Seems my worst experiences always come on Khitomer Accords Space, people just simply do not listen to directions and just fly off and do whatever. Had several times where we have 2-3 good players that follow directions of whoever decides to take the lead role and they know to guard the time gate from the probes, 1 player at the time gate, 1 player at the opposite gate wih the other 3 working to destroy the gate on the other side. It always seems we have 2 people that blow it by just flying around and doing whatever despite being told we don't need 4-5 people on the gate and to keep an eye on the time gate, then when Donatra spawns they are the same 2 people getting wasted by the Thalaron beam because they don't know to avoid the little green lines when she starts powering up.
Cure and Infected always seem to go smoothly for me and are easily the two most enjoyable. I stay away from Khitomer at all costs unless my que timers are still running on the other space STFs.
warped into the sector, saw that tactical in this mirror assault cruiser (looks like the normal starcruiser)
when the grp UI apeared i was like :eek:...
he had about 30-40 different injuries on his ship...some even stacked up to 3 or maybe there were 50 i don't know i didn't count.
everybody in the group started to point out that he needed to repair hi ship, but he ignored it (as usual)
then he wrote: "i protect kang!" and everybody was like WTF, is he for real?
it went on, he died...a lot...i mean everytime i looked at the grp UI he was dead.
we couldn't make it to the bonus objective, but thats ok, since it's not that important anyway.
at the end, i told him to inform himself about repairing his ship, after and in combat...he said he was sorry, but i ignored him anyway.
srsly...if you don't know what injuries are, and how to remove us all a favour, don't do elites.
Cure Ground, first group with the Heavy Tac Drone.
Well I got cursed and cussed at for running around with a sword (yes you are reading right I am using a SWORD!. It may sound wrong to most people but it is actually really awesome if you spec it properly which probably 90% of the puggers don't even know about)
So it goes on and on before we even reach the first group. We get there. They all focus their fire on 1 normal drone. It took them longer to kill that 1 drone with the 4 of them than for me to kick all the other borg with sweeping strikes.
Then some more complaining about why I melee... After they died 5 times to the elite tac drone I took the penalty and wept inside how there will never be a mk 12 weapon drop for me on that mission.
I do fully agree on the statement that if players do not know what injuries are and accumulate 30+ of them or don't know what a remodulator is good for (except if you run a melee build where you can go without)
They should not be able to enter.
Heck why can't cryptic implement a filter preventing people with 5+ injuries to queue for elite stf. That should weed out around 80% of really bad puggers right there
Heck why can't cryptic implement a filter preventing people with 5+ injuries to queue for elite stf. That should weed out around 80% of really bad puggers right there
Because they are just as entertained by this thread as I have been and they want it to go on and on and on.
now these are not the worst stfs, but the worst (or rather most strange ppl) I have met.
so on ISE there was a guy who was shouting at us in the chat. I was happy when in the beginning everyone said hi in the chat, and acknowledged (4 of them) the 10% tactic. now we go for the gens, and this guy starts shooting at the transformer. meanwhile he is also shouting what idiots we are, for attacking the gens, which will spawn nanites, and that will fail our optional. now he is the best kind of ****** tbh, because he is not doing any damage, since he is shooting at the transformer, plus afterwards he stays there (we explained the situation, but he just did the same thing, without shouting at the second transformer too, he atleast gave thought to our method)
also in ISE I met two guys. one had more than a dozen injuries on his ship, and when I brought that up (I dont see this all the time, so am gonna bring it up ) we started talking, and turned out to be a nice noob, even thanked the chat.
now why we could chat, is this other guy. basically your usual ody insta admiral. pretty rainbows, with skittles in the back, he also had some injuries, but he got them in our game, because he spent most of his time in respawn oblivion. first thing he did, he tried to pop a generator, first time he obviously had not enough DPS to get one going, because he attacked the cube with us, so we could do normal 10%. however he learned, so second time he ignored the cube (and one of his friends too, though he changed when we said to attack the cube), popped the generator (though I think the work's hard part was done by the other guy), and went for the incoming spheres.
he had two problems though. he had no DPS, and he had no gear to back that. so in the end he died a lot. I dunno if the spheres or the gate made short work of him, but I would imagine, he could have been oneshotted even by a nanite sphere.
my third experience was in a cure space normal (I dont pug elite). so I warp in, to see the optional failed (yeah, I was in the line which had 10+ ppl for minutes, so I can get into a situation like that), one guy dead, the others are struggling with BoPs. I did not want leavers penalty, so I guessed three of them can defend the Kang, while I do the job (all cubes had the bottom nanites destroyed, that was a nice touch). so I bring out the raptors for the cube, which was a problem, because the dead guy came to help me. that meant, he turned on his repulsors, and whenever I had a clear shot at one of the raptors, he just pushed them away far enough, so I wont go after them, but not far enough to not bother me in seconds. plus he died pretty often and fast (we played this through with all the three cubes), so in the end I had to deal with the raptors (without buffs, since my buff attacks were useless thx to repulsors).
in the end though, with my help and an additional 15 minutes (I did not lose much time at least) I could finish the cubes, and save the Kang (it had 20% when I could return to destroy the negvahrs).
I did not ignore them, since most of them were not even lvl 50, but I thought I would share this (I think the game should have some restrictions though, like with 5+ injuries you cant join, or no more than 2 sub lvl50 should be on a team and such)
I'm thinking just keep people on your ignore list from being in an stf w/ you.
Anyway, on to the juicy sh*t...
My klink just hit lvl 44, and I'm doing a 2 pc klinnk+aegis deflector (don't laugh yet)
This is normal, remember.
Immediately when we start shooting at tha cube, I take names: 2 feddy rainbow warriors, a kling in a broadside borta build (probably the best of the four), and another guy who had a cannon build, he did alright. Needless to say, we didn't do 10 percent, rainbow noobs die a lot and do pathetic dps, and optional is lost. However, I got mk X klink shield, so I'm happy
When in doubt, (hehe) c4!
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
PuG last night on Infected Space normal, on both Transformers they sat there transfixed on destroying it despite the fact it was being healed by at least 1 probe and sphere...*facepalm* One guy calls out at the start he'll take care of the spawning probes and spheres but then suddenly he's at the transformer plugging away leaving the gate wide open. By the time I realized this and was able to get over and start taking them down after an announcement in chat I think 5 had already spawned and it was way too late. I very politely told everyone how to take down the transformers and honestly I didn't care that much about the bonus since I've been having TRIBBLE lucky with drops anyways. Next transformer, same thing. We get all the generators down and the probes and spheres are coming out of the gate in droves, same guy said he'd really watch the gate this time is just chilling, shooting at the transformer. Other than me, I go to destroy the probes/spheres, everybody sits there trying to destroy the transformer despite watching it go from 40% hull to 94% hull in a matter of seconds and two healing beams clearly visible they just all stand there and keep shooting.
Had another PuG on Infected where some guy in a skittle boat just sat there blasting the gate the entire time while everyone else was trying to do transformers, it was pretty hilarious.
Today I did a Starbase incursion where we got 14/4/no.
How we got 4 on stage 2 I'm not sure.... though I remember killing the fourth personally. Why is it odd? A member of "Richer than You" was in the match. This guy did nothing but stand in the spawn point. the 3 guys that were actually playing with me must have been awesome to get the other three saboteur in stage 2.
I was playing Cure space with a bunch of worthless players.
They were afking and doing nothing while leaving me to complete the objectives.
At first I thought they were utterly clueless, but I saw them just wasting time and running low weapons power. Then when we get the final objective they decide to start being active. They probably were trying to get people to quit, I'm guessing.
Even the most clueless pugs I've played with had the sense to attack and not TRIBBLE around.
These pugs could not possibly have been anything but griefing tards.
I reported them just in case. I doubt anything of consequence happens.
While I enjoy the queue system for it's fast accessibility, I think it makes it easier to to mess with people because if you force a guy to warp out, he's locked out of that queue for an hour or so.
Cure space, normal. I'd run it before on my VA science and I'd just finished Infected with only four people, so I didn't really expect it to be a problem, even though my tactical only just reached STF level.
I took the Kang - even said in chat that I had it and for everyone else to go do the main objective. They fly off, and I handle the Kang just fine. Then all of a sudden three of the four other people come racing back to the Kang, all dragging raptors behind them. No time to tell them to cut that out (too busy killing the TRIBBLE they dragged over with them).
One of the three leaves, just before we lose the optional (not sure if it was the time limit or if the Kang hit 74%). The team leader is off by himself trying to take down the second Borg launch bay, so I go to help him. Then one of the other two wanders over.
Couple minutes later someone else bails, the Kang is destroyed, and the whole thing is a bust. Still no idea what happened.
We destroy the cube, i go 1 side and 4 go the other, ive destroyed the lil healers and 1 of the 2 spheres as well as 2-3 sets of the probes, next thing i know when im hammering the 2nd sphere they have let 2 probes through..................and theres 4 of them
On a good team, we kill the mission. Finish the option with almost 5 mins to spare. Finish the boss off,everyone grabs their loot. I give a well deserved "gg" to the team and one player responds, "FU". I'm totally puzzled, this rude player explains that we moved through the mission to fast and we didn't share any of the optional loot with her. Obviously, she doesn't understand the roll system, I didn't get anything either. Thanks for the kind words. I guess next time I will have to remember to "slow down" for "special" players.
On a good team, we kill the mission. Finish the option with almost 5 mins to spare. Finish the boss off,everyone grabs their loot. I give a well deserved "gg" to the team and one player responds, "FU". I'm totally puzzled, this rude player explains that we moved through the mission to fast and we didn't share any of the optional loot with her. Obviously, she doesn't understand the roll system, I didn't get anything either. Thanks for the kind words. I guess next time I will have to remember to "slow down" for "special" players.
That's funny, but I've had that to from people who don't understand it, or those that get mad when I wind up getting the 2 rare salvage pieces from the optional bag. Of course they haven't been paying attention and don't realize that I've passed on every single drop so they can keep equiping their skittle boats with Mk X TRIBBLE.
This has happened twice now. IGN, we get to the last room, baddies are bad and don't do well. One person drops, then another.
We're left with two people who have an idea what they should be doing... and one who has no clue and is totally unresponsive. Doesn't appear to notice a thing we say in chat. This one is going into the middle, shooting at whatever, and not budging until he dies.
It's now impossible to finish the mission. It's like being trapped in an endless nightmare. We get leaver penalties for leaving, but we don't seem to have any other options.
Again tonight on KAS normal, I just don't know what it is about this STF that breeds stupidity on teams. We warp in, someone is map loading so I mention we should wait till full team is there, but no, Klingon and Oddy just run off to attack the cube. I should have known we were in deep trouble when it took 4 ships almost 5-6 minutes to bring the cube down. Not sure how the others on the team were spec'd but one was a skittle boat Gal-X which just screamed clueless and we had no DPS what so ever other than my disruptor boat Excelsior which is more of a tank.
Anyways, so we finally blow the cube. Guy in the Oddy says he will guard the gate and do probes. So we start on one transformer, but the next thing I know Gal-X is flying off on his own doing god knows what and before I know it I'm the only one left at the Transformer we started on and the gates are spewing probes. Oddy guy flies over to "help" me while the other 3 inexplicably went over to the other side of the map to do that gate....
The best part is while the guy in the Oddy(our guard for probes...) flies over to "help" he jets right past two probes w/o even firing a shot and just lets them go right in the vortex. Then I look over and the gate the other 3 people went to, 2 probes just making a break for it untouched. Needless to say within 2 minutes of blowing the cube we had 4 probes already in towards mission failure. I took the leavers penalty, there was no way on earth we were going to finish it and it was time to log for the night anyways.
Today I queued up for Khitomer Accord Ground and entered into the middle of it. When I spawned, two people were dead and the other two were hanging on for dear life. I come in and two guys are happy to have me, and I work with them to quickly clear the drones around the two dead ones. We heal them up, and continue on.
It was uneventful until we reached the room with the power nodes, where repeatedly the same two kept splitting off and dying. Then the horde would turn and kill the other two who weren't equipped well, and I kept running around sniping and finally after clearing most of the drones, healed up everyone. The response? Two people were nice and one of them went immediately to the small room, but I notice the other two had pretty much maxed out in terms of injuries.
I ask them if they're okay and they kept telling me to STFU. And then dying. And then I run to heal them. And then one of them challenges me to PvP. With 6 criticals, 10 majors, and plenty of minors. Right you will take me (without injuries, with advanced fleet PSG, Mk XII MACO shield, and two Mk XII antiborg weapons) down in PvP.
Finally the boss room. Again the two of them get two shots off and die, while the three of us keep retreating down the hall sniping all the way, returning to heal them. I offer help to the two of them after we finally complete the mission, and basically I offered to trade (well, give is a better word) them regenerators to treat their injuries. All I get is curses and TRIBBLE you and whatnot.
Trying to be a good sport, I say "good luck in future stfs, but honestly other people might not be as accomodating of so many injuries" and I get curses and all to send me on my way.
Of course we missed the optional.
I don't know what we can do about this.
Today I queued up for Khitomer Accord Ground and entered into the middle of it. When I spawned, two people were dead and the other two were hanging on for dear life. I come in and two guys are happy to have me, and I work with them to quickly clear the drones around the two dead ones. We heal them up, and continue on.
It was uneventful until we reached the room with the power nodes, where repeatedly the same two kept splitting off and dying. Then the horde would turn and kill the other two who weren't equipped well, and I kept running around sniping and finally after clearing most of the drones, healed up everyone. The response? Two people were nice and one of them went immediately to the small room, but I notice the other two had pretty much maxed out in terms of injuries.
I ask them if they're okay and they kept telling me to STFU. And then dying. And then I run to heal them. And then one of them challenges me to PvP. With 6 criticals, 10 majors, and plenty of minors. Right you will take me (without injuries, with advanced fleet PSG, Mk XII MACO shield, and two Mk XII antiborg weapons) down in PvP.
Finally the boss room. Again the two of them get two shots off and die, while the three of us keep retreating down the hall sniping all the way, returning to heal them. I offer help to the two of them after we finally complete the mission, and basically I offered to trade (well, give is a better word) them regenerators to treat their injuries. All I get is curses and TRIBBLE you and whatnot.
Trying to be a good sport, I say "good luck in future stfs, but honestly other people might not be as accomodating of so many injuries" and I get curses and all to send me on my way.
Of course we missed the optional.
I don't know what we can do about this.
Here's a suggestion: how about if no one on your ignore list could be placed in an stf with you? (Just think about it, no explanation is neccesary)
When in doubt, (hehe) c4!
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
My fleetmate and I stick together and we're killing left and right in round one.
Round one is over all is well.
Two starts.
Two of the three that are not in my fleet die right away.
Then the third dies.
Oh Goody....
So my fleetmate and I are just having a ball killing stuff by ourselves.
Round two is still going.
The three ships that dies respawn and two of them die almost immediatly.
Then the third dies.
I see my fleetmate is down to 10% but he suddlenly jumps back to 100%.
Round two is still going.
The three ships that dies respawn and two of them die almost immediatly.
Then the third dies.
They respawn and die again, and again, and again. :eek:
We lost in round two.
The thing is....
All three of the other ships were VA with over 4000 accolade. My fleetmate is a VA with 1700 accolade. I have 12000 accolade.
The other three should have been equiped well enough to survive a simple FFE. None of them were fluying oddys, none of them had technicolor beams. They were simply poorly built ships. You would think that with 4000 accolade they would know better.
The problem is that their ships are so poorly built that they can't help but die. They certainly can't do much damage to the enemy either.
Fortunatly out of the 5 or 6 Fleet adventures I ran today only a couple missions were a loss.
But the purpose of this thread is to make those who are flying the death traps who might accidentally READ this thread realize that they need to FIX IT! :eek:
Infected Space Elite, last night. Finished it (took forever) but lost the optional early. As in, as soon as the first set of generators was popped.
The generators weren't a problem... except everyone wanted to shoot at the same one. Nanite spheres everywhere as the last gen goes down. I know from running it before that if you get enough DPS on the transformer, you can take it down even with those stupid spheres hanging around. (I don't think we had enough though.)
Everyone goes off to shoot nanite spheres. And then regular spheres. By the time they finish with the regular spheres (which didn't shoot at them until attacked anyway), more nanite spheres. I think it took almost twenty minutes to clear one side.
Other side is a rinse and repeat of the last one. No one learned from their mistakes. One guy (who I suspect wasn't really helping much) called everyone noobs and left.
We did better once he was gone though; the gate went within a couple of minutes, and the tactical cube didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would with only four people.
Also, I find it really awful that - even flying an escort - I got swatted by spheres people dragged over. So not only did they drag over spheres instead of killing them... they let their teammates die for it.
(I can solo the spheres in ISE in my escort... if I see them before they take my shields down!)
my worst experience was when I entered a noob war. You could tell these players were new to the whole elite missions becasue they were mostly flying escorts and shooting phasers and standard photons. And on top of that, they we uncoordinated and were using the chat to argue about all kinds of TRIBBLE. I told them to use the 10% rule, as it was the only way to fight the borg. They had no idea what that was and one lackey blew the first generator up REALLY early. the other generators were still full. They triggered the nanite trap. I had to fight the nanites myself while everyone else bickered and argued while shooting the other generators. IT really got on my nerves. After about an hour of time wasted, the first transformer blew. but there was still a squadron of nanites to fight. The team spit up and fought the nanites over a wide area. I don't know if they were trying to lead the spheres away or the spheres were following them as they fled. One player got far away from the fight, little number flashing up in the distance. These players kept dying left and right, they were falling like flies. I was perhaps the only ship with the most experience. I tried to take on the other transformer and cube myself, but even my ship was no match beacsue I was the only recipient to the borg's overdeveloped weapons. I got fed up with it. I warned them over and over to get it together and fight like a team. NOPE!!! They all tried to play the hero with their oversized shuttlecrafts. So I just blew one of the generators early and left them with a little partig gift, and I left the game.
Velktra, I think I was in that battle. I remember a problem JUST LIKE THAT!!!! One guy left early becsue he was impatient and four of us was able to finish the mission. I commented that the coward that left wasn't able to reap the rewards.
Velktra, I think I was in that battle. I remember a problem JUST LIKE THAT!!!! One guy left early becsue he was impatient and four of us was able to finish the mission. I commented that the coward that left wasn't able to reap the rewards.
I don't remember everyone who was there, and my team chat was broken, so you might have been, lol.
The silly shooting stuff too early... I can look past that. It happens. Rage quitting because it's taking too long is just so rude.
I think the main problem with Infected on Elite is you get too many people that are just coming over from normal and they think they can get away with blowing the generators early. Honestly if you have at least 2 people who are decent captains on normal and the generators get blown early the nanite spawns aren't that difficult to deal with, in fact in about 90% of my runs on normal they don't follow the 10% and we're still able to get the optional done. So when they get to Elite they just think it works the same way, that somebody on the team will be able to bail them out if they blow a generator.
I have been doing space stf for a long time and I have all kind of horror story. But my most memorable is when the server send me into an already going game. Picture this, I come in 4 cube loose, 7 nanites gone and 3 players unconcious and the last one almost dead trying like crazy to stop probe. Just sat there for a minute or so, failed than left without penalty. All players had multiple injury on their ships and from what I could see the last one was a rainbow warrior. Just glad I didn't appear at the beginning, what a mess.
I think those guys had a hard welcoming into elite STF because they had to be newbies to fail that bad.
Jamal : Tactical space specialist. USS Bug Warrior and many others
E'Mc2 : Science Reman torp T'Varo, deadly annoyance :P
Kunmal: Tactical fed Klingon, ground specialist, USS Kanewaga
Ka -tet Tier 5 fleet fully completed Starbase and fleet property
I PUG ESTFs almost exclusively these days, basically for fun and giggles.
Can't remember the last time we failed one (though not for lack of trying by certain teammates!)
The only really annoying one lately was on Sunday evening - KASE, things were fine until Donata. And by "fine" I mean that I had to do a good bit more than my fair share of Borg slaughtering, but we still got the optional.
So: Donata. We had an Escort in our team who was obviously flying with much higher AUX than weapons, and insisted on using TBR to puch Donata as far away as he could from us. I was in a Kar'fi and using Gravity Well 1; but he was able to push the ship well clear of the gravity field and about 25km away. By the time the slower ships caught up, Donata had either cloaked or he'd started using TBR again. Pure griefing, plain and simple.
Team started complaining in chat, griefing continued. One of the other teammates got a bit stroppy at this point and went AFK; announcing that he'd come back whenever the aforementioned Escort finally stopped being a ****.
Long story short (really, really long story short) I ended up having to ramp my own AUX up to 125 to slow Donata down as much as possible via Grav Well, then time Evasive Manuevers "just right" in order to continually catch up with the push-happy dumbass Escort whenever he activated TBR.
Donata was pecked to death, and I couldn't click on that "leave mission" button quickly enough.
Cure and Infected always seem to go smoothly for me and are easily the two most enjoyable. I stay away from Khitomer at all costs unless my que timers are still running on the other space STFs.
warped into the sector, saw that tactical in this mirror assault cruiser (looks like the normal starcruiser)
when the grp UI apeared i was like :eek:...
he had about 30-40 different injuries on his ship...some even stacked up to 3 or maybe there were 50 i don't know i didn't count.
everybody in the group started to point out that he needed to repair hi ship, but he ignored it (as usual)
then he wrote: "i protect kang!" and everybody was like WTF, is he for real?
it went on, he died...a lot...i mean everytime i looked at the grp UI he was dead.
we couldn't make it to the bonus objective, but thats ok, since it's not that important anyway.
at the end, i told him to inform himself about repairing his ship, after and in combat...he said he was sorry, but i ignored him anyway.
srsly...if you don't know what injuries are, and how to remove us all a favour, don't do elites.
Well I got cursed and cussed at for running around with a sword (yes you are reading right I am using a SWORD!. It may sound wrong to most people but it is actually really awesome if you spec it properly which probably 90% of the puggers don't even know about)
So it goes on and on before we even reach the first group. We get there. They all focus their fire on 1 normal drone. It took them longer to kill that 1 drone with the 4 of them than for me to kick all the other borg with sweeping strikes.
Then some more complaining about why I melee... After they died 5 times to the elite tac drone I took the penalty and wept inside how there will never be a mk 12 weapon drop for me on that mission.
I do fully agree on the statement that if players do not know what injuries are and accumulate 30+ of them or don't know what a remodulator is good for (except if you run a melee build where you can go without)
They should not be able to enter.
Heck why can't cryptic implement a filter preventing people with 5+ injuries to queue for elite stf. That should weed out around 80% of really bad puggers right there
Because they are just as entertained by this thread as I have been and they want it to go on and on and on.
so on ISE there was a guy who was shouting at us in the chat. I was happy when in the beginning everyone said hi in the chat, and acknowledged (4 of them) the 10% tactic. now we go for the gens, and this guy starts shooting at the transformer. meanwhile he is also shouting what idiots we are, for attacking the gens, which will spawn nanites, and that will fail our optional. now he is the best kind of ****** tbh, because he is not doing any damage, since he is shooting at the transformer, plus afterwards he stays there (we explained the situation, but he just did the same thing, without shouting at the second transformer too, he atleast gave thought to our method)
also in ISE I met two guys. one had more than a dozen injuries on his ship, and when I brought that up (I dont see this all the time, so am gonna bring it up
now why we could chat, is this other guy. basically your usual ody insta admiral. pretty rainbows, with skittles in the back, he also had some injuries, but he got them in our game, because he spent most of his time in respawn oblivion. first thing he did, he tried to pop a generator, first time he obviously had not enough DPS to get one going, because he attacked the cube with us, so we could do normal 10%. however he learned, so second time he ignored the cube (and one of his friends too, though he changed when we said to attack the cube), popped the generator (though I think the work's hard part was done by the other guy), and went for the incoming spheres.
he had two problems though. he had no DPS, and he had no gear to back that. so in the end he died a lot. I dunno if the spheres or the gate made short work of him, but I would imagine, he could have been oneshotted even by a nanite sphere.
my third experience was in a cure space normal (I dont pug elite). so I warp in, to see the optional failed (yeah, I was in the line which had 10+ ppl for minutes, so I can get into a situation like that), one guy dead, the others are struggling with BoPs. I did not want leavers penalty, so I guessed three of them can defend the Kang, while I do the job (all cubes had the bottom nanites destroyed, that was a nice touch). so I bring out the raptors for the cube, which was a problem, because the dead guy came to help me. that meant, he turned on his repulsors, and whenever I had a clear shot at one of the raptors, he just pushed them away far enough, so I wont go after them, but not far enough to not bother me in seconds. plus he died pretty often and fast (we played this through with all the three cubes), so in the end I had to deal with the raptors (without buffs, since my buff attacks were useless thx to repulsors).
in the end though, with my help and an additional 15 minutes (I did not lose much time at least) I could finish the cubes, and save the Kang (it had 20% when I could return to destroy the negvahrs).
I did not ignore them, since most of them were not even lvl 50, but I thought I would share this (I think the game should have some restrictions though, like with 5+ injuries you cant join, or no more than 2 sub lvl50 should be on a team and such)
10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
Anyway, on to the juicy sh*t...
My klink just hit lvl 44, and I'm doing a 2 pc klinnk+aegis deflector (don't laugh yet)
This is normal, remember.
Immediately when we start shooting at tha cube, I take names: 2 feddy rainbow warriors, a kling in a broadside borta build (probably the best of the four), and another guy who had a cannon build, he did alright. Needless to say, we didn't do 10 percent, rainbow noobs die a lot and do pathetic dps, and optional is lost. However, I got mk X klink shield, so I'm happy
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
Had another PuG on Infected where some guy in a skittle boat just sat there blasting the gate the entire time while everyone else was trying to do transformers, it was pretty hilarious.
I've just started a fleet (1st Fleet of Wyoming) and the members have been working on building a few Fleet Marks.
To do so we've been doing the Federation Fleet Alerts and some other Fleet activities in the PVE's.
The Fleet PuGs in there are NO different if not WORSE than an STF. :eek:
Technicolor/Rainbow beams are rampant.
Skittles are rampant.
Zero communication is the norm.
And you don't dare say a word. :mad:
How we got 4 on stage 2 I'm not sure.... though I remember killing the fourth personally. Why is it odd? A member of "Richer than You" was in the match. This guy did nothing but stand in the spawn point. the 3 guys that were actually playing with me must have been awesome to get the other three saboteur in stage 2.
My character Tsin'xing
I was playing Cure space with a bunch of worthless players.
They were afking and doing nothing while leaving me to complete the objectives.
At first I thought they were utterly clueless, but I saw them just wasting time and running low weapons power. Then when we get the final objective they decide to start being active. They probably were trying to get people to quit, I'm guessing.
Even the most clueless pugs I've played with had the sense to attack and not TRIBBLE around.
These pugs could not possibly have been anything but griefing tards.
I reported them just in case. I doubt anything of consequence happens.
While I enjoy the queue system for it's fast accessibility, I think it makes it easier to to mess with people because if you force a guy to warp out, he's locked out of that queue for an hour or so.
I took the Kang - even said in chat that I had it and for everyone else to go do the main objective. They fly off, and I handle the Kang just fine. Then all of a sudden three of the four other people come racing back to the Kang, all dragging raptors behind them. No time to tell them to cut that out (too busy killing the TRIBBLE they dragged over with them).
One of the three leaves, just before we lose the optional (not sure if it was the time limit or if the Kang hit 74%). The team leader is off by himself trying to take down the second Borg launch bay, so I go to help him. Then one of the other two wanders over.
Couple minutes later someone else bails, the Kang is destroyed, and the whole thing is a bust. Still no idea what happened.
We destroy the cube, i go 1 side and 4 go the other, ive destroyed the lil healers and 1 of the 2 spheres as well as 2-3 sets of the probes, next thing i know when im hammering the 2nd sphere they have let 2 probes through..................and theres 4 of them
On a good team, we kill the mission. Finish the option with almost 5 mins to spare. Finish the boss off,everyone grabs their loot. I give a well deserved "gg" to the team and one player responds, "FU". I'm totally puzzled, this rude player explains that we moved through the mission to fast and we didn't share any of the optional loot with her. Obviously, she doesn't understand the roll system, I didn't get anything either. Thanks for the kind words. I guess next time I will have to remember to "slow down" for "special" players.
That's funny, but I've had that to from people who don't understand it, or those that get mad when I wind up getting the 2 rare salvage pieces from the optional bag. Of course they haven't been paying attention and don't realize that I've passed on every single drop so they can keep equiping their skittle boats with Mk X TRIBBLE.
We're left with two people who have an idea what they should be doing... and one who has no clue and is totally unresponsive. Doesn't appear to notice a thing we say in chat. This one is going into the middle, shooting at whatever, and not budging until he dies.
It's now impossible to finish the mission. It's like being trapped in an endless nightmare. We get leaver penalties for leaving, but we don't seem to have any other options.
Anyways, so we finally blow the cube. Guy in the Oddy says he will guard the gate and do probes. So we start on one transformer, but the next thing I know Gal-X is flying off on his own doing god knows what and before I know it I'm the only one left at the Transformer we started on and the gates are spewing probes. Oddy guy flies over to "help" me while the other 3 inexplicably went over to the other side of the map to do that gate....
The best part is while the guy in the Oddy(our guard for probes...) flies over to "help" he jets right past two probes w/o even firing a shot and just lets them go right in the vortex. Then I look over and the gate the other 3 people went to, 2 probes just making a break for it untouched. Needless to say within 2 minutes of blowing the cube we had 4 probes already in towards mission failure. I took the leavers penalty, there was no way on earth we were going to finish it and it was time to log for the night anyways.
It was uneventful until we reached the room with the power nodes, where repeatedly the same two kept splitting off and dying. Then the horde would turn and kill the other two who weren't equipped well, and I kept running around sniping and finally after clearing most of the drones, healed up everyone. The response? Two people were nice and one of them went immediately to the small room, but I notice the other two had pretty much maxed out in terms of injuries.
I ask them if they're okay and they kept telling me to STFU. And then dying. And then I run to heal them. And then one of them challenges me to PvP. With 6 criticals, 10 majors, and plenty of minors. Right you will take me (without injuries, with advanced fleet PSG, Mk XII MACO shield, and two Mk XII antiborg weapons) down in PvP.
Finally the boss room. Again the two of them get two shots off and die, while the three of us keep retreating down the hall sniping all the way, returning to heal them. I offer help to the two of them after we finally complete the mission, and basically I offered to trade (well, give is a better word) them regenerators to treat their injuries. All I get is curses and TRIBBLE you and whatnot.
Trying to be a good sport, I say "good luck in future stfs, but honestly other people might not be as accomodating of so many injuries" and I get curses and all to send me on my way.
Of course we missed the optional.
I don't know what we can do about this.
Here's a suggestion: how about if no one on your ignore list could be placed in an stf with you? (Just think about it, no explanation is neccesary)
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
Federation Fleet Alert.
My fleet is trying to build a few Marks.
Two of us join a FFE PuG.
We go in, I look around and say 'Hi'
Everyone says 'Hi'
Good sign right?
So the battle starts.
My fleetmate and I stick together and we're killing left and right in round one.
Round one is over all is well.
Two starts.
Two of the three that are not in my fleet die right away.
Then the third dies.
Oh Goody....
So my fleetmate and I are just having a ball killing stuff by ourselves.
Round two is still going.
The three ships that dies respawn and two of them die almost immediatly.
Then the third dies.
I see my fleetmate is down to 10% but he suddlenly jumps back to 100%.
Round two is still going.
The three ships that dies respawn and two of them die almost immediatly.
Then the third dies.
They respawn and die again, and again, and again. :eek:
We lost in round two.
The thing is....
All three of the other ships were VA with over 4000 accolade. My fleetmate is a VA with 1700 accolade. I have 12000 accolade.
The other three should have been equiped well enough to survive a simple FFE. None of them were fluying oddys, none of them had technicolor beams. They were simply poorly built ships. You would think that with 4000 accolade they would know better.
BUT NOOOOOOO........ :mad:
My character Tsin'xing
The problem is that their ships are so poorly built that they can't help but die. They certainly can't do much damage to the enemy either.
Fortunatly out of the 5 or 6 Fleet adventures I ran today only a couple missions were a loss.
But the purpose of this thread is to make those who are flying the death traps who might accidentally READ this thread realize that they need to FIX IT! :eek:
The generators weren't a problem... except everyone wanted to shoot at the same one. Nanite spheres everywhere as the last gen goes down. I know from running it before that if you get enough DPS on the transformer, you can take it down even with those stupid spheres hanging around. (I don't think we had enough though.)
Everyone goes off to shoot nanite spheres. And then regular spheres. By the time they finish with the regular spheres (which didn't shoot at them until attacked anyway), more nanite spheres. I think it took almost twenty minutes to clear one side.
Other side is a rinse and repeat of the last one. No one learned from their mistakes. One guy (who I suspect wasn't really helping much) called everyone noobs and left.
We did better once he was gone though; the gate went within a couple of minutes, and the tactical cube didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would with only four people.
Also, I find it really awful that - even flying an escort - I got swatted by spheres people dragged over. So not only did they drag over spheres instead of killing them... they let their teammates die for it.
(I can solo the spheres in ISE in my escort... if I see them before they take my shields down!)
I hate noob wars.
I don't remember everyone who was there, and my team chat was broken, so you might have been, lol.
The silly shooting stuff too early... I can look past that. It happens. Rage quitting because it's taking too long is just so rude.
I think those guys had a hard welcoming into elite STF
E'Mc2 : Science Reman torp T'Varo, deadly annoyance :P
Kunmal: Tactical fed Klingon, ground specialist, USS Kanewaga
Ka -tet Tier 5 fleet fully completed Starbase and fleet property
Can't remember the last time we failed one (though not for lack of trying by certain teammates!)
The only really annoying one lately was on Sunday evening - KASE, things were fine until Donata. And by "fine" I mean that I had to do a good bit more than my fair share of Borg slaughtering, but we still got the optional.
So: Donata. We had an Escort in our team who was obviously flying with much higher AUX than weapons, and insisted on using TBR to puch Donata as far away as he could from us. I was in a Kar'fi and using Gravity Well 1; but he was able to push the ship well clear of the gravity field and about 25km away. By the time the slower ships caught up, Donata had either cloaked or he'd started using TBR again. Pure griefing, plain and simple.
Team started complaining in chat, griefing continued. One of the other teammates got a bit stroppy at this point and went AFK; announcing that he'd come back whenever the aforementioned Escort finally stopped being a ****.
Long story short (really, really long story short) I ended up having to ramp my own AUX up to 125 to slow Donata down as much as possible via Grav Well, then time Evasive Manuevers "just right" in order to continually catch up with the push-happy dumbass Escort whenever he activated TBR.
Donata was pecked to death, and I couldn't click on that "leave mission" button quickly enough.
That's the one. Donatwa.
What do you mean, "that's still not wight"? :eek:
What about the west of the Bosses: Webecca and Awmek?!?
"Welease Bwian!" :P