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Ask Cryptic: July 2012 - Submit Your Questions, Please!



  • maddinm214maddinm214 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Did the german and french players become a new subitle for the intro?
    Will be already translated the new season?
    Become we more ground missions?!
    Did we have a chance to see another star trek movie player like picard or something?
    are plans to give the lifetimers new things?
  • felixhexfelixhex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Has this idea ever been tossed around with ya'll? Create your own civilization? For example, you could pick a premade world, place it in an unknown part or space, and create the look of of the species, government, what have you. This could function much the way of fleet starbases.
  • elchup47elchup47 Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    robeasom wrote: »
    Are you going to fix the Glitch in Cure when after facing Armek and you missed killing one Borg that you have to search around for it because after killing it we just managed to get the items before time ran out after running from one end of the map to the other. It would be easier for your rewards to go straight to your into your inventory

    That is not a glitch. A good player checks his ticklist to see if the borg threat has been cleaned up before taking on Armek.
  • mjaymor78mjaymor78 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    1.) When will the FEDs get a new escort? Not a mini carrier but an escort.

    2.) When will we get new STFs? It would be nice to see three +/- STFs against each faction (Cardie, Rom, Klink, FED, and etc.).

    3.) When can we see an increase in the amount of members allowed in a fleet.

    4.) When can we see the removal of the "Report Spam" (Abuse button). Ignore works just as well and non spammers will stop getting abused? This was used for Gold Spammers, but you don't see them in Zone anymore.

    5.) When will we see a system for the STFs, where users have to complete so many normal STFs before they can move up to Elite STFs?

    6.) Will we ever see fleet actions open to all ranks and be an open instance again?

    7.) Terradome will it ever get worked on and will it ever at least be added to the quene system?

    8.) Club 47 can we get some new music in there? Instead of the same music over and over again.

    9.) Can we add Ship/Ground Critical Regenerators to the vendor?

    10.) When will we see a remodeled interior to Sol Station to match its exterior?

    11.) Can we get a mute Leeta button? I know I can mute all background vocal noises but I just want to mute her.

    12.) Can we get the old version STFs back? Keep the new ones but give us the old ones too.

    13.) In the Need, Greed, or Pass system, can we get rid of either the Need or Greed option?

    14.) Can we get the Romulans as a playable faction?

    15.) Can we get a moblie Authenticator?

    16.) Can you move and spread out the beam out area around DS9? There is always a cluster of ships above the station and you can barely see the station sometimes.

    17.) Can we get our custom STO Forum avatars back?

    18.) Can we see Dilithium removed from crafting? Makes crafting for others a mess.

    19.) When looking at R&D when we hover over an item it usually doesn't give you the correct information. When will this be fixed?

    20.) On the Academy grounds when beaming out we have the option to beam to sector space. Can we get that option on all the stations as well?

    21.) If we see Starbase PvP can we keep it Faction vs Faction (KDF vs FED)? Keeping it this way I believe would help the KDF side grow stronger.

    Other Posts and their questions I would also like the answer to.

    21.) [User: meurik] KDF -needs- level 1-19 content, before it will ever be considered a "full fledged faction". Players need to be able to start their Klingon characters, without even setting foot on the bridge of a Federation starship. Any chance you can dish out, or repurpose 19 missions, to fill in the gap? The Kuvah'magh from a Klingon perspective for example.

    22.) [User: lancearea] Is there still talk of remastering some of the earlier episodes like The City of the edge of Never and Future Imperfect?

    23.) [User: mustrumridcully0] With Gozer unfortunately leaving, who will take charge of PvP?

    24.) [User: fewzz] Any plans to add the new Fleet Base Tech to the interior of Ships?

    25.) [User: fewzz] Any plans to add a reward merchant for the Fleet Actions to get them buzzing, so much wasted content here.

    26.) [User: starkaos] Will Borg, Reman, Aegis, and Borg sets get their own ground set? Also, will the Jem'Hadar ground set get an appropriate appearance instead of reusing an existing regular armor appearance?

    27.) [User: frostysly] One word - Poker - XD

    28.) [User: ofallon] Exactly when can we expect a Trait and Racial Respec Purchase available?

    29.) [User: Captainloh] When will we see Endgame PvE focus, not like the trivial ones we see now? I'm speaking on levels of raiding as such.

    30.) [User: ltsmith] Voyager bundle any info you can provide on it? For example will it have an interior or special white quality weapons like the TOS and DS9 bundle.

    31.) [User: sollvax] Would you consider adding non combat missions to the progression?

    32.) [User: psycoticvulcan] Will we ever see the Xindi in STO? (Add my 2 cents, not just DOFFs, but playble.)

    33.) [User: novacat1973] With the introductions of fleet bases, are we going to to see terrortory capture/control soon?

    34.) [User: morgansmith] Any word on the zoneless "one sector space to rule them all"?

    35.) [User: picard99] Will removed content return with season 6? Content like 2 DS9 fleet actions, defend sector block missions and shuttle daily mission.

    36.) [User: falcon3000prime] Dan, can we please end the war? The Federation/Klingon war, that is?

    The Klingons and the Federation are working together against the Borg. We'll have to work together against the Iconians. Both sides are already assisting the Deferi. And we know that the war was fomented by outside forces hoping to destroy the quadrant.

    There is neither logic nor honor in continuing the hostilities.

    37.) [User: attilio87] Will we be seeing an update to the Fleet Roster so that we can sort by handle?

    38.) [User: aexrael] We keep seeing new forms of currency introduced instead of consolidating the ones that already are, let alone utilizing them. Have any consideration been given towards simplifying the current Currencies down to 1 or 2 at most? We're right back to Launch with the Exploration Marks ect.

    39.) [User: aexrael] Have any thoughts been given towards revamping the BOFF Training system? It's entirely too cumbersome having to find another player with the appropriate skill and then having to trade the BOFF to them, risking theft or wrong skill training. This system also vastly diminishes the value of the Bound/Unique BOFFs which can't be traded and trained.

    40.) [User: allysnowleopard] will we ever be allowed to use things like the M.A.C.O , S.O.T.O and Honor Guard unlocks, and the DS9 pack Bajoran Robes on our BOffs ?

    41.) [User: rtk142] Why isn't there a character select screen so we don't have to keep entering our passwords to select a different character?

    42.) [User: specter153] Will there be any plans to get the borg medical kit onto the STF vendor?

    Join Date: Dec 2009
  • beeblebrox72beeblebrox72 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Will you be making anymore cut scenes? I thought it would be rather nice when you get a mission (episode) from starfleet. A nice bridge scene so when you see the phrase 'on screen' it actually comes up on the screen on the bridge.

    Make all lower ranking characters salute your higher ranking character when passing them either on deck, when moving around your ship, space stations etc.

    Would also be nice for your character to actually walk rather than appear to be jogging, there is already a run button :)
    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
  • vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hi Dan,

    Thanks for looking at my questions.

    1. Bound items, particularly lock box ships. I'd like the ability to move the ships among my various characters on my account. Any chance this will happen? Please?

    2. Veteran rewards, About the unique starship variant, in the upcoming 1000 day reward:
    A. It's gonna be something awesome right?
    B. Something that can be used in STFs right ?
    C. Something that will reflect the achievement of hitting this landmark veteran status right?

    I say this because I'm really looking forward to this reward. I would be disappointed that when I finally hit 1000 days, and I get a ship that looks nice, but can't be used because it falls short of the C store ships.

    D.Will this be a new variant for an existing ship? Like the Excelsior? hint, hint ...

    E. Can there be variants for each career paths please ?

    3. MY AVATAR, will I EVER be able to use the custom avatar I made again? I just don't like the generic ones we are forced to use on the forums now.

    4. THE VESTA, what class will this ship be? I was REALLY hoping Science would get some love here. Which leads me to my final question:

    5. Science ships. Generally other players consider my science skills spam. Many of those said skills have been adjusted for balance. There are now immunities being added to cope with more and more of these skills.
    So, with all these adjustments to science skills, are there any plans on giving science any BUFFS ?
    Anything to changes being made to make my science character MORE effective in the heavily DPS dependent STFs?

    I thank you for your time.

  • beeblebrox72beeblebrox72 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Oh one more thing (a little more important), when will prepaid cards be available in the UK?
    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
  • stnetstnet Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    First, Thanks Cryptic for still creating the best Star Trek game build today. I?m still enjoying every minute of playing this game. The transmission to PWE is something that has to be done, but I have all the convenience that this will be resolved in the near future.

    One thing that I like the most in this game is the Feature Episodes.
    In the last State of the Game Daniel Stall posted:
    ?Does this mean a Tholian Feature Episode series is in the works? Not exactly. We are going to be trying something different??

    I know that there is no more information available until the release of Season 6, but can you tell anything more about the future of the Feature Episodes?

    Many thanks :)
  • moronwmachinegunmoronwmachinegun Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    1. When will team chat be fixed? Currently if you have a dedicated team tab and join a new team, you have to change your chat target in that tab from team, to something else, back to team to have your messages actually display.
    2. Could STFs or other PUG events force the chat window to open, at least initially? This would help immensely with getting ppl to listen up. Just seeing someone talking on chat would help encourage new players to pay attention.
    3. Quick revision to the border-of-sector-blocks banners? Kind of sad to see "Klingon Space" on the way into Sirius Sector Block! Or just delete them all together?
    4. Some of the exploration zones have your ship facing the wrong way when you depart them, ie you come back into sector space facing back into the zone. Can this be fixed easily?
    5. When doing large intrafleet PvP matches, there is no way to control who ends up on which sub team. You're on the correct red/blue team, but the subgroups can be bad. For example, 6x6 PvP, one side could have their healer on a team by themselves, making their job a lot harder. Can the UI be fixed to SHOW how the teams will be created, and/or let the organizer move a split line up and down to control how the subteams are created? Ideally letting us setup exactly how teams are created, ie 6v6 might have 1&5 on one side, with the loner a good tank, and the other side has 3&3 since they have two healers. This would also be awesome for the 15 man fleet events, allowing us to assign strike teams.
    6. Gozer had hinted he was considering making STF tokens bind-to-account. Any chance of that happening in S6?
    7. The game seems to be getting more and more pure DPS focused. Any upcoming tidbits that will improve DPS for science or engineering types in space? For example, increase the effect of flow capacitors/particle generators/graviton generators? It isn't balanced that the appropriate defense should negate so much the levels in these, since at higher levels everyone has higher shields&hull&sets anyways. Maybe a new Gravimetric DOFF that has a chance of secondary grav wells *immediately* popping to get 2x/3x/4x the grav well damage and slowdown? Or a Tachyon DOFF that has a % of focusing all the shield drain on a single facing? A security DOFF to buff boarding parties enough to make them worthwhile? Warp core DOFF that extends the time Eject Warp Plasma lasts?
    8. The fleet starbases look beautiful, congrats to the teams. Any chance we will see non-contact NPCs interior and exterior of the bases? During construction/upgrade phases, NPCs with spanners, carrying boxes, exterior worker ships etc, and during normal operations, a small number walking (one or two running, lol) around inside with a few guard ships outside would add a lot of atmosphere.
    9. When will a list of comprehensive SB upgrade features/cosmetics be released? Bat'leth arena on Klingon starbases? Any chance of an STF token vendor? Etc
    10. Will current fleet actions such as Federation Minefield, Starbase 24, The Big Dig, Gekli Feeding Grounds, etc grant fleet marks, or have their type changed to something else?
    11. Poker! If there are concerns about RL money, make it only playable with GPL, like Dabo. This would be awesome on our own ship, or if not, at least on fleet starbases! 4-8 players please. Give it to an intern to implement over the summer! :)
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I enjoyed the short story in Dev Blog #8. Is that going to have any relevance to the actual Tholian storyline, or does it just serve to introduce them into STO?
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • starfleetnq1starfleetnq1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    1.) When will we get Vesta class?
    *Do you still plan to reales it?

    2.) What about Separation mode on Galaxy X,when will we get that?

    3.) Will we ever get Cardasian playable faction.

    4.) Any news on FE's?
  • marctraiderzmarctraiderz Member Posts: 539 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    The same question since STO came out:

    When will we see PvP love?

    Thats my only question.
  • peregrine0falconperegrine0falcon Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I'm going to ask essentially the same question that I asked last year at this time:

    Q: Will the KDF get ANYTHING in 2012?

    - Peregrine Falcon
    "Any change to non-good alignment immediately strips the ranger of all benefits, and the character becomes a fighter, with eight-sided hit dice, ever after, and can never regain ranger status."
  • chiz80chiz80 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    With the MACO/OMEGA ground sets. I was kinda hoping for some grond tites like MACO colonel, or Seargent, Corporal.. anything grond related. Perhaps maybe the ability to see the Starfleet silverstar, starfleet cross, or even the starfleet medel of honor as a decoration option for my uniform. WIll we at some point see these kind of options?
  • cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    My questions are simple:

    1- Carrier pet AI (specifically birds of prey, VoQuv carrier) has been constantly screwed up in the name of 'fixes' to the point where the BoPs are useless compared to the generic To'Duj. Will Cryptic ever, for once, finish what it starts and FIX the pet AI issues?

    2- Why do you bother having a Tribble server if feedback and 'hey this is completely broken and here's how to reproduce this game breaking glitch 100% of the times...' posts from testers go unread and not acted upon...and the patch goes to live server without as much as a quality control check. Will Cryptic ever, for once, listen to the tester feedback and act on it?
  • tosveteranstosveterans Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Will there be fixes/additions to the fleet calendar and a little more flexibility with the fleet ranks when Starbases are released?
  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Since the forums keep bugging me to log in every time I try to arrive via anything other than the news system or my personal subscription list DESPITE my constantly saying "Stay Signed In" or whatever the checkbox was again, could you add the ability to subscribe to the Dev Tracker? :rolleyes:

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
  • cousteau1701ecousteau1701e Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hello. Here are a few questions:

    Are we going to get Actual Fed/Starfleet style EVA suites? Maybe some unique looking Klingon ones too?

    I'd love to actually fly around in the Gamma and/or Delta quadrants. Might we someday have sector/sector blocks for these locations?

    Can we get the awesome day/night cycle from Bajor on Starfleet Academy?

    What about someday getting Starfleet Command/ Headquarters?

    Is it possible that we could ever get other cities on Earth to visit?

    I remember seeing WIPs of weapons being visually holstered. I even saw one tested on tribble. At this point the only one in game is the Ferengi whip. Is this something you guys would still like to implement?

    I remember that you guys were working on giving the Dreadnaught the saucer sep ability, but there were some tech issues that needed to be resolved. Are you guys still working on that or is it on the back burner at this point?

  • lujan1980lujan1980 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I have a fleet of ship at space dock. I was wondering if as an Admiral,will we ever be able to bring in one of the the maxed out ship that just sitting there in dry dock in to battle . Kinda like photon fleet or fleet support.Thanks for your time
  • rheatitanrheatitan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012

    Now that we're spending more time in your ships interior thanks to the doff'ing is there any plans to add more interior's to the game?
  • scottapricescottaprice Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited June 2012

    I run 3 Fleets (including one of TRIBBLE Test Shard for Testing new Content) and these two questions are extremely important. I use these features extremely often to communicate with Fleetmates while I am not able to be in-game.

    1) When will we have In-Game E-Mail availability via website? Issues with the current state: The game has a 2048 character limit and the website did not - AND you can copy and paste (links or text) from the Web-based E-Mail, but not in-game. When I send out the Fleet Mission, Vision, and Values to a new recruit, it either has to be 5 in-game E-Mails (Tedious), or 1 E-Mail (via the website) directly to the individual. (priority)

    2) The Friends List is also very important. The NEW PWE STO Site has different display names for the names of STO players. The new system for mail and friends display seems to be useless - since I don't know the new names. How can we look to see who is online while being out-of-game?

    3) I really like what is being done with the Fleet Starbases - will we have the ability to have crew quarters and/or a dock for our ship (or at least in a cut scene when leaving the starbase)?
  • argent007argent007 Member Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    What kind of rewards will we be expecting for testing Season 6 on Tribble, and what system would it be tied into, if any, for determining how much of the rewards we get?
  • ozujskoozujsko Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    when finaly season 6 go to holodeck will be able to buy or get the new fancy tolian torpedos and proton weapons??
  • captainlangcaptainlang Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    When is a Miranda refit coming to play. Like a Varaint II The USS Lantree (TNG- Unnatural Selection) or III USS Saratoga like you one from (DS9- Emissary)
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,149 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hi I;ve just seen several screenshots of new Terran Empire ships and was curious to know if the the purple ships are being replaced,updated ? (hope not) Or are they going to be used for a new different terran empire ? :D

    Link ( http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=288771&page=4 )
    Typhoon Class please!
  • elandarkskyelandarksky Member Posts: 1,013 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Will we be seeing any more KDF Shuttle/fighters soon? (plenty of orion carrier pets to choose from :D)

    Will there ever be the possibility to send our Boffs to ourselves? (In the same way trading for training)
    [Combat (Self)] Your Bite deals 2378 (1475) Physical Damage(Critical) to Spawnmother.
  • seannewboyseannewboy Member Posts: 667 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    My question is the possibility of having a "redshirt" in the true Star Trek sense of the word..not the main character mind you, but would there be a possibility on an away mission, just by sheer bad luck or bad timing one of the character's BOFFs actually stands a chance of getting killed?

    If so can we name him "Kenny"?
    New home of the Romulan Republic.
    I have an idea for what Season 11 should be; Season 11: The Big Bug Fix.
    I have not been able to read my bug tickets in over a year, not even the tickets about not being able to see my tickets.
    I find the drama of your signature proof of your immaturity, this means you, DR whiners.
  • ackreedackreed Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    When we will Cryptic remedy the bugs in the chat, above all in the german chatsystem.
  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited June 2012
    Thanks to everyone who submitted their questions for the July Ask Cryptic! I am going to ship these questions over to Dan so he can pull some of them out and respond. The answers will appear in an upcoming "Ask Cryptic" Web Feature that will be released soon!


    Brandon =/\=
This discussion has been closed.