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Gal-R underpowered/poorly designed



  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Engineering team is only on cooldown if you routinely use the Tac or science teams (I carry both)
    But they are used on other ships not mine
    Live long and Prosper
  • heimdallw32heimdallw32 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ussultimatum, your post blows my mind. I used to play City of Heroes/Villains and that's a spot-on comparison.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Not this again... =_=

    Yes the Gal-R needs an update, I know, you know, We ALL KNOW!!!

    Cryptic just needs to DO IT.
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    yeah that was a big disappointment to see the fleet galaxy R without universal ensign. The ship remains a ship for people that love the design, while the BOFF layout remains undesireable if compared with other ships.

    the chance for cryptic to correct this mistake, and make it a worthy ship that could live up to the legacy has gone bye.
    In my opinion any more threads about it are invane...it won't be changed anymore.
    If you want to be competitive you need the oddy, or another new c-store cruiser. There is no or just little profit in changing a ship that has been sold already.

    PS: i would have loved to see all fleet version ships with a universal ensign. I for one continue to not spend money on any z-store product. I'm not going to buy all my toons a fleet ship, since i don't see an improvement to the normal versions that justify 2000 zen respending into the same ship.

    PPS: Another thing that grind my gears, is the fact that some fleet ships that were taken from lower tiers are just TRIBBLE...even weaker than those you get when reaching RA. So all the grind (200k fleet credits) to buy a ship that is weaker than the one i have?
    Go pro or go home
  • decker03decker03 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    baudl wrote: »
    In my opinion any more threads about it are invane...it won't be changed anymore.

    Well, nobody is able to get a Fleet Galaxy yet, so changes are still possible. As soon as the ship is available you are right, it's more than unlikely then. The biggest problem here is, Cryptic seems to use forum filters, so all topics with "Galaxy Class" or "Enterprise-D" probably never appear on the Devs monitors :) There wasn't even one of those useless "added to my list of feedback now go do something else" replies to any thread.

    Join Date: Aug 2010
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    baudl wrote: »
    PPS: Another thing that grind my gears, is the fact that some fleet ships that were taken from lower tiers are just TRIBBLE...even weaker than those you get when reaching RA. So all the grind (200k fleet credits) to buy a ship that is weaker than the one i have?

    just an fyi, the shield mod listed for those low tier fleet ships is wrong, despite the tool tip correctly reflecting the shield mod, the actual facing hitpoints are higher then they should be. my ktinga has a shield mod of 1.07 for example, and i know the fleet saber also has a mod higher then listed.
  • starboardnacellestarboardnacelle Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    Note word "mission"

    A Galaxy R is an ideal ship for completing missions when

    1 you don't know what or who to expect
    2 you do not have back up or support readily available
    3 you do not want to actually respawn if at all possible

    As to the Ensign Eng
    there are a LOT of useful Eng skills at ensign level (its not as useless as a Ensign tac seems to be )
    Emergency power for example (I carry Emergency power to several things on different boffs and can cycle them out as needed)
    Engineering team is valuable but I have that in my Chief engineers powers list

    Remember the R is obsolete
    its not supposed to be state of the art or super powerful

    I've tried to be nice, I've tried to be patient. I've even tried appealing to your vanity, but it's abundantly clear that you are incapable of viewing this from the perspective of actual gameplay. The Galaxy is obsolete? Then why is the Excelsior outperforming it in every way, shape, and form? Your argument fell apart before you even typed it out.

    1.) This is irrelevant from the player's perspective. Realistically, every player ship is shoehorned into this role and is more than capable of doing the same content on the same level. In fact, every other Cruiser does it inherently better.
    2.) See 1.
    3.) The Galaxy isn't any more durable than the Excelsior, Sovereign, or Emissary. It's stuck with a redundant slot whose only practical application shares cooldowns with far superior abilities.
  • bruccybruccy Member Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    everytime i go into a team and someone is using a galaxy R , MY HEART SINKS , the ship as it is has fail written all over it , i own it but never use it as i feel im a liability to any team i join with it , some players dont help its case by trying to dps instead of taking up a support role (healing) .but as the game is atm with timers taking anything but something that does a decent amount of dps is hurting the team .

    i think it needs redone from the baseline up . but at the very least. as has been pointed out a universal slot would help, it was afterall a former flagship and should be way more powerfull than it is .
  • areikou#8990 areikou Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    It's funny how so many people say "Oh the Galaxy is obsolete, oh the Galaxy is useless, oh we should just self destruct ourselves if we fly it".

    Fact of the matter is, the Galaxy is no different than the Sovereign, Star Cruiser, Dreadnought, Regent, Excelsior, or any other cruiser. It has the boff slots where they count for tanking, right in the Engineering where they belong for a cruiser tank. So it has an extra engineering ensign slot that shares cooldowns with other abilities. So what? In the end, that one ability will not make or break your ability to tank a Tactical Cube or an entire wave of ships made up of Klingon/Orion/Tholian.

    In the end, it's one boff slot that everyone complains about and it gets very tiresome to see people always rant on and on about it. So it has a 6 turn rate, whoopdi doo. The turn rate is more than enough to get it in line for broadsiding and using FAW for your mainstay aggro generator on multiple ships, your turn rate doesn't mean a whole hell of a lot anyways.

    The thing has 2 tactical slots, the same as the Star Cruiser, has anyone eviscerated the star cruiser because of this? No, it's hailed as being superior because it has a single science boff slot more than the galaxy and sovereign.

    The Excelsior is touted as being the most superior cruiser of all because of a LTC tactical boff. Oh yay, it can throw out TS3 or HY3 or any other 3 tactical boff ability. It also lacks the LTC engineering of the Galaxy, AND has that exact same useless Ensign engineering boff that the Galaxy has, but has anyone tore the Excelsior a new one because of that? No, it gets ranked #1 because it has a slightly better turn rate (2 points is slightly better, you're not spinning on any dimes in that thing) and it has the LTC tactical. Nevermind that the Galaxy potentially tanks better because of the LTC Engineering slot. Oh and let's not forget the 3 science console slots, an extra one over the Excelsior for another field gen, increasing your shields over what the Excelsior will ever have.

    I don't know what everyone is expecting the Galaxy to be changed to, she has her points where they count, she can tank with the best of them, in fact she does it better in a lot of cases. I dunno if people are expecting a universal boff slot to replace the ensign engineering (Why isn't anyone crying for this on the Excelsior also?) so that you can throw out another what? Tactical team? Polarize Hull?

    When it's all said and done, the Galaxy will perform equal to or better in the role that she was designed for and I will bet cash money that even if she gets a change, people will complain because they didn't get it their way.
    [Unrepentant] Lapo@overlapo: the problem with space STF
    is that you can't properly teabag your defeated opponent

    Unrepentant: Home of the Rainbow Warrior and the Rainbow Brigade.
  • areikou#8990 areikou Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    It would help of course, the 180 fire arc would help any slow turning ship.
    [Unrepentant] Lapo@overlapo: the problem with space STF
    is that you can't properly teabag your defeated opponent

    Unrepentant: Home of the Rainbow Warrior and the Rainbow Brigade.
  • synthiasuicidesynthiasuicide Member Posts: 458 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    When it's all said and done, the Galaxy will perform equal to or better in the role that she was designed for and I will bet cash money that even if she gets a change, people will complain because they didn't get it their way.

    But, thats just it, they dont wanna use it as it was designed, lol. They want it to be a war machine.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    When it's all said and done, the Galaxy will perform equal to or better in the role that she was designed for and I will bet cash money that even if she gets a change, people will complain because they didn't get it their way.

    not a single thing you said is accurate. in every possible use you could have for the galaxy, another ship does it much better. it has every disadvantage a single ship can have, and in pvp if your not using your ship to 100% of its potential, you will get rolled, and the galaxy can only get to about 80% or any other cruiser. its so bad that its a liability to every team its on. its station setup is not the best for tanking, it hamstrings its ability to tank. you CANT use high end EPtX skills on it, because you would have nothing you could use in its 3 ENS stations. being forced to take ET1 and 3 is a fraction of the effectiveness being able to take ET3 and HE1 provide. its soooo bad in every way, its indefensible.
  • areikou#8990 areikou Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    not a single thing you said is accurate. in every possible use you could have for the galaxy, another ship does it much better. it has every disadvantage a single ship can have, and in pvp if your not using your ship to 100% of its potential, you will get rolled, and the galaxy can only get to about 80% or any other cruiser. its so bad that its a liability to every team its on. its station setup is not the best for tanking, it hamstrings its ability to tank. you CANT use high end EPtX skills on it, because you would have nothing you could use in its 3 ENS stations. being forced to take ET1 and 3 is a fraction of the effectiveness being able to take ET3 and HE1 provide. its soooo bad in every way, its indefensible.

    So...the Excelsior, having the exact same 3 ensign slots, and only having a LT Eng (Compared to LTC on the Galaxy) is better...how?

    What you're saying makes no sense. You can take ET3 and HE1 with the Galaxy, I'm not sure where you're getting that you're FORCED to take ET1. In fact, you can take ET3, EPTS3, and Aux2Sif3 if you wanted to on the same BO. So forgive this simpleton's lack of foresight, but I'm not seeing what you're referring to the Galaxy being "soooo bad in every way, its indefensible."

    If your gripe is because of cooldowns on the ensign engineering powers (EPTX for example), then it sounds more like you should blame the design of the powers and go after a change in those, rather than a change in the ship itself. Frankly having 4 of the 5 ensign powers locked with the same cooldown and share those same cooldowns with the other two versions scattered through LT and LTC is silly to me.

    But having 3 ensign engineering slots does not break the ship in any way, shape, or form. You're still going to be able to tank anything in PVE and you can still be a monster zombie cruiser in PVP. Doing what the ship is designed to do.
    [Unrepentant] Lapo@overlapo: the problem with space STF
    is that you can't properly teabag your defeated opponent

    Unrepentant: Home of the Rainbow Warrior and the Rainbow Brigade.
  • decker03decker03 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    So...the Excelsior, having the exact same 3 ensign slots, and only having a LT Eng (Compared to LTC on the Galaxy) is better...how?

    What you're saying makes no sense. You can take ET3 and HE1 with the Galaxy, I'm not sure where you're getting that you're FORCED to take ET1. In fact, you can take ET3, EPTS3, and Aux2Sif3 if you wanted to on the same BO. So forgive this simpleton's lack of foresight, but I'm not seeing what you're referring to the Galaxy being "soooo bad in every way, its indefensible."

    If your gripe is because of cooldowns on the ensign engineering powers (EPTX for example), then it sounds more like you should blame the design of the powers and go after a change in those, rather than a change in the ship itself. Frankly having 4 of the 5 ensign powers locked with the same cooldown and share those same cooldowns with the other two versions scattered through LT and LTC is silly to me.

    But having 3 ensign engineering slots does not break the ship in any way, shape, or form. You're still going to be able to tank anything in PVE and you can still be a monster zombie cruiser in PVP. Doing what the ship is designed to do.

    Oh my, where to start. Reading your post #41 it's obvious your understanding of cruisers and the differences between them is not very good. That's ok, we all started somewhere.

    To put it simple. You have to put something into all of the engineering slots the Galaxy offers. Your options here are:
    a) use 3 ensign level EPtX abilities (most likely 2xEPtW1, 1xEPtS1): this will allow for high level healing skills but will reduce your tankability compared to other tank/healing cruisers
    b) use 2 ensign level EPtX abilities and ET1, this will allow you to use high level tanking skills + some gimmicks, but will significantly reduce your healing (of others)
    c) use 2 ensign level EPtX abilities and ET1 and slot an additional ET3: quite obvious that this between cooldown issues and the low healing provided by ET1 is not a very good choice

    Option A will put your Galaxy at a disadvantage against other cruiser with tanking.
    Option B makes you a joke as healer.
    Option C, well you won't really tell us you can't see that an additional tactical or science ensign won't provide better options here, do you? I mean, really, an additional Tac Team, a second FaW, the option to use FaW and APSomething, a Tractor Beam, Science Team, a second TSS. Everything is better than what the Galaxy has available.

    This is not so much a problam of cooldowns but the available ensign level engineering skills. Cooldowns between EPtX powers have to be or cruisers would even more easily run 125 power on everything constantly. As it stands now, the Galaxy as a C-Store ship does not perform equal to free ships like the Assault Cruiser or Star Cruiser. This of course means nothing in PvE. We all know the highly superior attitude and moral of PvE-only players is as bad as some PvP players towards them and does not allow PvP balance arguments to count, so I guess everything is fine here.

    P.S. Since you seem to have problems to see the difference between the Galaxy and the Excelsior. The Excelsior is a tactical cruiser not a healer, it's not there to tank/heal, but to damage/tank. Both requires completely different setups, so you might want to read a couple threads with build advice for Excelsiors to understand why the boff layout is not bad and quite different to the Galaxy.

    Join Date: Aug 2010
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    So...the Excelsior, having the exact same 3 ensign slots, and only having a LT Eng (Compared to LTC on the Galaxy) is better...how?

    What you're saying makes no sense. You can take ET3 and HE1 with the Galaxy, I'm not sure where you're getting that you're FORCED to take ET1. In fact, you can take ET3, EPTS3, and Aux2Sif3 if you wanted to on the same BO. So forgive this simpleton's lack of foresight, but I'm not seeing what you're referring to the Galaxy being "soooo bad in every way, its indefensible."

    If your gripe is because of cooldowns on the ensign engineering powers (EPTX for example), then it sounds more like you should blame the design of the powers and go after a change in those, rather than a change in the ship itself. Frankly having 4 of the 5 ensign powers locked with the same cooldown and share those same cooldowns with the other two versions scattered through LT and LTC is silly to me.

    But having 3 ensign engineering slots does not break the ship in any way, shape, or form. You're still going to be able to tank anything in PVE and you can still be a monster zombie cruiser in PVP. Doing what the ship is designed to do.

    at least the excelsior has 3 tac stations, that lack of 2 LTC level eng stations actually makes that 3rd ensign eng slightly more useful. in the excelsior's case it has an advantage with a disadvantage, the galaxy has a disadvantage with a disadvantage. with a disadvantage, with a disadvantage, with a disadvantage.
  • areikou#8990 areikou Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    BWAHAHAHAHA! Now that's about the funniest thing I've read since Phyllis Diller takes a vacation at Guantanamo Bay!

    So let's make sure I understand you correctly here, sparky.

    You believe that I do not understand cruisers and tanking, when I have already provided multitudes of facts of the Galaxy vs everything but the Regent and Odyssey. Have experienced everything first hand at the highest levels PVE has to offer with this ship, and come out without a scratch, while being able to keep idiots in escorts who train threat control alive (Except for that one guy who thought it was better to make himself a gateway and tactical cube sandwich with him as the mayo), at the same time can stay alive in PVP and providing healing and fire support. While all you're doing is showing off that once again, there is an inlaid problem with the boff abilities at the ensign level, rather than the ship itself and 'I' don't know what I'm talking about?

    Fine, you want to talk mechanics and get all nitty gritty here? Yea, we can do that, sure. I always sucked at math but let's see if I can bedazzle you with my incoherent rambling for a moment long enough to prove my point.

    Galaxy R
    Hull 40,000 (Better than AC, Excelsior, and SC. Equal to the Dreadnought)
    Shield Mod 1.0 (Same for all cruisers)
    Inertia 25 (Better than the Odyssey, can power slide if you feel like being Elvis in a 2 million ton machine, same sized posterior)
    Turn Rate 6 (Same as Dreadnought and Odyssey, doesn't matter due to broadside and FAW skills)

    Boff abilities that will keep you alive as any class VA doing the job you should be, tanking
    Aux2Sif3, EPTS3, EPTS2, RSP1, HE1, TSS2, TT1-Anything besides these are fluff. You can go for an Extend shields, if you feel like taking the hit of the aforementioned idiot threat control training escort driver.

    Aggro Generation
    FAW2, 2 tactical consoles for increased damage to help with aggro.
    DEM1 or 2 if you feel like it, helps increase aggro slightly due to increased shield penetration.

    Shield/Engine/Deflector Combo
    Whatever you like, I prefer Maco XII shields and Deflector with a Borg engine for 2 set 2 piece bonuses, but this can vary depending upon personal tastes.

    Engineering Consoles 4, same as every cruiser, slot 2 or 3 Neutronium and the Borg assimilated console. Pick and choose what you want.

    Science Consoles 3, only the Odysseyand Star Cruiser tie with it. Superior shield HPs over everything except the Odyssey and Starcruiser.

    Did I miss anything, or did I pretty much sum up what it takes to be a tank with a Galaxy-R?

    Not happy with that? Then let's continue!
    FAW2+Threat Control 9=You are aggroing anything you hit. Your team SHOULD be concentrating fire on a single target to wipe them out quickly with focused fire, if they aren't, that's not your fault nor your problem.

    Engineering Team
    Seriously? What tank is going to use Engineering team over Tactical? You have Aux2sif3 and HE1 at your disposal. If you're taking so much hull damage that you need more than this, talk to me later and I'll give you a few pointers on how not to suck so bad.

    Ship Bonus
    +5 to all power levels, same as the AC, SC, Excelsior, and Dreadnought

    The Galaxy R has everything in the right spots to be a successful and powerful tank. I am sorry that you are unable to realize this even with all of this thrown directly at you. Because God knows nobody ever reads walls of texts to realize they were an idiot, let alone admit to it on an internet forum.

    Conclusion 2
    I will admit there are two problems here, but it's not with the ship.

    1-Too many people seem to highly underestimate the Galaxy R simply because it has no I Win Button or because one ship has one or two things better, completely ignoring the fact the Galaxy R has two different things over what they're touting as the supreme of everything.

    2-There is a problem with the boff skills themselves, Engineering skills at Ensign have 5, Tactical 9, Science 8.

    It's not the ship.
    [Unrepentant] Lapo@overlapo: the problem with space STF
    is that you can't properly teabag your defeated opponent

    Unrepentant: Home of the Rainbow Warrior and the Rainbow Brigade.
  • aethon3050aethon3050 Member Posts: 599 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    BWAHAHAHAHA! Now that's about the funniest thing I've read since Phyllis Diller takes a vacation at Guantanamo Bay!

    So let's make sure I understand you correctly here, sparky.

    You believe that I do not understand cruisers and tanking, when I have already provided multitudes of facts of the Galaxy vs everything but the Regent and Odyssey. Have experienced everything first hand at the highest levels PVE has to offer with this ship, and come out without a scratch, while being able to keep idiots in escorts who train threat control alive (Except for that one guy who thought it was better to make himself a gateway and tactical cube sandwich with him as the mayo), at the same time can stay alive in PVP and providing healing and fire support. While all you're doing is showing off that once again, there is an inlaid problem with the boff abilities at the ensign level, rather than the ship itself and 'I' don't know what I'm talking about?

    Fine, you want to talk mechanics and get all nitty gritty here? Yea, we can do that, sure. I always sucked at math but let's see if I can bedazzle you with my incoherent rambling for a moment long enough to prove my point.

    Galaxy R
    Hull 40,000 (Better than AC, Excelsior, and SC. Equal to the Dreadnought)
    Shield Mod 1.0 (Same for all cruisers)
    Inertia 25 (Better than the Odyssey, can power slide if you feel like being Elvis in a 2 million ton machine, same sized posterior)
    Turn Rate 6 (Same as Dreadnought and Odyssey, doesn't matter due to broadside and FAW skills)

    Boff abilities that will keep you alive as any class VA doing the job you should be, tanking
    Aux2Sif3, EPTS3, EPTS2, RSP1, HE1, TSS2, TT1-Anything besides these are fluff. You can go for an Extend shields, if you feel like taking the hit of the aforementioned idiot threat control training escort driver.

    Aggro Generation
    FAW2, 2 tactical consoles for increased damage to help with aggro.
    DEM1 or 2 if you feel like it, helps increase aggro slightly due to increased shield penetration.

    Shield/Engine/Deflector Combo
    Whatever you like, I prefer Maco XII shields and Deflector with a Borg engine for 2 set 2 piece bonuses, but this can vary depending upon personal tastes.

    Engineering Consoles 4, same as every cruiser, slot 2 or 3 Neutronium and the Borg assimilated console. Pick and choose what you want.

    Science Consoles 3, only the Odysseyand Star Cruiser tie with it. Superior shield HPs over everything except the Odyssey and Starcruiser.

    Did I miss anything, or did I pretty much sum up what it takes to be a tank with a Galaxy-R?

    Not happy with that? Then let's continue!
    FAW2+Threat Control 9=You are aggroing anything you hit. Your team SHOULD be concentrating fire on a single target to wipe them out quickly with focused fire, if they aren't, that's not your fault nor your problem.

    Engineering Team
    Seriously? What tank is going to use Engineering team over Tactical? You have Aux2sif3 and HE1 at your disposal. If you're taking so much hull damage that you need more than this, talk to me later and I'll give you a few pointers on how not to suck so bad.

    Ship Bonus
    +5 to all power levels, same as the AC, SC, Excelsior, and Dreadnought

    The Galaxy R has everything in the right spots to be a successful and powerful tank. I am sorry that you are unable to realize this even with all of this thrown directly at you. Because God knows nobody ever reads walls of texts to realize they were an idiot, let alone admit to it on an internet forum.

    Conclusion 2
    I will admit there are two problems here, but it's not with the ship.

    1-Too many people seem to highly underestimate the Galaxy R simply because it has no I Win Button or because one ship has one or two things better, completely ignoring the fact the Galaxy R has two different things over what they're touting as the supreme of everything.

    2-There is a problem with the boff skills themselves, Engineering skills at Ensign have 5, Tactical 9, Science 8.

    It's not the ship.

    I read what you have to say here, and I have to say that both sides of the argument have merit, in my eyes.

    I personally still fly my Galaxy-R on occasion; it's not the offensive, maneuverable powerhouse that my Excelsior is (unless I use saucer sep), but it's durable as hell, and is a good supporting ship.

    That said, I don't think anyone would argue that it needs help; tank or not, support ship or not, its turn rate really blows, and isn't accurate. The Negh'Var is gigantic and tanks just about as well, yet it turns on a dime compared to this thing (and mounts dual/quad cannons)...so it isn't really a balance thing. Also, the Galaxy was a multirole ship, designed to support itself when no other ships were around, out at the frontiers of space; the ensign slot should be universal, both to reflect this, and to prevent cooldown overlap/painting the player into a corner with a predetermined layout requirement.

    So...to put it simply, the Gal-R is a great tank; but it tanks maybe 10% better than a Negh'Var (and I think that's being rather generous) in exchange for about 50% less damage output and 50% less turn speed; it's still a good ship, but that doesn't seem like a very fair trade-off to me.

    So...here are my two suggestions:

    1. Make saucer separation an inherent ability, not a console, and reduce its cooldown enough to make it useful. It doesn't need to be a console, and it being so serves no purpose whatsoever. Alternatively, give all ships a special console slot JUST for these special consoles; it prevents us having to use up console slots for these, and it makes people want to spend money on Z-store stuff just to fill that empty slot, so it's win-win for us AND Cryptic/PWE.

    2. Make it turn faster. Not escort, not Galor, not even Excelsior...just bump it up a bit more. It really wouldn't hurt anything, or break the game. The regular Negh'var we get for free at LG would still be a superior ship compared to the Z-store Galaxy-R...more crew, faster turn rate, more DPS, dual cannons, tanks just about as well...so it's not like this would change the balance.
  • decker03decker03 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Edit: Never mind

    Join Date: Aug 2010
  • synthiasuicidesynthiasuicide Member Posts: 458 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    aethon3050 wrote: »
    Alternatively, give all ships a special console slot JUST for these special consoles; it prevents us having to use up console slots for these, and it makes people want to spend money on Z-store stuff just to fill that empty slot, so it's win-win for us AND Cryptic/PWE.

    Bingo, That would be awesome. Like how the Dread, Garumba etc didnt get a fleet version because of a built in ability. Bam make each ship have a slot for a UNI Console. People without purchasing the Dread from the C-Store simply Have to put something else in that spot instead of the Phaser Lance Console, etc.
    Actually for Customization reasons, I wish Each ship had a 4th Line for Consoles just for Universals. I mean how many people run the Borg Uni? Everyone does. Give say 2-3 Slots per ship just for Universal consoles. Hell maybe that'll be Tier 6 Ships. lol

    But I agree your both arguing about the same problems. Just from a different Perspective. The Galaxy-R has a problem because of the 3 Ensign Engie spots, and there simply not being anough Engie Ensign abilities to pick from compared to Sci or Tac.
  • decker03decker03 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    But I agree your both arguing about the same problems. Just from a different Perspective. The Galaxy-R has a problem because of the 3 Ensign Engie spots, and there simply not being anough Engie Ensign abilities to pick from compared to Sci or Tac.

    Well yes, unfortunatly the problem is only as big as it is for the Galaxy because of her having too many engineering slots. For every other cruiser it's usually not that difficult filling 2 engineering ensign slots.

    I can't really see Cryptic adding completely new BOFF abilities or even downgrading things, which would also mean a lot of non trivial work I guess. Maybe that's also why I can't really understand people arguing against giving the Gal an ensign universal (not very hard to do on Cryptics side) at least to bring her on par with her counterpart on the KDF side and follow the example of other Fleet ships.

    Another factor is IMHO, it doesn't really matter for PvE, everything can get the job done there. And lets be honest, it doesn't really matter that much for PuG PvP, where many people don't even know what a Tac Team is. For me more customization and everything that allows us to fly what we like in an effective way in every part of the game would be a good thing.

    Join Date: Aug 2010
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    BWAHAHAHAHA! Now that's about the funniest thing I've read since Phyllis Diller takes a vacation at Guantanamo Bay!

    So let's make sure I understand you correctly here, sparky.

    You believe that I do not understand cruisers and tanking, when I have already provided multitudes of facts of the Galaxy vs everything but the Regent and Odyssey. Have experienced everything first hand at the highest levels PVE has to offer

    ah. ya no further reading is needed. if you only pve, or think 'high level' pve is in any way a challenge or doing well in it is some kind of accomplishment, i know that you wont even be at the knowledge level to actually debate this kind of thing. try again after you become part of a successful premade, or at least after you can stomp well in ker'ret.
  • areikou#8990 areikou Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ah. ya no further reading is needed. if you only pve, or think 'high level' pve is in any way a challenge or doing well in it is some kind of accomplishment, i know that you wont even be at the knowledge level to actually debate this kind of thing. try again after you become part of a successful premade, or at least after you can stomp well in ker'ret.

    PVP Elitism Lunacy at it's best. Go home, get a boyfriend, have some fun, and come back to us when the game isn't shoved so squarely up your rump that people mistaken you for a flag pole.

    I love it when people stop reading in mid sentence and think they know exactly what they're dealing with. Love it.

    My Entire argument is that the boff skills themselves are broken, not the ship. However, decker03 made a very good point in that Cryptic will most likely not do anything about the skills themselves (omfg, they won't do a total revamp of something that makes any sense???). So the alternative is to give the Galaxy a universal ensign or a tac or a science.

    I still firmly believe that the Galaxy is not broken however, due to one small ensign slot. That's not enough to break anything. And it's turn rate isn't that big of a deal. Pop an eng battery, hit evasive, and watch her whirl around like a semi-truck with a drunken community service worker at the wheel.
    [Unrepentant] Lapo@overlapo: the problem with space STF
    is that you can't properly teabag your defeated opponent

    Unrepentant: Home of the Rainbow Warrior and the Rainbow Brigade.
  • sevoksevok Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    PVP Elitism Lunacy at it's best. Go home, get a boyfriend, have some fun, and come back to us when the game isn't shoved so squarely up your rump that people mistaken you for a flag pole.

    Ah man - classic. :D

    Thanks for saying what I couldn't work out a way to say.

    I hate narrowmindedness. "PVP = all" is ... so tiring.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    PVP Elitism Lunacy at it's best. Go home, get a boyfriend, have some fun, and come back to us when the game isn't shoved so squarely up your rump that people mistaken you for a flag pole.

    I love it when people stop reading in mid sentence and think they know exactly what they're dealing with. Love it.

    My Entire argument is that the boff skills themselves are broken, not the ship. However, decker03 made a very good point in that Cryptic will most likely not do anything about the skills themselves (omfg, they won't do a total revamp of something that makes any sense???). So the alternative is to give the Galaxy a universal ensign or a tac or a science.

    I still firmly believe that the Galaxy is not broken however, due to one small ensign slot. That's not enough to break anything. And it's turn rate isn't that big of a deal. Pop an eng battery, hit evasive, and watch her whirl around like a semi-truck with a drunken community service worker at the wheel.

    you can be as flustered and holier then though as you want. you arent aware of the slim margins of success in pvp, the margins that any other cruiser choice is above, and the galaxy is below. this is because of about 5 disadvantages, and no advantages. that on its face should tell you something is wrong with the ship, having not a single advantage that its cruiser peers enjoy. yet you are driven to bend over backward defending a ship with nothing but disadvantages as fine. what would posses you?

    there is basically no way to fail pve, nothing basically doesn't work there. you can have a terrable build and still do fine in elite stfs as long as you are smart enough to shoot at something the whole time. thats the only factor that is critical there, time. time disqualifies no ship, no mater how crummy, any ship is capable of doing fine with the right amount of time. this must be what throws you off. you still kill just fine in it, every thing you have ever shot in it dies, it must be fine. lol :rolleyes:
  • bridgernbridgern Member Posts: 709 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I think the Galaxy is not really a tank in the Dominion War she the federation battleship.
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sevok wrote: »
    Ah man - classic. :D

    Thanks for saying what I couldn't work out a way to say.

    I hate narrowmindedness. "PVP = all" is ... so tiring.

    but it's hard to deny the fact the the real proving ground for build and ships is not PVE

    and also you can't deny, that any build that works for PVP will more than work in PVE. Atleast thats my experiance and that of countless others i have the honor to duell in PVP or play elite stf's.

    it has been proven that elite stf's a re doable even in shuttles, considering those are the most difficult PVE content...ever tried to stay alive in a PVP match using a shuttle?

    It has only little to do with elitism, to state that PVE is not a proving ground for ships. Any ship with any class as captain works fine in PVE...but not every combination does in PVP.

    you can call me elitist too, but dontdrunkimshoot is absolutely right on the subject. If you ignore the fact that PVP is the only measurable ground for good ship builds and skill, you condamn yourself to mediocracy. In other words...you gimp yourself intentionaly.
    Go pro or go home
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The Gal-R is working as intended.
  • decker03decker03 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The Gal-R is working as intended.

    DOFFs on the Exchange that can't be used for Fleet Projects are also working as intended. I think we can agree that Cryptics intentions are quite fascinating but don't match the actual gameplay.

    Join Date: Aug 2010
  • decker03decker03 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    baudl wrote: »
    but it's hard to deny the fact the the real proving ground for build and ships is not PVE

    and also you can't deny, that any build that works for PVP will more than work in PVE. Atleast thats my experiance and that of countless others i have the honor to duell in PVP or play elite stf's.

    it has been proven that elite stf's a re doable even in shuttles, considering those are the most difficult PVE content...ever tried to stay alive in a PVP match using a shuttle?

    It has only little to do with elitism, to state that PVE is not a proving ground for ships. Any ship with any class as captain works fine in PVE...but not every combination does in PVP.

    you can call me elitist too, but dontdrunkimshoot is absolutely right on the subject. If you ignore the fact that PVP is the only measurable ground for good ship builds and skill, you condamn yourself to mediocracy. In other words...you gimp yourself intentionaly.

    It's sad that so many threats sooner or later turn into PvE against PvP conflicts. I guess as long as players only encounter the "high end PvE content" aka Elite STFs and maybe some PuG PvP where people are trying to Kirk their way through the other party, its hard to see that there is a part of the game where small differences actually matter. Also it's probably hard to understand and see these small differences then. Some people like a challenge and others not or are challenged on a lower level of difficulty, we should accept that.

    The really sad thing is, that said PvE players usually complain about PvPers being "Elitists" and how dare they say that Elite PvE content ist not the hardest and most complicated one can imagine. While there are PvP players with questionable attitude, said PvE players show the same level of low tolerance and ignorance of game aspects they cry and whine about. This threat is a wonderful example, someone calling others idiot just because he is unable to accept the fact that there might be things beyond his beloved slaughtering of NPCs or differences in game mechanics he simply does not see. This is of course absolutly impossible.

    All of this totally off-topic of course, but I bet there will be a new Gal-R threat next week.

    Join Date: Aug 2010
  • cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I was thinking of posting this in a less-trafficked board but since this is really directed towards the devs, why not this one.

    The Galaxy classes, and in particular the Galaxy-R, are very oddly designed. It's crippled from the start by a god awful turn rate, even by cruiser standards... it only comes with two Tac consoles, which would be acceptable (even if it isn't nearly enough to get by in this day and age) except the toy console is saucer sep... what on earth were they thinking? Why put saucer sep on a ship that has zero teeth?

    There isn't even anything particularly tanky about the Gal-R... it only has ~4.5k more hull than a bug (and 2k less than an Operations Ody). It just has no unique selling point and isn't built towards any special end other than as a very generic healboat.

    Personally, I would fix it by giving it a Lt. Com. Sci and bumping the Lt. Com. Eng down to a Lt, as well as an extra Sci console. Some also feel an extra Tac console would help immensely, which is fair too.

    It's kind of criminal that any Star Trek game can get away with not releasing a Galaxy variant that doesn't make you feel like a dumbass for flying it.

    Please donate just 10 cents a month to save the poor Galaxy!

    I think you simply don't know how to set up the ship to tank and fight well. Its a heavy cruiser not an escort.
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