So I see a lot of long time returnees have come back to the STO forums, so I can only guess that they haven't been playing much or posting much, but have come back because of the delights of season 6.
I'm curious to know, that is 6 the DBs? Will it be the saviour of STO and that with fleet bases, they have finally cracked it?
Will the haters (like me), start to become less and less and STO finally rises from the pits it's been in and become a "must play" game?
Will Secret Wars, Guild Wars 2, LotR,TOR, DCUO, all be looking over their shoulders now?
Can bases keep the fan base occupied until season 7?
So far, all I am reading is that people feel like they are getting fleeced and then fleeced again, with a final topping of fleecing.
If your not getting fleeced, then I'm reading it's the long, dark, boring route of grind, grind, grind.
So, I repeat, is 6 all gravy? Has Dan kept his initial word that QC and testing will be better than before?
Straight from the mouth of one of the leaders of the CDF - "I tell you what, Haven't spent any money either - I'm a lousy freeloader" - Jonsills 17/12/2014
So I see a lot of long time returnees have come back to the STO forums, so I can only guess that they haven't been playing much or posting much, but have come back because of the delights of season 6.
I'm curious to know, that is 6 the DBs? Will it be the saviour of STO and that with fleet bases, they have finally cracked it?
Will the haters (like me), start to become less and less and STO finally rises from the pits it's been in and become a "must play" game?
Will Secret Wars, Guild Wars 2, LotR,TOR, DCUO, all be looking over their shoulders now?
Can bases keep the fan base occupied until season 7?
So far, all I am reading is that people feel like they are getting fleeced and then fleeced again, with a final topping of fleecing.
If your not getting fleeced, then I'm reading it's the long, dark, boring route of grind, grind, grind.
So, I repeat, is 6 all gravy? Has Dan kept his initial word that QC and testing will be better than before?
Well, from my small 3 person fleet point of view, we have to grind, grind and grind again to be served with a large helping of fleeced (due to not a single 1 of our T5 KDF ships being in the fleet store and no money off for all the other KDF ships we have paid for)
I think that Season 6 has its promises, but they really need to look over their C-store price rates on the Ship modules and the other small stuff that is a hot topic right now.
Star trek to me has always been mediocre, never the "best game ever".
However, since launch, the game has done much improvements and hopefully those improvements will continue to grow.
Guild wars, Secret World, WoW and all those other MMO can't really compare with STO, because this is Star trek. I play this game cause its Star Trek. I can't run around space anywhere else eith a Soveriegn class starship.
Personally, I think S6 has brought nothing new to the table. Except higher store prices, more grinding, account-linking, new ugly ships, ramble ramble ramble....
EDIT: I'm no "hater" mind you. When I started playing I loved this game and had actually a very fluffy "Star Trek" experience, feeling that I play my very own episode. I'm just super pissed about how the whole game turned out to be eventually.
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
I left it when i got my Beta Access to SWTOR and remained there up until recently when they screwed me over with the server mergers. (Long sad tail of me losing all my toon names that i took great pains to secure upon launch).
If truth be told I was losing interest in SWTOR anyway and with me having a lifetime sub here at STO I thought i'd come back and see what's new.
Upon my return i'll admit to be very impressed with the changes that have been made in my absence. Plus the new additions to the game.
I'm loving the DoFF system and the STF revamp and there are loads of other little changes that ive noticed (and no doubt others ive not seen yet) that i really like.
The addition of the fleet system is a big draw and has stolen my attention away from the DoFF system for the time being.
I imagine lots of people will be in a similar situation, SWTOR was a big deal and lots of people interested in the SciFi genre would have wanted to check it out.
If, like it did for me, fail to retain their interest they will be looking for some other SciFi MMO goodness.
STO is a great game, it has faults but what MMO doesnt, It had a poor launch but that is no fault of Cryptic.
Imagine the influx of people there will be when they send an email out to all past and present players advertising the fleety goodness that's now in the game.
Season 6 isn't worth playing. Period. I can't get a T5 retrofit of my T2 Excalibur/Exeter kitbash, I can't upgrade my Excelsior and even if I could do the former I would after years of grind (single person fleet) still have to pay through my nose. If I was interested in power I could simply pay 5 $ more for an Odyssey or an Armitage and save all the grind.
Aside from getting access to the new ships the whole point of upgrading the starbase seems to be unlocking all the stuff you get on ESD, K7 and DS9 for FREE.
Well, there are also rumours of great fleet gear, but guess what? I don't care. I never felt the need to suffer elite stfs with pick-up groups for the chance on a Mk XII set piece, I'm not going to start grinding away for some phaser arrays that will become obsolete with the next level cap raise.
FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
i feel like we traded one pointless grind for another, we get a new set of missions to do over and over and over and over and over and over and over....ect.
i feel like season 6 was designed to force people to pay more money to be competitive.
i feel ripped off. im trying to hold on cuz this is the only real trek game but i dnt know how much longer i can do it............
I'm liking Season 6, for medium to large size guilds its good, or ones with those who like to grind, but it has given much more reason to be part of a fleet than ever before.
Is there an alliance system in place between fleet? A way of helping smaller fleets perhaps?
Season 7 or even 8 maybe more to others liking, so remember if you've not been served right in S6, and if Cryptic keep up high standards, you may well be happier with whats coming later in the year.
What further investment does STO need to attract and retain new and old players? New factions? More investment on the KDF side? I've seen the 'simple' addition of the Ferasan species has certainly made it more popular, at least as far as I can tell.
Honestly, we are only a few days in and I'm already starting to get tired of the new encounters to grind fleet marks. Also alot of my stockpiled resources have already been burnt though as well. My main concern is not actually the fleet ship issue people keep on complaining about, but actually gearing those ships up with the new weapons, consoles, engines, shields, deflectors and the like. Since many of the items I saw on Tribble required fleet credits 'and' dilithium to buy, which means not only do I need to grind dilithium to upgrade the starbase, but I also need to grind it to equip my ship.
If I can feel I'm already starting to get tired of grinding now, what the hell am I going to be like in a few months, when all my respources have been drained and I still don't have anything to show for it other that a fleet credit balance because all the stuff I want is locked behind a timegate! I fear that the huge cost of grinding starbases, the repetitive content required to grind for starbases and the added cost of requiring real money to get your rewards for all that effort is probably going to do more harm than good to the playerbase (the Exchange is already starting to run low on some commodities for Starbase construction and we are only a few days in!).
I hope my mood increases this week with the game, because right now my excitment for logging in is slowly diminishing.
So I see a lot of long time returnees have come back to the STO forums, so I can only guess that they haven't been playing much or posting much, but have come back because of the delights of season 6.
Two things...
1. Everytime I see you say Dooommmmmm I am going to calm you down. we need to calm down those anger sharks that are swimming in your head. it is just a game. So lets calm down.. repeat after me Goosfraba.. kidding of course.
2. I kind of never left, but I kind of did, but I was still around. life just kind of stepped in the way with both me changing careers, two deaths in the family, and my mother getting a tumor that she still is getting removed. Needless to say. I decided to focus on my family instead of my gaming, and well during this time I could only focus on one MMO.
Guild wars, Secret World, WoW and all those other MMO can't really compare with STO, because this is Star trek. I play this game cause its Star Trek. I can't run around space anywhere else eith a Soveriegn class starship.
^ this too.. Yeah they are okay games, but none of them are Star Trek. None of them can give me the player made stories that rival even the TV shows in plot like this game, and this game is still better then moving little ships around on my desk while making ship noises.
The only other game that can compare is would EVE, and I enjoy that because this game does lack in it's markets. If this game allowed me the power I have to make, buy, and sell items like EVE.. I don't think I would ever leave.
I can see the promise season six offers to fleet play, but do not think it is enough to bring back old players in the long term. What people have been asking for are more story missions and to improve content for the KDF faction. Both of these look a long way off.
They also need to fix the exchange as the primary economy in the game, otherwise people are really going to leave on mass.
^ this too.. Yeah they are okay games, but none of them are Star Trek. None of them can give me the player made stories that rival even the TV shows in plot like this game, and this game is still better then moving little ships around on my desk while making ship noises.
The only other game that can compare is would EVE, and I enjoy that because this game does lack in it's markets. If this game allowed me the power I have to make, buy, and sell items like EVE.. I don't think I would ever leave.
Ahh Zodi, sorry to hear about RL stuff. Been there too, so I understand and can empathise.
Now back to STO.
The only thing that STO has going for it, is that it's based "loosely" on Star Trek. This too me is the biggest, saddest thing that people accept mediocrity (and I am giving it way too much credit when I say that) just because it's the only Star Trek MMO and many think it's going to be the last one (SWG thought that too).
Still, and I have to chuck the CDFers a bone or they will give me grief:(. I will acknowledge that STO is F2P, you don't have to pay for anything and none of the ships are gear are needed to enjoy the game. There satisfied? That said , Cryptic still ruined my IP and PWE are making it even worse which I thought would be impossible.
I'm still Goosfrabbing or whatever the mantra is you keep telling people to say. It aint helping. STO still is &rap...:)
Straight from the mouth of one of the leaders of the CDF - "I tell you what, Haven't spent any money either - I'm a lousy freeloader" - Jonsills 17/12/2014
Ahh Zodi, sorry to hear about RL stuff. Been there too, so I understand and can empathise.
Now back to STO.
The only thing that STO has going for it, is that it's based "loosely" on Star Trek. This too me is the biggest, saddest thing that people accept mediocrity (and I am giving it way too much credit when I say that) just because it's the only Star Trek MMO and many think it's going to be the last one (SWG thought that too).
Still, and I have to chuck the CDFers a bone or they will give me grief:(. I will acknowledge that STO is F2P, you don't have to pay for anything and none of the ships are gear are needed to enjoy the game. There satisfied? That said , Cryptic still ruined my IP and PWE are making it even worse which I thought would be impossible.
I'm still Goosfrabbing or whatever the mantra is you keep telling people to say. It aint helping. STO still is &rap...:)
That is a very good point, and honestly. While I don't like the mediocrity, and part of me hates it because they could do SO MUCH BETTER. I keep on coming here because. yeah it is star trek.. and it is free. I don't have to pay a thing if I don't want too, and yet I still get all of the missions, and a huge thing for me is foundry.
Foundry is the shining hope in my opinion. There is a reason why cryptic wants to turn some foundry missions into normal missions. Some of the missions are amazing. Better then cryptic's work at times. The best part is these are made by people who are HUGE star trek fans, but also they are not getting paid to do it. They are doing this on their own free time, and doing it because they LOVE star trek.
For me personally. I would rather spend my time doing a very long, but well written, and well staged foundry mission. Over any end game content. PVP, STFs, or the new fleet things don't compare to good story telling written and made by someone who has a passion for Star Trek.
So I hope that answered why I still accept, but still fight against the mediocrity in this game. Because in all of the MMOs and games I have played. This one gives me some of the best stories, it gives me the stories made by people who care, and in the universe that I like.
I too agree. Nothing in this game I HAVE to buy to play, and even the fleet ships. Looking at the stats of the retrofits. I don't NEED that extra console slot or extra 4,000 HP in my ships. I am just fine taking my time and grinding up to get the free version. honestly. It isn't much of a grind if you share it between characters. I have 3 ships that I might get and some of them are still 7 months away. . I don't need the best ships to PVP because I don't PVP much, and when I do. I don't do it to be competitive, but instead to have fun. So the C-store and all this needing money to play doesn't bug me. I can buy something if I want it, but not because I need it.
Oh and yeah.. the anger sharks might be to much with season 6... but keep trying goosfraba... It was a word that Eskimos used to calm down their children. It worked for them. It might work for you too. Just keep trying.
I just see sto heading more towards low to zero effort and maximum profit like other PWE games.
This is definitely the wrong direction and despite them being told it will never ever work this side of the world, the Star Trek name is not enough to keep this game afloat....
We might have seen more people check the game out again (around 4-5 thousand more people potentially) if they had bothered to advertise the update on Steam. They didn't even add a Tholian screenshot to the game's page there.
More like the eulogy for most KDF players, in all honesty. Also, to hell with the dev's saying the fleet ships will be "much cheaper" than current C-Store ships. I don't count $20 to be "much cheaper". S6 is the fresh new thing. I give it a month or so for people to realize how much money they'll have to spend to get these ships and just give up trying. While GW2 or the others might not have the Star Trek feeling, at least I won't feel like I'm getting nickle-and-dimed every single time I log on.
I didn't play more then a couple of month's after release, but I did pop in from time to time for to spend C-points that came with my DD pre-order when things I wanted became available. I did however lurk the forums at least once or twice a week, but even stopped that after awhile. -- I came back because I heard of the 700 day vet android reward and wanted to claim it. - ran into an old fleet buddy with a lifetime also, decided to start a toon from scratch to see all the changes and am enjoying the game more this time around. - But I fall into and out of games fast, I still have 2 other games I play in beta - and just started a new career mode in Roller Coaster Tycoon 3. - I am enjoying season six with the fleet I'm with, and liking most of the new stuff - but I do get distracted easy.
what i don't get in this game is why the ships? what about the rest of the game like exploration. i don't even know if the game have storyline that is following anymore, because truth be told when i logon to STO i don't know what am doing. I can't role-play because not al planets are accessible and the once which are have notting on them. for me they are adding too much ships without the content and am bored of the grinding.:mad:
"You ask why we give our ships computer normal emotions. Do you really want a warship incapable of loyalty?"
I am positively surprised by the quality of the space and ground encounters.
Sure, fleetbases are a long-term grind. People these day are used to level quickly to max level within a few hours or days in MMOs and STO is not different, so the fleet bases as long-term goal are quite something strange for many people. They feel its grindy, but at the same time they should recognize that a long term project is that, a long term project.
Season 6 is definitely interesting and well done, I will be playing STO. I am not interested in TSW and GW2 - I was really looking forward to it after maximizing my Hall of Monuments - is no longer GW1 but something different I am not that interested in.
STO doesn't need saving, it was already declared dead so often, so why should Season 6 have to save STO.
IMO season 6 is VERY cool and brings people together to work on a common goal. As usual there are problems and bugs, but all in all I quite like this season and we have not yet seen all of the Tholians. Good times!
In my opinion, EVERY SINGLE daily mission in the game should award, 5 Fleet Marks. That's the least they could do, after shafting us with the removal of the fleet marks from the Tholian Invasion zone. Once you have the ground set, there is virtually no reason to revisit that place, when you can do a "quick PvE event" in shorter time, and get more marks.
I have to agree with Suricata that I'm already getting tired of the new "content". The new missions are just more of the cookie cutter stuff. "Defend x until the timer expires." "Collect x until you have y of them". "Defeat waves of enemy x until timer expires".
As far as the fleet system goes, I don't think I understand what the pay-off is. So I'm supposed to grind contribute to the building of a Starbase that duplicates the functions of already existing Starbases? Is the Fleet ships the only reason to take part in the Fleet Base system? If so, I'll pass.
I will say that the new objects and functions in the Foundry are exciting. (If they'd' all work as designed.)
I think if the Fleet Ships had a price-rebalancing done to them, some of the aggression that people have about them, may subside. For instance, why shoild a Tier 4 Shipyard, fleet ship, cost the same as the Tier 1? Given the fact that it takes alot more time and effort to get to Tier 4, should the cost not be LOWER?
I think S6 is really awesome for people who love fleets and thought there was never much of a point to being in one. Personally, they are not adding what I want to STO. I am slowly distancing myself from the forums and I certainly have less interest in the "new stuff" that's being added.
I wanted the KDF faction to be completed with additional content and ability to start at Level 1. I also wanted more BIG BUDGET content added such as Featured Episodes. Epic places like DS9 should have been revamped like ESD and Qo'noS was but there is no budget and no priority for it.
PWE and Cryptic seem to be focused on creating smaller budget, repeatable events and content. And they are really focused on more and more ways to get us to spend big bucks for ships. Honestly I'm enjoying ground more than ever just to get away from ships.
I'm finding that I've basically given up on what I wanted. I will ignore a lot of the new stuff, certainly will ignore spending money on it. I still enjoy STFs and will keep playing those. Might get into the Tholians but that will probably end up being another grind.
Well, from my small 3 person fleet point of view, we have to grind, grind and grind again to be served with a large helping of fleeced (due to not a single 1 of our T5 KDF ships being in the fleet store and no money off for all the other KDF ships we have paid for)
So, for me season 6 is the nail in the coffin
Star trek to me has always been mediocre, never the "best game ever".
However, since launch, the game has done much improvements and hopefully those improvements will continue to grow.
Guild wars, Secret World, WoW and all those other MMO can't really compare with STO, because this is Star trek. I play this game cause its Star Trek. I can't run around space anywhere else eith a Soveriegn class starship.
EDIT: I'm no "hater" mind you. When I started playing I loved this game and had actually a very fluffy "Star Trek" experience, feeling that I play my very own episode. I'm just super pissed about how the whole game turned out to be eventually.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
I left it when i got my Beta Access to SWTOR and remained there up until recently when they screwed me over with the server mergers. (Long sad tail of me losing all my toon names that i took great pains to secure upon launch).
If truth be told I was losing interest in SWTOR anyway and with me having a lifetime sub here at STO I thought i'd come back and see what's new.
Upon my return i'll admit to be very impressed with the changes that have been made in my absence. Plus the new additions to the game.
I'm loving the DoFF system and the STF revamp and there are loads of other little changes that ive noticed (and no doubt others ive not seen yet) that i really like.
The addition of the fleet system is a big draw and has stolen my attention away from the DoFF system for the time being.
I imagine lots of people will be in a similar situation, SWTOR was a big deal and lots of people interested in the SciFi genre would have wanted to check it out.
If, like it did for me, fail to retain their interest they will be looking for some other SciFi MMO goodness.
STO is a great game, it has faults but what MMO doesnt, It had a poor launch but that is no fault of Cryptic.
Imagine the influx of people there will be when they send an email out to all past and present players advertising the fleety goodness that's now in the game.
Aside from getting access to the new ships the whole point of upgrading the starbase seems to be unlocking all the stuff you get on ESD, K7 and DS9 for FREE.
Well, there are also rumours of great fleet gear, but guess what? I don't care. I never felt the need to suffer elite stfs with pick-up groups for the chance on a Mk XII set piece, I'm not going to start grinding away for some phaser arrays that will become obsolete with the next level cap raise.
Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
Maybe if they had put the Excalibur in the fleet store...
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: NPW Forums
i feel like season 6 was designed to force people to pay more money to be competitive.
i feel ripped off. im trying to hold on cuz this is the only real trek game but i dnt know how much longer i can do it............
join date: Jan. 2012
Is there an alliance system in place between fleet? A way of helping smaller fleets perhaps?
Season 7 or even 8 maybe more to others liking, so remember if you've not been served right in S6, and if Cryptic keep up high standards, you may well be happier with whats coming later in the year.
What further investment does STO need to attract and retain new and old players? New factions? More investment on the KDF side? I've seen the 'simple' addition of the Ferasan species has certainly made it more popular, at least as far as I can tell.
Expansion and refinement of the fleet system?
If I can feel I'm already starting to get tired of grinding now, what the hell am I going to be like in a few months, when all my respources have been drained and I still don't have anything to show for it other that a fleet credit balance because all the stuff I want is locked behind a timegate! I fear that the huge cost of grinding starbases, the repetitive content required to grind for starbases and the added cost of requiring real money to get your rewards for all that effort is probably going to do more harm than good to the playerbase (the Exchange is already starting to run low on some commodities for Starbase construction and we are only a few days in!).
I hope my mood increases this week with the game, because right now my excitment for logging in is slowly diminishing.
Two things...
1. Everytime I see you say Dooommmmmm I am going to calm you down. we need to calm down those anger sharks that are swimming in your head. it is just a game. So lets calm down.. repeat after me Goosfraba.. kidding of course.
2. I kind of never left, but I kind of did, but I was still around. life just kind of stepped in the way with both me changing careers, two deaths in the family, and my mother getting a tumor that she still is getting removed. Needless to say. I decided to focus on my family instead of my gaming, and well during this time I could only focus on one MMO.
^ this too.. Yeah they are okay games, but none of them are Star Trek. None of them can give me the player made stories that rival even the TV shows in plot like this game, and this game is still better then moving little ships around on my desk while making ship noises.
The only other game that can compare is would EVE, and I enjoy that because this game does lack in it's markets. If this game allowed me the power I have to make, buy, and sell items like EVE.. I don't think I would ever leave.
They also need to fix the exchange as the primary economy in the game, otherwise people are really going to leave on mass.
Ahh Zodi, sorry to hear about RL stuff. Been there too, so I understand and can empathise.
Now back to STO.
The only thing that STO has going for it, is that it's based "loosely" on Star Trek. This too me is the biggest, saddest thing that people accept mediocrity (and I am giving it way too much credit when I say that) just because it's the only Star Trek MMO and many think it's going to be the last one (SWG thought that too).
Still, and I have to chuck the CDFers a bone or they will give me grief:(. I will acknowledge that STO is F2P, you don't have to pay for anything and none of the ships are gear are needed to enjoy the game. There satisfied? That said
I'm still Goosfrabbing or whatever the mantra is you keep telling people to say. It aint helping. STO still is &rap...:)
That is a very good point, and honestly. While I don't like the mediocrity, and part of me hates it because they could do SO MUCH BETTER. I keep on coming here because. yeah it is star trek.. and it is free. I don't have to pay a thing if I don't want too, and yet I still get all of the missions, and a huge thing for me is foundry.
Foundry is the shining hope in my opinion. There is a reason why cryptic wants to turn some foundry missions into normal missions. Some of the missions are amazing. Better then cryptic's work at times. The best part is these are made by people who are HUGE star trek fans, but also they are not getting paid to do it. They are doing this on their own free time, and doing it because they LOVE star trek.
For me personally. I would rather spend my time doing a very long, but well written, and well staged foundry mission. Over any end game content. PVP, STFs, or the new fleet things don't compare to good story telling written and made by someone who has a passion for Star Trek.
So I hope that answered why I still accept, but still fight against the mediocrity in this game. Because in all of the MMOs and games I have played. This one gives me some of the best stories, it gives me the stories made by people who care, and in the universe that I like.
I too agree. Nothing in this game I HAVE to buy to play, and even the fleet ships. Looking at the stats of the retrofits. I don't NEED that extra console slot or extra 4,000 HP in my ships. I am just fine taking my time and grinding up to get the free version. honestly. It isn't much of a grind if you share it between characters. I have 3 ships that I might get and some of them are still 7 months away. . I don't need the best ships to PVP because I don't PVP much, and when I do. I don't do it to be competitive, but instead to have fun. So the C-store and all this needing money to play doesn't bug me. I can buy something if I want it, but not because I need it.
Oh and yeah.. the anger sharks might be to much with season 6... but keep trying goosfraba... It was a word that Eskimos used to calm down their children. It worked for them. It might work for you too. Just keep trying.
This is definitely the wrong direction and despite them being told it will never ever work this side of the world, the Star Trek name is not enough to keep this game afloat....
If this is all Season 6 brings to the table, it isn't really enough to bring the game to light either.
Knowing all of that, you can understand why things are priced the way they are and why there is such a grind.
Me playing UT2k4 (red guy) -
Sure, fleetbases are a long-term grind. People these day are used to level quickly to max level within a few hours or days in MMOs and STO is not different, so the fleet bases as long-term goal are quite something strange for many people. They feel its grindy, but at the same time they should recognize that a long term project is that, a long term project.
Season 6 is definitely interesting and well done, I will be playing STO. I am not interested in TSW and GW2 - I was really looking forward to it after maximizing my Hall of Monuments - is no longer GW1 but something different I am not that interested in.
STO doesn't need saving, it was already declared dead so often, so why should Season 6 have to save STO.
IMO season 6 is VERY cool and brings people together to work on a common goal. As usual there are problems and bugs, but all in all I quite like this season and we have not yet seen all of the Tholians. Good times!
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
Seconded. A little break can do wonders. No need to mock the hopes and satisfaction of players who actually enjoy the new content.
Conjoined, Re-emergence, and . . .
Just wanted to counter some of the negativity.
As far as the fleet system goes, I don't think I understand what the pay-off is. So I'm supposed to grind contribute to the building of a Starbase that duplicates the functions of already existing Starbases? Is the Fleet ships the only reason to take part in the Fleet Base system? If so, I'll pass.
I will say that the new objects and functions in the Foundry are exciting. (If they'd' all work as designed.)
I wanted the KDF faction to be completed with additional content and ability to start at Level 1. I also wanted more BIG BUDGET content added such as Featured Episodes. Epic places like DS9 should have been revamped like ESD and Qo'noS was but there is no budget and no priority for it.
PWE and Cryptic seem to be focused on creating smaller budget, repeatable events and content. And they are really focused on more and more ways to get us to spend big bucks for ships. Honestly I'm enjoying ground more than ever just to get away from ships.
I'm finding that I've basically given up on what I wanted. I will ignore a lot of the new stuff, certainly will ignore spending money on it. I still enjoy STFs and will keep playing those. Might get into the Tholians but that will probably end up being another grind.
The mechanics of Starbases are boring sorry. Its a Doff system.