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Ask Cryptic: January 2013 - Submit Your Questions, Please!



  • lantern8976lantern8976 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I just want to start by saying thank you for the Winter Wonderland, two years in a row and I haven't been disappointed yet. With such great social mechanics already built in for this type of event, I was wondering if there was any hope of seeing some of the Founding planets revisited?

    Risa is suppose to be one of the most sought after places in the galaxy and even just adding a race track could improve it, modifying the snowmen's avatars to Andorians or Ice monsters and putting them on Andoria, or even just adding a pvp racetrack to Starfleet Academy.

    I know there are a lot of higher priorities, just didn't know if some of the material could be reused. Thanks for all you do
  • gogo992gogo992 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    PvP updates in season 8 ?
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Is there any chance of changing the status update messages given by the Saurian NPC in the Big Dig Fleet Action from dialogue popups to flyin messages? Right now the dialogue popup has a habit of popping up while they player is still in combat and the popup must be closed by pressing the exit button.
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
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    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • wry1wry1 Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Can we please get an accolade in Game that bestows the title RedShirt?
  • akrilonakrilon Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Hello once again, DStahl!

    A selection of one of three questions for you:

    Are there any plans to release additional starship interior packs in the near future (such as the Belfast bundle), and if so, are there any preliminary details that you can share?

    Are there any plans to revisit the Galaxy-X and Multi Vector Assault Mode animations to allow for added saucer separation and/or separation while flying?

    Will we ever see the implementation of a method to need/greed/pass on loot from within shooter mode, to keep us from having to exit shooter mode each time a piece of loot is picked up during a ground run?

    Thanks for your consideration, as always!
  • cookiecrookcookiecrook Member Posts: 4,536 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Can we have something to do on planets like Risa? An artifact hunt daily or the search for a horgon that could be used to help boost diplomacy in missions, trading, and other situations?
    > <
    > <
    Looking for a new fleet? Drop by the in-game chat channel, "tenforwardforum", and say hi to the members of A Fleet Called Ten Forward (Fed) and The Orion Pirates (KDF). If you already have a fleet you are happy with, please feel free to drop by our chat channel if you are looking for a friendly bunch of helpful people to socialize with.
  • jam062307jam062307 Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Will we see a T5 Connie or variant in 2013?

    Will there be a new "embassy" with Season 8?
    tacofangs wrote: »
    We planned on doing it next weekend, but then we saw your post and were like, "Dude, we should totally move that up a week! Tee Hee!"
  • ravinravin Member Posts: 509 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Awful lot of questions being asked that have been answered countless times before. Let me see if I can ask one that hasn't.

    I purchased the Vesta bundle and I love it, however I feel shorted as the Odyssey has received a custom bridge. Will the Vesta get the same bridge love?

    It seems "one sector to rule them all" is a distant pipe dream. How about instead of that, combining certain sectors into one? I.E. group all the Cardassian Space together, Sirius and Regulous together and so on. This would help minimize map transitions.
    =\/= ================================ =\/=
    Centurion maximus92
    12th Legion, Romulan Republic
    12th Fleet

    =\/= ================================ =\/=
  • woodyvalleywoodyvalley Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I was wondering if you can tell us, in getting a better understanding with having a small QA team, on how do you or your team, prioritise between major to minor and anything in between system/gameplay/foundry bugs and fixing them?
  • icegavelicegavel Member Posts: 991 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1: What's the status of the Crafting revamp, and will it still cost Dilithium (please say no to that, putting Di in ruined crafting)?
    2: What type of ship will be the 3-year anniversary ship: Cruiser, Escort, Science Ship, Destroyer, or Carrier/Flight-Deck Cruiser?
    3: Since you've already told us that the next one is the Dominion Lock Box, what's the ship (since it's not likely to be the Bug)? If you don't feel comfortable answering that, could you tell us what some of the other rewards might be?
    4: Will Season 8 deliver early-game Klink content and/or the beginning level decrease?
    5: Will the Klingon Empire ever see a K'vort Battlecruiser in-game, despite it being visually similar to, but bigger than, the B'rel?
    6: Will there ever be a way to craft Hybrid energy-types, since many players have one or two favorites (e.g., the true Phased Polaron that IS Polaron and Phaser, or Anti-Plasma [which the Undine seem to use, Antiproton and Plasma])?
    7: The Threat-Scaling Science Consoles released with Season Seven add Plasma procs to non-Plasma weapons. Will we see this with other energy-type procs?
    8: Are there any plans you can share with us for Season 9 yet?
    9: Has anyone in the office tossed around the idea of a Delta Quadrant Lock Box?
    10: Old idea but, will we eventually see a Map Merge (One Sector Block to Rule Them All), especially since there are new Quantum Slipstreams that make sector blocks too limiting (only using 10 or 15 seconds of a buff that lasts a minute and has a 2-minute cooldown)?
    11: One other old project to poke at, what's the status of the Exploration revamp?
  • brigadooombrigadooom Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Do you have plans to add anything new to the Omega Store requiring Borg Neural Processors?

    Will you ever implement a way to turn in masses of Borg Neural Processors, rather than simply 5 at a time, for those of us wanting to turn in several hundred?

    Would you consider making a special feature episode starring T'TRIBBLE and Handsome Phaser Guy? :P
  • ooiueooiue Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Can you give us any information about the upcoming KDF ship? We pretty much know by now that the Ambassador is the 3rd Year Anniversary ship, is the KDF one the K'vort?

    Can we have some more KDF ships added, whether they be KDF in nature or allied species (like Nausicaan, Ferasen, etc.), please :)

    The Federation ship list for ships to put in the game is getting filtered out still, are there any Klingon ships that are yet to be added that you would like to see added to the game?

    The KDF have less ships in the fleet system than the Feds, could this be made up somehow by adding more lower tiered ships to higher tiers (such as the T3 and T4 Gorn ships, or the T3 Nausicaan ship) to the KDF side to help equalise it out?
    Play my missions on Holodeck!
    Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series)
    Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series)
    Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
  • ravinravin Member Posts: 509 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    jam062307 wrote: »
    Will we see a T5 Connie or variant in 2013?

    No, CBS won't allow it.
    =\/= ================================ =\/=
    Centurion maximus92
    12th Legion, Romulan Republic
    12th Fleet

    =\/= ================================ =\/=
  • captennik1captennik1 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    is their any way you can change the way we get to a map and if so can you make some pvp map that we sould pass from to go to the next sector with the risk of having a fight to pass ??
  • attilio87attilio87 Member Posts: 264 Media Corps
    edited January 2013
    With Neverwinter getting closer to being released can we expect a Foundry update to allow for custom interiors around the same time? Perhaps a bit sooner?
  • androphorosandrophoros Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Any updates to the Captain's Table planned for 2013?
    "Wesley - He wants the Impossible
    Geordi - That's the short definition of Captain" - and the STO Forums
  • michaelp1989michaelp1989 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Any chance for fleet Kar'fi and Guramba (would be nice if fl. Guramba had 5 tac consoles)?
    Is there a plan for lowering dilithium costs for reputation items like weapons or sets?
  • azntrigboiazntrigboi Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    My fleet is having issues with the current fleet ranking system as there are not enough ranks to fully flush out what we think would be a good organization within our fleet. Are there any plans to add more fleet ranks and/or add parallel ranks? This would allow us the flexibility to have dedicated bankers, project managers, etc. as well as being able to reward our members more fairly.
  • thehavrahathehavraha Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Hello Dan! Podcast UGC would love to have you back on the show sometime when you're not too terribly busy. :-)

    Question: How do you guys prioritize what the next update will bring? I heard Season 7 was originally going to be about the Gorn, which is a story I think many players would want to see, but that didn't come to pass. How do you then decide since that is going on the backburner, what time it will re-emerge on the list of things to do? It seems like a monumental task that might never have a right answer.

    Second Question: Ever fight Romulan frigates and wonder why you're fighting Birds of Prey from 300 years ago? I do. Do you think it's time for a modern class of Romulan BOP?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I am a Cheestah.
    Check out my Foundry missions
    Fed: "To Helna and Back", "Rema Donna", "Animations with Helna", "Mudd's Weapons", "Waiting for Wednesday", "Monolith"
    KDF: "Time the Enemy", "Time the Ally", "Time the Traitor"
  • nyniknynik Member Posts: 1,628 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Happy New year Cryptic!

    Just two small questions on whether the character art team (?) can find some time to do a quality pass on fixing how some hairstyles are beaming up before the rest of their character bodies AND whether any further discussion is being had as regards to the jarring stop-start animation that characters exhibit when moving just one step forward/sideways/backwards etc (when in default "jog" mode).

  • tehphillzortehphillzor Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    With Into Darkness coming out this year are we going to see any movie related costumes? Id love to have the uniform for my captain.

    yes i got a good question- when is the issue of graphics incompatibility going to be addressed?

    I've spent good $ on the game, and in the recent updates, it seems- even tho it says it still is- that on-board intel graphics for wondows 7 is no longer compatable with STO. it causes crashes/freezes EVERY time you enter a space arena of ANY kind. posted multiple tickets, noone cares enough to email me. Answer THAT one. :mad::confused::(

    Onboard graphics cards are never meant to run games. They are there to power the operating system's GUI nothing more.

    Onboard cards share the systems RAM and processor to run the card, thus taking system resources away from being able to run the game (or do anything else for that matter). You are shooting your self in the foot by using an onboard card.

    Do your self a favor and buy a dedicated video card. You will be able to play the game better and you will see a decidedly large increase in your computer's performance.

    As for what card to buy, i dont know much about nVidia cards but with ATi cards anything in the HD6000 series forward (and when you pick the card get one thats above x500, like a HD6750 over a HD6350, for example,as there are orders of magnitude different.)

    And spend more then a $100!!!

    I run this game on a 1gig ATi HD6750 with max graphics @1680x1050 (full screen windowed) on a duel-monitor set up, and its smooth as silk.
  • jnohdjnohd Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1. What are you planning to do with traits? You had answered a request for a re-trait token not long ago with a rather cryptic (lol) statement about not knowing what would be happening to traits in the coming year... how about some more info on what is being tossed about? Because we REALLY need to re-trait!!

    2. What new hints, leaks, or even simple intentions can you share with us about coming KDF content?

    3. Now that the STF rewards have been balanced (via "Adapted" sets), will you consider making all C-Store ship consoles and weapons (that are not ship-specific) available to both factions by making them ACCOUNT bound? I strongly believe this could not only encourage people to try *both* factions (if only to gain gear), but justifies more faction balanced releases!

    4. Where's Sulu? ;)
    Wampaq@Jnoh, Fleet Leader: ..Bloodbath and Beyond [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 'Iw HaH je Hoch!
    ALL HOLDINGS FINISHED! - Starbase 5-5-5-5 || Embassy 3-3-3 || Mine 3-3-3 || Spire 3-3-3
    A laid back KDF fleet welcoming independent, casual, & part-time players and groups. Roms & alts welcome.
    Send in-game mail to Wampaq@Jnoh, visit our recruitment thread and FB page for more info.
  • xlocutusofborgxxlocutusofborgx Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Ok a few questions, if you cant answer them all thats fine.. so here we go..

    1) With having a much bigger Dev team now, which has been mentioned by Dan Stahl, why are there alot of constant issues being overlooked that make it onto holodeck, and has been like this for quite sometime now? What is the process that the developement team does to insure bugs dont make it to holodeck? I can understand you can't get every single bug fixed but it seems like there is no attention to people posting bugs on the tribble forums, and the same bugs that are discussed before you guys patch, seem to make it to holodeck never the less, not to mention rarely get fixed. And one final note is that with a bigger team, one would assume that projects would also not fall behind, why are ships such as the andorian ship for example being pushed back.. is your team not fully capable of handling this game?

    2) With most successfull MMO's, there has always been a constant "theme" that Developers over the course of the games life introduce new classes/player races to the game. To give the game more variety. When can we see a new class be introduced for STO? We currently have Engineers, Science and Tactical captains, what about a possible "Command" Class?

    3) When can we see new improvements to the game, that have been talked about for quite sometime.. for example "new hair tech, exploration revamp, pvp "not that I care for this personally, but iam sure others do", the map to rule them all "sectors connected togeather"?

    4) KDF Content, when can we see a huge improvement to this faction that has been "to me" neglected on a constant basis. Such improvements as, New uniforms, new ships, missions that spand to end level like the Federation "faction" and so on.

    5) Maco Adapted set, currently we can set the (Striker) Boots "glow" to any color we so choose, when can we see this implemented with the rest of the armor set so we can match the colors we so choose? Also to add to this question is, we can only get the shiney blue helmet appearance if we set the "default" armor appearance which also gives the blue glow on the rest of the armor, can there be a fix for this so we can select the helmet to the shiney blue the default helmet has?
    R E S I S T A N C E - I S - F U T I L E
  • danwaiganddanwaigand Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Have you guys ever given any thought to unlocking the character creation system for the foundry? I'm not really sure why you restrict it so heavily in the main game, but in the foundry it makes no sense what-so-ever.

    I'm referring to unlocking all the options, like Gorn heads or Omega Force gear. While the main game can be attributed to a number of things, restricting the foundry doesn't make any sense at all, and it's definitely not a coding issue.

    Secondly, I'm curious if there's any intent to ever make UGC characters compatible with demorecord. Right now, if you make a custom character in the foundry, it simply doesn't show up after you demorecord the mission.

    I've done some tests, and some pretty entertaining machinma could be made with these two features being added.
  • mondoidmondoid Member Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    In the Reputation system will we see additional tiers past T5? Will faction ships (Borg, Romulan, Captured KDF/Fed ships for the opposing side (Fed in a KDF ship, KDF in a fed ship) be made available? If you make a section 31 faction can we get a universal cloaking console?
  • misterallen1985misterallen1985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Hi, Dan can you confirm or deny if

    1) Will we have true AUTO-PILOT by December 31, 2013?
    2) Will we have ON-SHIP MISSIONS, by December 31, 2014--on our OWN ships?
    and / or
    3) Will we have true 3D-SPACE FLIGHT by December 31, 2015?

    The above is the TLDR version. I put in some details below:

    1) AUTO-PILOT:

    I tell the ship's computer to go to Vulcan but it STOPS at a battle and asks if I want to engage or it STOPS at a merchant and ask if I want to trade, or it STOPS at a sector wall and ask if I wish to cross over. No, no, no, computer. I said Vulcan and meant it. Stop sightseeing and get me to my destination, please. I know work is being down to lower the sector wall completely. Fine and good, but until then we could still have sector walls, only when the ship needs to cross sectors, it automatically does so. Now if you want to get fancy and give us the option to turn on or off to skip waypoints, battles, merchants, etc. then I wouldn't object.


    Not just the one-off, Featured Episode variety, or where one of the awesome Foundry authors have to specially make one, but I mean regular on-ship missions based on the ship we're on--be it a starship or a shuttlecraft, because some episodes did take place on them. Just as many episodes of TOS, TNG, VOY, ENT and even some DS9 all took place on-board a ship, many of us Trek and STO fans would look forward to that in-game.


    True 3d-space flight lets you do full 360-degree barrel rolls and loop de loops, even if really slowly for the big starships, and much faster for the shuttles and fighter ships. Right now can climb and dive 80 degrees up or 80 degrees down, stopping you from doing a loop de loop. Also you can't barrel roll at all. The closest to it is maybe a 10 degree bank left or right whenever we turn the ship left or right.

    Also we should be able to have lateral and "vertical" thrust. Wrath of Khan featured the Enterprise during vertical thrust "up", as if rocket engines in the hull were pushing the ship "upward". Right now we can thrust forward and backward, but not up and down, nor left and right, as if the ship was moving Strafe Left and Strafe Right.

    -- Ken from Chicago

    P.S. While I listed those in order of which I thought was easiest to implement, my personal preference all things being equal is #1: On-Ship Missions, #2: 3D Space-Flight & #3: Auto-Pilot.
  • mikeward1701mikeward1701 Member Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    If you were sitting down to make STO today in 2013, what fundamental changes would you make to the game, changes that could only be made (or much easier to implement) if the game were being made from scratch?
    Fleet Admiral Ward
    Commander, Starfleet Corps of Engineers • 7th Fleet
    Commanding Officer, U.S.S. HEART OF OAK • NX-1759-B • Odyssey class Star Cruiser ( Lexington Tactical Configuration)
    (Steam - feel free to follow/friend me : )
  • athourstathourst Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Are there any future plans on letting us craft Star Ships?
    Or craft special parts for Star ships?
  • reinawattreinawatt Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Will many of the game's glitches be fixed? A recent patch has seen the game become quite unstable, will that be fixed before it gets any worse?

    Well we be seeing more races and story missions appear over time? There is still so much more prime time line Trek to be explored.
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,818 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Instead of asking the usual list of questions that go consistantly ignored. I just want to know one thing. Why, Dan, do you cherry pick the simplest questions to answer while ignoring questions about serious issues and questions about returning things like the Retro Gorn skins?
This discussion has been closed.