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What's your ship called and why?



  • b3tazoidb3tazoid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    My current Prometheus is the Barry Manilow-D, as its named after my ShiKahr which had a massive nose (saucer), so I thought "BARRY MANILOW! :D". My shuttle is the Lionel Richie, as I appear and shout "HELLOOOOO!", fire everything, and immediately turn round and get out of there. My Klingon Kamarag is the David Bowie-B, just because it looks hench, and if I get a Klingon shuttle I'll call it the Sharon Stone, just for the sake of it.
  • milandaremilandare Member Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    My captain is part Telsian, the noobs of the Delta Quadrant, and those genes tend to dominate. His ships included USS Innocence, USS Gullible and USS Naive before he got a Jem'Hadar tac officer to pilot his Research Science Vessel Retrofit (hospital ship), the USS Naivete. The Jem'Hadar doesn't see much point in a hospital ship, so he's quietly pimped it out as an angel of death.

    But really I just wanted to post to congratulate the poster above me for the seriously hard core ship names. Planet Earth is blue!
  • fraghul2000fraghul2000 Member Posts: 1,590 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Most of my Fed ships are named after British warships I own as scale models for a 1/2400 scale tabletop. Ark Royal, Warspite, Prince of Wales, Pegasus, Polaris, Dauntless, Exeter etc...

    SS Tarawa, Tuffli, named after the freighter that got remodelled into an auxiliary carrier in some of the old wing commander novels.

    USS Jupiter, Armitage, named after the ST:CCG Akira that came with ST:Armada I.

    Prakesh, Kreechta - Galor and D'Kora - named after the ships from TNG.

    Shiraak - Atrox - named after the class of a Kilrathi Heavy Carrier from Wing Commander.

    Kr'ath, Baranur, Krothunga, Roborran - I'm rather unimaginative for my Klink fleet, therefore I'm usually letting the random name creator decide...
  • gulberatgulberat Member Posts: 5,505 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I think I may actually have seen you flying around in the Prakesh...

    Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
    Proudly F2P.  Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
  • lukeminherexxlukeminherexx Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    My newest one is named U.S.S. Hubble, after Edwin Powell Hubble.

    Hubble was an astronomer, and is who the Hubble Space Telescope is named after. I actually thought of the telescope, so maybe technically it's named after that...lol. I have been an amateur, or arm chair if you will..lol, astronomer since the 90's, and the Hubble Telescope has provided us with some of the most beautiful pictures of space. It helped pushed Einstein's theory of the existence of black holes into something that most astronomers now accept as fact. It told us that the universe appears to be expanding, and doing so at a faster rate than anticipated. It watched as comet Shoemaker-Levy hit Jupiter.

    Hubble himself actually was a proponent of the universe expansion theory. He is the father of Hubble's Law, which dictates this. He did studies and wrote papers on extra-universal theories, such as light red shifting...or expanding....as the distance grew. He also pushed to make astronomy a natural part of science itself, since it helped to establish many import things in physics.

    SO, my new character is more of a scientist than my original, and when I write of him it will reflect that, therefor, it is only natural that his ship would reflect that in name.

    If anyone is interested in seeing some gorgeous sights of our universe, and learning more, you can become an arm chair astronomer as well, without leaving your computer. Click on the link below. ;)

    You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else. -Einstein

  • nickcastletonnickcastleton Member Posts: 1,212 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    My main lvl 50 trill engineer command the Ambassador class U.S.S Excalibur. I know not very original but my character is based on one i used in the past for a series of fan based stories and roleplay (it was set in the 24th century and he was the engineer) when the Ambassador became available it felt only fitting that he saved the ship from mothballs and take command.

    My lvl 30 catian captain commands the U.S.S Alexander a defiant class ship, i named it Alexander for 2 reasons, 1 after Alexander the great and 2 one of my middle names is Alexander :D

    My lvl 48 Romulan Scientist commands the U.S.S Charon a hybrid of the Luna sol and Polaris class i decided to make it the prototype of a class named after the ship that was lost in a novel.

    "It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
  • mussapiensmussapiens Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'm currently running a science vessel (because: noob) named the USS Compulsion. This is halfway because I like naming my ships after symptoms of mental disorders (my Miranda was named the USS Ritual), and halfway because I think it's really funny to traverse the universe farting out clouds of quantum mines and then yanking my enemies into them.
  • msicptnmsicptn Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Character: MSi (My initials backwards)
    Ship: Fleet Tactical Escort Retrofit
    Name: "The Edge Of Dawn"

    Story: I named this beauty before the Halo series so lets start off with that. I wrote a fan fiction and the captain had a small speech about an impending with the Borg, while rounding the orbit of a large class M planet.

    "Here in this great expanse we can never be truly alone. You are never truly alone. In my heart I feel it's cold, and in this desperate hour I cannot deny my own fear. But I am not alone. As your captain I would lead you into this fight with a confidence and cunning un-matched by any other! As your friend I will instead, lead you as an equal. An equal who understands that fear within each of us. These Borg know no fear, and so we shall show them no quarter. They threaten this planet and the people of the planet below know no threat like the Borg. We will defend them with our lives, if needed. We will show these Borg what the federation is made of. Here. At the edge of dawn

    Fell in love with my own speech, named my ship after it.
    "I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos."-Walter
  • charliescot25charliescot25 Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    USS Dundee (Fleet Defiant Retrofit) Dundee is where I was born and raised.
    USS Icarus II(Excelsior Retrofit) I took the name from the film Sunhine after the ship was built to re-ignite the sun.

    USS Antares (Galaxy Class Retrofit) Took the name from the ship on Defying Gravity.
    USS Bellerephon (Intrepid Retrofit Zen store version) I made this name to carry on the legacy from the original name on DS9 series. She is the next generation name to the new intrepid :P
  • silverjdgmntdrgnsilverjdgmntdrgn Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    USS Valhalla (Pretty much every ship since the mirada class that you start with): Mostly from an affection for Norse mythology. And my friends have equated me to a Viking, more in physical appearance than demeanor, though sometimes that does apply :P .

    USS H. G. Wells (Wells class science vessel): Pretty self explanatory. And because I'm sometimes unimaginative like that.
  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    USS Queen Victoria (Fleet Assault Cruiser, Imperial type)

    Keeping in theme with the Royalty naming of the Assault Cruisers (Sovereign, Regent etc). Generally accepted as the best British monarch, so used for the best Assault Cruiser.

    AKS Mephistopheles (Mirror Vo'Quv)

    Named after a demon from German lore. Thought it was appropriate as I moved to Germany recently.
  • sohiragensohiragen Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    My current one is the U.S.S Diplomat ( Ambassador Class Support Cruiser ). Well because i'm kinda the diplomatic guy .... as long as I'm not beeing attacked, plus it kinda fits the role of the Enterprice's explorer roles .... ;)
  • gethralkin1gethralkin1 Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    For my Federation USS ships, I usually choose names that have a basis in the name of the class. So, for instance, the Armitage-class HEC (with its halberd-bearing class emblem) is named the Holmgang after type of duel practiced by early medieval Scandinavians.

    My Ambassador-class refit is the exception in this case, as I named it the Exeter in honor of the ship that Jonathan Frakes' character, William T. Riker, served on.

    I have several Terran Empire vessels that I have chosen Roman language titles for. Each is a mirror of the English class designation. Therefore, my Mirror Gryphon-class Advanced Escort is named the ISS Opinicus (an opinicus was a mythical false gryphon), and my Mirror Prometheus-class vessel, the ISS Atreides, is named after a different character by the author of Prometheus Bound (and not the hero from Dune, although he's awesome, too). Others include the ISS Retiarius, my Trident-class, and the ISS Hegemon, my Regent-class.
  • ambassadormolariambassadormolari Member Posts: 709 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    (Argh, ignore this post please, I accidentally replied here when instead I wanted to create a new thread)
  • narek15narek15 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Mine is sort of interesting. I've called mine USS Atlantis, for a few reasons. First of all to honor the Space Shuttle mission, second of all if you remember there actually was a ship called Atlantis in TNG in one of the episodes, and thirdly... It just sounds epic! :)
    Captain Narek of the USS Atlantis

  • wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,684 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    USS AMY named after my 3 year old

    IKS NOOBS BANE cos im klingon and mean lol
  • ussberlinussberlin Member Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    USS Berlin (my Cruisers) after the city i was born and still life
    USS Warrior (my Defiant and all other Escorts) because its a War-Ship
    USS Charles Darwin or only Darwin (my Sci-Ships) after Charles Darwin and why there are some noobs in USA that... "Creation"...

    Sometimes Tom Paris or only Paris the Delta Flyer, and the Voyager - USS Janeway.

    Sometimes after my own other cpts.

    the vulkan Ship after my Vulcan Sci cpt
    18 Cpt on the way to 60: 14 of them are already 50 or over 50, one is 60 and 3 almost 43
    Subscribed For: 4 years 5 months 20 days at 26.10.2014
  • srgtburglarsrgtburglar Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    U.S.S Gorn In 60 Seconds

    I did it for the LULZ
    Opening a lockbox is like using a public restroom when u gotta poo.
    You are just hoping nobody blew on the seat or that all the toilet paper is gone.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,443 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Adm. Sills, my main alter ego, started on the Science track, so his ships have been named after famous scientists - the Turing, the Mendeleev, the Babbage, and so forth. His current ship is an Odyssey-class, the USS Hans Asperger.

    Capt. Sajak came up through Tactical, so his ships are named after military SF authors - the Haldeman, the David Drake, and such. Currently, he's flying the Defiant-class USS John Ringo. (His final ship will be named the USS Pournelle.) His one variation from this was his Ambassador-class ship, the Sarek.

    Capt. T'Song's ship reflect her Vulcan heritage - the Vulcan's Forge, the T'Planahath, and the S'harien (it seemed appropriate that a warship commanded by a Vulcan be named for Vulcan's most famous pre-Sundering swordsmith). Her current ship is the long-range science vessel USS T'Pau.
  • pompoulusspompouluss Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Visigoth, A-F so far. She's been everything from a Defiant to a (I think) Miranda to a mirror escort and beyond. I was going to name my Atrox the 'Obelisk', but I went for the Kumari escort instead so the Visigoth handle lives on.

    90% because 'visigoth' sounds cool. ;)

    But also it's a reference to asymmetrical warfare and winning against the odds, the Visigoths being a people that helped take down the Roman empire. The Visigoth's captain is an SI operative who finds Starfleet ethical guidelines most often just get in the way. She likes to think of herself as the underdog, alone behind enemy lines, doing what it takes to get it done.
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    U.S.S Gorn In 60 Seconds
    Hah! That's epic.

    I have a Fleet Patrol Escort named the USS Valkyrie (I figured a fitting name, I wanted something warrior-like).
    I have a Fleet Assault Cruiser named the USS Sentinel (for the reason that Sentinels are suppose to be strong and supporting, and I wanted something to reflect that).
    I have a Support Cruiser (Ambassador) named the USS Red October (I've always liked this name for some odd reason; first heard it on a film (something to do with a submarine) and for some reason or other, I've always applied it to Ambassador Class Starships).

    I also have a Cardassian Galor Class Cruiser named the USS Ghemor (in honour of Tekeny Ghemor from DS9).
    I have a Breen Chel Grett Class Cruiser named the USS Ushaan (because I have an Andorian Captain and figured it a good name in recognition of the Andorian tradition.
    I have a Jem'Hadar Escort Carrier that I've named the USS Taran'atar (after the first Jem Hadar sent by Odo to learn the way of the Solids).

    These are all on my main FED toon. I also have a secondary FED toon and a single KDF toon, though I can't for the life of me remember the shipnames for those two.
  • thegrimcorsairthegrimcorsair Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Each of my Captains has a specific theme for naming their ships, mostly to avoid naming paralysis upon acquisition of a new ship.

    Captain: Grimwerth "Grim" Furrowson
    Divinsion: Science
    Ship: U.S.S. Valravn (Vesta-class)
    Theme: Mythological creatures


    The valravn is a supernatural raven that hails from Danish folklore, depicted as turning into a knight upon consumption of the heart of a child, or alternately, as half-wolf and half-raven creatures.

    Captain: V'lir Saakuna
    Divinsion: Tactical
    Ship 1: U.S.S. Leodegrance (Luna-class)
    Ship 2: U.S.S. Agravain (Chel'Gret-class)
    Theme: Knights of the Round Table


    In Arthurian legend, Leodegrance is the father of Queen Guinevere and entrusted with keeping the Round table following the death of Uther Pendragon, King Arthur's father. Agravain, brother to the knights Gawain and Gareth, is often something of a not-always unsympathetic heel, and in later tellings usually plays a pivotal role, along with Mordred, in the exposure of Lancelot and Guinevere's affair.

    Captain: Pasdack
    Divinsion: Tactical
    Ship: U.S.S. V?li (Sovereign-class)
    Theme: Norse gods


    V?li is the son of Odin and the giantess Rindir, birthed to kill H??r for his accidental killing of his twin brother, Baldr.

    Captain: Foafi
    Divinsion: Tactical
    Ship 1: I.K.S. G?e Derg (Hegh'ta-class)
    Ship 2: I.K.S. G?e Buide (Fleet Norgh-class)
    Ship 3: I.K.S. G?e Bolg (Mirror Qin-class)
    Ship 4: I.K.S. L?in Celtchair (Mirror Vor'cha-class)
    Theme: Spears of Irish Mythology


    The pair of Birds of Prey, G?e Derg (the larger, red spear) and G?e Buide (the shorter, yellow spear) are named after the twin spears wielded by Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, a character hailing from the Fenian cycle of Irish mythology, and were famed for delivering a wound none could recover from. The Qin, G?e Bolg (traditionally translated as "Belly Spear") was a spear wielded by the hero C? Chulainn who appears in the Ulster cycle of Irish mythology and famed for needing to be cut out of a person as, once stabbed by it, it would send barbs out through the victim's body piercing every one of its joints. L?in Celtchair is a famous fiery lance or spear belonging to Celtchar mac Uthechar and appearing in the Ulster cycle. It is also quite famous for having such great bloodlust that it must be dipped in a cauldron of poisoned blood to be controlled or it would kill the wielder of it.
    If you feel Keel'el's effect is well designed, please, for your own safety, be very careful around shallow pools of water.
  • ravancheravanche Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Captain One-Who-Questions (alien), Science: U.S.S. Dian Fossey, providing your Gravity Well needs in style. All vessels have been named after notable female scientists.
    Shuttle name: Oh'Shora (homeworld of her species)

    Captain Defends-Like-Stone (same alien species as above), Tactical: U.S.S. Hyppolyta. I shoot, things tend to die. It seems to work. All ships have been named after famous historical amazons.
    Shuttle name: Gladius

    Captain Cassandra Baker, Trill Engineer: U.S.S. King's Row (a nod to my late home of City of Heroes). I'm sorry, were you trying to punch through my shields and hull? I didn't notice. Up until the current ship, all ships have been named after famous sieges (Massada, Stalingrad, Gibralter, etc).
    Shuttle name: Cramped. (in character she HATES shuttles and runabouts.)

    KDF Side:
    Captain Lodwynne, Orion Pirate (who occasionally does side work for the Empire. "Yeah yeah, Qapla'. Now where's my latinum?"): Garumba Siege Destroyer; IKS Red Feather. Previous theme was very Ferengi. Naked Profit, Green Envy. Sadly 'Stand and Deliver' wouldn't fit.
    Shuttle name: IKS Small Change.
  • quintarisquintaris Member Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Most of my ships are named after US aircraft carriers...even though I'm not American, I like their names. Their registry numbers are also inspired by the CV registries of their namesakes.

    USS Langley - NX-91010 - Odyssey Class Prototype
    USS Lexington - NCC-91002 - Armitage Class Heavy Escort Carrier
    USS Saratoga - NCC-91003-F - Odyssey Class Science Cruiser
    USS Ranger - NCC-91004 - Chimera Class Heavy Destroyer
    USS Yorktown - NCC-91005-C - Ambassador Class Support Cruiser Retrofit
    USS Enterprize - NCC-91006-D - Galaxy Class Exploration Cruiser Retrofit
    USS Wasp - NCC-91007-B - Excelsior Class Heavy Cruiser Retrofit
    USS Hornet - NCC-91008 - Steamrunner Class Blockade Runner Retrofit
    USS Essex - NCC-91009 - Defiant Class Tactical Escort Retrofit
    USS Intrepid - NCC-91011-E - Sovereign Class Assault Cruiser

    And the ones not named after carriers...

    USS Regina - NX-91334 - Fleet Aquarius Destroyer
    USS Eddard Stark - NCC-91100 - Breen Chel Grett Warship
    IGS Rose Tyler - AT-91012 - Andorian Charal Escort
  • spyralpegacyonspyralpegacyon Member Posts: 408 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I have two ships in mind for Captain Denny Kidd, the gentleman pirate of Starfleet:

    His current and future fleet ride is the Dervish-class escort U.S.S. Emden, NCC-96415. Named in honor of the last gentleman pirate ship of the 20th century, the S.M.S. Emden. I always felt Starfleet needed more German ships, this was one that didn't have negative historical connotations.

    His other future ride will be the Sovereign-class cruiser refit U.S.S. Black Prince. Named less after Prince Edward, more after the ships of the Royal Navy to carry the name, and mostly because its a badass name to put on your flagship cruiser. :D
  • y4artuy4artu Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I actually hold two accounts on STO ~ the second to provide a playing partner for guests (family and friends) and also to help with Foundry Projects.

    The first...

    Y4ArtU ~ aka Jason 'Nemesis' Journey (don't ask! The legacy of those names is complicated :-) flies a variety of ships all named after specific medical illnesses, conditions, or causes of my significant disabilities and this is a way of laughing at my condition, so...

    Atrox Carrier ~ USS Neuroborreliosis ~ Tertiary Lyme Disease
    Stealth Fighter ~ USS Borrelia ~ The Bacterial Spirochete responsible
    Shuttle ~ USS Spirochete ~ The generic for Borrelia

    Other ships include:- USS Lymphocytosis, USS Tetra-Paresis, USS Paresthesia, USS Ataxia, USS Hylar-Infarct, USS Polycythemia, and USS Triple-Infection (a Multi-Vector Advanced Escort = Three hulls).

    New ships tend to be named after their class until I think of a suitable name and also names get reallocated around the ships once in a while but; all ships are numbered NX-96669-(X) which reflects exactly how often the number 666 has featured in my life :-)

    Hence, my most recent acquisition, an Andorian Kumari Escort triple pack is temporarily named USS Kumari T5E4S2 to remind me how many slots it has ~ As an aside, the weapon layout for this escort makes for interesting configurations and tactics. I have developed two methods depending upon the situation ~ first Blast through doing as much damage as possible and out the other side to repair and then repeat, or; Stand-off at extreme range and maintain a maximum power and rate of fire barrage to overwhelm the defences. This is tailored by the weapons and slots configuration. Incidentally, I carry the 3 Kumari universal units in the Tactical tray slots.

    My second 'Guest' account ~ Jason 'Nemesis' Aeson's ships are very boring and named USS Argo-A, or B, or C, or D, &c... ~ In Greek Argonaut mythology, Aeson was Jason's father.
  • seanftdseanftd Member Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The U.S.S. Tannadice, taken from my favourite football teams stadium, also I occasionally use U.S.S. Discovery as she is a old historic ship for my city and thought it a decent name.
  • tenjefftenjeff Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    My favorite ship I have is the USS Windsor, NCC 94284. 4283 is the latitude and longitude for Windsor Ontario, where I was born.
  • jacksalssomejacksalssome Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    My star ship is called: USS Fishy's hope because i saw it on a mission when i was a let commander.
  • istvaanshogaatsuistvaanshogaatsu Member Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    U.S.S. Vesuvius. Because I dislike Italians.
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