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Tribble Test Season 7



  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The3 redesigned Missions menu you get after hitting J is great. I like the focus on the Foundry, even though I can't see the Spotlight missions at this time. Will it show ALL of the spotlight missions that have ever been featured on Fridays or just the current one? Also, I like h ow PVE and PVP are now prominently displayed instead of having to search it out on the map menu for PVP.
  • cryssyenddocryssyenddo Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Some spelling mistake in one of the mission info in New Romulus

    Vastam Peaks:
    - Subcommander Avran mission objectives
    1. Spelling error: Collect and *Tur* in Geode, Crystal and Feldspar Smaples to Romulan Geologists or Subcommander Avran.
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Odd. I used t6o be able to press the skip button in the episodes menu and be taken to the next sw I need to scroll to the next epe as well, Pretty tedious.
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Anyone else notice that thye only PvE events that give gear/dilithium now are the opes that NO ONE plays. Sneaky PWE/Cryptic, sneaky.
  • markustyrelliummarkustyrellium Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I have to agree there hawkenburg, we both are in the same boat here so to speak with small fleets. For me a smaller fleet runs a bit better and in my fleets case, almost no drama that comes with having a huge fleet full of power hungry greedy individuals. It is for these reasons that we remain small.

    These changes are going to cause a lot of problems for smaller fleets, I'm not saying it cant be done, Im just saying its going to be a pain in the backside to try to do all of this being a small fleet. I too remember reading something along the lines of they would do something to help smaller fleets, however this does not seem to be the case.

    My overall thoughts about the new changes are this. The new areas, planets and so on is a nice bit of eyecandy, but kind of feels the same as any other area. I am a bit disappointed that there are no new things that I can see for the Klinks, and there are no playable Romulans. You would have scored some major points with the population if they were added.

    *Issues found*
    1. The loading or patching when you first come to the new Romulan homeworld really should be reduced. Is there anyway to add that in the main patch when we first start the game as to waiting 4 min 34 seconds?

    2. During the dialog at once the Romulan world starts, there is a point in which your toon is being spoken to by the new Romulan leader. There is a slight cut screen that shows the players toon with his mouth moving as if he is talking, while the new Romulan leader is talking at the same time.. Seemed a bit odd to me.

    3. During the bug release while on the Romulan homeworld it starts you into the mission automatically telling you to keep the bugs back, yet does not indicate how to or where to get the things needed to keep the bugs back.

    4. While in the Hwael Ruins and fighting Tholians, they get jammed in the mountains. They can shoot and hit you every time, however you can not hit them.

    5. While in Vastam peaks, The opponents appear to have a fast re-spawn time. After taking a group of them down, before I was able to take anything from the rock samples, they are back again.

    6. While on the options tab, if you scroll over to the last section "HUD" the entire top bar shakes like a tree leaf in a windstorm.

    7. Graphics in the staging area on the cargo containers need to be reset. There is a lot of bleeding over going on with the bottom right and left hand of the cargo containers. "Pixel battle to see which is going to be on top of the other". I have not seen this anywhere else.

    8. Starbase 234 If this is going to be simulated battle zone every time you come here, how about a warning before the player goes in so they can decide if they want to wast time on this or not. Completing it does not give anything as far as I could tell, and you cant even set foot on the base.

    Well that is just my 2 cents into this.. I will be back with more as I move around in this new area.

    Until next time.. Live Long and Prosper.

    Markus Serak Tyrellium


    Been a lifer sense beta and the new reputation system bothers me. with the reduction in the amount of dilithium we now have even more things to spend them on. I run a small fleet which has to grind hard to keep up with the specials that we decide we want and now we find that not only will this be impossible to do but all the new reputation content sucks up even more, and this is to get the stuff we us to get as we were grinding dilithium. I remember hearing that you were going to make things easer for small fleets to work on their stations but now it looks like that was a lie.

    I was bothered by the 1000 dilithium needed to do a general recruitment and then offended by the amount needed to trade in my lower level duty officers for better ones. 500 to trade 5 commons (which now cost 1k to buy) for one green, which costs 2500 to trade in 5 greens for 1 blue, and those cost 5000 to trade in 5 of them for one purple. which means that one purple will end up costing you 25000 dilithium to get. That is a bit over the top.

    If you are going to take up the amount of dilithium needed to get things done in this game, do not reduce the amount of dilithium we can get. it makes the game very boring and not worth spending time on.

    New Romulus looks good, just not sure about the feel yet. It will be intresting to see where that story line will lead. Its just to bad that I had the feeling that story was all I was getting form my visit. No new captain levels and the rewards were leads to more grinding (not a fun prospect).

  • jdarkstar20jdarkstar20 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    So far so good...loveing the new stf's and romulan home...so far i havent noticed anything big to report...but ill keep looking :)
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I agree with many of the members of small fleets that have posted here. With the removal of STF items that can grant us a higher level of dilithium (should we decide that's what we want to spend the rewards on), smaller fleets like my Red Shirt Army are going to be in a real crunch to get needed dilithium for the fleet missions.

    I suggest a development team review on the possible impact that reduced dilithium flow will have on the small, more casual fleets. I would really argue that the dilithium costs need reducing prorated to the lack of supply of dilithium resources (and the most expedient manner at that).
  • kirkryderkirkryder Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Ok so far the tholian PVE seems to have a bug where rapid cannon fire does not work...

    Creating a private PVE event is also broken, the start button is grayed out, even when using all FED toons...

    Some of the missions are a bit pointless, however thats always been the case with these online games.

    PVP seems to be working ok from what I have tried out...

    However here is the issues, no dili!!! We need more if you want us to use more, not less thats very un fair to all within the game...

    Do you want everyone to leave?

    that is what will happen if you continue on this Scrooge like route with the dili...

    Here's an easy fix, just have a reward of 1000 dili on ALL PVE events...

    These points of yours are useless...

    I know you want to make money, however we want a game to enjoy, not to hate...

    Apart from that everything else is fine, however with the bugs you have created within S7 I would advise not going live for another few weeks yet...
    Best fleet in Star Trek Online...
    We even have our own merchandise!!! Come join us today...
  • burwellianburwellian Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    My PC uses middle of the range graphics settings on Holodeck, can see the wormhole at DS9 no problems, etc...

    I'm sure the graphics look stunning on high end machines, but even with everything set to minimum on this PC, New Romulus on Tribble has just crashed my graphics card so badly I've seen my first ever Blue Screen of Death on this computer.

    Content is fine, but please make it less intensive on the graphics card so that we can actually play it...
  • fyathyriofyathyrio Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The Azura Nebula Rescue: You often have to hit "disable tractor beam" numerous times in order to release the romulan ship. Shouldnt you have to hit it once?

    The New Romulus map is HUGE! But some of the sepicific grinds seem excessive. Im still trying to figure out why gathering plants and giving 5 to one person, while giving 10 to another doesnt add up.

    Into the hive Ground is very intense, but Im trying to figure out the purpose of the transporters. If you have electrified grids constantly on by the transporter activation nodes, doesnt it defeat the purpose then?

    As for the space version, I am unsure why the regen probes for the two unimatrix ships cross support (and this is in normal), we were however able to develop a pattern to counteract the potential bug. I would hate to see elite.
    The Shepard's Prayer:

    "Oh Lord, Please don't let me F-up"
  • clannmacclannmac Member Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Originally Posted by hfmudd
    While I like that we can now see the quality level of our bridge officers, having the commbadges tinted bothers me. Fedside, I liked the contrast and consistency of basic black arrowhead plus department color. Now my mild nerdly OCD is pinging and some of the color combos (Tac BO of Green quality) are not pleasing to my eye.

    Would coloring only the category on the paperdoll screen (e.g. "Starfleet Engineering Bridge Officer"), as it is now, suffice?

    Agreed: this really looks bad. Besides, we are (well, most of us) big boys and girls and, if we really want to go and look at the BOff qualities, we can do so right now. If this is so others can see the BOff qualities as a sort of vanity thing, it's even worse - 'couldn't care less if another player is impressed by my away team members, ship, title, or what-have you.

    It is also inconsistent: two of my active BOffs are actually "rare" quality, but one is shown purple with this change and the other isn't.

    This is an unnecessary and, in my opinion, very undesirable visual - there could seriously have already been a lot more time invested in fixing extant bugs in the New Romulus patrols and other missions than doing something like this.

    In short, some good stuff in here so far, but with certain things, I'd say leave well enough alone.

    Fleet Commander
    Caprica's Revenge
    (...actually active since November 2010, which may one day be important to archaeologists, but not to anyone else...)
  • clannmacclannmac Member Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Posted this in another thread, but I think it was a Zombie:

    The "Tholian Red Alert" daily mission seems to be bugged, at least during the time I played it. I would join via the "Red Alert" tab, fight for what seemed like ages, receive the flyby "Tholian Red Alert Daily Complete," even get that confirmation from the BOff, then...nothing - it does not show as complete. That was way too much time to spend (some of these battles are FAR too long, especially those that come in waves) with VERY little payout, and then to find out it didn't complete.

    Also, every time I try to enter a deep space encounter, I see my ship enter, but then get the "Well done, Admiral" message from my BOff saying I have finished "the mission" - without seeing a single enemy ship. No payout, no credit there, either.

    Finally, in the other new daily mission in 'New Romulus' space, there really is a lot of time spent for not much. In two of the missions we went through wave upon wave of enemy ships or long "storyline" aspects - all to the tune of 45 minutes or more and...only filled 35% of the total necessary for completion.

    I know there are folks who get on and play for hours, but as you have admitted yourselves: you know most of us are more casual players. Honestly, I don't have 6 hours a day to spend fighting the same ships or herding space slugs (Gekli); sorry!

    Please either shorten the duration of the missions, or make each mission worth more, percentage-wise.

    PLEASE listen to the player base regarding problems (not the ridiculous and overly cosmetic suggestions, but the mechanical and functional ones) and make the truly necessary tweaks and changes BEFORE launch this time! Season 6 was a real train wreck for the first half of its life, but there was so much feedback about problems we saw during testing that a good deal that came along with the live launch could have been avoided.

    Fleet Commander
    Caprica's Revenge
    (...actually active since November 2010, which may one day be important to archaeologists, but not to anyone else...)
  • fadmbambamfadmbambam Member Posts: 656 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Something's wrong with one of our fleet projects on Tribble - says we need 6 DOFFs and that all six have been contributed, but it does NOT show that it's filled - still says I can contribute (although it doesn't allow me to.)

    Edit - this is happening on multiple fleet projects. The interesting thing is that it's only happening on the left column of items, not the right.
  • stanojoski1stanojoski1 Member Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    when exiting to windows, and going back in the game.. there is black screen for 4-5 sec. doing nothing.. then continue fine

    in STO going back from windows to STO is immediately.
  • stygiangirlstygiangirl Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    So far, I like most of the new contet, all except for one STF. As a hard Core STF'r the challenges on elite are a huge draw for me, that being said, one of the new STF's is a big time turn off for me. Into the hive is challenging and fun, up to the Queens chamber. The floors are a bit much in the queens chamber. Already worrying about a named boss (the Queen), plus multi-waves of borg spawns (including Elite Tacs) and the floor is way to much to handle. I myself aswell as others I have run with think the same, you have created a "No win" STF on elite difficulty. How about dialing back the floors a bit if for nothing else then just to balance the STF. I dont want to see STF's become a "Do not Attempt" thing.
  • captaindoug1captaindoug1 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I have seen a few bugs with season 7.
    1. I played the Hive space and for some reason I didn't get omega marks because my inventory was full and when I emptied it I only got EC. are we only supposed to get EC or not?
    2. During the Hive ground there were a few bugs. When we got to the final fight against the Borg queen she kept falling of the edge. Once me and the team I was in just committed suicide (in game not IRL) and I spawned in a wall. I spawned in the corner of the re-spawn place for the rest of the match.
    Some things nice.
    1. Gaining Dilithium during stf's.
    2. More project's with reputation system. (There might be more I am still at the lowest stage.)
    3. Seeing how many people are queued with the new PvE list.
    4. Not using doff's for the Reputation or at least getting them back at the end.

    These are all the complaints and all the bugs that I have seen on tribble for season 7
    I was Captain_Doug just FYI
  • centapeedcentapeed Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    found that at times my Star ship wouldnt turn. i like the overall idea of what is going on. (though i felt that some of the levels were i little unbalanced.) The herding level completly was fustrating and made no sence. If I didnt attack the pochers they did amost no damage to me. If i did then al of a sudden they were doing an exsorberant amount of damage. Also i couldnt get teh stupid herd to move, they just kinda stoppped.
    Other levels felt balanced. played for 6-8 hours.
  • fadmbambamfadmbambam Member Posts: 656 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    On New Romulus, I accepted the "New Romulus Transport System" project, but it only allows me to go to The Atlai... nowhere else.

    Update: I figured it out - you either need to go their on foot (use the map) and check in on the transporter or you can do it via the Red Alerts. Once you do, you can transport everywhere.
  • centapeedcentapeed Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    yes i noticed this to, the "boosting affect"
  • chengirpwechengirpwe Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Excellent 10 out of 10. Nice work. Much better than Season 6. That felt like hundreds of hours of time invested to get a few other people something (I never got a single thing from Season 6 ... except for the test tribble. . . and most of the time I couldn't use that tribble so I was back to nothing . . . not even a tribble.) And that ment I didn't spend money on modules in the C-Store. After all why buy things you can never use? Sadly that would mean less revenue for the company.

    My only comment is about the time delay on the reputation. It seems like a carry over from season 6 ... which as I mentioned ... I'm not much of a fan. Once completed the wait (and some extra wait after finishing a tier) is rather like going into a store and they naver have what you want. But they'll order it for you. Then you have to wait for it to come in. Seems like the lower tiers should have a very fast turn around. More like, let me get one of those out of the back room for you. Especially for passive abilites and not objects/hardware. Seems like the same tool/idea is available in hundreds of iPad games, but once you earn the reward, you get it. No waiting. Much more fun.

    Let me ask you. If you were a customer of a store tht never had what you wanted and they always have to order it (resulting in a wait for you). How would you feel? Whould you keep comming back? Or would you start looking for other stores? Me personally, I'd change the lower tier waits ... that would be my only suggestion for improvement (maybe it can be more like trading in your Duty Officers? Much faster turn around there.)
  • rocmistrocmist Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Duty Officers
    Current Map -> Science -> Develop countermeasures to Devidian Attacks
    I have a selectable assignment which opens to the next screen, and for the first duty officer that I need to select I do not have any as it is away on a reputation mission (looks like it does not exclude officers away on "Reputation Missions"

    I still have the old Borg items in my inventory and character bank, was this supposed to be converted? (this was a change that was being discussed, not sure if it was implemented or dropped)

    http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=435231 (thread found)

    On load/show it always jumps to the last item (Toron Shuttle Pet) in the first tab (Personnel)

  • somriksomrik Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    Atrox. Advanced Stalker Fighters.

    Space Infected Elite.

    Not tested on any other space map yet

    Launching Fighters will temporarily boost all of my power levels to 110/XX
  • fadmbambamfadmbambam Member Posts: 656 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Just tried to do a Embassy Officer of the Watch Daily mission - it's not working.

    The mission was to scan area around New Romulus for radiation, which I did. Says I didn't complete the mission...
  • porfloporflo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hello, I played the new season on tribble for quite awhile and the only 2 bugs I noticed were...

    1. The vulcan science vessel's support craft would fly away from most fights and disappear until I commanded it to dock again.

    2. Much like happens on holodeck with donating to starbase projects...Sometimes when I tried to donate to the new reputations or a starbase, even though I had the required items the donate tab would be greyed out and it wouldn't let me contribute.

    Overall though I had quite a bit of fun.
  • tatterdemalion1tatterdemalion1 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I tried all 3 of the Romulan missions, and no bugs found...
    Some better descriptions of what to do might be helpful on the salt sucking alien ground mission. Took me a while to work out what was happening where, but in the end it came together. Going to try the new STF later.

    Only issue I had was that on logging into tribble, all my EDCs etc from old STF did not convert !
  • infiniteisoinfiniteiso Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Echoing <<http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=6404011&postcount=114>&gt;

    Embassy Officer of the Watch mission "Scan Area around New Romulus for Radiation" properly displays scan areas in orbit (areas do not register on ship [V] scanners) but automatically displays message that scan is complete upon ship arrival and does not register progress toward the mission count. Ignoring this and attempting to turn in the mission anyway has the Officer of the Watch confirming the mission as incomplete.
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The first thing I've noticed is that the cursor that highlights missions in the Duty Officer system always returns to the top when you're acknowledging results. I hope that's just a glitch as it's annoying.

    For the Tau Dewa space patrol missions, there is no highlight of where the patrol missions are, or that you have to queue.

    New Romulus. Love the Aurora style field enveloping the planet, very TOS. But it doesn't always completely surround the planet when looking at it from all angles.

    The percentage completion system is a little weird. It actually makes me a little less sure how far along I am, but it makes sense since we're not doing a single action to finish the helping hand missions.

    I haven't started on Eppohs, but they look cute enough. And since they can be traded for marks they're superior to tribbles in my book.

    The Romulan two man teams in the Vastam Peaks are rather tough, though I appreciate that they don't have monster shields like some of the teams in Exploration Clusters.

    At first I thought it was weird to move the Arucanis Arm and Hromi clusters like that...but it's actually closer to Canon like that.

    While looking at a Vivver Cat I got jumped by a Hirogen. Not feedback, just funny.

    I'm curious why there is both a Botanist and a Plant Analyst in the Paehhos Crater camp.

    I've also noticed that while on Mol'Rihan sometimes when I run I take a step back, like I was pulled back for a brief second.

    Considering the growing number of times I've been helped out by others players, there should be a quick button just to say thanks for the assist.

    If I have to choose a favorite, my favorite part of New Romulus is the information on all the little life forms. Makes me want to sing Data's song. Please add more. In fact if you want to do this to Earth and Qo'nos (albeit with different things, we know all the animals on Earth) it would be welcome. Great work on this.

    The UI on the Reputation system seems slow to fill, when you're adding in resources.

    I'm liking this new area though.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • maxgiovannimaxgiovanni Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Romulan Sector Patrol: While the combat that occured was enjoyable, I particularly liked the fact that some of the systems I visited had issues that involved other things to do besides combat. I would definitely like to see more trade circle type activities. :D

    New Romulus: Wow, you guys went all out with the new planet! The setting is both large and attractive, with plenty of things to do. This is the kind of attention to detail that Andoria, or more particularly Risa, should have gotten but never did (hint, hint ;) ). The radiation minigame is interesting. And while I haven't gotten one yet, I'm hoping to be able to get one of those new pets once that mission is over. :)

    The Embassy: Very nice, even though it seems to be a bit soon on the heels of the Starbases. On the other hand, it will be nice to have both, and Sector 31 ANTKB can definitely handle building both despite some of our nay sayers being frustrated that our resources will be diverted in multiple directions while both are still being built.

    Reputation: This is something we probably should have had sooner, but i'll take it now. Hoping to see more factions to gain rep with in the future, along with additional awards for doing so. :)

    O O O

    • New costume options for KDF side, including "civilian" varients.
    • Orion ship interior options - given their stylized hulls, this suggests that their ships' interiors should be more ellegant and posh, reflecting their artistic flair.
    • Gorn ship interior options - the insides should be just as sleek and efficient as the outsides.
    • Starship interior shuttlebays - whatever happened to this idea? I was looking forward to it, and it never came about...
    • Customization options for the Captain's Quarters. Being able to change the look of the furnishings and wall decorations, perhaps with purchasable or earnable options
    • A ship's Armory - it looks so cool in the current Federation opening mission, I would love to see this included on our deck plans even if all it does is look pretty!
    • In the same vein - more ship interior rooms made available while not on missions involving them, such as the Diplomatic Suite and Ready Room...
  • nwlnwl Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I am impressed with what I have seen in tribble server today. I have spent a couple hours today on the tribble server where i was on new romulus and did a couple of the STFs. The Hive on Slaught STF on normal I actually believe should be broughten a tad bit easier than what it currently is as it seems to be more demanding than just the elite levels of Infected and Cure Space elite. As for new romulis planet it is very nice and being able to help the romulans is interesting. So far i am liking it.
  • tvlartvlar Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Just completed an ISE, with a great team, BUT with probably the WORST lag I've experienced in STO.
    Power bar needing multiple clicks to activate, "echo chamber" sound, ship movement erratic.

    NONE of my Holo Borg Stf rewards have converted, was this delayed ? haven't seen anything in print on this ..

    Edit :
    Just completed a DSE, Sector popup announced a Borg attack. Once inside, found Tholians. Lag not as bad as the ISE.
    Completed 3 Patrol missions.. How does it happen that I complete to 95% ? What is being used to measure completion ? ( I'll bet its because I had to blow up those Acamerian ships on the Diplo Patrol .. Those folks don't take advice easily )
    Have had to put video settings to less than 50 % in order to get some better playability .
    Tried to get into a "Red Alert DSE" , got kicked out directly after the cut scene. Tried the same Red Alert twice, same result both times..
    Sound quality on the Romulan Sector contact could be improved.. a "tinny" distant sound to her voice..

    Completing the Omega and Rom Reputation should be a breeze, the only annoyance being the length of time involved ( minimum 60 days, assuming the higher tier Project XP rewards are the same as Tier Zero Projects ..)
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