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Breaking News: 'some' dilithium changes to be reverted



  • willy01pwewilly01pwe Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    darthwoo wrote: »
    I'd imagine that the only "spoken" things that they were listening to were whatever notifications they get that a player has cancelled their subscription. Between the people mentioning that they had done so, and the players I know personally that have done so, there have to have been hundreds if not thousands of lost subs in the past couple days. Even with this compromise, I doubt they'll get even half of those back. They can't bring one thing back at the cost of nerfing something else and expect that much satisfaction.

    The sad thing about canceling your STO subscription (I know, I did so yesterday afternoon after seeing the garbage pushed live with Season 7) -- you push the cancel button, the green "Active Subscription" text on your account page becomes red noting the cancellation and the cancel button becomes an "activate subscription" button.


    But, there is no survey to allow the player to voice their opinion on why they are leaving the game. When I canceled my subscription to World of W^rcraft after 6.5 years, it brings up a detailed survey asking you why and even gives you a place to enter a description (the Essay question!). I got a similar survey in email from Bioware when I canceled TOR after three months.

    Star Trek Online / Cryptic / PWE ? nothing. Not even a feedback button to post a message to billing department. It took me 30 minutes to find a link to an email address, which was a perfect world address, and I did voice my opinion, but I know down deep that PWE doesn't care. My credit card was valid during the last billing cycle and it cleared when I bought zen points during the 20% sale they had a few weeks back.

    Well, I'm nerfing the amount of US Dollars that Perfect World will be getting from me. They will no longer get $15 a month, I'm dropping that figure down to $0 a month. They will also no longer be getting periodic purchases of Zen points, which I usually bought in the $20-$30 range. That figure will now be dropped down to $0, periodically of course.

    They can make up for this nerf by gouging some f2p customer that wandered on the scene in the past few months and who will probably leave in the next few months.

    I've been a long time advocate of this game, and to a lesser extent Cryptic. I've subscribed since day 1 of launch, 33+ months, 1015+ days uninterrupted, and not grandfathered in during the recent $200 LTS money grab promo. Nerfs hurt, Cryptic.
    No Star Trek Series went past Season 7.

    Will Star Trek Online survive Season 7?
  • xspakkaxxspakkax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    you think that they insert dil into stf for make u happy?

    they do this change to nerf dil farm not for us.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Pretty much how a convo went somewhere in the offices

    Grunt: Sir!! they are complaining about getting less dilithium in STFs any ideas

    Boss: well hmmm I got it, we are releasing Season 7 early on Tuesday...TAKE IT ALL AWAY ALL OF IT!! then we will put it back on Thursday

    Grunt: sir they will riot.

    Boss: yes, but now they know its that or nothing!! Mwhahahahahahaa

    ok I added the evil laugh :D
  • colson15colson15 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Tobar26th/I]
  • romuzariiromuzarii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    EARTH TO DAN, you cant do both a fleet action and an STF at the same time! :mad:

    this is what you call a dilithium nerf, wile calling it a buff at the same time. i REALLY hope you stf complainers are proud of yourselves, really. thank you soooo much for this nerf :mad:
    We didn't have a damn thing to do with it besides give them a wake up call. The decision to pointlessly nerf FA was their call to yet again penalize their players. If they are really serious about caring about more people refining dilithium then FAs get their full dilithium back or at least a max of 960 and they stand back and watch for several weeks to see what happens. If they don't do that then all of this deal here is is them lying through their teeth to justify nerfs.

    It's better to have options rather than bottlenecks. But I can see their reasoning for nerfing FAs. For example, myself. I only do space STFs. So, when I do my STFs in order and I get done and I have to wait for timers, what am I going to do? Any number of things, which could include easing my way into a quick FA. Now, the thing here is, they think that's wrong. They want us to grind for dilithium. I say TRIBBLE that, your 8k refine limit does the job nicely. If they're so bent out of shape about this then just reduce the limit to 5k or whatever. Might as well be 3k if the average player is only managing 3k it's clear dil is too much of a chore to farm.

    That aside, while I am not passionate about fleet actions whatsoever, I still care about the health of the game. There is no reason they can't have a good bit of dilithium, too. It's about options and they would do well to accept it, and worry less about players who will do both to cap their dil each day. The cap is there for a reason. It's supposed to be their chosen stopping point where they think enough is enough for balance. It's not their job to ensure that cap is never met. They don't want us farming endlessly so there's a cap. They chose 8k. Let us get our 8k. Period.
  • darthwoodarthwoo Member Posts: 371 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Why not revert the STFs to 480/960 as is now promised, but keep the FAs at 1440 or at least 960 but with a one hour cooldown?
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    <Redacted> Really confused at this point.:confused:
  • xantrisxantris Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Thanks for meeting us halfway Cryptic. Lets not do these last minute under the table changes anymore. The reaction the player base had to this change couldn't have come as a surprise.
  • xantrisxantris Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    deokkent wrote: »

    We have gained this:
    STF: 960dil per 1Hr + 1000 dil per 5STFs. STF lasts 15min with good team, some of them with mission failure conditions

    Your forgetting mark conversions beyond T5.

    Assuming you can complete 4 STFs with optionals n an hour, which isn't unreasonable for anyone who isn't terrible:

    960x4= 3840
    4 (BNP) = 400
    75 (omega marks average) * 4 = 300x10= 3000

    7240 dilithium potential

    Now granted, I suspect the conversions will be a 2 day project, so it's not all upfront, some of it will be backlogged as potential dilithium until you can run the projects

    Once you can cap out your omega reputation, you'll nearly be able to reach dilithium cap in a hours worth of STFs. Pretty reasonable IMO.
  • tali9999tali9999 Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    It does not change the fact that THEY LIED.

    Bait and switch much?

    Stealth nerf?

    It is sad for DSthal but that stain will remain on his good name now.

    I certainly will not forget. Forgive maybe. But not forget.
  • trenttylertrenttyler Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I wish i had bookmark the thread, but alas, i didnt, but...

    In another post someone laid out how exactly they would remove dilithium, add it back on tribble, then remove it again for launch, just so after the initial player uproar on release, the next day they could restore a small percentage of what they awarded in dilithium, and say "see we listen to player feedback"

    It really is so sad, that people can predict to a tee how cryptic will respond. sad, so so sad...
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    trenttyler wrote: »
    I wish i had bookmark the thread, but alas, i didnt, but...

    In another post someone laid out how exactly they would remove dilithium, add it back on tribble, then remove it again for launch, just so after the initial player uproar on release, the next day they could restore a small percentage of what they awarded in dilithium, and say "see we listen to player feedback"

    It really is so sad, that people can predict to a tee how cryptic will respond. sad, so so sad...

    I JUST read the thread you are referring to before reading your post and here is the link http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=447711
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