This was as exactly as someone predicted and not a surprise.
I doubt it will be a long term solution as they will mess with it again when they think they can get away with it.
One would have thought the Doff BUG Pack Promo and Vesta would have made enough cash that annoying the player base wasn't worth it.
Nor do I believe a sensible balance system will be put forward, though I have tried to suggest a generic across the board approach in an unfortunately lengthy post.
I would suggest that Cryptic consider a new community manager who might have a chance at being taken credibly. For weeks players have been expressing concern at dilithium loss in the forums then it happens and suddenly its noticed how negatively this is viewed.
Oatmeal either your an incompetent idiot or a flat out liar,.... with the ham fisted subtlety this has been done maybe both.
Also as the release date being about now I predicted to a friend I predicted that with the release Tuesday they'd get bugs/problems just in time for emergency changes for Thursday update.
I feel sorry for the programming crew working without much sleep over the next day.
I'm expecting it to be less than FAs get for STFs although, honestly, if they were equal, I'd still play FAs more because they're easier. I'd just play a mix of FAs and STFs.
well good to hear, but TBH right now you can make ~6k in 30-40 minuts with fleet actions+daily fleet action. Also pvp delivers dil as fast as ever.
I never ran STFs for dill because they took to long to reach the limit, I only did them for gear and only took me 300 stf+ to get all the gear at least once...:rolleyes:
Still STF without dill are imo pointless, who backs up all there marks till they reach T5 in a month or 2.
If you ever completed over 300 STFs that means that you at least got 300 EDC, 600 EDC if Elite... Do you know how much Dilithium and FREE Mk XI gear that represents? And that is without even accounting all the Borg salvages and random drops you got by doing them.
Simply put, pre-season 7, doing STFs were hands down the most profitable way to get just about everything. And it was as it should be, considering it was the "hardest" content of the game.
Are any of you really going to believe a single thing that comes out of stahl's mouth?? Considering the utter TRIBBLE that's fallen from his lips thusfar and the anything but straight answers many have received in the Q&A's, this person has less than no trust factor in my opinion.
I hope they remove the currency herpes (Dilithium) from the Doff recruitment and reduce the cost of upgrading doffs, the old system was fine. The current White > Green 500dil, Green > Blue 2500dil and Blue > Purple 5000dil is just outrageous.
How utterly unsurprised I am that someone would try to take advantage of the situation. pathetically.
WE want 50% off fleet upgrade modules as an apology.
Ehh, I was just trying to be reasonable. I mean, hadn't there been such a sale on or around the start of the past couple new seasons anyway? I was really hoping for one since this was supposed to be such a huge new season full of content and whatnot.
And this 'players have spoken' nonsense doesn't even begin to make up for what Cryptic attempted to do here, and we shouldn't forget this - it shows Cryptic's true colours, and what they tried to and evidently will repeatedly try to get away with in the name of a buck or two. The way they treated their players is pathetic and inexcusable.
Frankly, in some respects, I think Cryptic has too many gameplay types for the size of the game they have. In some respects, I always thought STFs should have been rolled into Fleet Actions for the non-Elite version. Then they could just have "Elite" 5 player fleet actions for select FAs for hardcore players. I can actually picture Infected, The Cure, Into the Hive, and Khitomer Accord being fun with 20 players in the normal mode versions if the optionals and enemies got retuned.
Heck, they could make the Manus fight require all 12 nodes to be synchronized, which would be kinda cool if done right.
Some one mentioned about 'Black Friday' Sale. hey isn't that just the day after Thanksgiving (UK here but thank heaven for wiki to explain these things). Erm also isn't that the day the DOFF BUG pack promo ends....
And this 'players have spoken' nonsense doesn't even begin to make up for what Cryptic attempted to do here, and we shouldn't forget this - it shows Cryptic's true colours, and what they tried to and evidently will repeatedly try to get away with in the name of a buck or two. The way they treated their players is pathetic and inexcusable.
We're a testing platform for future perfect world games. I'd expect the line to be drawn and pushed a few steps further every so often. In this case they clearly exceeded the line and it's quite likely costing them.
"The players have spoken" likely means player and purchase activity has taken a dive. Seeing as how money is the loudest voice we have.
Ehh, I was just trying to be reasonable. I mean, hadn't there been such a sale on or around the start of the past couple new seasons anyway? I was really hoping for one since this was supposed to be such a huge new season full of content and whatnot.
NP, just messing with ya and hoping that SOMEDAY Cryptic would fix their KDF fleet ship upgrade cost problem.
I am in the "believe it when I see it " camp right now.
After the monumental cockup that Dan Stahl and Al "Gecko" Rivera have caused. It would not surprise me to hear to little too late from most of the playerbase.
We can only get robbed and lied to so many times by the people that run this game.
This just proves how out of touch you devs really are with the playerbase. Something that cannot be "fixed" by anything but yourselves.....
Petitions are not allowed on the forums. It's not helping.
Heh, as I was looking down to the new post I misread that as "Positions are not allowed on the forums." I would not have been shocked had it actually been the case.
I doubt it will be a long term solution as they will mess with it again when they think they can get away with it.
One would have thought the Doff BUG Pack Promo and Vesta would have made enough cash that annoying the player base wasn't worth it.
Nor do I believe a sensible balance system will be put forward, though I have tried to suggest a generic across the board approach in an unfortunately lengthy post.
I would suggest that Cryptic consider a new community manager who might have a chance at being taken credibly. For weeks players have been expressing concern at dilithium loss in the forums then it happens and suddenly its noticed how negatively this is viewed.
Oatmeal either your an incompetent idiot or a flat out liar,.... with the ham fisted subtlety this has been done maybe both.
Also as the release date being about now I predicted to a friend I predicted that with the release Tuesday they'd get bugs/problems just in time for emergency changes for Thursday update.
I feel sorry for the programming crew working without much sleep over the next day.
Nope, not worth going all that way when you could easily go 5 seconds from esd to Delta Volanis :rolleyes:
You be silly Brandon
I t will never be back to the old way.
How utterly unsurprised I am that someone would try to take advantage of the situation. pathetically.
WE want 50% off fleet upgrade modules as an apology.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
If you ever completed over 300 STFs that means that you at least got 300 EDC, 600 EDC if Elite... Do you know how much Dilithium and FREE Mk XI gear that represents? And that is without even accounting all the Borg salvages and random drops you got by doing them.
Simply put, pre-season 7, doing STFs were hands down the most profitable way to get just about everything. And it was as it should be, considering it was the "hardest" content of the game.
Ehh, I was just trying to be reasonable. I mean, hadn't there been such a sale on or around the start of the past couple new seasons anyway? I was really hoping for one since this was supposed to be such a huge new season full of content and whatnot.
Heck, they could make the Manus fight require all 12 nodes to be synchronized, which would be kinda cool if done right.
I should think we are lucky with them thinking about reconsidering in the first place!
Expecting a sale might be a tad overzealous/greedy
We're a testing platform for future perfect world games. I'd expect the line to be drawn and pushed a few steps further every so often. In this case they clearly exceeded the line and it's quite likely costing them.
"The players have spoken" likely means player and purchase activity has taken a dive. Seeing as how money is the loudest voice we have.
NP, just messing with ya and hoping that SOMEDAY Cryptic would fix their KDF fleet ship upgrade cost problem.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
I hope he goes short and we see the meltdown anyway, because train wrecks are fun... to watch.
Rules of Acquisition at Priority One
Agreed, 100%!!!
I will take anything, but just something since there isn't any loot or dillithium anymore.
After the monumental cockup that Dan Stahl and Al "Gecko" Rivera have caused. It would not surprise me to hear to little too late from most of the playerbase.
We can only get robbed and lied to so many times by the people that run this game.
This just proves how out of touch you devs really are with the playerbase. Something that cannot be "fixed" by anything but yourselves.....
Back to what they were to be before the Silence and the Sudden Change.
Apparently fleet actions are getting nerfed.
But STFs now reward the 'promised' amounts of 480 and 960 respectively.
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
Petitions are not allowed on the forums. It's not helping.
Heh, as I was looking down to the new post I misread that as "Positions are not allowed on the forums." I would not have been shocked had it actually been the case.
well then... thx for this cryptic!