ive been pvping for over a year now and nothing but bickering and hatered bween these fleets prevail i have watched it all.with sadness example a week ago i was sent a private message from a very prominent member from 1 of these elite pvp fleet wanted to see how far our fleet had come in pvp . lol i knew immidiatly what was up but we agreed anyway well here came the rules whats not allowed bla bla bla well we did it any way and were defeated [they are awsome pvpers all the respect to them] but sadly whem the match was over the trolling began. sad. but this is what the outsiders endure. well not anymore we are here to stay we are growing and getting better inspite of you. pvp bootcamp is a joke because what u guys are preaching u dont do urselves and you know it its a giant lie . not all of u techers do this the ones that do know who u are . how about this practice what u preach help people interested in pvp not crush them preach helping all that want to learn [ALL] this will make a giant commumity on the same page and can move forward to be the best pvp in mmo in closing we have serious issues when the community cant even come together for [FUN tourneys] this must be changed or eventually pvp will die as it is almost there now lets work together to change this trend now before its to late again we are here to stay and we will not let this continue land u as moderators stop filtering opinions i understand if some are disrespectful of others and those few should be disipled but for the rest of those that are pulled for no reason other that is what a few want u need to stop allowing what serves ur purposes and not the community thanks for reading see you in the Q s
  • maicake716maicake716 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    muhadeeb wrote: »
    u know its a sad day when people can get banned for speaking their mind about the stae of things in pvp obviously there is shannagens going on fleets have been manipulating pvp since this game started hundreds of players would like to get involved but are stymied by these so called great pvp fleets who absolutlly help no one but themselves with their own agenda in mind when people ask questions on opvp they are trolled to the point of quitting all because they are new to pvp but when u start denying post on forums this goes against all that this game is meant to be the game has changed old ways are not the way any more these fleets have effectivly ruined pvp in this game only a select few are allowed in with few exceptions and they know it this is why forum posts are banned fleets dont allow players in ect.well i have news for ya fleets that want in are banding together to fight this trend we are here to stay. we are growing by leaps and bounds and ARE going to change these trends .who ever these forum moderators are they seem to have these so called best pvp fleets in mind and not the hundreds and hundreds who have been held out and want in. so we are not gonna knock on the door any more we are gonna kick it in. the old guard pvp fleets have been good for the game but now with their own agendas in mind they have destroyed opvp u guys have been the best but all u want to be is the best in a GAME [sad] at all costs . well cryptic is eveolving the gamenot beta anymore [lol] so get with it open up the forums to teach not to degrade new players. we here in america have whats callled freedom of speach and anyone who speaks out on these issues is banned from the forums WHY unless bad language or personal attccks are involved all should be posted and left for all to read this is not the case at all.over the past few months i have watched pvp spiral down the tubes we as a pvp comunity cant even hold a tourney this fleet wants these rules this fleet wants that banned so someone puts out an idea for round robin tourney with whatever rules hosting fleet wants and still cannot agree its a pity this cant be what cryptic had in mind for pvp.untill these trends are changed nothing with change and pvp will die but for a [SELECT] few for u that want to learn there are fleets willing to let u in and teach u pvp.those at the top will say ohhh those guys suck they dont know squat well i have news for u that want to learn YES WE DO. and we are not gonna stop untill we change things to where we have a REAL pvp community whose goal is to make this game and pvp great. nto just for a select few and u moderators need to stop running interference for these few this post comes from over 2 years of playing this game and watching all of this from afar . no more. i do not speak much this is my first forum post but these things need to be said and put out there for all to read and make an informed opinion for themselves and not be trolled ive been pvping for over a year now and nothing but bickering and hatered bween these fleets prevail i have watched it all.with sadness example a week ago i was sent a private message from a very prominent member from 1 of these elite pvp fleet wanted to see how far our fleet had come in pvp . lol i knew immidiatly what was up but we agreed anyway well here came the rules whats not allowed bla bla bla well we did it any way and were defeated [they are awsome pvpers all the respect to them] but sadly whem the match was over the trolling began. sad. but this is what the outsiders endure. well not anymore we are here to stay we are growing and getting better inspite of you. pvp bootcamp is a joke because what u guys are preaching u dont do urselves and you know it its a giant lie . not all of u techers do this the ones that do know who u are . how about this practice what u preach help people interested in pvp not crush them preach helping all that want to learn [ALL] this will make a giant commumity on the same page and can move forward to be the best pvp in mmo in closing we have serious issues when the community cant even come together for [FUN tourneys] this must be changed or eventually pvp will die as it is almost there now lets work together to change this trend now before its to late again we are here to stay and we will not let this continue land u as moderators stop filtering opinions i understand if some are disrespectful of others and those few should be disipled but for the rest of those that are pulled for no reason other that is what a few want u need to stop allowing what serves ur purposes and not the community thanks for reading see you in the Q s

    quoted for the eye bleeding effect. didnt actually read it because my eyes started bleeding :P

    (may want to put some paragraph spaces in there)
    mancom wrote: »
    Frankly, I think the only sound advice that one can give new players at this time is to stay away from PVP in STO.
    Science pvp at its best-http://www.youtube.com/user/matteo716
    Do you even Science Bro?
  • aiden227aiden227 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Wasn't this thread about a tournament what happened why is it that every thread about a tournament turns out this way. Your fleet doesn't even q anymore mai remember premades cant use the public q. Funny thing is that since you top pvp fleets have been running things pvp has failed just like some fleets. Other fleets get silenced and shut out even know there fleets are thriving. The biggest jokes of all is all you top fleets have made your names by using exploits like double shields voldy rom doffs etc. And these are the people the devs listen to funny. Here devs i cheat and im awesome listen to me so i can convince you to change the game so i can exploit some more pvp is a joke. Ill go back to pve borg don,t cry about ams and grav pulse. Im surprised pwe listens to you guys at all because if you had your way they would be broke.
  • synnbadsynnbad Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    maicake716 wrote: »
    id actually say the dev's and mods have been pretty well neutral with everyone.

    surprised right?

    actually they have not been if that was the case and they were truly neutral they wouldn't be on certain fleets teamspeaks or in certain fleets playing. no point playing dumb on that issue its well known fact they do . also ya got a lil bit of brown stuff on the tip of your nose ya may want to clean it off
  • aiden227aiden227 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Yeah whats up with that i have also heard about certain fleets having access to devs that other fleets dont have. any meeting between devs and players should be in an open forum for all to attend.
  • mustafatennickmustafatennick Member Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kevaldt wrote: »
    So, I can show up in my dreadnaught with 2 elite scorpion hangars and a plasma build... i dont even need the powers listed, you wanna get shredded to pieces count me in.

    Ill share my build secrets with all my teammates, doesnt need to be on a dreadnaught either... caitian, armitage, bug... the list goes on.

    Lol clown, plasma haha
    ----=====This is my opinion you don't have to listen and no one else has to read them these "OPINIONS" are based on my exploits and my learning other people will have their opinions and that's fine just don't knock my way of doing things thanks=====---- :cool:
  • havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    wow so much hate.

    It's a bit early to say for sure, date would be a deciding factor, also getting access to some fleet gear :)

    But i would be up for some fun, will pm when I know more
  • kevaldtkevaldt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Lol clown, plasma haha


    Ive surprised a few people with the build im running
    [SIGPIC]InGame - @Darth_Tauri[/SIGPIC]
    Joined - 9/2011
    "You Best Make Peace With Your Dear & Fluffy Lord" - Malcolm Reynolds
  • loganwilliams1loganwilliams1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    muhadeeb wrote: »
    You know its a sad day when people can get banned for speaking their mind about the stae of things in pvp. Obviously there are shannagens going on. Fleets have been manipulating pvp since this game started. Hundreds of players would like to get involved but are stymied by these so called great pvp fleets who absolutlly help no one but themselves with their own agenda in mind.

    When people ask questions on opvp they are trolled to the point of quitting all because they are new to pvp but when you start denying posts on forums this goes against all that this game is meant to be. The game has changed and old ways are not the way any more. These fleets have effectivly ruined pvp in this game while only a select few are allowed "in".

    There are few exceptions and this is why forum posts are banned, fleets dont allow players in, ect... Well I have news for ya. Fleets that want in are banding together to fight this trend we are here to stay. We are growing by leaps and bounds and ARE going to change these trends.

    Whoever these forum moderators are, they seem to have these so called best pvp fleets in mind and not the hundreds and hundreds who have been held out and want in. So we are not gonna knock on the door any more we are gonna kick it in. The old guard pvp fleets have been good for the game but now, with their own agendas in mind, they have destroyed opvp. You guys have been the best (well, with occasional help from exploits and perhaps some inside information), but all you want to do is be the best in a GAME [sad] at all costs, >>community be damned<<.

    Well Cryptic is evolving the game, not beta anymore [lol]. So get with it open up the forums to teach and not to degrade new players. We here in America have whats callled freedom of speach (except when dealing with forums Brown Shirts) and anyone who speaks out on these issues is banned from the forums. WHY?! Unless bad language or personal attccks are involved all should be posted and left for all to read.

    Over the past few months i have watched pvp spiral down the tubes we as a pvp community cant even hold a tourney. This fleet wants these rules this fleet wants that banned so someone puts out an idea for round robin tourney with whatever rules hosting fleet wants and still cannot agree. It's a pity and this cant be what cryptic had in mind for pvp.

    Untill these trends are changed nothing with change and pvp will die but for a [SELECT] few that want to learn. There are fleets willing to let you in and teach you pvp. Those at the top will say ohhh those guys suck they dont know squat. Well I have news for those of you that want to learn. YES WE DO and we are not gonna stop untill we change things to where we have a REAL pvp community whose goal is to make this game and pvp great, not just for a select few and their moderating buddies who need to stop running interference for them.

    This post comes from over 2 years of playing this game and watching all of this from afar. No more. I do not speak much this is my first forum post but these things need to be said and put out there for all to read and make an informed opinion, for themselves, and not be trolled. I've been pvping for over a year now and nothing but bickering and hatered between these fleets prevail. I have watched it all with sadness.

    Example, a week ago i was sent a private message from a very prominent member from one of these elite pvp fleets. They wanted to see how far our fleet had come in pvp. lol I knew immediatly what was up but we agreed anyway. Well here came the rules whats not allowed bla bla bla well we did it any way and were defeated [they are awsome pvpers all the respect to them] but sadly whem the match was over the trolling began, sad. This is what the outsiders endure. Well not anymore we are here to stay we are growing and getting better inspite of you.

    PvP bootcamp is a joke because what u guys are preaching you dont even do yourselves and you know it its a giant lie . Not all of you teachers do this, but the ones that do know who you are. how about this practice what you preach and don't give good hearted, interested people, bogus builds that they'll get discouraged with. HELP people interested in pvp not crush them. Preach helping all that want to learn [ALL]. This will make a giant commumity on the same page and can move forward to be the best pvp in mmos.

    In closing we have serious issues when the community cant even come together for [FUN tourneys]. This must be changed or eventually pvp will die as it is almost there now. Lets work together to change this trend now before its too late. Again we are here to stay and we will not let this continue. Moderators please stop filtering opinions. I understand if some are disrespectful of others and those few should be disipinled, but for the rest of those that are pulled for no reason other than it is what a few want. You need to stop allowing what serves your purposes and not the community's.

    Thanks for reading see you in the Q s

    Ran that through the universal translator for you guys as well as giving him TRIBBLE. :P
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    aiden227 wrote: »
    Wasn't this thread about a tournament what happened why is it that every thread about a tournament turns out this way. Your fleet doesn't even q anymore mai remember premades cant use the public q. Funny thing is that since you top pvp fleets have been running things pvp has failed just like some fleets. Other fleets get silenced and shut out even know there fleets are thriving. The biggest jokes of all is all you top fleets have made your names by using exploits like double shields voldy rom doffs etc. And these are the people the devs listen to funny. Here devs i cheat and im awesome listen to me so i can convince you to change the game so i can exploit some more pvp is a joke. Ill go back to pve borg don,t cry about ams and grav pulse. Im surprised pwe listens to you guys at all because if you had your way they would be broke.

    Well I do have to ask a simple question....

    When the heck has Cryptic listened to ANYTHING pvpers have had to say ?
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • maicake716maicake716 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    synnbad wrote: »
    actually they have not been if that was the case and they were truly neutral they wouldn't be on certain fleets teamspeaks or in certain fleets playing. no point playing dumb on that issue its well known fact they do . also ya got a lil bit of brown stuff on the tip of your nose ya may want to clean it off

    I'm not playing dumb on the issue, ever since the gozer incident I haven't heard of much "secret" interaction with players.

    I've also gone head to head with the devs on quite a few issues even resulting in being banned on the old forums so no, I am not an TRIBBLE kisser.
    mancom wrote: »
    Frankly, I think the only sound advice that one can give new players at this time is to stay away from PVP in STO.
    Science pvp at its best-http://www.youtube.com/user/matteo716
    Do you even Science Bro?
  • maicake716maicake716 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    aiden227 wrote: »
    Wasn't this thread about a tournament what happened why is it that every thread about a tournament turns out this way. Your fleet doesn't even q anymore mai remember premades cant use the public q. Funny thing is that since you top pvp fleets have been running things pvp has failed just like some fleets. Other fleets get silenced and shut out even know there fleets are thriving. The biggest jokes of all is all you top fleets have made your names by using exploits like double shields voldy rom doffs etc. And these are the people the devs listen to funny. Here devs i cheat and im awesome listen to me so i can convince you to change the game so i can exploit some more pvp is a joke. Ill go back to pve borg don,t cry about ams and grav pulse. Im surprised pwe listens to you guys at all because if you had your way they would be broke.

    My fleet does que from time to time still. We all have different hours and many have left this game for better games but we are still around.

    When has the top pvp fleets ever run anything? Weren't you just saying that the top fleets mean nothing to pvp?

    What other fleets have been "silenced" or "shutout"?

    Yeah, some of the top fleets discover issues with the game, some even use the issues. But the issues are always brought to cryptics attention. It's not the communities fault that cryptic fails to listen and fix those issues.

    Its not possible to cheat in this game, abuse/exploite/misuse yeah, but it isn't possible to cheat. It's all working as intended in cryptics eyes or else it'd be fixed by now.

    You sound awfully bitter about this game, why do you bother to play if it makes you unhappy?
    mancom wrote: »
    Frankly, I think the only sound advice that one can give new players at this time is to stay away from PVP in STO.
    Science pvp at its best-http://www.youtube.com/user/matteo716
    Do you even Science Bro?
  • maicake716maicake716 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Well I do have to ask a simple question....

    When the heck has Cryptic listened to ANYTHING pvpers have had to say ?

    Well if you ask the pve community... Cryptic listens everytime a change is done that effects pve. Nevermind the issue it was causing in pvp.
    mancom wrote: »
    Frankly, I think the only sound advice that one can give new players at this time is to stay away from PVP in STO.
    Science pvp at its best-http://www.youtube.com/user/matteo716
    Do you even Science Bro?
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    maicake716 wrote: »
    Well if you ask the pve community... Cryptic listens everytime a change is done that effects pve. Nevermind the issue it was causing in pvp.

    Ya they say it...

    Truth is we say it first... and are ignored for months and sometimes literally years.

    Then the first PvE kid that complains gates are blowing up to quick... and boom it gets fixed. :)

    Still its good to see all this new blood in the PvP section... in 2 years they will feel exactly as we do. I wonder if there will be new players to play the role they fill now? lol
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • zorena#3961 zorena Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Gecko and novaluse is the same person I heard this rumor on teamspeak..
  • hydrodurahydrodura Member Posts: 444 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Originally Posted by hurleybird
    Honestly, this tournament was dead the moment you guys came up with a "only one of each ship type rule." Having to move the majority of your team into other ships for no good reason is a universal turn off. Don't blame the community on this one.

    naz rule from your fleet rules are better for you i guess.

    why is there so much bad blood in this game reason one hurleybird he trolls everyone post knock down anyone idea but he is a master in swelling his head out of proportions. i think your head bigger than your waist size. here more of his mentality

    Originally Posted by hurleybird
    You mistake elitism for cold, hard reality. I'm not saying these things to be mean, or put people down. I'm saying it because it's the truth, despite the fact that it's the truth that nobody wants to hear. It's time that we put mediocrity in the limelight and fixed it. That's why I've created the Jorf Guide, not to rub it in people's face, but to help them transcend the self-imposed ceilings that are holding them back.

    It's not just myself that thinks this way, but more or less everyone who plays at a very high level. I'm just the poor sod who has the guts to say it. Earlier I had a Steam conversation with such a high level player who is active in this thread, and it went like this:

    hurleybird: Who would be easier to train to a high level, everything else being equal: A PvEr that has never PvPed, or someone that has been indoctrinated by the likes of [redacted - fleet that is active and acting outraged in this thread]

    [redacted]: blank slate

    Hurleybird: Definitely

    [redacted]: with a "pre trained" guy, you have to de proram to re program

    [redacted]: i think you said that like a sledge hammer on the forums by the way....lol

    You call it reality. think for 1 min dont hurt yourself. the way you write you are discouraging potential fleets from join us in the pvp ques. think back 2 years when que basically had 30 plus players in the que. how many fleet use to be in que now it the same 2 to 3 fleets. we need to rebuild pvp and you are not the person to help it!!!!
  • darkfader1988darkfader1988 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    zorandra wrote: »
    Gecko and novaluse is the same person I heard this rumor on teamspeak..

    Does this Novaluse take the same daily medication like Gecko does?
    MT - Sad Pandas
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    This thread saddens me. It and many posters inside it (not all) simply reinforce the opinion held by many that the forums...

    are full of 12 yr olds. If not by age at-least by maturity.
  • gradstudent1gradstudent1 Member Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    naz4 wrote: »
    This is nothing to do with Pandas - I repeat nothing to do with Pandas ;)

    Based on what i've seen on the PVP forum so far, Mini's survey, Novalus' suggestions, CSI 's & TFS's lead, and also trying not to fall into the same pitfalls sadly the mentioned fleets / people fell into, I want to host a Space PVP tournament for all in and out of the PVP community.

    I am going to keep the rules simple.

    1. Have fun - Most important
    2. No siphons drones and danubes (Not fun and skillfull)
    3. No more than 3 of the same captains or ships
    4. No Boarding Parties (Broken)
    5. No Dkora EMP burst (Broken)
    6. No scramble sensors with the DOFFs (Without DOFFs no issue)
    7. No Grav Pulse (AOE 50 second hold not fun)
    8. Once you are in 1 team, you cannot move to another
    8. Did i mention "Have fun"?

    Reward: Knowing you are the victor and vast amounts of fun.

    All I'm gonna ask for is put your team down
    Rules may and will change based on the latest TRIBBLE up by STO :0
    There is not going to be a debate of any description
    All I will say is I will be extremely fair

    Please Put down your name / Fleet / Team in this thread and nothing else.

    If you dont like the rules, please don't derail the thread and you dont need to participate if you dont like the rules.

    Thanks in advance and remember, we are here to have fun. Forget the bad blood of the past and aim for the fun PVP bit which we are all looking for.

    Time frame dependant on responses

    Naz, I can't speak for my whole fleet (TRH), but I will participate in this, even if as a mercenary. Thanks for taking the initiative my friend.
  • snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    hydrodura wrote: »
    Originally Posted by hurleybird
    You mistake elitism for cold, hard reality. I'm not saying these things to be mean, or put people down. I'm saying it because it's the truth, despite the fact that it's the truth that nobody wants to hear. It's time that we put mediocrity in the limelight and fixed it. That's why I've created the Jorf Guide, not to rub it in people's face, but to help them transcend the self-imposed ceilings that are holding them back.

    It's not just myself that thinks this way, but more or less everyone who plays at a very high level. I'm just the poor sod who has the guts to say it. Earlier I had a Steam conversation with such a high level player who is active in this thread, and it went like this:

    hurleybird: Who would be easier to train to a high level, everything else being equal: A PvEr that has never PvPed, or someone that has been indoctrinated by the likes of [redacted - fleet that is active and acting outraged in this thread]

    [redacted]: blank slate

    Hurleybird: Definitely

    [redacted]: with a "pre trained" guy, you have to de proram to re program

    [redacted]: i think you said that like a sledge hammer on the forums by the way....lol

    You call it reality. think for 1 min dont hurt yourself. the way you write you are discouraging potential fleets from join us in the pvp ques. think back 2 years when que basically had 30 plus players in the que. how many fleet use to be in que now it the same 2 to 3 fleets. we need to rebuild pvp and you are not the person to help it!!!!

    He's 100% right about that.

    When I started playing in teams and with good players, a lot of ideas that I had about the game went out the window. My view broadened and many things I thought I knew about the game: changed.

    Of course it depends on the person. Some people are more resistant to change than others.

    And nothing anyone posts in the forums should discourage a team from trying to improve themselves. In fact, you should take it as a challenge to prove that you can be better.
  • kinetic78kinetic78 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I like the rules Naz ! Well done mate , shame I can't field a team :(
  • havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kinetic78 wrote: »
    I like the rules Naz ! Well done mate , shame I can't field a team :(

    there is another thread for that
  • kinetic78kinetic78 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    havam wrote: »
    there is another thread for that

    Yes!! I know, I did scan my eyes over it :)
  • jacknm1jacknm1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    After reading through all the bull and seeing there the same repetitive names with obviously no life or job who spend all their time on this game/forum....

    Count 1st Column in, ill get the team together by the weekend, just keep me posted.
    Lag Industries Executive - Fleet Project Management
    PvP Boot Camp Coach
    STO - Will PvP For Food - Official OPVP Channel <-Click Me
    /channel_join OrganizedPvP
  • kolln95kolln95 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Greetings Naz!

    On behalf of the Hussar Guardian Forces, I would like to sign up for this tournament.

    Our team has the following members:

    Hussar Guardian Forces
    Deputy Leader
    PvP Boot Camp Coach

    Hussar Guardian Forces
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