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Ask Cryptic: September 2012



  • thetruthurtsthetruthurts Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Interesting to note that pvp is lagging behind yet again if that is not a sign that maybe Cryptic should stop wasting resources in this area and get rid of it completely I don't what is since pvp is not really important at all what is important is having a more stable and more customizable game which is less buggy.

    By that logic they should remove the Doff system, since it has even less votes than PvP.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    i really dont understand the hate for the red ui, sure if all your used to is starring at blue it might be a bit harsh for a minute, but you get used to it quick
  • marctraiderzmarctraiderz Member Posts: 539 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I couldn't be less bothered about the kdf at the moment since I cannot deal with staring at that god aweful red ui it hurts my eyes so until they implement ui customization that will allow me to change it to something else that I like for example purple I won't be playing.

    Interesting to note that pvp is lagging behind yet again if that is not a sign that maybe Cryptic should stop wasting resources in this area and get rid of it completely I don't what is since pvp is not really important at all what is important is having a more stable and more customizable game which is less buggy.

    Hey, its fine to express your opinion on what you'd like to be improved, but there are also players, which still DO play PvP and actually like it. And there are also players that WISH PvP would become better.

    I think its a bit selfish to say pvp should be removed all together, and it adds nothing to the discussion but hate.
  • webdeathwebdeath Member Posts: 1,570 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    My current thoughts have been that a healthy PvP system will need two healthy factions. KDF has been getting better, but it needs the final push to get it to where it needs to go. Once that happens, then PvP improvements will go much farther towards what will be useful for the long term health of the game.

    While evening out the Factions is all well and good..

    Can we PLEASE have at least 1 new Space and 1 new Ground PVP map to play in?! In my opinion it would be nice to have some place new to stomp our feet. The Fleet Star Bases felt like the PERFECT place to do that.... And we're still waiting on that one... :mad:

    And don't even get me started on Ker'rat's Buggy-since-Beta stuff either.. :mad:
    You think that your beta test was bad?
    Think about this:
    American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
  • doubleohninedoubleohnine Member Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    What if we combined territory control with the way Star Trek Armada played? Ive only played Armada II. But I remember playing it and thinking, "I dont want to play as filthy Klingons, or Romulans, and certainly not Borg in campaign mode". But when I did, I quickly changed my tune and got into the mindset of those ruthless Fed enemies.

    So, my proposal, lets play as ALL the factions in just PvP! Heres how it could work. The game is already broken down into sectors. When your fleet makes a starbase, you must decide what sectors you are responsible to protect. Lets say you can choose up to three sectors to defend as your Fed fleet. Same for Klinks.

    If you want to attack, you decide what sector you want to queue up to play as attackers. Certain sectors can only be attacked and defended by the proper factions. So, lets say Sirius can only be attacked by Kiligons or Borg. If you are currently logged in as your Fed toon, you can play as an attacking Klink that ISNT your Klink toon (if you have one of those too). I'll explain why you would do that in a moment. Or, if you have ranked up high enough beyond 50, you may have unlocked playing as the Borg! Why would you want to attack as a Borg? Because as a Fed, you cant attack another Fed space sector as a normal Fed. But as a Borg, you can attack a rival fleet's territory of the same faction. Instead of the lame AI acting as the attackers in Red Alerts, now the players are both the good guys and the bad guys.

    Sectors will have win/loss ratios assigned to each. If your Fleet is assigned to a sector, you care very much about that W/L ratio, because having it at a certain ratio provides kickbacks to your fleet in the form of crafting discounts, discounts on buying ships via dilithium as you rank up your toons, and rank accelerators that work in your pvp rank to unlock better ships a bit faster from the other factions and your own.

    We dont need to flesh out the other faction's story content right away to be able to play as them in just pvp. We all know that all these factions are attacking each other, aside from just the Feds and Klingons going at it. The story world can change as Cryptic wants it to, but all these factions will always be going at each others throats, and thats all you need if you are tired of just Fed v Klink.

    Lets assume you can only attack one faction as one faction (maybe they can change that and have tag team factions battles as the story permits). So, you are in your Fed toon and you sign up to attack as a Borg. But of the 10 needed to form an attack and launch it, 7 have already chosen Klink, and you chose Borg. You can either change to be a Klink too, or leave that queue and letother Klinks do that attack. As soon as 10 Klinks are ready to pounce, a timer starts. A Red Alert is sent out to all Fleets assigned to defend that sector! The Feds who just got the Bat Signal can either leave their mission if they choose or ignore it. If they arent in a mission at the time, more than likely they will answer the call.

    More than one fleet can be assigned to a sector defense. So it wont be about just one fleet responsible for a sector and maybe that fleet isnt in game at the moment. And it wont be about one fleet always getting singled out to be picked on. Sectors can be defended by large fleets as well as several small fleets. It will also be balanced, so as fleets decide what sectors they will defend, the sectors add up the fleets already committed and the individual accounts attached to that fleet. So a fleet half full of alts only counts as half its size. In simple terms, if there were only 10 sectors, all sectors must begin to fill up with accounts (not toons) assigned to defend it equally, every fleet cant load up on Sirius sector on signup week until the other sectors have fair representation.

    Your pvp participation is broken into three different categories of benefits. There is the main benefit ofhaving the sectors you defend being at a specific W/L ratio (a ratio thatmaybe gets reset by Cryptic every 3 months so it doesnt get ruined beyond repair) Then there is the individual benefits that are broken down as to how they help you personally and how they effect your fleet, big or small. You will be required to defend your sectors playing as your home Fed or Klink fleet toon and you will be equally required to play as an attacker as another faction that isnt your home fleet toon. So, you cant always just be about defense, you must go out and cause havoc against other sectors too. If you dont spread your pvp playtime equally, you hurt your individuals benefits, and may get cut off from fleet benefits if you arent a team player. a team player is a guy that equally defends and attacks. A guy not being a team player is a fleet member that only defends or only attacks because we cant have everyone sitting around to defend and no one attacking and vice versa.

    STO: @AGNT009 Since Dec 2010
    Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
  • grtiggygrtiggy Member Posts: 444 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    i think it might be better to just type down the options and rank them by ourselfs rather than a single choice poll

    like this.

    More Feature Episodes -6

    More KDF Content - 2

    More Fleet Missions / STFs - 3

    More Foundry Improvements - 8

    More Rare Ships - 9*

    Playable Romulans - 10*

    Improve PVP - 1

    Improve Duty Officer System - 7

    Improve Crafting - 5

    Improve Exploration - 4

    * things i dont really care about either way
  • doubleohninedoubleohnine Member Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Stay with me. You defend your fleet's assigned sector, you benefit that sector and your fleet. You play as an attacker against another Fed or Klink controlled sector, you hurt another fleet's sector ratio which in turn benefits yours, because the top three sectors with the best defense ratio gets added benefits. And maybe every three months, you can move around what three sectors your fleet defends, but you cant change mid quarter to assign yourself to a sector thats currently in the top 3. Maybe every quarter the ratios get reset, fleets pick new sectors to defend because each sector has a unique pvp map to play from, and we start it up again fresh, so that ratios dont get out of hand, and the rich dont get insanely rich for too long.

    So, your PvP rank is separate from your campaign rank somewhat. As you begin the game, you can only play as your main Fed defending, and as an attacker, you can play as Romulan or something. You still get subdivided into the rank pvp, so Lieutenants arent playing VAs. As you get to Captain, you unlock the ability to unlock playing as a Breen or Gorn or something. But even though you can unlock Breen now, you still have to get your PvP rank up to really unlock them ( a second lock). You cant just hit captain and instantly play Breen and have never played as a Romulan first in PvP. As you get to endgame at VA, then you unlock the ability to unlock the Borg or Species 8472. You cant just hit VA, and go straight to playing as Borg, your PvP rank must meet a certain point prerequisite as well. As you rank up normally, you unlock certain species to play as in PvP, but then you must also have ranked up your PvP rank to actually play as those endgame species. 3/4 of the ships in the faction can be played at no additional charge to Gold members. Cooler faction ships can be C store. If balanced correctly, the c store ships arent more powerful, you are really just paying for a look of a ship, a newer class, or paying to customize the look/color of your Romulan ship the way we customize our Fed and Klink ships. Standard ships come with the standard look, no customization. Got to give the C store a profit to make, lol.

    As a STO fleet member, its your responsibility to play as defender and attacker as it affects territory control, and hit certain marks to benefit your fleet and yourself. If you are or arent in a fleet, you can play PvP that doesnt effect territory control if you are fighting Breen vs Borg, or some other combo where Fed or Klink isnt involved in the fight because only Fed or Klink can defend sectors that affect fleet and personalbenefit kickbacks.

    And of course this assumes Cryptic can balance PvP properly, especially after I just added a ton more factions to play as, lol. I dont think fleet starbases and territory control should have AI deciding battles. Make every fleet earn their benefits with TRUE battle. This type of system acts as that spontaneous Red Alert system most of us love. Never know when the Red Alert will go off and your Fleet needs you! And when you queue up to attack, you will be able to see ahead of time the live and current W/L ratio of each sector, so you can see which sectors need attacking to take them down a notch. Obviously you wont choose to be a part of an attack against one of the sectors YOUR fleet defends.

    The battles themselves would be 10 v 10. First to get the opponents tickets down from 50 to 0 wins. And the win or loss is tallied into that sector's W/L ratio. If 10 enemies mount up to attack, and at least 10 defenders dont answer the call within a specified period once the timer starts, the attacking team gets 1/20th of the credit for a full win. Or some fair fraction. So, if the call for defenders keeps going unanswered, the sector takes a hit in its ratio even if no one is at home. As a PvPer, you want to balance your attacks against opposing sectors so that your fleet rivals have a worse defense ratio than the ones you are responsible for defending. Even if the Feds outnumber the Klinks, Feds are essentially attacking Fed assets in the form of other factions. You will also want to attack Klink assets as well as Fed assets, because the Klink sectors are in the running for Top 3 sectors defended too. If you are a Fed, who plays a Klink too, you probably arent going to attack a Klink sector where your Klink toon is assigned to defend when you are logged in as a Fed, and vice versa. Unless you are dumb enough to be your own conflict of interest, lol.
    STO: @AGNT009 Since Dec 2010
    Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
  • trhrangerxmltrhrangerxml Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I just want to point out the humor in me submitting a question yesterday during the Raptr Q&A after the official start time and 5 minutes from my asking the question later it seemed like pretty much all question were acknowledged (I didn't want to be impolite, figured someone would look back at some point to after 10am PST to see if there were any unanswered question). I understand that it wasn't answered in the ask Cryptic, I only ever had 1 question answered there and I understand how big the player base is and how lucky I was to get one on there.

    I just want to know if we are ever going to get a chance to get bumped hybrid weapons, like my personal favorite the Hybrid Plasma Disruptors (still post nerf), as a MK XII or maybe even higher quality? We have Phased Tetryon which are available as MK XII and even the Spiral Wave Disruptors got a bump, but what about Phased Polaron, Polarized Tetryon or Hybrid Plasma Disruptors? And how about some more variations like Turrets?

    Even with a bump in the Phaser Quad Cannons [Dmg]x4 and the new Fleet Advanced Weapons, STF went through a renaissance of people trying new weapon types besides Antiprotons.
    Hi, my name is: Elim Garak, Former Cardassian Oppressor

    LTS, here since...when did this game launch again? :D
  • startuxstartux Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    Forget about KDF content, cut your losses, start fresh with a new faction, learn from your mistakes with the Klingons and make a great Faction....The True Empire, The True Bad guys of the Federation...The Romulans.

    Spoken like a true Romulan! The ships look so cool I want to steal them, you wouldn't mind at all would you? :D

    If I had two votes Romulans would have been given one too, which makes the poll pretty pleasing so far.
  • rohirrimrohirrim Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    That poll sums up all the polls we have had during the last 2 years.

    1st poll we had shortly after launch in February 2010 was "What playable faction would you like to see?", guess who won...Romulans

    Then we have had multiple other polls after that where all of the above options won or ended up among the top 3 votes.

    Why are you bringing up 2,5 year old stuff that we where promised to be added now in yet another poll where we have to choose just one of them??
    Fleet Admiral Enterprise-D
  • snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I couldn't be less bothered about the kdf at the moment since I cannot deal with staring at that god aweful red ui it hurts my eyes so until they implement ui customization that will allow me to change it to something else that I like for example purple I won't be playing.

    Interesting to note that pvp is lagging behind yet again if that is not a sign that maybe Cryptic should stop wasting resources in this area and get rid of it completely I don't what is since pvp is not really important at all what is important is having a more stable and more customizable game which is less buggy.

    Your font coloring is more painful to read than the red ui of the Klingons.

    PvP is the best part of the game, bugs and all. Removing it would be dumb when they can just keep ignoring it like they mostly have for years.
  • amayakitsuneamayakitsune Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Q: (alastorforthrigh) As a member of a small but active fleet I?ve felt the strain on resources that a fleet Starbase gives. It's very difficult for small fleets to acquire the resources to finish featured projects on time. It's even more difficult for small fleets to gather the necessary DOFFs for base and project upgrades. Is there something being talked about by the Dev team to make it less straining on a small fleets resources so that they don?t have to spend 100% of their time grinding resources to devote to the base?

    Dstahl: Yes. There are several updates in the works to help alleviate some of the strain of finding some of the rarer items needed by projects. While I don?t expect the feature projects to change much, we do intend to put all feature projects back into rotation at some point in the future. Balancing the Fleet system when Fleet sizes range from 1 player up to 500 players is challenging, and so we?ve tried to find a happy medium by analyzing all of the fleet statistics to come up with the common denominator while still encouraging players to be in a fleet. We recognize that smaller fleets will be challenged but if it were any easier, big fleets wouldn?t be challenged at all. That said, we continue to add benefits and options to help smaller such as the Fleet Mark boost (available from Starbase vendors) that we just started offering for Fleet Credits. If it is any consolation, our internal development has a small active fleet (about 25 devs) on Holodeck (we?re purposely using anonymous non-dev accounts so that we can?t cheat) that is in the same situation. We have internal contests related to getting out team Starbase to various levels before Season 7 releases, so we have an active incentive to keep an eye on this and make sure we are feeling the same pain.

    Youre in a fleet with 25 members and are having issues... and you think its ok... Im sorry but if a fleet has 500 members... it should be easy for them... they should be able to breeze through the whole thing in 2 months... or less. Big fleets dont need the challenge... and my fleet of 4 certainly doesnt need the monumental challenge of just finding COMMON DOFFS!!!

    You should have balanced for fleet sizes on the small end, not in the middle... There is nothing happy about needing 30 common sensor doffs and them costing 200k a piece (almost 100k more than uncommon sensor doffs...) Theres nothing happy about the featured projects all costing 200k Dilithium... when they offer no XP and only small changes.

    Its broken... its not fun... its a grind, and it should be fixed, by either lowering the costs of all projects so that small fleets have a better time or it should scale to fleet size.

    Or just give us a cheap reliable way to get a specific type of doff instead of relying on the doff grinders at the academy/the fleet doff vendor.

  • digby1957digby1957 Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I hope that playable Romulans means a new faction and not just another race. So how about it Dan? Are the playable Romulans you're talking about a new faction or not?
  • thetruthurtsthetruthurts Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Stay with me.

    Sounds cool, but highly unlikely. Much more likely is a simple "monster play" PvP system where you get to play as normally NPC factions in PvP.
  • vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    My current thoughts have been that a healthy PvP system will need two healthy factions. KDF has been getting better, but it needs the final push to get it to where it needs to go. Once that happens, then PvP improvements will go much farther towards what will be useful for the long term health of the game.

    Nothing would make me happier, then to watch two equal healthy factions, the Federation and the Klingon empire, duke it out in a new healthy PVP system.....
    Then decloak in my warbird and take out the vulnerable weakened survivor/winner :D

  • aexraelaexrael Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    My current thoughts have been that a healthy PvP system will need two healthy factions. KDF has been getting better, but it needs the final push to get it to where it needs to go. Once that happens, then PvP improvements will go much farther towards what will be useful for the long term health of the game.

    Actually a "healthy" PvP system have three factions to breakup the population imbalances. *cough* Romulans *cough*.
  • palpha2clearancepalpha2clearance Member Posts: 432 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    My Rank of interest

    1. More Feature Episodes
    2. Playable Romulans
    3. More Foundry Improvements
    4. More Foundry Improvements
    5. Improve Exploration
    6. More Fleet Missions / STFs
    7. More Rare Ships
    8. More KDF Content
    9. Improve PVP
    10. Improve Duty Officer System
    11. Improve Crafting

    Thank you Dan for giving us a poll, and a Ask Cryptic that worth the time to post my questions, even though you skipped over them again (3rd time), but some of my questions were answered that were asked that were similar in a general way.

    Thank you for showing us the new PVE queue, but I wish we still had Star Base 24 ground, and DS9 Fleet Action ground where we could include our full away teams (Star Base 24), I used to run those for time. I would like to see the Fleet Action Allow full away teams and the player to be teamed with 5 Captains. and the STFs to allow them to tag a long in a teamed group.

    Engineering Reports and Transparency, thank you for acknowledging this, I feel as if a section that says this is what we are currently working on (projected ball park ETA) , a section for design discussion (ball park ETA to development), a section for completed releases (ball park estimate of when we will see them in game) would be amazing.

    The reason I use the word ball park is so you do not get nailed to the cross if it does not happen on schedule, but it keeps the community involved. Some of the Star Trek fans are very bright and can help you brain storm and cut out much of the hard work in the development process within the forums.

    Please do not let anyone ever say it is working as intended, when something is working horrifically bad, and take that cloak bug head on with the ui and systems team to get it fixed please, It is a bug and is not working as intended, many DEVS have stated its a bug, so please do not cop out on this, make it canon. The statuesque is not acceptable we are Star Trek fans and we challenge you to live up to the standard of the I.P.

    Thank you for the best ask cryptic i can remember in a long time.
  • blunted74blunted74 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Not fair...where is the "all of the above" option?
  • graemerowegraemerowe Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I want to see some emotes to be brought in, like the grayed out ones in the emote box, or the seductive dance. These can be set on NPCs in the Foundry, so would it be possible to make them available to players, since the coding for them is already there?
  • docsnoopydocsnoopy Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    diogene0 wrote: »
    I didn't vote for playable Rommies because what Dan Stahl stated didn't please me at all. If there has to be such a faction in game, I'd rather see it as a full and complete faction, like the fed or kdf, instead of only "playable romulans". I would rather see no romulans instead of fed romulans. This is the most ridiculous idea ever, and it tells us that Dan isn't a Star Trek fan at all. :D

    I do believe that many voters make the confusion between "playable romulans" and "a romulan faction", so you may add this precision to the poll option: Playable Romulans (not Romulan faction). Votes would change dramatically. :)

    The wording is very very important.
    As a own faction = yes, playable sub-race of existing factions = no.
  • dariusmajeredariusmajere Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    he said that in the Raptr Q&A also, would be more a subfaction. So if you all want just a romulan skin for your character, Keep voting for the race:P IF you all actually want the KDF content improved (the area your romulan skin would get shoved.) vote for more content.
    Proud Fleet Commander in Garfon's Renegades!
    Proud Leader of the Massive Chaos Group
    Proud Listener of Subspace-Radio.net The Voice of Star Trek Online.
  • rickeyredshirtrickeyredshirt Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I voted but I have to say, all areas need a bit more attention, not just one area. The top 3 picks still account for 2/3 of the vote (KDF, Romulans, FEs) followed closely by PvP which to me is essential for a healthy MMO.
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,818 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    jexsamx wrote: »
    In order as of this post:

    KDF Content
    Playable Romulans
    Featured Episodes

    With a combined 68.75% of the vote.

    It's a bit early to call it, but I feel confident in saying...

    ...You have your orders, now carry them out! :D

    I had wished the vote was multiple choice for those 3 specifically. I ended up voting Romulan though because FE's and KDF are nice but I need a reason to create a new toon more than anything to bother. This is how I would rank my top 3.

    1. Playable Romulan's
    2. Feature Episodes
    3. KDF Content

    I would really like to see a KDF specific STF! Gates of Grethor (probably spelled that wrong) is one of my favorite missions KDF side. Beautiful maps, mini boses, a boss at the end, etc. This mission truly did justice to the KDF side. One of the first original missions I haven't seen in quite some time was vaporizing Tribble piles. I'm not too sure why this mission has disappeared but it was a great one! Perhaps makes this a daily in future to earn a few DL or even have them invade our KDF Starbases as a daily for fleet marks. Klingon's and killing Tribbles is one thing people will not get tired of. :D

    I am very happy to know that the team is working on adding Saucer Separation to the Galaxy X and that the Wells and KDF equivelant will be hitting the C-Store in the second half of September. Now... Where's my Vesta Class? :p
  • shadowlordxsxshadowlordxsx Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Personally my vote is not on the list. My vote is to get the bugs fixed that have been around so long that it is not funny, such as the intership communication breaking cloak and others that have been around forever before adding anymore content that will add more bugs.

    As for playable romulan race I couldn't care really, just adding something like romulan lock boxes and being able to get ships from those would be an idea if the devs don't want to work on a whole new faction. I would love to have one of the romulan battleships as I think they are one of the coolest looking ships in sto.
  • crushedcrushed Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Romulans!!! Ive been waiting for at least 2 years
    Join Today! Click Below.
    Decloak and Destroy!!
  • synthscanner#2101 synthscanner Member Posts: 470 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    Loved this months Ask Cryptic, and as for the Poll I've answered "Improve PvP". I would have chosen KDF content or the Romulan playable faction but feel that immersive, repeatable content which can change variably depending on player interaction as well as the outcome of choices made, is MUCH more valuable content.

    Following this opinion I would very much like to see more costume, item, and ship options for the KDF over mission based PvE story content which I feel would be played once or perhaps a only a few times by each player. The Foundry is MORE than enough to provide more story line for KDF fans, allowing developer time to be spent on more valuable content.

    P.S. I seriously love the Ferasan species and lead a fleet of over 150 Ferasan, there's many other players outside of the Ferasan Shadow Force fleet who as well who're all welcome to join the in game chat channel "CatPhone" (publicly open to all Caitain/Ferasan players).

    Please please please can we have some more options for these species? Mostly I personally want more than anything else, a Ferasan starship, a raider and a new costume.


  • podsixpodsix Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    crushed wrote: »
    Romulans!!! Ive been waiting for at least 2 years

    Ambassador Class.. I've been waiting over 3!
  • toivatoiva Member Posts: 3,276 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I thank you for this poll, and your answers in the thread, Dastahl.

    But while I'm currently actually happy about the votes that are already in (factions: beef up the KDF, bring more after that, make them play in PvP), I can't help but notice 2 options for voting are missing:

    - More focus on testing/bugfixing

    It's great to get new content, but if it breaks all of the old one, it's not so much moving forward as it is moving sideways.

    - Focus on the science career/ships/abilities

    I gained a feeling I'm not alone in thinking science has far less use (in PvE mainly) than say tactical (both career and ships).
    TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class.
    Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
    Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.

    Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
  • diafpwediafpwe Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Playable Romulans! (and none of that jjtrek romulan TRIBBLE)
  • kadieraskadieras Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Romulans needs to be standalone, however, IF they were going to be shoehorned into any faction it would be the Federation. Romulans at least consider the Federation as competition, the Klingons are nothing but animals which need to be put down.
    he said that in the Raptr Q&A also, would be more a subfaction. So if you all want just a romulan skin for your character, Keep voting for the race:P IF you all actually want the KDF content improved (the area your romulan skin would get shoved.) vote for more content.
    Like the Romulan Alliance System? Of course you do, it sounds fine to you because you aren't Romulans, you're FED or KDF who are going to make a Romulan alt, it makes a HUGE difference in perspective.
This discussion has been closed.