I'd say that whilst my time in-game has dropped slightly, I'm not actually playing the game anywhere near as much.
I'm logging out a lot more, doing other things then coming back for a bit and then logging out again.
Prior to Season 7 I spent a lot of time running STFs - even after I'd gotten all my Mk XII gear - primarily because I enjoyed the community that had built up around them - I also enjoyed helping other people get their Proto drops - that's ended now and the community has evaporated so there's no incentive to do that any more.
So I've spent my time instead Doffing - running Contraband missions on my KDF characters so I don't have to play content I don't want to just to acquire Dilithium.
I've also been working on my Fed character's Doff roster - running the Officer Exchange missions and buying Very-Rares off the Exchange so that his roster is nearly all purples now (he was almost there anyway). Previously I'd have been squishing blues into purples at SFA but I no longer do that due to the Dilithium cost.
This also means I've got no impetus to get all-purple Doff rosters for my KDF characters so I've left them with a mix of uncommons, rares and a handful of very-rares.
As for actual gameplay, I run the occasional STF when the mood takes me - mostly ISE and KAGE but the quality of players running these has dropped substantially (most of the hardcore STF'ers have drifted away) and with the queues broken, PuGging even the simplest of STFs has become an excercise in frustration.
I go Epohh tagging every few days which is fun for a few minutes and I've levelled up the rep system on all my characters to Tier 2+ and done the Romulan missions that unlock at each Tier - and... that's about it. The occasional foray into Tau Dewa space to grind Rom Marks from Narendra I suppose.
Other than that I just sit in a few channels talking to friends. Hopefully the next run of changes will bring a little more life back to the game - I'm not optimistic though.
It seem lots of people are logging in the same but just out of automatic behaviour - like driving home everyday for 20 years then moving - some days you will drive "home" and find that you drove to the old house after you got there.
Lots of people just seem to be zombies in the game. Poking around here and there hoping there is something good to eat somewhere - but more mindless behaviour than anything else.
If a game is not fun - why play it? Cryptic needs to get ahead of this curve downward - and fast!
Some things they should do right away:
- Change the officer of the watch to reward 30 fleet marks and 480 dilthium - like the lore daily but you actually go to your starbase and do something for 5 min so this will make players more connected to their base.
- add in the 2 dailies that the KDF has which can run concurrent with others - kill 50 space Npc's and 50 ground Npc's for 480 dilthium each - the Feds really need this right now - the game need these sinced the Feds are 80%+
- Add in some fun doff chains - and LOTS of them and quickly. Add a big dilthium reward at the end of the chain + the purple doff - like 5000 - think big cryptic it's better than losing players.
- Reduce the dilthium cost to grind doffs from common to green from 500 to 50 - or new players are not going to do the doffing.
These are just a few they should be working on night and day right now to get going ASAP!
And with the FE re-runs - allow people to get the 1 item per character again - I am sure it would not be game breaking to allow people to have 2 shards or 2 canes - 1 for you to have and 1 for a boff. They definitely could allow people to claim the bound duty officers from prison 4028 mission again - would be nice to give those 2 doffs out and have a second copy - again not game breaking and FUN - yes Cryptic you need to have these things fun and FAST!
I only just seen this thread and I thought I should post.
In the past I've not really been very active within the forums, I'm kinda more active now as when I go to practice (work), I have plenty of time to sit and chill.
I post mainly in Ten Forward as I like to be creative with my writing. (view last post wins).
Anyway I can honestly say that with Season 7, I am most definately playing less, even when I'm online I barely play content, I either Tag Epohhs... run the doff mission for Epohh research... get an Epohh Pup with Epohh Research and so on and so forth...
The only reason I can think of that is reducing my play time is... timers.
* I don't like them... hate waiting around... I've got the items to do more than one doff mission or reputation project... why do I have to wait an ENTIRE DAY!...
* I don't like the time gating, I live in the UK and in the past the Fleet Mark Bonus event normally comes around when I'm just about to have my Dinner and again when its stupidly late randomly around 1/2/3am. "I am not staying awake two more hours just so I can get a small bonus that is pretty useless"
* STF's - I have done my fill of STF's I've done more than I care, I got my only set of MACO Mk XII ground gear... and well I already have lots of the other stuff...
* the Reputation system... although I like the new passive skills that are available, how they're very nice... this reputation system has released FAR too early in my mind...
(REASON) - there are still fleets struggling to get through their missions to level up, now you've given individual fleet members the choice to either be selfish or help the fleet...
-need I say more?-
* Dilithium, dilithium was meant to be the big currency that repleased all those exploration marks... seems more currencys are making a return *face palm*
*my understanding* - players have been farming Dilithium to buy items from the C(z)-Store. so this in respect to cryptic will reduce their revenue. the only reason the reputation system exists is to reduce players grinding on dilithium. alot of missions have reduced dilithium as their reward, and the missions that reward dilithium are now specific and have timers after you have completed them.
I am not suggesting that dilithium is hard to come by, its just harder to obtain in small lengths of time.
I'll be honest, I have started playing less and playing a certain another F2P game, just to enjoy a game with story and to get away from the grind overload.
I'll log into STO late at night, do my dailies and Rep, and log off. Starbase and Embassy work is down to a trickle, since everyone got burnt out.
that other games lack of grind is why its failing. well one of many reasons why its failing.
My gameplay is basically down to doff'ing and the exchange - as I figured it would be, which basically means in and around the route to and from ds9 to esd
Albeit I have a small army of the same purples and they all locked, so there is a definite expiry date there.
Outside that I play the absolute minimum I need for marks, try to hit the booster events when I can for the same reason.
Whereas before I'd play even beyond the cap when I could and have items I was going for, willing to put in the work, it's now completely turned upside down.
I ask myself, aren't you better off not having the w/e item if it gets you off playing another 130 stfs ?
So it's interesting that where the reputation system was supposed to prolong my game it did the reversed.
It's not that I am in-active I just do as little possible.
Like right now my fleet is waiting 5 days on the romulan consoles, so that's 5 days just locked you out of the game - see you next week...
If the game is suffering on a large scale no idea and things might change once they patch the rep system.
I will have to get a feel for it first and of course also check the prices on t5 - albeit if lower tiers are any indications I could easily see myself calling my characters completed.
Whereas before I'd play even beyond the cap when I could and have items I was going for, willing to put in the work, it's now completely turned upside down.
I ask myself, aren't you better off not having the w/e item if it gets you off playing another 130 stfs ?
So it's interesting that where the reputation system was supposed to prolong my game it did the reversed.
I feel the same - I was curious about the Cutting Beam and the Romulan Console but in the end decided to ignore them both (and everything else available in the rep store) until I hit Tier 5 since I don't want to prolong the reputation system any longer than I have to - I find it intrusive and unnecessary.
Ha also living in the UK, I find the fleet bonus thing and the mirror universe event were both always inconvenient .
I pretty much agree with you and what a lot of the more critical posts have said here.
What I have come to realize though is whilst the game does have some nice features what kept me coming back and playing was the great community around the STF's, as Weyland has said this has basically evaporated... along with this my fledgling fleet which seemed so full of promise in Season 6 has be brutally cut down long before it's time and I am the only one left standing to try and drag it into T1.
Basically the two things that kept me coming back for more and putting money in have gone. As such I play a lot less.:(
One thing I forgot to mention that ties into removing the old stf system.
I have zero incentive for playing anything but the easiest stf's, as so many people rightfully predicted, even the supportive biased podcasters brought it up.
In season 7 I feel that myself 800 %. It's simply so much easier to log on another character during the cooldown and ignore all other maps.
Albeit 1 map is enough to go in-active for 2 days, so it's like double futile.
And I could say the same thing for the romulan instances on the planet and the ant farming in the fields, if those had unique drops there be a reason to go there.
Didn't have to be supreme stats just something unique. It could have had rare crafting materials drop or actual combat pets or whatever, maybe even something totally new.
STF's aren't worth doing as I finally have my mk 12 sets, and the rewards that are left are pitiful.
Won't participate in the rep system.
Grinding dilith is a waste of time since the C-store has nothing I want.
The cooldown timers on the FM missions are longer than the missions and keep me staring at the screen waiting for them to expire.
The co-op PvE missions keep me waiting at least 20 minutes because I have no clue how many others are qued (or not).
I may play more once I secure my fleet ship, but not at 2K zen for fleet modules.
Yeah, I'm playing 50-75% less since the release of season 7 and it's the same for many guys in my fleet.
The problem is there's absolutely no short term incentives for ANYTHING now. You can't get anything good from drops so once you have your Romulan/Omega marks (one mission every 4 days fills that up) and the starbase projects are running, there's no reason to keep playing.
Yes, you can still get Dilithium or stockpile marks, but for most people that's really no incentive.
I have other games I can play, I'm not going to sit in an STF or Event when there isn't even a remote chance of being rewarded for it.
Much less. The reputation system and added holding grinds are soul-crushing and mind-numbing. It makes it very difficult to find the will to log in and take part.
Much less. The reputation system and added holding grinds are soul-crushing and mind-numbing. It makes it very difficult to find the will to log in and take part.
Agreed, especially without the community that made it so fun before.
that other games lack of grind is why its failing. well one of many reasons why its failing.
No, it lacks a viable endgame, something people in beta pointed out repeatedly and were ignored. Grind is repetitive gameplay that is not fun. STO has grind (something people on Tribble pointed out repeatedly and were ignored), hence the problems that have befallen PWE with Season 7.
i am playing less and more than once just quit in the middle of something because i was just sick of it. before season 7, even in a bad pug, i would continue as a courtesy to other players, but my patience has worn thin.
I have queued up for the infected ground optional a few times in season 7 and the second they ruin it, I am out of there.
It used to be I never quit because we had the drops at the end but now it's all I do.
ps. What I mean to say is I can't count the number of people I personally trained during fights or carried, or both, through ground stf's, that's officially over.
It seem lots of people are logging in the same but just out of automatic behaviour - like driving home everyday for 20 years then moving - some days you will drive "home" and find that you drove to the old house after you got there.
Lots of people just seem to be zombies in the game. Poking around here and there hoping there is something good to eat somewhere - but more mindless behaviour than anything else.
If a game is not fun - why play it? Cryptic needs to get ahead of this curve downward - and fast!
Some things they should do right away:
- Change the officer of the watch to reward 30 fleet marks and 480 dilthium - like the lore daily but you actually go to your starbase and do something for 5 min so this will make players more connected to their base.
- add in the 2 dailies that the KDF has which can run concurrent with others - kill 50 space Npc's and 50 ground Npc's for 480 dilthium each - the Feds really need this right now - the game need these sinced the Feds are 80%+
- Add in some fun doff chains - and LOTS of them and quickly. Add a big dilthium reward at the end of the chain + the purple doff - like 5000 - think big cryptic it's better than losing players.
- Reduce the dilthium cost to grind doffs from common to green from 500 to 50 - or new players are not going to do the doffing.
These are just a few they should be working on night and day right now to get going ASAP!
And with the FE re-runs - allow people to get the 1 item per character again - I am sure it would not be game breaking to allow people to have 2 shards or 2 canes - 1 for you to have and 1 for a boff. They definitely could allow people to claim the bound duty officers from prison 4028 mission again - would be nice to give those 2 doffs out and have a second copy - again not game breaking and FUN - yes Cryptic you need to have these things fun and FAST!
What do you guys think of these ideas as a quick and rapid fix to the problems - would they tide you over until so more stuff came out and cause you to play more?
What do you guys think of these ideas as a quick and rapid fix to the problems - would they tide you over until so more stuff came out and cause you to play more?
The changes you propose would do nothing for my situation.
If you are a pickle in a pickle jar you know every pickle's different, sort of, but really they're all just pickles...
I have dropped the amount of play time by 70% since season 7 started.
How has your experience been? What do you notice from your friends/fleet mate?
How do you compare your time spent now with compared to 2 weeks into season 6?
To answer the original post, I would say no, my time play hasn't diminished. It's just a lot less fun. Now I can't just log in the character I want to use and have fun. Now I have to spend 2 hours logging in each character in turn, grind some resources, schedule rep projects AND Doff missions, manage exhaustive inventory with limited inventory slots, then help with fleet projects, then play for fun. And all the while no chance to finish my STF ground and space sets. No, definitely not much fun right now. Duhhh. Nope. Not much. Heh.
Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER
To be perfectly honest though S7 is only part of the reason for that.
I recently got a new computer so I'm putting it through it's paces playing all the games that made my old computer cry, plus with the recent steam sale and recent new releases I've got quite a collection of new games stocked up for the holiday period.
To answer the original post, I would say no, my time play hasn't diminished. It's just a lot less fun. Now I can't just log in the character I want to use and have fun. Now I have to spend 2 hours logging in each character in turn, grind some resources, schedule rep projects AND Doff missions, manage exhaustive inventory with limited inventory slots, then help with fleet projects, then play for fun. And all the while no chance to finish my STF ground and space sets. No, definitely not much fun right now. Duhhh. Nope. Not much. Heh.
This is what I keep hearing over and over : the game is not real fun any more but I keep doing it - at least a little.
This is scary - people playing a GAME that is not fun - only adults could do that I guess.
If you tried to get a whole bunch of children to play a game over and over that was not fun - you would have a extremely if not impossible time making them do it.
And if you gave them the choice between cleaning the house or playing a not so funny game, what would they pick
Also if you look at it, newer games made for the current generation is actually simpler than they ever were.
I'd argue the opposite, they are easier to please if anything and in fact responsible for a lot of cultural decline, not just in-game - have you tried watching tv recently
If you ever saw "idiocracy" you know where I am getting at...
Anyway 2 reasons for it, 1 of course this being a star trek game and 2 the time and resources you already put in.
You want it to succeed and you are willing to take some pain in getting there.
Playing less and just about at the end of my tether, if I wasn't a lifer I would have given up already.
I had been enjoying the doffing and exchange but they killed that. They could have allowed us to use any colour doff for starbase missions and given them value like 1 green=2 white and blues=4 whites or something but instead they killed the need for higher grades of doffs while adding dil to any up grinding, that alone killed most of my fun before I even think about the rest of the TRIBBLE they have done.
I pushed to get the sci ship from my small fleet even though I begrudged it due to there not being any decent sci ships. That ship cost as much as an account unlock ship when it's just for a character but where were the alternatives. I wanted the Vesta but they are not worthy of having anymore cash spent on them with the greed they have shown over the last 2 seasons.
It seems that they can't see the wood for the trees and I fear for the future of the game while sailing it's current 'we know best' course.
What they should really do is cut these multiple mark currencies and allow you to use 'marks' on anything that needs 'marks' as well as giving dil rewards to all content so people can have FUN while playing the game.
I can't see that happening though as it seems to me that they have cut back their servers to the bone and stacked them on missions that they are forcing people to play, opening up rewards on all content would mean that the servers would struggle even more as people play what they actually want to play. That's why they time gate things IMO and is why the time gating wont go away either even though that kills people's enjoyment big time.
I play when I feel like it. Season 7's nerf to stf drops kinda kicked the excitement of seeing what was in your lootbags, so stf's are less fun for me. So I play less now, mostly just using the game to spend time till ESO eventually comes out
Lynis, Orion Engineer, main Rrezeth, Gorn Tactical, primary alt Nari, Orion Science, secondary alt
Playing less and just about at the end of my tether, if I wasn't a lifer I would have given up already.
I had been enjoying the doffing and exchange but they killed that. They could have allowed us to use any colour doff for starbase missions and given them value like 1 green=2 white and blues=4 whites or something but instead they killed the need for higher grades of doffs while adding dil to any up grinding, that alone killed most of my fun before I even think about the rest of the TRIBBLE they have done.
I pushed to get the sci ship from my small fleet even though I begrudged it due to there not being any decent sci ships. That ship cost as much as an account unlock ship when it's just for a character but where were the alternatives. I wanted the Vesta but they are not worthy of having anymore cash spent on them with the greed they have shown over the last 2 seasons.
It seems that they can't see the wood for the trees and I fear for the future of the game while sailing it's current 'we know best' course.
What they should really do is cut these multiple mark currencies and allow you to use 'marks' on anything that needs 'marks' as well as giving dil rewards to all content so people can have FUN while playing the game.
I can't see that happening though as it seems to me that they have cut back their servers to the bone and stacked them on missions that they are forcing people to play, opening up rewards on all content would mean that the servers would struggle even more as people play what they actually want to play. That's why they time gate things IMO and is why the time gating wont go away either even though that kills people's enjoyment big time.
Yes, just goto plain "Marks".... we are currently doing our Tier 4 Comm Array Upgrade project, 12,000 Fleet Marks! That is a grind to get Fleet Marks..... I dont mind it taking awhile but give us more ways to obtain the needed Marks so I don't have to do the same content over and over. Defera was reduced in Fleet Mark payout, and the Fleet Mark payout from the Romulan missions is a joke.
I also take advantage of the Doff Commendation Reports at the Fleet Starbase, but we need more options.
Yeah the game is not that much fun in some cases. We gotta do too much to earn a buck. For me it really centers around Romulan Marks and Fleet Marks.
For Romulan Marks: I am not really looking for more to get awarded for the same amount of work... I want the same amount of marks for LESS work.
Getting tired of New Romulus, it just takes to long. I should be able to do the staging area or other area's after pressing F like 10 or 15 times, not 25 or almost 30 or 50 times in some cases. Make each action count more.
I'd like to see the new sector daily also give more value to the patrols. Instead of doing 5 combat patrols that each give 20% progress, I want 3. The New Romulus stuff seriously takes up way to much of my time.... I don't have any time to do anything else in the game. Seriously... doffing has pretty much crashed for me.
For Fleet Marks: They just need to up the reward a little. Instead of getting around 20 marks for an average performance in a fleet event, how about 34 or 40?
join Date: Sep 2009 - I want my changeling lava lamp!
I'm logging out a lot more, doing other things then coming back for a bit and then logging out again.
Prior to Season 7 I spent a lot of time running STFs - even after I'd gotten all my Mk XII gear - primarily because I enjoyed the community that had built up around them - I also enjoyed helping other people get their Proto drops - that's ended now and the community has evaporated so there's no incentive to do that any more.
So I've spent my time instead Doffing - running Contraband missions on my KDF characters so I don't have to play content I don't want to just to acquire Dilithium.
I've also been working on my Fed character's Doff roster - running the Officer Exchange missions and buying Very-Rares off the Exchange so that his roster is nearly all purples now (he was almost there anyway). Previously I'd have been squishing blues into purples at SFA but I no longer do that due to the Dilithium cost.
This also means I've got no impetus to get all-purple Doff rosters for my KDF characters so I've left them with a mix of uncommons, rares and a handful of very-rares.
As for actual gameplay, I run the occasional STF when the mood takes me - mostly ISE and KAGE but the quality of players running these has dropped substantially (most of the hardcore STF'ers have drifted away) and with the queues broken, PuGging even the simplest of STFs has become an excercise in frustration.
I go Epohh tagging every few days which is fun for a few minutes and I've levelled up the rep system on all my characters to Tier 2+ and done the Romulan missions that unlock at each Tier - and... that's about it. The occasional foray into Tau Dewa space to grind Rom Marks from Narendra I suppose.
Other than that I just sit in a few channels talking to friends. Hopefully the next run of changes will bring a little more life back to the game - I'm not optimistic though.
Lots of people just seem to be zombies in the game. Poking around here and there hoping there is something good to eat somewhere - but more mindless behaviour than anything else.
If a game is not fun - why play it? Cryptic needs to get ahead of this curve downward - and fast!
Some things they should do right away:
- Change the officer of the watch to reward 30 fleet marks and 480 dilthium - like the lore daily but you actually go to your starbase and do something for 5 min so this will make players more connected to their base.
- add in the 2 dailies that the KDF has which can run concurrent with others - kill 50 space Npc's and 50 ground Npc's for 480 dilthium each - the Feds really need this right now - the game need these sinced the Feds are 80%+
- Add in some fun doff chains - and LOTS of them and quickly. Add a big dilthium reward at the end of the chain + the purple doff - like 5000 - think big cryptic it's better than losing players.
- Reduce the dilthium cost to grind doffs from common to green from 500 to 50 - or new players are not going to do the doffing.
These are just a few they should be working on night and day right now to get going ASAP!
And with the FE re-runs - allow people to get the 1 item per character again - I am sure it would not be game breaking to allow people to have 2 shards or 2 canes - 1 for you to have and 1 for a boff. They definitely could allow people to claim the bound duty officers from prison 4028 mission again - would be nice to give those 2 doffs out and have a second copy - again not game breaking and FUN - yes Cryptic you need to have these things fun and FAST!
In the past I've not really been very active within the forums, I'm kinda more active now as when I go to practice (work), I have plenty of time to sit and chill.
I post mainly in Ten Forward as I like to be creative with my writing. (view last post wins).
Anyway I can honestly say that with Season 7, I am most definately playing less, even when I'm online I barely play content, I either Tag Epohhs... run the doff mission for Epohh research... get an Epohh Pup with Epohh Research and so on and so forth...
The only reason I can think of that is reducing my play time is... timers.
* I don't like them... hate waiting around... I've got the items to do more than one doff mission or reputation project... why do I have to wait an ENTIRE DAY!...
* I don't like the time gating, I live in the UK and in the past the Fleet Mark Bonus event normally comes around when I'm just about to have my Dinner and again when its stupidly late randomly around 1/2/3am. "I am not staying awake two more hours just so I can get a small bonus that is pretty useless"
* STF's - I have done my fill of STF's I've done more than I care, I got my only set of MACO Mk XII ground gear... and well I already have lots of the other stuff...
* the Reputation system... although I like the new passive skills that are available, how they're very nice... this reputation system has released FAR too early in my mind...
(REASON) - there are still fleets struggling to get through their missions to level up, now you've given individual fleet members the choice to either be selfish or help the fleet...
-need I say more?-
* Dilithium, dilithium was meant to be the big currency that repleased all those exploration marks... seems more currencys are making a return *face palm*
*my understanding* - players have been farming Dilithium to buy items from the C(z)-Store. so this in respect to cryptic will reduce their revenue. the only reason the reputation system exists is to reduce players grinding on dilithium. alot of missions have reduced dilithium as their reward, and the missions that reward dilithium are now specific and have timers after you have completed them.
I am not suggesting that dilithium is hard to come by, its just harder to obtain in small lengths of time.
My Tuppence.
that other games lack of grind is why its failing. well one of many reasons why its failing.
Albeit I have a small army of the same purples and they all locked, so there is a definite expiry date there.
Outside that I play the absolute minimum I need for marks, try to hit the booster events when I can for the same reason.
Whereas before I'd play even beyond the cap when I could and have items I was going for, willing to put in the work, it's now completely turned upside down.
I ask myself, aren't you better off not having the w/e item if it gets you off playing another 130 stfs ?
So it's interesting that where the reputation system was supposed to prolong my game it did the reversed.
It's not that I am in-active I just do as little possible.
Like right now my fleet is waiting 5 days on the romulan consoles, so that's 5 days just locked you out of the game - see you next week...
If the game is suffering on a large scale no idea and things might change once they patch the rep system.
I will have to get a feel for it first and of course also check the prices on t5 - albeit if lower tiers are any indications I could easily see myself calling my characters completed.
I feel the same - I was curious about the Cutting Beam and the Romulan Console but in the end decided to ignore them both (and everything else available in the rep store) until I hit Tier 5 since I don't want to prolong the reputation system any longer than I have to - I find it intrusive and unnecessary.
Ha also living in the UK, I find the fleet bonus thing and the mirror universe event were both always inconvenient
I pretty much agree with you and what a lot of the more critical posts have said here.
What I have come to realize though is whilst the game does have some nice features what kept me coming back and playing was the great community around the STF's, as Weyland has said this has basically evaporated... along with this my fledgling fleet which seemed so full of promise in Season 6 has be brutally cut down long before it's time and I am the only one left standing to try and drag it into T1.
Basically the two things that kept me coming back for more and putting money in have gone. As such I play a lot less.:(
I have zero incentive for playing anything but the easiest stf's, as so many people rightfully predicted, even the supportive biased podcasters brought it up.
In season 7 I feel that myself 800 %. It's simply so much easier to log on another character during the cooldown and ignore all other maps.
Albeit 1 map is enough to go in-active for 2 days, so it's like double futile.
And I could say the same thing for the romulan instances on the planet and the ant farming in the fields, if those had unique drops there be a reason to go there.
Didn't have to be supreme stats just something unique. It could have had rare crafting materials drop or actual combat pets or whatever, maybe even something totally new.
STF's aren't worth doing as I finally have my mk 12 sets, and the rewards that are left are pitiful.
Won't participate in the rep system.
Grinding dilith is a waste of time since the C-store has nothing I want.
The cooldown timers on the FM missions are longer than the missions and keep me staring at the screen waiting for them to expire.
The co-op PvE missions keep me waiting at least 20 minutes because I have no clue how many others are qued (or not).
I may play more once I secure my fleet ship, but not at 2K zen for fleet modules.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
The problem is there's absolutely no short term incentives for ANYTHING now. You can't get anything good from drops so once you have your Romulan/Omega marks (one mission every 4 days fills that up) and the starbase projects are running, there's no reason to keep playing.
Yes, you can still get Dilithium or stockpile marks, but for most people that's really no incentive.
I have other games I can play, I'm not going to sit in an STF or Event when there isn't even a remote chance of being rewarded for it.
Agreed, especially without the community that made it so fun before.
No, it lacks a viable endgame, something people in beta pointed out repeatedly and were ignored. Grind is repetitive gameplay that is not fun. STO has grind (something people on Tribble pointed out repeatedly and were ignored), hence the problems that have befallen PWE with Season 7.
Because Season Seven has killed my main fleet, the only reason I am in game longer than thirty minutes a day is to socialize on OPvP chat.
Both the MMOs I play really do not want me to play. Sad pi is sad.
I have queued up for the infected ground optional a few times in season 7 and the second they ruin it, I am out of there.
It used to be I never quit because we had the drops at the end but now it's all I do.
ps. What I mean to say is I can't count the number of people I personally trained during fights or carried, or both, through ground stf's, that's officially over.
What do you guys think of these ideas as a quick and rapid fix to the problems - would they tide you over until so more stuff came out and cause you to play more?
The changes you propose would do nothing for my situation.
After my wife and daughter to go sleep I have a short window to play.
To answer the original post, I would say no, my time play hasn't diminished. It's just a lot less fun. Now I can't just log in the character I want to use and have fun. Now I have to spend 2 hours logging in each character in turn, grind some resources, schedule rep projects AND Doff missions, manage exhaustive inventory with limited inventory slots, then help with fleet projects, then play for fun. And all the while no chance to finish my STF ground and space sets. No, definitely not much fun right now. Duhhh. Nope. Not much. Heh.
Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER
Expatriot Might Characters in EXILE
To be perfectly honest though S7 is only part of the reason for that.
I recently got a new computer so I'm putting it through it's paces playing all the games that made my old computer cry, plus with the recent steam sale and recent new releases I've got quite a collection of new games stocked up for the holiday period.
This is what I keep hearing over and over : the game is not real fun any more but I keep doing it - at least a little.
This is scary - people playing a GAME that is not fun - only adults could do that I guess.
If you tried to get a whole bunch of children to play a game over and over that was not fun - you would have a extremely if not impossible time making them do it.
Also if you look at it, newer games made for the current generation is actually simpler than they ever were.
I'd argue the opposite, they are easier to please if anything and in fact responsible for a lot of cultural decline, not just in-game - have you tried watching tv recently
If you ever saw "idiocracy" you know where I am getting at...
Anyway 2 reasons for it, 1 of course this being a star trek game and 2 the time and resources you already put in.
You want it to succeed and you are willing to take some pain in getting there.
I had been enjoying the doffing and exchange but they killed that. They could have allowed us to use any colour doff for starbase missions and given them value like 1 green=2 white and blues=4 whites or something but instead they killed the need for higher grades of doffs while adding dil to any up grinding, that alone killed most of my fun before I even think about the rest of the TRIBBLE they have done.
I pushed to get the sci ship from my small fleet even though I begrudged it due to there not being any decent sci ships. That ship cost as much as an account unlock ship when it's just for a character but where were the alternatives. I wanted the Vesta but they are not worthy of having anymore cash spent on them with the greed they have shown over the last 2 seasons.
It seems that they can't see the wood for the trees and I fear for the future of the game while sailing it's current 'we know best' course.
What they should really do is cut these multiple mark currencies and allow you to use 'marks' on anything that needs 'marks' as well as giving dil rewards to all content so people can have FUN while playing the game.
I can't see that happening though as it seems to me that they have cut back their servers to the bone and stacked them on missions that they are forcing people to play, opening up rewards on all content would mean that the servers would struggle even more as people play what they actually want to play. That's why they time gate things IMO and is why the time gating wont go away either even though that kills people's enjoyment big time.
Rrezeth, Gorn Tactical, primary alt
Nari, Orion Science, secondary alt
Yes, just goto plain "Marks".... we are currently doing our Tier 4 Comm Array Upgrade project, 12,000 Fleet Marks! That is a grind to get Fleet Marks..... I dont mind it taking awhile but give us more ways to obtain the needed Marks so I don't have to do the same content over and over. Defera was reduced in Fleet Mark payout, and the Fleet Mark payout from the Romulan missions is a joke.
I also take advantage of the Doff Commendation Reports at the Fleet Starbase, but we need more options.
Delirium Tremens
Tier 4 Starbase, Tier 3 Embassy
For Romulan Marks: I am not really looking for more to get awarded for the same amount of work... I want the same amount of marks for LESS work.
Getting tired of New Romulus, it just takes to long. I should be able to do the staging area or other area's after pressing F like 10 or 15 times, not 25 or almost 30 or 50 times in some cases. Make each action count more.
I'd like to see the new sector daily also give more value to the patrols. Instead of doing 5 combat patrols that each give 20% progress, I want 3. The New Romulus stuff seriously takes up way to much of my time.... I don't have any time to do anything else in the game. Seriously... doffing has pretty much crashed for me.
For Fleet Marks: They just need to up the reward a little. Instead of getting around 20 marks for an average performance in a fleet event, how about 34 or 40?