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Some Can't Slot Bridge Officers as of 2/14/13 (RESOLVED 2/21!)



  • edrickvellorinedrickvellorin Member Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    If you haven't got this sorted out yet, there are a couple things you can try:

    1. Try going into ship bridges and doing the assignment there. (Try every slot on both ship bridges.)
    2. Try assigning bridge officers in all sorts of maps. Sol System, various sector spaces, and peaceful systems (orbit and starbase/planets) like Memory Alpha, Starbase 39, even try Wolf 359. In some places (Sol System for example) you can try changing instances. And keep on trying.

    The first time I experienced the bug I managed to get my officers assigned going from my shuttle bridge in Sol System trying various maps on the way to (and into) Memory Alpha system. Of course, when I changed to another new ship, those same systems didn't work. But I did eventually get them assigned. Even if you are in a map you tried to use before, try it again. And like I said above, try putting someone in every slot on each map till that particular slot is full.
  • idronaidrona Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    idrona wrote: »

    Now I got them in place again, but not by just visiting the bridge, that didn't work.

    I swithed to the Odyssey - visited bridge and then were able to assign the stations for the Odyssey.

    Then switched back to the Vesta (my regular ship), and visited the Shuttle bridge and managed to assign the Shuttle Officer.

    Assigned the rest to their stations after leaving the shuttle bridge, phew..

    Some additional info to my previous post that might help others:

    I were on a station (DS9) by the Ship Selector and never docked/undocked when trying to fix this. I just used the interface below the minimap to transport directly to the bridges.

    Also note that I had to visit the Shuttle Bridge and assign the Bridge Officer there before it finally worked on the Starship.
  • kthangkthang Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Wow, I got his bug very late last night and thankfully found this thread though I thought I'd wait until morning to post but lo and behold suddenly a few others have this issue as well yesterday/early today.

    I hit lvl50 with my KDF character in my Kamaraq, then got a Marauder FDC and could not move any BOs. Dismissed the Kamarag, still no go. Found this thread, but I had to actually go to my shuttle-bridge to do the assigning. Later I found out I could also do it from my own main bridge. Doing the "Temporal Ambassador" mission again to retrieve my Kamarag Rf. I noticed I could actually change the BO's during the mission as well. But when I finished the mission, I could not and had to do the bridge shuffle again.

    This thread was originally from late last year, and suddenly it resurrects today. Could there be something with yesterdays patch?

    I've reported it as a bug as well through the in-game interface. Speaking of, whenever I do a search to see if a case has been reported before nothing pops up. No matter what I search for, so it's easy to report one bug several times through different people that way.

    Anyway. I hope the programmers do fix this, soon[tm].
  • bberge1701bberge1701 Member Posts: 726 Bug Hunter
    edited February 2013
    I had a less serious version of this bug: After running the mission, and re-slotting my bridge officers, I was getting a different officer popping up for alert messages (for example, when you hit an edge in sector space). Not game-breaking, but certainly annoying.

    I found a work-around which fixed my problem. I ran the mission again, and re-slotted my bridge officers as soon as I returned to my ship, before completing the mission and leaving the nebula. After doing this, everything was back to normal.
  • michaelteiguemichaelteigue Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    kthang wrote: »
    This thread was originally from late last year, and suddenly it resurrects today. Could there be something with yesterdays patch?

    Well, as far as I know, this particular bug didn't appear until right after yesterday's maintenance.

    That was when:
    1. The Anniversary event was, for no apparent reason, extended, and
    2. The criteria for the Temporal Ambassador mission was changed.

    I state those two events in particular as, on my 'toons, the problem was primarily with the Ambassador ships. Unfortunately I can't be definitive about that as my other ships were already crewed and, after the Ambassador fiasco, I was reluctant, and I still am reluctant, to unassign any BOff on another ship just to see if I can assign them again.

    I would say that the Patch is at fault given that the fault wasn't there until the Patch was applied.
    Disclaimer: This post is in no way intended to be a troll or flame or slur of any other kind towards anyone or anything either directly or indirectly involved in or with, or not involved in or with, Star Trek Online and I proffer my sincerest apologies to anyone who believes it is directed to the aforementioned.
  • danbuk24danbuk24 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Either going to your fleet starbase or going to the Aenigma Nebula seems to work for me. :)
    "More spacebar Mr Worf! More spacebar!"
  • nyghthawk1nyghthawk1 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Still no luck after changing maps, going to different stations, changing ships - This toon did just rank up to Admiral, lower half, so I did purchase new ships... Wished I had kept the old ones till this is fixed.

    se la vie
  • nyghthawk1nyghthawk1 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I would like to thank whoever suggested warping to your fleet station. It worked. I was able to assign my bridge officers. Thank you.

  • syfy88syfy88 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Ok the last patch has mess up my game badly because now i cant switch my bo powers around. For PVE i used one set bo to do pve mission and when i do PVP ones i switch my bo around to them to help me in pvp battles. Now i know everyone wants details in how and what going on so i explain, on the bo station page ya have a set of bo powers showing, switch to another ship and they are not showing, so when i try to click the little drop box to show them and place them, it not letting me click on the drop box to place them. So then i decided to go to another ship try, same problem. Yet when i return to my last ship that i was using before the pve mission, they return like the game thinks i am going to do more pvp battles. SO not sure what going on but it seems to happening to alot of poeple in my fleet now. PLus i check my other toons and see how they are, same problem whatever i was doing or before the patch hit, they stuck at whatever bo was in at the time, so now i have an eng and an sci that i cant switch bo powers around and as for my tac, i guess i have use him till the fix gets done since he the only one that has the bo powers where i like them at.
  • vesolcvesolc Member Posts: 244 Arc User
    edited February 2013
  • kthangkthang Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well, as far as I know, this particular bug didn't appear until right after yesterday's maintenance.

    That was when:
    1. The Anniversary event was, for no apparent reason, extended, and
    2. The criteria for the Temporal Ambassador mission was changed.

    I state those two events in particular as, on my 'toons, the problem was primarily with the Ambassador ships. Unfortunately I can't be definitive about that as my other ships were already crewed and, after the Ambassador fiasco, I was reluctant, and I still am reluctant, to unassign any BOff on another ship just to see if I can assign them again.

    I would say that the Patch is at fault given that the fault wasn't there until the Patch was applied.

    Yes, I would not be surprised if the current issue is rooted here. I was in my Kamarag Rf. when it all went south, which also comes from this mission.

    Branflakes posted a quite a few pages back, so it seems the team is highly aware of the current issue. Lets just hope for a hotfix some time during the weekend.
  • admiralkdbjadmiralkdbj Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Hey guys, I had this issue until I visited my bridge and it allowed me to assign Bridge officer stations there. Hopefully it will work for you too
  • plotacourseplotacourse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Any ideas what a KDF can do?

    I have tried changing ships, changing instances, changing systems, and going to my Bridge -- all with no effect other than causing me more frustration.
    I am not in a Fleet and I have no desire to join one.
    I don't have a shuttle and I have no desire, nor funds, to buy one.
    In those latter cases I should not have to either join something I don't want to join, or spend money I don't have to spend, in order to workaround a bug that is no fault of mine and should have been fixed already. It's been more than 25 hours since it was brought to light and that is 25 hours too long.

    The game is unplayable without a Bridge crew -- unless I get my kicks from having the virtual living TRIBBLE kicked out of me because I don't have all the abilities I should have -- and I don't get my kicks that way.
  • ajddominionajddominion Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This bug seems to affect your current ship or a new ship you are switching to. If the ship was one you already had, it seems to not be affected. I listened to someone in zone chat with one of my characters, went to the fleet system, and was able to assign bridge officers. Once I reached the correct level for the Tier IV ship, I switched to it, and experienced the same bridge officer issue. The catch is that none of the techniques others have found to work actually worked.
  • sarliksarlik Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    sarlik wrote: »
    I have the same problem. I didn't do anything to trigger it -- 3 of my 5 bridge officer stations were empty upon logging in after the patch today. I've tried every combination of fixed people have mentioned in this thread, and nothing works: I can't fill these stations, nor can I fill stations on any other ship.

    This must be fixed immediately; space combat is 100% unplayable with a bug of this magnitude. I have reported this bug using both the in-game and website interfaces (ticket #130214-000556), for all the good that ever does.

    Update on my own situation:

    I re-opened STO again yesterday a couple hours after making this post, decided to go through the various fixes again to see if I missed anything. First, I verified that I was still unable to assign boffs when on ESD or in Sol System. Second, I decided to go back to the fleet starbase system since that seems to have the highest success rate on this thread.

    Going to the fleet starbase system (not on board the starbase itself) worked, and I was able to assign boffs to all bridge stations.

    I know I had tried to assign the boffs in several locations including the fleet starbase, but it didn't work the first time. It's possible that I made the attempt only inside the starbase instead of outside, but I'm 99% certain I tried both; given this, it might have been exiting and re-starting the game that enabled this fix to work in my case.

    So, if you're still unable to assign boffs even in the fleet starbase system, try exiting the game, re-starting it, and going back to the fleet starbase system to try again.
  • syfy88syfy88 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This bug seems to affect your current ship or a new ship you are switching to. If the ship was one you already had, it seems to not be affected. I listened to someone in zone chat with one of my characters, went to the fleet system, and was able to assign bridge officers. Once I reached the correct level for the Tier IV ship, I switched to it, and experienced the same bridge officer issue. The catch is that none of the techniques others have found to work actually worked.

    As ya said, i was in the enterprise c ship and testing out my omega Mk XII gear and my fleet phaser in it. then the patch came and i got done testing and i love the galaxy x and fly it as my main toon ship since he an engineer. Well now i am stuck in the enterprise c ship and when i try some of other fixes, it didnt work. My sci toon is stuck in the enterprise c ship too since i see what it could do as a ship and my tac i never unpack to test it since i he tac in an exsort ship. so now the only toon i have that not mess up is my tac, all others are stuck in the last ship which was the enterprise c ship
  • cmdrkruge1cmdrkruge1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    xiaoxiaon wrote: »
    Many of my contacts have had issues getting this to work. The following repro steps have *worked* for everyone encountering this issue:

    Go into sector space
    Swap instances
    Go to your primary ship's bridge
    Press U -> Click Stations
    Select the first bridge slot and select any BOff. Do *not* reselect "None".
    If this does not work, redo these steps and select the first *Universal* bridge slot and select any BOff.

    Six people so far who have been unable to get BOff slotting to work were able to resolve the issue doing this. The fleet starbase trick worked for a couple others as well, but not the players mentioned above.

    These steps worked for me. thx!!
  • choktarchoktar Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Ok so I can't seem to assign my bridge officers to my new ship since the new update :(. Can anyone help?
    I use to use a Heavy Cruiser but can't select the NONE tab to unassign Boffs from their stations. Now that I am lvl 30 I have a new ship I can't assign my old Boffs to the new stations. All I can do is assign my new ensign Boff.
    Anyone else having this problem?
  • choktarchoktar Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    There is the possibility of discharging all my Boffs and getting new ones but I'm not quite there yet...
  • wenom4wenom4 Member Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    if u have problem to re-assign ur boffs to station just go to any space mission then re-assign them to slots and just depart - exit .... and they will be in slots :) this solve my problem
  • plotacourseplotacourse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Any ideas what a KDF can do?

    I have tried changing ships, changing instances, changing systems, and going to my Bridge -- all with no effect other than causing me more frustration.
    I am not in a Fleet and I have no desire to join one.
    I don't have a shuttle and I have no desire, nor funds, to buy one.
    In those latter cases I should not have to either join something I don't want to join, or spend money I don't have to spend, in order to workaround a bug that is no fault of mine and should have been fixed already. It's been more than 25 hours since it was brought to light and that is 25 hours too long.

    The game is unplayable without a Bridge crew -- unless I get my kicks from having the virtual living TRIBBLE kicked out of me because I don't have all the abilities I should have -- and I don't get my kicks that way.

    Addendum to my last post: I spent some time warping backwards and forwards between the Nimbus Sector of the Tau Dewa Block and the Hromi Sector of the Pi Canis Block, each time trying to assign BOff's. Eventually I was able to do so but it is the most Godawful workaround that it has ever been my displeasure to have to attempt.
    Seriously, this is just beyond a joke.
    Oh and incidentally, I just love the way we are kept updated -- not!
  • choktarchoktar Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Thanks that worked :).
    A bit annoying that it has to be done that way but ah well.
  • kwatchikwatchi Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Came back to the game on Monday after a long hiatus, as my brother had tried out STO the week previous for the first time and dragged me back in with his enthusiasm.

    *Monday Day 1: Re-install and log in. MY KDF Lvl 23 toon cannot buy skill-ups. No biggie though, because the 3rd anniversary mission is kinda of a push over anyway. Create ticket and new Fed toon. And then find out KDF start at 20 now... all that grinding for nothing :'(

    *Tuesday Day 2-3: Get lag issue with 3rd anniversary mission which causes mission to reset back to maintenance conduits. Read forums to figure out why. This happens for both toons once each. Le sigh, but not the end of the world.

    *Thursday Day 4: Valentines Day. More important things to do.

    *Friday Day 5: Log in quickly this morning to find my issue with the KDF toon resolved after the patch. Huzzah! But my bridge officers are now locked out ship of slots for both toons. I haven't had a chance to try any fixes yet since I am at the office.

    All I will say is that this has not been the greatest first impression made by PWE.
  • hiplyrustichiplyrustic Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It would really be nice if there was a response from the other side of the fence on this. Something besides the player-generated shower of (useful, and I posted some myself) darts thrown at the workaround dartboard.

    There are some players for whom none of the posted workarounds are 100%, and for them it's gamebreaking unless you call running a ship without a bridge crew, or with a partial bridge crew acceptable.

    It's just possible I should have waited a while to go gold, although I only bit on it for 3 months. We had a saying early on in Asheron's Call; "Never play on Patch Day". The industry as a whole has gotten better about that, but seeing the sheer volume of posts on the forums since the last patch where the attitude conveyed is "Great, another bad patch." isn't not giving me warm and fuzzy feelings....any more than reading about the Borg Boff project store bug where it has been pointed out that the bug was clearly identified and acknowledged on Tribble and still pushed to production. That's a flawed process, period.
  • richarddoverricharddover Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    As of today it is impossible for me to assign, reassign or unassign any bridge officers, on any ship, on any character on my account.
    I've tried changing instance, changing ships, changing to shuttle, warping in and out of system and sector space. I've tried logging out and in again, I've tried closing the game entirely and running it again.
    Problem exist on all 6 Fed characters and all 3 Klingon characters I have.

    Anyone have any brilliant ideas for a workaround that works?
  • hiplyrustichiplyrustic Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    As of today it is impossible for me to assign, reassign or unassign any bridge officers, on any ship, on any character on my account.
    I've tried changing instance, changing ships, changing to shuttle, warping in and out of system and sector space. I've tried logging out and in again, I've tried closing the game entirely and running it again.
    Problem exist on all 6 Fed characters and all 3 Klingon characters I have.

    Anyone have any brilliant ideas for a workaround that works?

    If you have at least one open spot on your boff roster and there are enough cheap boffs on the exchange then yes I may have one for you:

    -One ship at a time, buy a new set of the cheapest boffs you can find...enough for all that ship's stations.
    -One slot at a time (for the entire following process), activate the appropriate new boff...it should leap into the empty slot automatically (if not, select it).
    -Once it's slotted, change the slot to select the boff you want in that slot and dismiss the newly bought bargainboff.
    -Rinse and repeat.
  • gabryalgabryal Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    You know, I wouldn't mind if this wasn't happening as often as it was

    Yay I get a new ship, I unload my old ship, buy millions of EC of new equipment and.... I can't use it because I can't assign BOFF to it.

    Loads of fun there

    Now I kinda sorta get it why they removed the " Investigate Officer Reports " mission, and I know this isn't the thread for it, but it ties in in this way. Without that quest I need to go farm Dil other ways, many of which involve .. you know... playing the game. Besides which without that quest most small to medium sized fleets are now officially screwed, but hey who wanted variety or casual game play in an MMO anyway, I mean that's why 90% of players are in huge, micro-managed, power gamer fleets. We all love those don't we, I'm sure no one has heard from anyone who isn't in one in months /sarcasm

    So I've essentially got to settle for a wasted day and move on to play something else, which of course doesn't encourage me to come back tomorrow and try again, though I probably will, and of course if it doesn't work tomorrow... well you see where I'm going with this.

    Essentially I figure for every person out there that has this issue, let's call it 1000, 10 people will lose it by day 2 or 3 and finally shelf this game in favor of another ( that may be generous but let's go with that ). That's a 1% loss every time a TRIBBLE up like this happens ( we won't go over nerf's, every time they nerf something the number goes higher than 1% but might be offset by other players sticking around when they would have left ).

    Now I've seen some estimates that put STO at 1 million players active accounts, I do not know if this is true 1% of 1 million is 10,000 people. If we assume on average that people spend roughly 20 dollars a month on this game on average ( on average on average, some people don't spend anything I know ) that's a loss of 200,000 dollars a month.

    It may just be me, but that seems like a lot, enough that they would prevent this sort of thing from happening. Even if all my numbers are hypothetical it would seem financially ruinous to allow something of -this- level of significance to happen. I'd almost rather the servers stayed closed for emergency whatever, at least then I'd get the feeling they were actually working on something
  • captainpugwash1captainpugwash1 Member Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Got the same problem,,,,,have 3 ships that i cant use KDF AND FED just paid ZEN for 1 and im a bit fed up with **** ups that keep happening lately,,,, anyone no a easy way to get over the prob only im not that tec minded and not in a fleet,,,,,,
  • captainpugwash1captainpugwash1 Member Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    just tried assigning new officers from bridge officer candidates but it telling me that theirs no room,,,,,,,,
  • hiplyrustichiplyrustic Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    just tried assigning new officers from bridge officer candidates but it telling me that theirs no room,,,,,,,,

    Do you have available slots for officers? You need at least one open boff spot on your roster for that fix
This discussion has been closed.