Ok suber, let me do ya a favor...
Let's get back to storys of skittle fails, shalt we?
There, I did about 50% of your entire job for you.
Now go forth and witness rainbow fail my friends! :P
When in doubt, (hehe) c4!
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
you can not read what i write all the time.:rolleyes:
i say i outdps you easy that includes alot dmg and who deal dmg have always AGRO!!!
and i sayed a tholian is the ONLY ship in STO what i never have seen going down about his high capacitys on hull+ shild.
so, he is the ONLY real tank in the game!!!!!
no other ship can outperform him in this abilitys, yes i love the karfi much more, most times hold all agro from bosses works to without diing, but a karfi can die a tholian carrier not.
Lets continue this in your new thread and leave these nice people to their other stories of Doom and Frustration. OK?
and now that that flame war is settled (5 bucks on the short one!) we can continue...
anyone got some laughable material? b/c ive been avoiding stf's like the plague lately (s6: skilled players under siege!)
When in doubt, (hehe) c4!
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
I'm stunned at the level of hate and scapegoating that has arisen in the STF's. I just finished the KANG map and was accused of destroying a cube, causing an endless flow of raptor spawn that resulted in a mission failure.
Apparently I killed a cube by deploying a turret...a single turret mind you... that auto-fired it to death. I want more of THOSE turrets. To be fair, I did deploy a turret, 3km from the Kang for defense.The thing is, the person spouting expletives and "/tells" at me was fighting right beside me in his/her escort fending off BOP's when they instructed someone in the chat (yeah, I actually try to look that now and then) not to kill a cube that was at 10%.
So the TRIBBLE hits the fan and when it's all over I attempted to understand why this individual was spouting crazy accusations about me and my supposed (insert expletive) noobishness. They went on about how I used my "magic" turret to kill a cube and wasted everyone's time. They then put me on ignore so I was unable to reply and let them know they were sorely mistaken. For the record, I'm flying a torpedocentric sv ....I don't go near the cubes in cure. I defend or take out the gens (lower ones 1st) from a safe distance.
anyone got some laughable material? b/c ive been avoiding stf's like the plague lately (s6: skilled players under siege!)
Me too. I've been avoiding the STFs for weeks now. I've been doing more Fleet Missions. There aren't quite as many issues in the Fleet Missions. People usually say HI and do a fair job of killing things. There don't seem to be near as many Rainbow/Technicolor beams (Anyone using them in my fleet gets a warning then kicked.) The players in the Fleet missions often act as a team rather than the willy nilly DPSless shoot-em-ups in the STF's. Very often you see three or four ships of the same fleet also but that's not suprising.
Not exacually worst - allthough we did lose the optional - as soon as we warped in i noticed this - screenshot halfway through and no i did not get blown up lol just distracted for a second
I proceded to kill the other nodes and the first cube by myself.
that's what I always do, and usually blow a cube on my own in the time the rest of the team blows another...
But gotta say, how you describe it - I've not been into that horrific setup. Altho, as stated above, I've got no qualms with dealing with a cube solo (regardless of what I fly or what's my class at the moment).
Not exacually worst - allthough we did lose the optional - as soon as we warped in i noticed this - screenshot halfway through and no i did not get blown up lol just distracted for a second
not Exacually Worst - Allthough We Did Lose The Optional - As Soon As We Warped In I Noticed This - Screenshot Halfway Through And No I Did Not Get Blown Up Lol Just Distracted For A Second
Yup, i think it comes to 17 including a few multiple stacks, and he came into the STF like that...the ship must have been held with spit, glue and a prayer.
I even commented on it at the start with no reply lol
Would adding the spiral disruptor beams to my regular disruptor ship be considered a rainbow ship?
I just completed a fleet mission. Everybody had rainbow beams. It was colorful but ineffective. We didn't even make it through the second wave of Klingon ships. I'm still flying a light cruiser and I had more firepower that any of the rainbows. I didn't die as much as the rainbows did either.
I had two bad infected elite space missions today. Both were my fault.
The first I got into a sudden ton of lag which is very rare for my Internet. I couldn't do anything. When the lag quit the first time I'd been killed. That happened right at the beginning. Then it happened a few seconds later and by the time it quit I'd been logged back to sector space. Oddly, I didn't get a leaver penalty.
The second bad was again right at the beginning. I got a VERY important phone call. My ship just drifted off into nothingness. When I came back I just logged out. There were Borg all over the place and I'd been called every noob name in the book.
As for the phone call, don't they know that STO is MORE important than anything else?
They shouldn't call while you're in battle. Shame on them
Yesterday, IGE wasn't bad but we didn't end up. It's the first time since I'm playing STO. That was my fault. 30 seconds after starting I got important call (I was waiting for this call). It took 1 minute. But it was enough to let my teammate playing at 4. Ruined opts. And because I felt ashamed I wasn't 100% on the STF. I died many times against Manus.
I said to them I'm sorry and I apologized. They were nice. They told me "np. it happens".
got one shooted 3 times by donatra. left the stf thereafter. rest of the team wasnt that strong and i didnt want to waste more time.
You are a bad teammate and your way of thinking contribute to a bad PUG experience.
I was in a PUG normal Infected space, and everyone was focusing on the regular spheres and one person was literally flying in circles. After about 10 mins, I decided that the penalty was worth it.
Ran a private CSE run on Saturday with the 10-Forward crowd. Having done this with an without the optional before, we went into this run with no real worries. but that was soon to change.
First thing that went wrong, was one of our team members never transitioned maps, and this being a private run, we weren't going to get anyone else. So now we're in CSE with only 4.
So despite all that, we make impressive headway agianst the three groups of probes. First Cube gone was on the right side. Followed shortly thereafter by the left cube. So now we have three massive spawns heading our way. One spawn of raptors from left, and a spawn of raptors and a spawn of Negh'vars from the center. this is where it got a little crazy. At one point (remember, there's only 4 of us in this mission) 3 of us were dead, and one left (less than 50% health). So of course we think the mission is done, and we lost.
However, The three of us that were down had short respawn times and quickly got back into the fight. The Kang was down to 8% health and surrounded by Negh'vars and Raptors. Luckily at this point they were orbiting Kang, and not using their main weaponary on her. This gave us the time ti regroup and counter attack. a minute later the last cube was down, and Kang was in the clear and gone. A little mop action lead us to the final boss, and after that, we got our drops (which were nothing special).
Never in my experience with CSE have I ever seen the Kang that close to BOOM, and still come away with the mission won. Thanks to all the 10-Forward types with the extra effort to save a bad situation. Hopefully wewon't get stuck with 4 again, next time.
Do you really think this kind of people are reading this website? I don't think so. They don't read chat so then they don't read this thread.
I ran fleet event as KDF. I don't know the english name but the goal is to block ennemy fleet to protect the starbase.
I said "Qa'pla !"
Only player said "Hi! Warrior".
We started. After a while I noticed we take a long time to defeat all of that enemy ship.
I saw a bortasqu which is fighting and I followed him with mine. I looked around me. I saw Vo'quv with blue and red beam. I saw a qin raptor with green and orange cannon. And a vorcha with red beam. So I looked information about my teammate. Except the Bortasqu's player. All were level 45 with low score accolade. So I decided to stay with the player with bortasqu. And finaly ops said we failed to protect starbase.
Do you really think this kind of people are reading this website? I don't think so. They don't read chat so then they don't read this thread.
My guess would be 1% of the 5% who can actually read will read this thread. But if this thread sinks into the brains of 1% of the 1% of the 5% who can actually read then this thread has done its job.
Hokay, this one goes up there as one of the worst stf's I've ever done, to the point I want to rename my cruiser U.S.S. Short Bus because I get saddled with some of the worst players ever.
I think my fleet has it in for me...
Anyway, so myself and two fleetmates are out part hunting and went into Khitomer Accord's Space Elite. I have both mk 12 Maco and Omega sets but they need an extra gun with them and i can always use the dilithium. So, after blowing the cube in the beginning i steer to the right from the spawn and head after the probes. A duty I've got down to an art seeing as I've had to do it since I joined this fleet months ago.
I digress again, so I go to the right to do probes. I'm followed by a science officer, in a star cruiser, weilding a couple tetreyon beam arrays, a couple polaron turrets, a quantum torp and transphasic trop. They zoom around the probes while I sit still and shoot and shoot and shoot with my antiproton/quantum set up doing betweem 700-1700 dps. This science officer, who we shall call "Skip" did no better than 300.
Already I'm groaning and thinking about how to deal with this side of the map. I blow up one of the generators on the transformer, then go back to probes. Skip destroys the other.
Enter the Cube....
I'm shooting up the probes and see Skip charge the Cube. I had to laugh and see the Borg devour her and target me. So once I'm done with the probes and "death ride" to the cube, blazing away and praying my shield will hold. Loe and behold, after a confusing few seconds I destroyed the cube, to my surprise (cubes give me a hard time, I freely admit).
Back to probes, then see Skip attacking the transformer, while the two gennys on the back are still running. So I fly around behind and destroy those to, back to probes, then start attacking the transformer. Killing the transformer takes a very long time as I have to divide my attention with the probes.
Advance ahead and the tranny's dead. Skip floats about, getting killed by the gate a couple times, then decides to go over to the otherside and goes after the gennys there. So now I'm left alone, to watch in awe as I kill probes seeing skip take on the cube and die horridly.
My fleetmates on the otherside eventually finish with their gate and zoom over to help, but not before I'm overwhelmed and destroyed for the first time.
Now then, defending against the probes turns into a farce because there's little coordination, and though myself and two fleetmates are in communication, the other two seem to manage to make the situation worse and worse, but despite their best efforts, we destroy the final gate.
Now enter Donatara....
Immediately she targets me and smashes my ship like it's made out of paper and balsa wood. Second time
My fleetmate, who don't have the higher level gear like me, still fight valiantly, but are also ripped apart time and again. This goes on for about 20 minutes as we try so hard to coordinate, but once Skip, and his friend...we'll call him "Bill" are targeted, they run to one of us and get us caught in the crossfire.
Now I'm out of minor repair components and am fuming beyond belief.
SOMEHOW, after another 15 minutes or so Donatara seems to get tired of smashing her toys and suddenly starts to die. By the Emperor's blessing we tear into her, but not before she destroys my two fleet mates one last time, leaving me with Bill and Skip to finish her off.
We finish her off and leave, nearly an hour because of two ships, one of them trying so hard to sabotage myself, then my fleetmates repeatedly.
Throne I hate rainbow boats....
Oh, and I died 9 times
The only thing between you and the vacuum of space is six feet of solid style...
So now I'm left alone, to watch in awe as I kill probes seeing skip take on the cube and die horridly.
My fleetmates on the otherside eventually finish with their gate and zoom over to help, but not before I'm overwhelmed and destroyed for the first time.
OK, I can see how certain ships can struggle against a cube - occasionally they'll still get a lucky Crit in and Kill me on an Escort.
And I can see how a Sphere spawn after the other gateway was destroyed could overwhelm one player.
Now enter Donatara....
Immediately she targets me and smashes my ship like it's made out of paper and balsa wood. Second time
My fleetmate, who don't have the higher level gear like me, still fight valiantly, but are also ripped apart time and again. This goes on for about 20 minutes
Surely the two failboats just made your job easier here??
Fighting Donatra comes down to making sure she stays 5km away from whoever has aggro, and hitting your defensive cooldowns when she charges up the megabeams.
If you've no means of keeping her rooted, then just keep Tac Team, EPTS and Hazard Emitters up and orbit around her at high speed to stop her from flying too far away from your colleagues and that's pretty much it.
If all your teammates have poor DPS it's even possible to keep her aggro locked onto you by just firing your rear weapons at her, making it easier to keep her more than 5km away. I've "tanked" her multiple times on really bad PUGs with an Escort using just my three rear turrets. Pecking her to death quite literally, but completely safely.
I can understand the two skittleships not being much help - but surely your two (presumably halfway-intelligent) fleetmates and you could have managed to keep her 5km away and just ignored your remaining two teammates? If the failboats' DPS was rubbish then they'd never have a hope of pulling aggro from you three and causing Donatra to misfire her weapon or cloak, so you should have been able to just trio the fight without much trouble...
The only time I've been truly fuming with dumb teammates in a Donatra fight is when they start using Tractor Beam Repulsors to push her towards the tank. Now that is griefing... :mad:
Had a good one on Donatra yesterday...maybe not worst but up there. For some reason I was getting targeted by her despite the escorts wailing on her constanly. Let my situational awareness go for a bit and ended up getting snared by the tractor probes.
Queue me saying "Let. Me. Go." and hitting evasive maneuvers...right into her death ray.
My "worst" STF experience was yesterday. I joined not one, not two but THREE STF's that had already failed optional, were full of rainbow ships and took over 15 minutes each after I joined. I also had two that I joined after the STF was complete and all I could do was eat the timer for no reward.
Let's get back to storys of skittle fails, shalt we?
There, I did about 50% of your entire job for you.
Now go forth and witness rainbow fail my friends! :P
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
you can not read what i write all the time.:rolleyes:
i say i outdps you easy that includes alot dmg and who deal dmg have always AGRO!!!
and i sayed a tholian is the ONLY ship in STO what i never have seen going down about his high capacitys on hull+ shild.
so, he is the ONLY real tank in the game!!!!!
no other ship can outperform him in this abilitys, yes i love the karfi much more, most times hold all agro from bosses works to without diing, but a karfi can die a tholian carrier not.
Lets continue this in your new thread and leave these nice people to their other stories of Doom and Frustration. OK?
and now that that flame war is settled (5 bucks on the short one!) we can continue...
anyone got some laughable material? b/c ive been avoiding stf's like the plague lately (s6: skilled players under siege!)
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
Apparently I killed a cube by deploying a turret...a single turret mind you... that auto-fired it to death. I want more of THOSE turrets. To be fair, I did deploy a turret, 3km from the Kang for defense.The thing is, the person spouting expletives and "/tells" at me was fighting right beside me in his/her escort fending off BOP's when they instructed someone in the chat (yeah, I actually try to look that now and then) not to kill a cube that was at 10%.
So the TRIBBLE hits the fan and when it's all over I attempted to understand why this individual was spouting crazy accusations about me and my supposed (insert expletive) noobishness. They went on about how I used my "magic" turret to kill a cube and wasted everyone's time. They then put me on ignore so I was unable to reply and let them know they were sorely mistaken. For the record, I'm flying a torpedocentric sv ....I don't go near the cubes in cure. I defend or take out the gens (lower ones 1st) from a safe distance.
lotsa folk doing crack and playing STO it seems.
Me too. I've been avoiding the STFs for weeks now. I've been doing more Fleet Missions. There aren't quite as many issues in the Fleet Missions. People usually say HI and do a fair job of killing things. There don't seem to be near as many Rainbow/Technicolor beams (Anyone using them in my fleet gets a warning then kicked.) The players in the Fleet missions often act as a team rather than the willy nilly DPSless shoot-em-ups in the STF's. Very often you see three or four ships of the same fleet also but that's not suprising.
Gotta Run.
Have to admit it was pretty funny though.
But gotta say, how you describe it - I've not been into that horrific setup. Altho, as stated above, I've got no qualms with dealing with a cube solo (regardless of what I fly or what's my class at the moment).
Le WTF? Someone's ship is in worse condition there than a paper bag in fireplace...:D
I'm going to try a cure elite later today. I'm a glutton for punishment.
Well I did it. My first cure elite space. It was a pug. Great team. We won with time to spare.
I pulled the classic noob stunt. In my excitement for winning my first elite mission.
Holy %#%! Those Injuries
Christ On A Bike Dude
Yup, i think it comes to 17 including a few multiple stacks, and he came into the STF like that...the ship must have been held with spit, glue and a prayer.
I even commented on it at the start with no reply lol
I just completed a fleet mission. Everybody had rainbow beams. It was colorful but ineffective. We didn't even make it through the second wave of Klingon ships. I'm still flying a light cruiser and I had more firepower that any of the rainbows. I didn't die as much as the rainbows did either.
The first I got into a sudden ton of lag which is very rare for my Internet. I couldn't do anything. When the lag quit the first time I'd been killed. That happened right at the beginning. Then it happened a few seconds later and by the time it quit I'd been logged back to sector space. Oddly, I didn't get a leaver penalty.
The second bad was again right at the beginning. I got a VERY important phone call. My ship just drifted off into nothingness. When I came back I just logged out. There were Borg all over the place and I'd been called every noob name in the book.
Oh well. I guess you'll have days like that.
Yesterday, IGE wasn't bad but we didn't end up. It's the first time since I'm playing STO. That was my fault. 30 seconds after starting I got important call (I was waiting for this call). It took 1 minute. But it was enough to let my teammate playing at 4. Ruined opts. And because I felt ashamed I wasn't 100% on the STF. I died many times against Manus.
I said to them I'm sorry and I apologized. They were nice. They told me "np. it happens".
You are a bad teammate and your way of thinking contribute to a bad PUG experience.
I was in a PUG normal Infected space, and everyone was focusing on the regular spheres and one person was literally flying in circles. After about 10 mins, I decided that the penalty was worth it.
A fleet event pug.
I said 'Hi' as usual.
No response.
I look around, all vice admirals with accolades in the 2000's.
Three oddys and a galaxy
The event started and I see that all of them had Rainbow/Technicolor beams.
Then people started dieing.
And dieing again.
And again.
And again.
We didn't make it through the second group.
I was the only one doing any damage and not dieing.
If you REALLY must run an oddy or galaxy, here is a thread that might help you out.
First thing that went wrong, was one of our team members never transitioned maps, and this being a private run, we weren't going to get anyone else. So now we're in CSE with only 4.
So despite all that, we make impressive headway agianst the three groups of probes. First Cube gone was on the right side. Followed shortly thereafter by the left cube. So now we have three massive spawns heading our way. One spawn of raptors from left, and a spawn of raptors and a spawn of Negh'vars from the center. this is where it got a little crazy. At one point (remember, there's only 4 of us in this mission) 3 of us were dead, and one left (less than 50% health). So of course we think the mission is done, and we lost.
However, The three of us that were down had short respawn times and quickly got back into the fight. The Kang was down to 8% health and surrounded by Negh'vars and Raptors. Luckily at this point they were orbiting Kang, and not using their main weaponary on her. This gave us the time ti regroup and counter attack. a minute later the last cube was down, and Kang was in the clear and gone. A little mop action lead us to the final boss, and after that, we got our drops (which were nothing special).
Never in my experience with CSE have I ever seen the Kang that close to BOOM, and still come away with the mission won. Thanks to all the 10-Forward types with the extra effort to save a bad situation. Hopefully wewon't get stuck with 4 again, next time.
Do you really think this kind of people are reading this website? I don't think so. They don't read chat so then they don't read this thread.
I ran fleet event as KDF. I don't know the english name but the goal is to block ennemy fleet to protect the starbase.
I said "Qa'pla !"
Only player said "Hi! Warrior".
We started. After a while I noticed we take a long time to defeat all of that enemy ship.
I saw a bortasqu which is fighting and I followed him with mine. I looked around me. I saw Vo'quv with blue and red beam. I saw a qin raptor with green and orange cannon. And a vorcha with red beam. So I looked information about my teammate. Except the Bortasqu's player. All were level 45 with low score accolade. So I decided to stay with the player with bortasqu. And finaly ops said we failed to protect starbase.
My guess would be 1% of the 5% who can actually read will read this thread. But if this thread sinks into the brains of 1% of the 1% of the 5% who can actually read then this thread has done its job.
I think my fleet has it in for me...
Anyway, so myself and two fleetmates are out part hunting and went into Khitomer Accord's Space Elite. I have both mk 12 Maco and Omega sets but they need an extra gun with them and i can always use the dilithium. So, after blowing the cube in the beginning i steer to the right from the spawn and head after the probes. A duty I've got down to an art seeing as I've had to do it since I joined this fleet months ago.
I digress again, so I go to the right to do probes. I'm followed by a science officer, in a star cruiser, weilding a couple tetreyon beam arrays, a couple polaron turrets, a quantum torp and transphasic trop. They zoom around the probes while I sit still and shoot and shoot and shoot with my antiproton/quantum set up doing betweem 700-1700 dps. This science officer, who we shall call "Skip" did no better than 300.
Already I'm groaning and thinking about how to deal with this side of the map. I blow up one of the generators on the transformer, then go back to probes. Skip destroys the other.
Enter the Cube....
I'm shooting up the probes and see Skip charge the Cube. I had to laugh and see the Borg devour her and target me. So once I'm done with the probes and "death ride" to the cube, blazing away and praying my shield will hold. Loe and behold, after a confusing few seconds I destroyed the cube, to my surprise (cubes give me a hard time, I freely admit).
Back to probes, then see Skip attacking the transformer, while the two gennys on the back are still running. So I fly around behind and destroy those to, back to probes, then start attacking the transformer. Killing the transformer takes a very long time as I have to divide my attention with the probes.
Advance ahead and the tranny's dead. Skip floats about, getting killed by the gate a couple times, then decides to go over to the otherside and goes after the gennys there. So now I'm left alone, to watch in awe as I kill probes seeing skip take on the cube and die horridly.
My fleetmates on the otherside eventually finish with their gate and zoom over to help, but not before I'm overwhelmed and destroyed for the first time.
Now then, defending against the probes turns into a farce because there's little coordination, and though myself and two fleetmates are in communication, the other two seem to manage to make the situation worse and worse, but despite their best efforts, we destroy the final gate.
Now enter Donatara....
Immediately she targets me and smashes my ship like it's made out of paper and balsa wood. Second time
My fleetmate, who don't have the higher level gear like me, still fight valiantly, but are also ripped apart time and again. This goes on for about 20 minutes as we try so hard to coordinate, but once Skip, and his friend...we'll call him "Bill" are targeted, they run to one of us and get us caught in the crossfire.
Now I'm out of minor repair components and am fuming beyond belief.
SOMEHOW, after another 15 minutes or so Donatara seems to get tired of smashing her toys and suddenly starts to die. By the Emperor's blessing we tear into her, but not before she destroys my two fleet mates one last time, leaving me with Bill and Skip to finish her off.
We finish her off and leave, nearly an hour because of two ships, one of them trying so hard to sabotage myself, then my fleetmates repeatedly.
Throne I hate rainbow boats....
Oh, and I died 9 times
OK, I can see how certain ships can struggle against a cube - occasionally they'll still get a lucky Crit in and Kill me on an Escort.
And I can see how a Sphere spawn after the other gateway was destroyed could overwhelm one player.
Surely the two failboats just made your job easier here??
Fighting Donatra comes down to making sure she stays 5km away from whoever has aggro, and hitting your defensive cooldowns when she charges up the megabeams.
If you've no means of keeping her rooted, then just keep Tac Team, EPTS and Hazard Emitters up and orbit around her at high speed to stop her from flying too far away from your colleagues and that's pretty much it.
If all your teammates have poor DPS it's even possible to keep her aggro locked onto you by just firing your rear weapons at her, making it easier to keep her more than 5km away. I've "tanked" her multiple times on really bad PUGs with an Escort using just my three rear turrets. Pecking her to death quite literally, but completely safely.
I can understand the two skittleships not being much help - but surely your two (presumably halfway-intelligent) fleetmates and you could have managed to keep her 5km away and just ignored your remaining two teammates? If the failboats' DPS was rubbish then they'd never have a hope of pulling aggro from you three and causing Donatra to misfire her weapon or cloak, so you should have been able to just trio the fight without much trouble...
The only time I've been truly fuming with dumb teammates in a Donatra fight is when they start using Tractor Beam Repulsors to push her towards the tank. Now that is griefing... :mad:
Queue me saying "Let. Me. Go." and hitting evasive maneuvers...right into her death ray.
Cheers for looking like a moron lol.
Do yo have a bunch of skill points dumped into starship threat control? That could explain why she was targeting you.
I had another one of the classic losses today.
There I was....
Pugged into a cure normal.
Said 'Hi' as usual, no response.
Four ships raced to the Kang.
I went right.
All four of the other ships were fighting over who was guarding the Kang. :eek:
I was killing the right probes.
After a minute or two the right cube died.
The four ships at the Kang were still fighting over who was protecting it.
I flew by and saw that all four were Rainbow/Technicolor boats.
I flew over to cube 2 and started killing.
A few seconds later the optional was lost and within seconds of that, the Kang went boom.
Then the fight really began after I said 'four rainbow/technicolor beam boats at the kang and you still can't protect it.'
It was hilarious.