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Post your worst STF experiance



  • skhcskhc Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    voporak wrote: »
    CSE BoP heavy plasma torps (yes, they do a LOT)
    ISE sphere heavy plasma torps (also do a lot)

    Don't take this question the wrong way, but are you sure you're not have lag or graphical issues or something that might result in you taking more hits than you realise, and it's actually not a 1-hit but a 4-5 in quick succession?

    Cos I can reliably say I've never been one shotted by either of those, in any ship (Tac in 3 different Escorts, Eng/Battlecruiser, Eng/Garumba, Sci/Sci, Sci/Kar'Fi). And whilst I'm good at STFs, I'm not exceptionally good. I know at least 20 people better than me. I'm not sure I've even seen a sphere launch a HY Plasma (at least not a targettable one anyway).

    I really only get done by Tac cubes, gates and Donatra. Ordinary cubes only get me if I make a mistake or they TB & Torp me whilst my Omega and PH are both on cooldown.
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Yes, my game does lag. And the BoP one hit kill with a heavy plasma torp is actually the torp followed by their weapons but the torp takes care of most of it. As for the Kar'fi, that can be no comparison. The Kar'fi is a big and more survivable thing. The Defiant is literally cannons mounted on glass with impulse engines to fly it around. And since it only has three engineering consoles and I put field gens in the science slot, I have no room for armor.

    EDIT: Let's not forget the invisitorps...
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • lostmoonylostmoony Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    armors have there place in eng slots not scie slot so how you can not have room there?
    you have nthing put into your eng slots?

    and karfi have much mure shild then a defiant"Escort?" right but the hull is lame 36k vs escorts 33k and he have only 2 armor slots i know escorts can cary 3 or some escorts 4, for example the new isometric ignores your shild if i understand it right so only your hull+armors importend to get 1 shotet or not, same like plasma dmg/dot higher resis =lower dmg = stay alive.
  • dood98998dood98998 Member Posts: 389
    edited August 2012
    lostmoony wrote: »
    armors have there place in eng slots not scie slot so how you can not have room there?
    you have nthing put into your eng slots?

    and karfi have much mure shild then a defiant"Escort?" right but the hull is lame 36k vs escorts 33k and he have only 2 armor slots i know escorts can cary 3 or some escorts 4, for example the new isometric ignores your shild if i understand it right so only your hull+armors importend to get 1 shotet or not, same like plasma dmg/dot higher resis =lower dmg = stay alive.

    You have never gotten one shotted by the infamous invisa torps, but you are posting in the legendary 'stf horror story' thread?:eek:
    When in doubt, (hehe) c4!
    This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines :D
  • maelwy5maelwy5 Member Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    dood98998 wrote: »
    You have never gotten one shotted by the infamous invisa torps, but you are posting in the legendary 'stf horror story' thread?:eek:

    In fairness, I'm very rarely 1-shotted in my Kar'fi too... whereas on a Fed Escort it's far more common.

    The trick isn't any extra Hull or shields though - it's power drain.

    Klingon-side, most people are at least using Plasmonic Leech, and when I attack a cube on my Kar'fi I'll also drop an Aceton Assimilator. The combined power drain from those two sources can lower the weapons energy power of any PVE foe so much that its beams just tickle you and the only real threat is its torpedos...

    Then you have the Kar'fis Commander level Science Slot, which usually houses at least one copy of Gravity Well or Tykens Rift or TBR or PSW, all of which negate Heavy Torps. (And Tykens also adds even more power drain - to the point at which you'll see an Elite Tac Cubes' shields dropping quite regularly)

    So if Beams are negated, and Heavy Torps are negated, that leaves regular torps - which outside of a very lucky crit can be handled via resistance buffs (Aux2SIF, HE, etc) and armor consoles (Neutronium/Monotanium, etc).
    [ <<<--- @Maelwys --->>> ]
  • lostmoonylostmoony Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    dood98998 wrote: »
    You have never gotten one shotted by the infamous invisa torps, but you are posting in the legendary 'stf horror story' thread?:eek:

    i got shotet in my first 2 stfs days befor i get khg shild longer nobody need to have best ingame shild and die with that is not possible i think.;)

    and this invis torpedos never seen or they hit me always with not importend dmg i never got higher plasma dot then ~400, armors ftw lol

    only from dronata blast skill i can die with the fragile karfi or this isometric... or if i have alot of luck in a cure mission that says a no dps team than happens the funny think after first cube kill 2 sides 3x raptors start if they come to middle they kill anythink if i get agro ~3-4+ raptors my khg shild also not more helps the attak power from the raptors is to great so i dieeeeeeeee.:mad:
  • xathanael#5083 xathanael Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Just finished a rather horrible KASE:
    Say "Hi" like I normally do, no response which isn't unusual these days.
    Cube and two sphere's go down pretty quick, so I think it will be a pretty good run. Boy was I wrong.
    We all fly to the left side, take out the cube pretty quickly, but when it pops, I notice that Nanite Sphere's are already headed our way :eek:
    I ask who doesn't know about the 10% rule, and one person says "you never called 10% rule at the beginning"
    Really? You have to call 10% at the beginning? In ELITE?! I just facepalmed
    Takes about 5 minutes before we can even begin to shoot the transformer because everyone else is playing with the regular spheres and getting killed, while I'm trying to mop up the nanite spheres.
    Then I notice my one of my nightmares...EVERYONE but me has ship injuries, again, i facepalmed.
    Asked if anyone knew how to fix there injuries, and 10% guy said "yea, thats why i've got these worker bees flying around" I then explain to him about Crit/Maj/Min Components for his ship, trying to be nice and everything.
    That was a mistake in itself. Started rambling about its a new ship, he has a Tac Retro, and he forgot to put on his MACO TRIBBLE. I just rolled my eyes.
    Anyway, finally get the transformer down, and make it over to the right side. Things get even worse.
    I'm shooting the cube, and everyone else is dying. They respawn and go back to helping with the cube, or so I thought, another person decided to take on the gens.
    We pop the Cube, and about that time the gen blows and out come the nanite spheres...again.
    So the four go after them while I decide to just take out the rest of the generators, I mean, can't get worse than it already is.
    Well, all four died....again. Respawn'd....and died yet again. Look at all their injuries, and just couldn't believe it.
    Get all the gens down, then start working on the nanite spheres, get a couple blown up, and realize that its just me. Everyone has died so many times that they're "stuck" in respawn hell.
    Get all but one taken care of by the time they all respawn, they come back, start shooting the transformer. I get the last sphere taken care of and also start taking down the transformer. It blows, finally.
    We're almost done. Or not. Get to work on the gate, and two people go after the tac cube. With all their injuries it was like hitting an elephant with a pebble. Needless to say, they died, again. And so did the two shooting the gate, because they got to close. The gate took forever with them being in constant Respawn Hell (3+min or whatever they were up to at that point) Eventually I got the gate popped, and then went after the tac cube. Again, everyone died...3 or 4 maybe 5 times by the time the cube was destroyed.
    I'd have to say that was THE worst STF I've ever been in
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Oh yeah, forgot to mention the Cloak, Borg, and Subspace jump consoles are in my engineering slots and that's why I have no armor. Might've helped to metnion that...
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • tobar26thtobar26th Member Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Todays was a blood boiler. One player who was AFK and, when I decided out of annoyance to agro a cube and bring it to him,he decided to fly to the far side of the map and just run from the Borg, not firing a single shot.

    The other was a player who took part but (in an Elite STF) turned around to ask 'so what am I meant to be doing?' five minutes in, when asked if he'd not tried the normal version to learn first, he replied 'No, I never saw the need, lesser rewards'...

    Not the most unsuccessful earlier, but certainly infuriating.
  • snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Ugh, was just in a match with a group of useless morons who couldn't do any damage.

    One moron kept shooting at gens while it was being regened over and over.

    I kept telling them what to do, but they seemed to not care.

    The worst thing about not having to make teams anymore is how the barrier for entry is too low now. There's way too many morons who show up without a clue.

    Most of them don't even re-balance shields. You almost always have to throw them a TacTeam too, or else the shield heals to go waste.

    Too bad the PvE in this game is such a joke for leveling and teaches you nothing about the game.

    If it did, we wouldn't get these helpless morons in the queues.
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    tobar26th wrote: »
    Todays was a blood boiler. One player who was AFK and, when I decided out of annoyance to agro a cube and bring it to him,he decided to fly to the far side of the map and just run from the Borg, not firing a single shot.

    The other was a player who took part but (in an Elite STF) turned around to ask 'so what am I meant to be doing?' five minutes in, when asked if he'd not tried the normal version to learn first, he replied 'No, I never saw the need, lesser rewards'...

    Not the most unsuccessful earlier, but certainly infuriating.

    ...wow...lol...just wow...I can't think of words to talk about this...
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • onenonlydrockonenonlydrock Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    When I pug STF's these days... I find that most people know what they're doing and I hardly have any problems. That's probably because most people are into fleet marks these days and the only ones in STF's are the people who know what they're doing.

    But there's always one STF I find that people consistently mess up.

    Cure Space Elite.

    The mistakes are consistent too.

    Players, in their attempt to destroy the probes, tend to ignore the birds of prey that slip through and gangbeat on the IKS Kang. That leaves me trying to scramble to stop whatever BoPs slipped through and type at the people to remind them that they're responsible for their own side's BoP's. Can't be everywhere at once!

    Then there's the people who blow the first cube way too early, before all the probes are cleared.

    I tell them to kill the probes first, then move onto the next set of probes.

    But someone always stays behind and blazes away at the cube (and sometimes even ignores the BoPs that pass by.

    So I tell them to kill the cube later and go kill more probes, or else we'll be swamped in Raptors and we'll take three times as long (if the Raptor tsunami doesn't whack the Kang first).

    Yet they still blaze away.

    I warn them again. 'Ok, cube is at 10%, leave it alone or you'll doom us all!'.

    I go back to destroying probes and hope I don't see that inevitable flash on the screen that comes from a detonated Borg cube.

    But more often than not it comes... and it's an 'Oh hell!' kind of moment as I scramble to position myself to Eject Warp Plasma onto the nearest Raptor wave that's spawned.

    If we're lucky and we respond quickly, we can stop the raptors before they turn the Kang into atomized dust, but it's a hard grind to deal with raptor swarms and probes at the same time.

    And I'd sooner deal with Negh'var swarms. There's only one at a time and they're slower.

    Also, I notice that the premature borg cube detonators also tend to not know how to deal with an oncoming raptor swarm. There were many times when my constant warp plasma farting and heavy damage wasn't enough. I prayed for someone to lob a gravity well or at least throw a tac team on the Kang while my abilities were on cooldown... only to be let down.

    So yeah... that's my STF fail story of the day.
  • lostmoonylostmoony Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    the bigest prob in cure space is what happens perm .

    a player flys solo to probes under behind the cube so no way to stop any bop+dps probes then they kill probe 2, a raptor+nev gar ship spawns then they run away.

    let all this pets cross the map and kill random players what not notice that anyone aktivate them and let them fly free.

    so it happens very easy a raptor come from behind you what you can not see and kills you......

    if anyone decide to clean probes solo one one side afther he have aktivates raptor+battleship he have to kill them first befor countinue probe cleaning.:rolleyes:
  • dood98998dood98998 Member Posts: 389
    edited August 2012
    eh, i quit stfing a few days ago, but this moron on the 'gate stf's' thread is driving me nuts with his flawed logic...
    When in doubt, (hehe) c4!
    This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines :D
  • inthebatcave2003inthebatcave2003 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    try to sell a 2000 cxp bonus pool for less than 400000ec and it will not show up for sale...items cannot be sold if you can not find them.......why can you people break something and not fix it. Fleet modules under all, bogus search result, under data sample is more accurate.....but wtf is wrong with the bonus pool search no tab dunction will show my items up for sale at 399995. this is fraud.....and the #1 reason why this gold member is seriously thinking of spending my real $$$ somewhere else!!!!!!!
  • eurialoeurialo Member Posts: 667 Arc User
    edited August 2012

    Then there's the people who blow the first cube way too early, before all the probes are cleared.

    I tell them to kill the probes first, then move onto the next set of probes.

    there is an alternate way that work very good and people often ignore (and and talk about noobs without even thinking).

    one defend the kang (if necessary 2 player) all the others destroy the generators of the first (usually the right) cube. While destroying the probes is important to destroy immediatelly every ship that spawn from that cube (so you help the one defending the kang).

    then destroy the generators of the central cube (remember to destroy immediately all ships that spawn from that cube, the one defending the kang now have to defend only from left and right).

    than is better to destroy the first cube and immediatelly attack the raptor that spawn from the other cubes (it is not difficult, they stay grouped).

    destroy the second cube before other raptors spawn... again it is not so difficult: 2 players are enough so think about how fast 4 players can be while the 5th defend from the left cube).

    Now the neghvars: they are slow and stay grouped and all of the 5 players can concentrate on them... destroy them (3 players are enough so 2 can start destroying the nanite generators), destroy the nanite generators an d then the cube. While attacking the last cube one player can go back to hail the kang as soon as possible.

    In my experience this tactic work very well even with a casual team, It is difficult to fail the optional and very difficult to fail the mission... unless palyers have a very low dps (and you know cure elite is DPS oriented).

    Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
  • maelwy5maelwy5 Member Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    try to sell a 2000 cxp bonus pool for less than 400000ec and it will not show up for sale...items cannot be sold if you can not find them.......why can you people break something and not fix it. Fleet modules under all, bogus search result, under data sample is more accurate.....but wtf is wrong with the bonus pool search no tab dunction will show my items up for sale at 399995. this is fraud.....and the #1 reason why this gold member is seriously thinking of spending my real $$$ somewhere else!!!!!!!

    ... umm... wrong thread?

    The Exchange is buggy as hell, but there are ways to work around some of the problems.

    What you're seeing is it timing out when searching for a particular set of criteria, and only returning the results it found that matched that criteria before it timed out. (It tends to return the OLDEST items posted and doesn't seem to cope well with large numbers of results either)

    Reduce the search criteria, and you'll get slightly better results. Example: limit your rarity when searching for stuff that doesn't have its own tab - the bonus pool powerups are typically under "Rare" or "Very Rare". You can also set the level range when searching for items.
    [ <<<--- @Maelwys --->>> ]
  • quiscustodietquiscustodiet Member Posts: 350
    edited August 2012
    I warn them again. 'Ok, cube is at 10%, leave it alone or you'll doom us all!'.

    My worst STF? Any CSE with someone like him/her.
    Terrible player with delusions of grandeur: can't kill a Raptor but makes grand claims about how an efficient strategy will "doom" the run.
  • jake81499jake81499 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    eurialo wrote: »
    there is an alternate way that work very good and people often ignore (and and talk about noobs without even thinking).

    one defend the kang (if necessary 2 player) all the others destroy the generators of the first (usually the right) cube.

    Funny... :P

    Everybody knows it takes a minumum of 4 Oddys with Technicolor Rainbow beams, Zero DPS and onionskin hulls to defend the Kang.

    Just read this thread all the way through and you'll see! :D

  • gerudongerudon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    It just feels as if dps are far to important in the space STFs (I never play ground STFs).

    I have a Klingon Tactical Officer with a BoP and a Starflee Engineer with a cruiser and the difference in damage is just ridiculous. Yeah, I know, the Engineer is supposed to tank and I do most of the time with my eng, but why the hell would you need more than one in an STF?

    If you have like 3 or 4 Engs in an space STF you know, that the optional will very likely fail, because the group just won't have enough dps.

    Oh and my worst STF was Cure Space (Normal) just a few minutes ago). They camped around the Kang with at least three ships and I had to destroy the probes and cubes nearly completely on my own and in the end, they didn't even hail the Kang, so I had to fly over there with Evasive maneuvers and was like 2 seconds to slow, so pathetic.
  • maelwy5maelwy5 Member Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    gerudon wrote: »
    If you have like 3 or 4 Engs in an space STF you know, that the optional will very likely fail, because the group just won't have enough dps.

    Engineer =/= Cruiser

    :mad: :P
    [ <<<--- @Maelwys --->>> ]
  • skhcskhc Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    gerudon wrote: »
    If you have like 3 or 4 Engs in an space STF you know, that the optional will very likely fail, because the group just won't have enough dps.

    Well, if they're good enough you won't fail the optional.

    But if you have 3-4 Escorts that are good, you'll complete the optional with at least 6 minutes left on the clock.
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Typical CSE fails:

    a) rainbow cruisers sit on the Kang and can't defend it.
    b) everyone runs off to blow cubes with their trigger happy trigger fingers.
    c) everyone ignores the BoPs/Raptors/Negh'vars
    Typical ISE fails:

    a) Someone (or multiple people) blow a generator early.
    b) People just shoot at the transformer all day while the gnerators are still there.
    c) people just make idoitic suicide runs at the tactical cube.

    Typical KASE fails:

    a) No one goes on probe duty.
    b) everyone goes on probe duty (and let them slip through).
    c) people run up as close as possible to Donatra as soon as she decloaks from when they ran up to her last time.

    ...yeah. Typical fails you see most of the time when pugging.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • jeykooljeykool Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Stinks when that happens, and I loathe the assumption from the type of person who makes such claims that they're the only person on the team with any experience of the mission.

    I tend to ignore them - I've played literally hundreds of STF's and don't need someone who is all mouth no action telling me how to do things.

    Thank you guys for saying this. It seems to me that the worst performers are the ones trying to dictate strategy in a pug. I have about 260 or so total stfs and I know by the time the first cube drops in kase or ise if well make it or get the optional. Cse is always tricky, you can be rockin it and all of a sudden the group falls apart when the raptors spawn.

    Now I usually group through elitestf or publicelitestf; the experience is way way better.
  • jake81499jake81499 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I just felt kinda froggy with one of my other tunes and bought him an Odyssey Operations Cruiser.

    I have yet to figure out what is so difficult about setting it properly.

    Oh Yea! I Forgot! Technicolor Rainbow Beams!

    LOL :P
  • nayukannayukan Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    voporak wrote: »
    Typical CSE fails:

    a) rainbow cruisers sit on the Kang and can't defend it.
    b) everyone runs off to blow cubes with their trigger happy trigger fingers.
    c) everyone ignores the BoPs/Raptors/Negh'vars
    Typical ISE fails:

    a) Someone (or multiple people) blow a generator early.
    b) People just shoot at the transformer all day while the gnerators are still there.
    c) people just make idoitic suicide runs at the tactical cube.

    Typical KASE fails:

    a) No one goes on probe duty.
    b) everyone goes on probe duty (and let them slip through).
    c) people run up as close as possible to Donatra as soon as she decloaks from when they ran up to her last time.

    ...yeah. Typical fails you see most of the time when pugging.

    This pretty much sums it up. I have never played much (elite) STFs before, some Normal ones, but rarely Elite. Last week I found myself in a mood for heavy Dilithium farming as well as upgrading my previous MACO/Omega gear to MK XII. So jumped onto Elite. Before that, I read a guide for every scenario - since you can find them easily here on the forums and/or the web, there is virtually no excuse for not spending those three minutes per guide for learning the basics.
    Piloting and behaving defensively the first times was the second task. I made sure via chat that what I've read was the actual tactic and most of the time replies were positive.

    Since my ship is a Star Cruiser, my character is an Engineer and my equipment/skill is oriented as a supporter/healer for PvP, there are a few things which really baffled me:
    • Just right now I got out of Cure, I headed to the left to take on the BoPs, two headed middle, the last two went to the right. I had my two BoPs taken down just before those two guys had destroyed their middle ones. Great stuff going on on the right side with the BoPs already attacking the Kang while the two Oddys couldn't tear down those Birds. How come a heal equipped ship outguns two (tactical) cruisers with ease?
    • Heals, obviously there are rarely healing people on there. If I look at the amounts of thanks and praises I get for throwing out shield and hull heals around me to keep others alive I get the impression healing is a rather unusual thing in STFs.
    • Rainbows everywhere, I don't know why those are so popular in STFs. Do people use them why it looks "pretty"? You don't need to be an expert just to see mixing energy types actually cripples your damage, it is rather obvious by just looking at those consoles.

    The excuse of "Do not PuG then!" simply doesn't count. It is not like getting basic, secure tactics right would be like studying quantum physics or rocket science. If five people read the basic gudes and stick to them, maybe even announcing what they do ("Going to left, intercepting probes."), then you simply don't really need to be a well trained team to finish the job. I had a few Elite runs with completely random people which worked like a charm. I play two other MMOs and mostly PuG there too, and it mostly works there too. So why so much trouble in STO? Especially so many odd skilled and equipped players. I mean there is better stuff for a ship than flying an Antiproton/Disruptor/Lolaron/Phaser Dual Beam-Turret-Boat mix wielding Boarding Party and DEM.
    Captain Faeron - USS Mistral Sea - Ambassador class support cruiser
  • sfccrashsfccrash Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Hmm. My worst STF experience.

    Would have to be an KAGE run. Came in and said hi. No one said anything. Figured o well they must not be that talkative. Started fighting the first group and that's when i knew I had to bail. The other 4 died multiple times and I kept seeing that they were not re-modulating their weapons or clearing injuries. One was also in the Jem' Hadarr armor and dropping every shot he took. They were all pounding on the elite tac drone and doing 1 damage to him. After the first group was cleared, which took almost 5 mins, I tried to ask them to clear injuries and if they had re-modulators. I carry 4 extra into every STF just in case. Again no answer and they run off to the next group with about 10 injuries on each of them getting one shotted by regular drones. I eat the leaver penalty at this point. No sense in even trying to finish it as it would have taken over an hour.
    Former L2 player. Hope this one is better with botters, got sick of one person running a full 9 man group.

    SFC Crash. formerly of HG on the formally known gustin server of L2.
  • matridunadan1matridunadan1 Member Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Hmm, one incident in particular stands out in my memory. And not just because it happened back when I used to do PUGs.

    Infected Ground Elite. We dropped in and charged ahead, as is always the case with PUGs. Corridor before the first room, we clean out the drones and revive one of the team. This is the important part.

    First room, we stop at the mark and snipe. A handful of seconds later, Revival Man charges into the room with a bat'leth. Drew aggro on every Borg in the room and predictably died, leaving the four of us struggling with them.

    He then respawned and caught up, fired his rifle for a few seconds before they adapted, then switched back to the bat'leth and charged in again. Somehow, he drew aggro from the next room.

    This repeats for a long time, usually getting all of us killed and having to respawn ourselves.

    After we finally managed to clear the third room, thankfully without drawing the attention of the fourth room, Revival Man starts calling us n00bs for our injuries and how we shouldn't be playing if we can't manage simple maintenance. After another failed attempt at the 4th room, he bailed. The rest of us followed shortly after.

    Keep in mind, he hasn't used a single shield charge or hypospray, and judging from the amount of shots fired from his rifle, I don't think he even has a remodulator. Also spams revive requests when he inevitably dies, usually with an Elite between us and him.
  • dakota81499dakota81499 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    This is about every STF I've played.

    The guy on the sidelines gets all the loot! The guy with NO DPS gets all the loot! The 4 guys that camp at the Kang and lose the optional anyhow get all the loot!

    Where's the loot for the people who do all the work???? :mad:

    I'm somewhat new to STF having only done about a dozen Cure Normal Space missions. I have yet to recieve anything from the Kang as it leaves. But I watch people who are setting way off doing nothing get everything that comes along.

    NOT FAIR! :mad:
  • velktravelktra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Loot roll mechanics are randomized. It's never going to seem fair, especially if the rest of the team always hits "need". If they hit "need" and you don't... you don't get the loot. You don't have a chance at the loot. Play the way they do... hit "need" on everything or else you won't get drops.

    The Kang drop being random is rather annoying though.
    Demons run when a good man goes to war.
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