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List your top three short, mid, and long-term requests for the game



  • qugiequgie Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
  • jniebaumjniebaum Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    A reputation system that is NOT a time gate - Short Term
    Bug fixes. Lots of bug fixes - Mid Term/Short Term (depending on the bug)
    More FREE ships - Long Term/Mid Term (More of the old ships in the series that is)
  • jadenmiajadenmia Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    unlockble multi-spec options

    Right now if you want to switch between existing or experimental specs, you have to always pay either your free-respec tokens, or some sort of payment that makes respecing a very risky idea.

    As it stands now, if you wanna do well in this game you only have 2 spec options for any realistic abilities, and both are almost pure solo game play styles. DPS High End fast killing or personal survivability tank spec (not true threat management tank).

    As this game stands now, if you spec a True Threat/Agro Management Tank an as True to Heal spec in this game, your a dead player.

    Without Multi spec, the option of experimenting is far to costly to the player to try anything new for very long at all, cause the need for survival or High End DPS will out weigh the desire to experiment with other spec options in a more team role based play style.

    Any players who foster any sort of advance teamwork that can utilize the high end extremes of a True Tank or True healer to the best of those abilities quickly find them selves out of luck cause next to no player wants to spec into something that will get them killed solo.

    Simply changing bridge officers wont be enough when you cant afford to change your skills tree spec, and you would have to personally choose either Survival or highend DPS just to keep the game fun for your self.
  • ocilonocilon Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This is a long read, but one I hope will be worth your while, either as a player or a developer.
    If this fires up a long discussion or vitriolic debate I will repost this whole mess in its own thread and simply change this post to link to it from here for the convenience of any dev or forum goer who might want to come back review/laugh at it.

    Borg Neural Processors are nearly worthless. Granted, they can't be used for getting items until you reach the final tier, but that doesn't mean their ancillary purpose as a dilithium supplement should automatically be so... well, so miniscule. Currently each processor is worth 200 dilithium and five must be collected to turn them in. That's an awful lot of work for very little reward and as such provides little incentive for players to use the feature.

    A more reasonable arrangement might be allowing processors to be turned in two at a time for a value of 1,000 dilithium, but with a wait time of two or three hours. This would make it akin to the "turn in contraband" assignments, though for half the reward. This will allow players to spend some of their processors for a worthwhile gain without using it as a primary source of dilithium income and save some for later use.

    Fix them torpedoes. I might do a whole ?nother giant wall of text explaining my thought processes on this. Maybe. Otherwise I had nothing to put in mid-term. Ignore this.

    -Fix the Reputation system.
    +Problem A1: The wait.

    The system is boring and effectively rewards players for NOT playing the game. This is bad. Once a project is started there is nothing to do but wait for very nearly two days. What will players do in the interim? I can't speak for the entire player base, but personally I'll be playing something else.

    +Problem A2: The wait for loot.
    The rewards at any tier of the reputation system aren't worth it. It takes 81 hours just to reach the first tier, then another 40 to unlock anything. Unfortunately it's all worthless junk. Certainly the set items are worth acquiring, but each set only comprises 3 items. However, a Vice Admiral ship requires seven to eight weapons, and those bought from the store require significant investments of dilithium to purchase and 40 more hours of thumb twiddling before they can even be bought. Fleet weapons, while more expensive, are vastly superior and don't require two months of waiting to unlock mark 12 quality.

    In short, a player's time and resources are far better spent working towards fleet weapons, shields, and other hardware rather than buying anything at all from the reputation store, let alone bothering to unlock them in the first place, as that would slow down unlocking the only desirable items for sale: the unique sets. If these could be acquired through other means I doubt hardly anyone would bother with the reputation system after reaching tier one and seeing the costs and wait times involved for everything.

    +Problem A3: The wait for expendable loot.
    40 hours for a consumable? These things better have a bazillion charges in them or do something hilariously awesome that isn't listed in the description, like spawning tie fighters and storm troopers. I can get scorpion fighters and cryo grenades in just an hour or two--and they're not even that useful. What possible incentive is there to spend two days getting an item I might burn up in a single STF and may not be all that useful anyway?

    +Problem B: The XP.
    Projects intended to level up a player's reputation quickly award 2,000 and 800 rep XP. All other projects award a whopping... 10. This is dumb. A player would have to do 80 such projects just to match the lesser of the two previous examples. Are there even half that many projects to do on the way to tier 5? The reward is effectively zero and seems more like a reminder--a taunt, even--that this project is actually costing you oodles of rep XP instead of awarding you an item.

    At this point it may seem like I hate the reputation system and wish it would go away. The former is true; I hate the reputation system in its current state, but I definitely want it to stay. It's a powerful tool that allows players to order their own high end content at will. That is extremely cool.

    It also gives the developers a way to deliver other content that was previously available only from lockboxes. I believe the official reason for not offering unique vessels like the Galor or D'Kora was because it "wouldn't make sense." As if that matters. With the reputation system, however, it does make sense. More on that later, though.

    In any case, I want the reputation system to be something I'll actually use. At present the whole thing is such a giant hassle I might only climb it with one captain--and merely out of curiosity, rather than a real desire for the content it delivers. That's very unfortunate because a lot of effort obviously went into its creation and at present it seems like a lot of the community hates almost to the point of abandoning the system until it changes. So in that vein I posit the following solutions.

    +Solution A1
    Remove the arbitrary waiting malarky. Frankly it's a dumb idea, or at least it is with the preposterously long waiting times. Removing most of the wait times altogether and increasing the resource costs seems like a better idea to me. Increasing the costs by a factor of 10 would require an investment of 10,000 dilithium for each level up project. That's slightly more than a day's worth, even for a veteran. This would allow long players who've accumulated vast sums of dilithium (or have several captains to generator large quantities in a short time) to quickly scale the system and acquire gear of a quality they are used to much faster than new players, who would might actually benefit from going through the long leveling process their first time. The climb to the top is only fun once or twice.

    This may also encourage players to buy ZEN and convert it into dilithium to speed things up or be forced to wait a little longer--but not as long as they currently do. There wouldn't be much point having two separate reputation XP projects if it were done this way, so they could be combined into one project. This would not only be easier for the players to manage, but would also leave one project slot free at all times to do other things. This would in turn encourage players to unlock things in the store rather than hoarding their precious project slots to climb to straight to the top, skipping everything else on the way there. Store items also happen to cost dilithium. This would further increase the demand for dilithium beyond a player's daily refining cap and consequently further encourage use of the dilithium exchange.

    The strength of this solution is that it should be incredibly easy to implement. It mostly involves changing around some numbers, which could presumably be done in a matter of hours, if not minutes. Reduce most wait times to a range of 30 seconds to a couple of hours and increase most project costs by a factor of five or something and leave everything else as is. Extremely simple. Unless players go on a massive dilithium buying frenzy it will still take around 35 days to reach tier five, but players will at least feel like they are working towards something, rather than simply waiting on it. A small, but very significant difference.

    It might also be a good idea to replace the XP milestones for leveling up the store as well. Why not, instead of using the Skinner Box model, make the milestones a linear progression? An average five days spent at each tier seems fair. It would give the player enough time to make a few wortwhile purchases before leaving it behind forever.

    +Solution A2
    This solution could be rendered moot by solution A, but I think is worth considering anyway. If getting to the end of the reputation is going to take forever or cost a vast fortune in dilithium and commodities to reach, then at least give us something that is worth the insane wait or cost. Something like starships. I want a Romulan Warbird, darn it. Or how about a special ship from OMEGA? That old Excaliber flagship design (LINK) look like just the sort of thing OMEGA might have cooked up to combat the Borg. Commodities already exist for purchasing rare and pwoerful ships; right now they're called Fleet Modules. With an easy rebranding as "Construction" or "Ship Modules" they could be adapted for use in the reputation store.

    +Solution A3
    This is also easy to fix. Either make consumable projects unlock them as store items or have the projects award a buttload of consumables. It would also be nice to know how many consumables are awarded by completing the project, since that is not currently listed. This solution could be moot for all I know. Maybe buying the scorpions gives me a stack of a hundred? I'll never take a chance wasting my time with the project unless I know for sure, though.

    +Solution B
    This was a weird complaint, I know; but one I couldn't let alone for some reason. Just make every project worth a minimum of 200 or 400 xp or none at all. Those crumbs of XP won't add up to anything even over the course of a two month grind to the top.

    Parting thoughts.
    Even after a player has reached tier five they should still want to buy stuff from the store. Making the merchandise just expensive enough to be out of reach without some use of the dilithium exchange is one way to go about things, but what if a player isn't interested in the consumables? I probably won't be unless, as previously mentioned, they spawn copyright infringing mooks that will breakdance and broadway at the snap of my fingers. So I posit a different way to keep players using the reputation store: rentals.

    Rather than selling all those sweet mark 12 weapons and sets, why not rent them out? I'm sure every non developer reading this is seething with rage at the mere mention of the idea, and rightuflly so. It would be very hard to pull off and make it feel worthwhile. But personally I'd like to keep coming back to rep store, instead of getting everything I want from it and then abandoning it completely. I think a good way to ensure regular use of the system would be to allow players to "rent" complete weapon loadouts and item sets.

    Instead of having to buy everything one piece at a time over the course of a week or two, wouldn't it be better to make a single lump payment that will secure you access to all the gear you want for say... a week? I don't know how much it would cost, but perhaps something in the neighborhood of 20,000 dilithium for a group of any 8 weapons of my choosing? That's 2,500 for each one. This may seem cheap to a developer, but it isn't for a player, and remember that they're rentals. Guaranteed not to last.

    Certainly the option to actually buy your equipment should remain available, but renting should carry some unique bonuses that make it worthwhile as well. Being able to choose any mark 12 weapons you want and adjust their modifiers seems like a great way to do that. Having a tough time buying a complete set of [CRT]x3 antiproton heavies? Well now you can get them any time you want.

    This would also be an invaluable tool for developers as well. Tracking which weapons and modifiers are rented the most could provide valuable feedback for balance changes. I bet there's more than one torpedo and energy weapon that will be almost totally untouched by a majority of the player base and now the devs could for sure what they are without combing the forums for complaints and instead work solely on solutions.

    And with that my giant wall text, surely visible from orbit by now, is done.
  • rezkingrezking Member Posts: 1,109 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Short Term Requests:

    Mid-Term Requests:
    Read the complaints by players about Season 7 and fix it.

    Long Term Requests:
    As an alternative to changing ships as we progress, why don't we choose (pay for) a base model ship that can be upgraded/refit that will eventually make it a Tier 5 ship.
    For example, a Defiant-class base ship with the configuration of the Tier 2 Sabre.
    As we progress, we can add console and bridge officer slots.
    Allot points to various ratings and abilities.

    Just a thought.
    NO to ARC
    RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
  • revalahrevalah Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'd like to be able to pay for an ability to change my character traits. My Gorn is sitting there without the ability to bite people because I was too clueless to give it to him a year ago. And my first Caitian DOES NOT HAVE THE ABILITY TO POUNCE!!! Let me change my characters traits! You let me rename them and respec them, why not change their traits? I should not be penalized because I was clueless a year ago. Yes I would happily buy ZEN to do it.

  • hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    1) Stable server connection
    2) Stable server connection
    3) Stable server connection


    And don't even try blaming it on my machine or my connection. This started with the Season 7 pre-patching, and was perfectly fine before.
    Does Arc install a root kit? Ask a Dev today!
  • darkkloosdarkkloos Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Short Term Requests:
    fix all the bugs
    Stable server connection since season 7 it lags a lot!!

    Mid-Term Requests:
    Read the complaints by players about Season 7 and fix it.
    also add a search bar for accolades so you can find the one you just obtained

    Long Term Requests:
    more content and regions to explore
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    permanently add

    Can we have a slider bar option put in place on the Personnel Officer recruiter on the Star Base It get's kinda annoying pushing the mouse button 1000 times.

    Can the slider bar be maxed out to 50 be cause that is how many packs we are allowed to have.
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • metalhead40metalhead40 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    short term : if elite stfs reward 60 omega marks, then the normal should reward 30, not 15

    mid term : do away with all un-asked for pop up windows in the game, NOBODY likes popups, have a key to hit or something to enter systems ect. for everything but zoning to new sector blocks.

    long term : overhaul the UI completely. everything is super laggy. i can't search for things on the exchange easily at all, for example i'd like to be able to search for ship weapons by type, energy type, mk, ect. or how about searching for tac boffs by what their lt. commander ability is ? how about trading ships on the exchange ? how about lowering the prices of everthing on the z store? you guys are THE most expensive in game store in ANY mmo.
  • tcgrandpa#3038 tcgrandpa Member Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    Please add txt logging for chatsessions so one can save battlelogs and such to parse its an easy add please do so.


    I'd like to see long term exploration missions like a couple weeks with massive rewards. could be a team mission.


    lets make crafting something usable again and benificial. I myself have maxed my crafting skill and still its not that usable lets expand the crafting system to make very rare and odd items
  • derrico1derrico1 Member Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Would Love To See Cryptic Give Us Players The Ability To Change Our Crew Uniforms On Our Ships, Based On Dept. Example Medical Green While Science Is Blue Engineering And Ops Yellow Tact And Security Yellow While Command Holds The Color Red Uniforms And Colors Only Should Be Choosen By The Players. Aso If Poss. The Ability To Do The Same On Our Starbases And In Our Embassys .

    Bridge Officers Should Be Aloud To Be Seated On The Bridges By The Players Having My Tact Sit Where First Officer Sits Is Just Kind Of Crazy .also We Were Given The Op To Make Dept Heads Yet If We Go To Those Depts Those Dept Heads Are No Where To Be Found Its Some Doff Who Plays That Role Instead. Most Of Us Have Large Amounts Of Extra Boffs Why Cant We See Those Boffs In Ten Forward Or Maybe Relocate Those Boffs On Our Starbases Or Embassys Walking Around In Exchange For A Reward Or Something .

    Cryptic Has Done Alot Of Great Things For This Game But The Small Things Keeps Us Role Players Playing For Hours At End . And Makes The Game Come To Life.
  • ash11dash11d Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    derrico1 wrote: »
    Would Love To See Cryptic Give Us Players The Ability To Change Our Crew Uniforms On Our Ships, Based On Dept. Example Medical Green While Science Is Blue Engineering And Ops Yellow Tact And Security Yellow While Command Holds The Color Red Uniforms And Colors Only Should Be Choosen By The Players. Aso If Poss. The Ability To Do The Same On Our Starbases And In Our Embassys .

    Bridge Officers Should Be Aloud To Be Seated On The Bridges By The Players Having My Tact Sit Where First Officer Sits Is Just Kind Of Crazy .also We Were Given The Op To Make Dept Heads Yet If We Go To Those Depts Those Dept Heads Are No Where To Be Found Its Some Doff Who Plays That Role Instead. Most Of Us Have Large Amounts Of Extra Boffs Why Cant We See Those Boffs In Ten Forward Or Maybe Relocate Those Boffs On Our Starbases Or Embassys Walking Around In Exchange For A Reward Or Something .

    Cryptic Has Done Alot Of Great Things For This Game But The Small Things Keeps Us Role Players Playing For Hours At End . And Makes The Game Come To Life.

    sounds kool yet how about letting our boffs get more clothing slots like our captains have...
  • rachelj88rachelj88 Member Posts: 465 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'd like to see long term exploration missions like a couple weeks with massive rewards. could be a team mission.

    WANT! Cryptic can you throw me into the Delta Quadrant? atleast there I'd be free of Starfleet Dental and other things...

  • lindalefflindaleff Member Posts: 3,734 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Mid-Term Request
    I would like the robes to be available for KDF. I know it is possible since Worf, Kahless, and several of the Guards wear robes.

    The Mercenary Set that is sold in the Zen Store also does right nicely with robes. In fact that is what my Starfleet character wears. Of course, my Ferasan is stuck with only the KDF uniform or Honour Guard armour, and I should dearly like to remedy this.

    1. So, my first request is to allow KDF to wear robes.
    2. Not really a priority, but a suggestion none the less. Things like the Mercenary Set, or some such Zen Store stuff, those would be great if you could also allow us the use of that in addition to the robes. It is not a requirement, but it would be a great added bonus.
    3. On a side note, I also agree with the idea of letting us make a crew-wide uniform for our ship officers.
    I completed a 2-man CSE, ISE, and KASE, Optionals included. And I soloed Winter Invasion.
    My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
    Click here to view my DeviantArt.
  • ghostwoldghostwold Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Short Term:
    Auto Fire on the Space Weapons.

    Reason: some people do use this and right now for doing it is just horrid
    Solution: double right click and have a mini menu come up that allows for the selection of enabling or disabling it

    Mid Term:
    None that I can think of...

    Long Term:

    Fix crafting

    Reason: Face it, this part needs fixing. One of the main reasons is that it requires lots of dilithium for the needed unreplicateable materials.

    Solution: I have 2 ideas for the materials.

    1. Cheapen the price for Unreplicateable Materials mainly the Uncommon.
    2. Cut the amount used in each crafting by up to half.
    My name is supposed to be GhostWolf but I mistyped and I'm stuck with this name...
  • morden2morden2 Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Greetings All,

    I would like to see Fleet Marks added to STF's as a reward for completing the optional objects on elite STF's. There are not nearly enough missions that provide fleet marks.

    I would suggest you add 25 or 50 Fleet Marks for completing the optional objectives. This will give fleets a reason to do these missions again.

    Since the removal of the loot drops there is no reason to do any of the ground missions anymore.

    Many Thanks
    M.Morden (VGO)
  • t1gobittyt1gobitty Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Short Term:
    select multiple items in inventory (to move to bank, etc.)
    "shift+Click" type keybinding to relocate item clicked on to other location.. from bag to bank, or other way, etc.

    Mid Term:

    Long Term:

    Mining and refining. I've been on many missions drooling over the asteroids and missing my Hulk. (Hulk is a mining vessel on... *ahem* another game).
  • dichtbringerdichtbringer Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Short Term:

    Fix the UI bugs e.g. make Replicator + interior Doff Assignments work at the same time.
    Also make the UI display useful and correct information (make skills show what exactly they do by what quantity, not just "increases crit") and have correct values be displayed e.g. for crit in the ship stats.

    Mid Term:

    Redo Sector Space, make the whole Galaxy one map or remove sector space alltogether and steer the ship from the bridge. The billions of loading screens have to go.

    Long Term:

    More story developement.
    STO Voice Control Tutorial Video: WATCH
    ELITE STF SPEED RECORDS (time on optional remaining):
    S07: KASE: 12:54 | CSE: 13:20 | ISE: 12:38 All held personally, my POV
    LOR: KASE: 13:19 | CSE: 13:47 | ISE: 13:34 None held personally, other player's POV
    S08: coming soon
  • hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'll join the chorus of people calling for bigger stacks in resource buys. If a fleet base project requires 5,000 shield generators, I should be able to buy 5,000 all at once, in a single purchase. This "click for them 50 at a time" BS is just someone not giving UI updates a high enough priority. No excuses, no rationalizing. That is just a bad interface, period.

    C'mon, guys. Take a break from developing new microtransactions and dilithium sinks and show us some mercy, here.
    Does Arc install a root kit? Ask a Dev today!
  • crjasoncrjason Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I guess this would be medium term. I would love to see an auto-recycle feature. Where I could select the criteria so that if I get a drop it would automatically be recycled giving me EC. You can select each catagory and then check boxes for ech Mk level and quality. For example: Ground Armor I would select to auto-recycle everthing but Mk XII uncommon, rare, and very rare and Mk XI very rare. And you could have those check boxes for every type of drop in the game.
  • svoreignjeppsiansvoreignjeppsian Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    How & Howdy.

    Short Term

    More colour options on ship customization - currently it is not possible to completely coat your ship - it still remains partially metallic looking. Also to implement a 4th ship style to mix and match parts. I noticed the refits include a 'Unique' style but this rarely varies from an already existing style.

    Mid Term

    An auto upgrade of your current ship's hull strength, crew capacity, weapons and device slots to that of the next level ship category so that you do not need to change your ship as you progress.

    Long Term

    The ability to design your own ship style from scratch instead of having to choose from the pre-designed selection. For example case in point, you could create a spherical ship with 3 thruster/pylons positioned triangulated around the sphere.

  • cronnoc1cronnoc1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Short Term

    1. decrease in amount of time that you have to wait to do fleet actions again

    2. more dilithium items

    3. ability to choose if you can see alterations to your ship from equipment like borg tech

    Mid Term

    1. all engines edit warp speed

    2. some zen ships available for dilithium

    3. ability to sell ships (on exchange and to ship requisition officers)

    Long Term

    1. More ways to get dilithium

    2. ability to sell things for dilithium (on exchange and at shops)

    3. free zen for when you have a lifetime superscription
  • iamdino1iamdino1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    In order to finish a quest, I need to go to my readyroom to analyze data. Cant seem to find it. What should I try? dino
  • alnakaralnakar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    1: Power trays that stay the way that I set them.
    2: The ability to walk around on my ship, and have my ship continue to travel.
    3: A better way of keeping track of which foundry missions I've already played, so that it takes less work to find content that's new to me.

    1: Foundry wrapper replaced with an appropriate reward for that mission, even if it's still a significantly lower hourly dilithium income than you could earn in other ways.
    2: Replacing the sub-par exploration missions (by which I mean all of them) with a subset of Foundry missions set with a narrower completion time window. I'm thinking 5-15 minutes.
    3: A comprehensive "game manual" that doesn't require that I sift through the forums looking for an answer to my question.

    1: A decent crafting system.
    2: Gradually shift away from the idea of an aggro-radius, where I can walk into a room full of enemies, and kill a small group of them while the others stand around and watch. This is extremely immersion-breaking.
    3: Continue to find every excuse to make use of the Foundry for what it is: a nearly limitless source of quality content to keep the game alive and thriving.
    - LTS since shortly before the F2P announcement, and very happy about it.
  • sirwinnersirwinner Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    My number 1 annoyance in STO:

    Reduce the Respawn timer on deaths in Elite mode... 15 seconds on death 1... fine.

    then +15 seconds on each additional death... What the heck?

    That's insane especially when you have died 6+ times which equates to 90 seconds.

    I'm sorry but I came to PLAY not fracking sit on the bench!

    15 seconds each time you die would be more appropriate.


    #2: Borg Spheres are over powered again.

    I can just imagine how bad it would be without the more elite equipment that I have on my character now.



    #3: Reset the Dilithium back to what it was in Season 6.

    Such as add the 1440 back to the B'Tran run.

    Reset Elite STF's to 1100 instead of the current 960.


  • captainfry420xcaptainfry420x Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Short Term

    1. Larger stacks for commodities and consumables.
    2. Restored ability to dress bridge officers in off-duty clothing.
    3. Option to enable injury system without increasing difficulty.

    Mid Term

    1. The ability to give orders from my bridge, at least for travel.
    2. The ability to set a standard uniform for my crew to wear.
    3. The ability to set where on my ship my bridge officers appear; first officer's chair, tactical station, helm, engineering, the bar, etc.

    Long Term

    1. Continued expansion of the explorable universe.
  • alnakaralnakar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    alnakar wrote: »
    1: Power trays that stay the way that I set them.
    2: The ability to walk around on my ship, and have my ship continue to travel.
    3: A better way of keeping track of which foundry missions I've already played, so that it takes less work to find content that's new to me.

    1: Foundry wrapper replaced with an appropriate reward for that mission, even if it's still a significantly lower hourly dilithium income than you could earn in other ways.
    2: Replacing the sub-par exploration missions (by which I mean all of them) with a subset of Foundry missions set with a narrower completion time window. I'm thinking 5-15 minutes.
    3: A comprehensive "game manual" that doesn't require that I sift through the forums looking for an answer to my question.

    1: A decent crafting system.
    2: Gradually shift away from the idea of an aggro-radius, where I can walk into a room full of enemies, and kill a small group of them while the others stand around and watch. This is extremely immersion-breaking.
    3: Continue to find every excuse to make use of the Foundry for what it is: a nearly limitless source of quality content to keep the game alive and thriving.

    Sorry, one more. I know it's supposed to be 3, but whatever...

    4: My ship should have a useful cargo bay, which can be accessed from space. Ideally I'd like to see my inventory split into 3 tabs (Ground Items, Space Items, Cargo Bay). I feel like I should be able to store extra hypos, etc. in my cargo bay, so that I can re-stock my away-team when they return to the ship.
    - LTS since shortly before the F2P announcement, and very happy about it.
  • bublawekbublawek Member Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    1. I would like a ground and space arena where I could challenge another player to one on one combat

    2. I would love to see a tab where I could see how many kills and how much damage I have done after running missions like "the big dig" or "Klingon Scout Force" for example.

    3. Change the cost of reassiaigning underperforming officers. It is way to high. You guys have made dilithium so valuable because of the reputation store that I don't want to use it for anything. Not even fleet projects. One dilithium to one fleet marks is also not a fair trade.

    Thanks, Career Officer Bublawek.
  • swimmingfrogswimmingfrog Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I started playing the game after season 6 came out. I like the game and decided to get the life time thing when it went on sale in October. Here are some of the changes that I would like to see made to the game.

    1.) The price of dilithium it take to reassign underperforming duty officers. Right now it is 500 dil to change 5 white duty officers to 1 Green Duty officers, 2,500 dil to change 5 green duty officers to 1 blue duty officer, and 5,000 dil to change 5 blue duty officers to 1 purple duty officer. That is a crazy amount of dilithium needed just to reassign the duty officer. WTF thought of this? Right now I really just want to punch them in the face for doing this. I believe this is a very feasible change considering all of the other dilithium changes being made.

    2.) I brought on a liberated borg Bridge officer after completing one of the STFs. So far, he?s adapting well to his new assignment, but we do have one small problem. He refuses were wear any clothes. The crew is concerned about this, and my HR department is going crazy. I?ve tried to get him to wear some pants, but I?m unable to make it happen. As a result, I?ve had to restricted him to the brig. I believe if I were able to get him to wear some clothes, then he would be adapter better to his new environment onboard my ship.

    3.) I?ve also adopted a Jem?Hadar Bridge officer. He does pretty good, but he is an addict. I have sent him to the counselor to get him on a 12 step process. The problem comes when we?re on an away mission with him. He only wears his uniforms, and therefore looks way different than the rest of the crew. This has caused fratricide on many occasions. Please allow him to change his uniforms so that he matches what the rest of the crew has.

    4.) I am able to change the uniforms that my bridge officers wear. (except for the borg and the jem?hadar) However, when I walk around my ship, all of the other crew members are wearing something different. I would like to see the option to change the uniforms that my crew wears so that they match what me and my bridge officers are wearing, thus making the crew uniform. I just think that it?s odd that I can get my bridge changed out, but I can?t get my crew to change uniforms.

    5.) The episodes section needs to have a new romulas added. The episodes was one of those things I liked. Each one was like a season of star trek, with each mission being a show that you got to play. If you can get one of these for season 7, then it might be more successful than just creating a mission hub on new romulus.

    So, these changes go with my play style. I like to make up my crew with the uniforms that I want. The duty officer assignments are fun to do. Completing the episodes are fun. Since I?ve completed the episodes, I?ve moved on to the different events that I can que in for. If the above changes can be done to the game, then I would be a very happy player.
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