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Ambassador Class

alexindcobraalexindcobra Member Posts: 608
edited January 2013 in Federation Discussion
Its about time the Devs give us the Ambassador Class starship. They brought us every type of ship, new and old except for the Abassador which a lot of players has been asking for since the make of STO. They brought us the Oberth Class, Intrepid Class, the Galaxy Dreadnought, the Nebula Class, and Excelsior Class, at the request of fans wanting to see and use Star Trek canon ships. Its sad we only had limited exposure to the ship in the TNG show. I think it was only viewed twice in that show and once in another Star Trek Show.

I think it is a cool looking ship like the Galaxy and it is the predecessor of the Galaxy when you look at the Star Trek ship evolution. The Excelsior was a ship that was one step above the Constitution Class Refit, I don't know how the Excelsior Refit skipped from tier 3 to tier 5, on par with Galaxy and Sovereign classes. With that being said, the Devs should have no problem bring us the Ambassador Class starship.
Post edited by alexindcobra on


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    podsixpodsix Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    In the most recent Priority One podcast, dStahl sid that the Ambassador class is *still* intended to be tied to some form of featured content, and he stated also that it won't be coming until at least after season 7. (which as he stated, season 6 comes in July, season 7 will come sometime before the end of the year, so we can probably extrapolate a 2013 ETA for the Amby).

    He also said something about "maybe after the next 14 ships are added"... so clearly they have a bunch of ships coming to us soon.
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    darkenzedddarkenzedd Member Posts: 881
    edited June 2012
    The devs are not fond of the ship (well one of them but I wont name names) therefore I doubt it will be playable ingame.
    It is supposed to appear in some future story mission, but no details have been told what this all means...
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    alexindcobraalexindcobra Member Posts: 608
    edited June 2012
    darkenzedd wrote: »
    The devs are not fond of the ship (well one of them but I wont name names) therefore I doubt it will be playable ingame.
    It is supposed to appear in some future story mission, but no details have been told what this all means...

    Well, just because they are not fond of the ship don't mean they can't do some research on the ship to get dimensions, tech data, modeling from the show, internet, or other games, like Star Trek Bridge Commander. Now that I bring it up, I hope they look into it.
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    shinseialphashinseialpha Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Th Ambassador is on its way, the devs have said on more then one occasion that all previous class of ship to bare the name Enterprise will be in the game.
    =/\= Original STO (forum account) Name: Shinsei ~ Registration Date: July 2008 =/\=
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    meurikmeurik Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    darkenzedd wrote: »
    The devs are not fond of the ship (well one of them but I wont name names) therefore I doubt it will be playable ingame.
    It is supposed to appear in some future story mission, but no details have been told what this all means...

    The dev who isn't fond of the Ambassador Class (Gozer), is leaving... So now it should be upto the ship artist(s) to actually get the work done.
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    talzerotwotalzerotwo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012

    If the original Ambassador Class was the step between the Excelsior and the Galaxy Class, then the new Ambassador version should be the step between the Sovereign and the Odyssey Class :)
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    mehenmehen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I'd love it if the Ambassador was in the game, but only if they added those parts and the existing Exploration Cruiser parts to the Nebula. :biggrin:
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    alexindcobraalexindcobra Member Posts: 608
    edited June 2012
    talzerotwo wrote: »

    If the original Ambassador Class was the step between the Excelsior and the Galaxy Class, then the new Ambassador version should be the step between the Sovereign and the Odyssey Class :)

    Then it wouldn't be the Ambassador Class, it would be somthing else. If you change that then you are overstepping what we are asking for. I'm looking for ventage before I want something new. Allegeance Class is more of a step between Sovy and Oddy but I would say its a step past Oddy because it doesn't exist yet and its a hybrid of Galaxy and Sovy together.
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    shinseialphashinseialpha Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Maybe they'll have the 2409 style ship on the c store much like the Exeter is to the constitution class at the lower tiers, so it will be there. Unless of course its purely c store and it comes with various skins original and new, unless you have to buy it.
    =/\= Original STO (forum account) Name: Shinsei ~ Registration Date: July 2008 =/\=
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    jafobss1701jafobss1701 Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I know alot have wanted it. Personaly i have no interest in the Ship. Seems Dev time on Ships is Limited to Story Line stuff and When they get to put it in youll have your ship.
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    daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    AL speculated in his most recent interview that it would most likely be both a T-3 & T-5 ship...

    Perhaps using the two existing designs seen about the internetz...

    The Actual Ship seen in Yesterdays Enterprise and Proberts original drawing.
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    gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    that original concept drawing is a nice ship
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    admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,560 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I suggested that the Ambassador be the Dilithum Carrier for the fed though I do wonder why the Excel was C-store and Connie standard that should be reverse since the Connie was decommisioned that never made sence. I love the connie but the cannon says she's out of service.
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    captainbmoneycaptainbmoney Member Posts: 1,323 Arc User
    edited July 2012
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    badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    In keeping with canon and/or to make it easier to add into the current ship lineup, they should call it "Ambassador-Class Frigate"
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    artan42artan42 Member Posts: 10,450 Bug Hunter
    edited July 2012
    In keeping with canon and/or to make it easier to add into the current ship lineup, they should call it "Ambassador-Class Frigate"

    The cannon Ambassador is a cruiser not a frigate.
    Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
    JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.


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    '...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
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    paragon92518paragon92518 Member Posts: 268
    edited July 2012
    In keeping with canon and/or to make it easier to add into the current ship lineup, they should call it "Ambassador-Class Frigate"

    There is no reason to call an Ambassador a "frigate".

    It's never been mentioned anywhere in canon about Ambassador being a "frigate". 22 years from 1701-C destruction to 1701-D flying around is not a very long time. Hell, if an Ambassador is a frigate, logic says the older Excelsior should be one too! And we all know that's never going to happen.

    What ship enters the Battle of Wolf 359 by turning on a dime at :52? An Ambassador Class!


    Just another posting by a troll that hates a certain ship and has to "down-it", just like Akira haters used to.

    There is talk about this ship coming next Season as a featured story arc. If it happens, it happens. If not, oh well.
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Personally, I think the Ambassador Class should be where the standard Excelsior Class is now; as an alternative to the Cheyenee, Stargazer and Dakota. The Excelsior can simply be extended to mix with the Excelsior Refit.

    There really is no other place to put the Ambassador down. It can't be that much more powerful than the Cheyenne would be, and it certainly isn't up there with the Galaxy.
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    eldarion79eldarion79 Member Posts: 1,679 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I wouldnt mind seeing the 2409 equivalent with the Ambassador-class skin, sort of like the Magellan-class is the update for the Nebula-class and the Monarch-class is for the Galaxy-class. I am, also, digging the Exeter-class, why couldn't we get that instead of the Constitution-refit, with the refit as the purchasable skin.
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    dan6526dan6526 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    In keeping with canon and/or to make it easier to add into the current ship lineup, they should call it "Ambassador-Class Frigate"

    Seriously?! LOL

    The Constitution-Class was a Heavy Cruiser LOL (check WoK or SfS consoles). So jump ahead 50-60 years (20 years before Galaxy-Class). This ship would be considered of the same type or equivalent. Not sure if Exploration Cruiser replaced the Heavy Cruiser at that time. NEXT: Wesley Crusher in fact called the Enterprise-C a Cruiser in Yesterday's Enterprise; "But that cruiser was destroyed (over) twenty years ago."

    And yes the latest news in a Podcast was a story release in Season 7. Two costumes, the Enterprise one and the Probert Concept version. To be fair, I would rather this ship replace the Dakota/Cheyenne/Stargazer, then have a retrofit (Probert Concept) for Tier 5. Makes more sense with all the Excelsior's running around and it being smaller than the Galaxy.
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    captainkirk300captainkirk300 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Agreed they need to give it to us seriously how long do we have to wait theyve given us all the real ships besides it and a ton of fake ships never seen on any series or movie fake is oddy and those ones
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    rrincyrrincy Member Posts: 1,023
    edited July 2012
    Agreed they need to give it to us seriously how long do we have to wait theyve given us all the real ships besides it and a ton of fake ships never seen on any series or movie fake is oddy and those ones

    not the old ' its not on screen it doesnt exist ' argument again :rolleyes:
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    nalonalo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I am hopeing that when she make it onto the scene that she is the much needed tactical cruiser that we have been needing for so long. :D
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    mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I wouldn't mind seeing the Ambassador class myself. But I think it needs to be able to stand on it's own. It needs to be called like an 'Enhanced Heavy Cruiser', Armored-Heavy Cruiser, or a 'Super-Heavy Cruiser', something like that.

    I think it oughta be what the Excelsior isn't, or something along those lines. Like the Excelsior is a testbed for a fully functional transwarp drive, hence why it is an 'Advanced Heavy Cruiser'.

    To me, the Ambassador has always felt very solid and rugged. Not quite out of the normal shapes and lines of the old shows, but not quite into the smoothness we know of TNG. A ship that could really take a pounding, and I think that the Ambassador should follow that, so it isn't basically an Excelsior copy or re-skin.

    For a tier 3, it'd look good like...

    Lt. Cmdr engineer, Lt. Tac and Sci, Ensign universal. 3 and 3 weapons slots. Base stats, similar to the other heavy cruisers, but more base hull. 800 crew, plus 5 to all power. If it comes with anything special, it should be something like this:

    Enhanced Deflector Array - Universal Console: A bonus to Structural Integrity which is dependant on the ship you are in (as in, a smaller ship gets a smaller bonus), some science ability bonuses (mostly to shields), an efficiency based bonus to aux power.

    At tier 5...

    4 and 4 weapons slots of course, 800 crew still, 39500 base hull, plus 5 to all power still. Turns better then the Galaxy, but not as well as the Excelsior.

    Console layout would be 5 engineering, 2 sci, 2 tactical

    BOFFs are...Cmdr. Engineer, Lt. Cmdr engineer. Lt. Sci, Lt. Tactical. Ensign Universal

    Console might be...(Unsure of name) Adds a bonus to hull plating and armor reinforcements, even further structural integrity, etc. Only usable on the retrofit of course.

    My thought about this is that it is meant to be an older ship, upgraded, without being a total copy of other cruisers. I have the universal slot, in order to help keep that. Like the Expo retrofit has an ensign engineer, you can run that if you want, or ensign tac like the Sovereign, or an ensign sci like the star cruiser.

    I think of it as a ship totally meant to take a licking and still be grinning even as a tactical cube bears down on it. At the least, I'd buy the tier 3 with that deflector console just to boost hull strength on a ship even more, especially a cruiser.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
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    gr8captaingr8captain Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Leave the Amby where it deserves to be. A forgotten memory, if by mistake they do put it in the game put it where it belongs a tier 3 after the Excelsior but before the Galaxy class with 4 stations and six consoles.

    Personally I think it would be a mistake as they really had a dismal battle record, the first Enterprise to be lost in battle at the hands of the enemy.
    You Klingon TRIBBLE You Killed My Son.
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    gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    if that's the case the excel should no longer be a T5 and be down graded to a T3 only

    same with the cheyenne can't have that at T5 either

    also the Original Enterprise NCC-1701 was the first to be lost in battle over the genesis planet. yes kirk blew it up but it was still lost in battle to the enemy do to it being to damage to fight back
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    paragon92518paragon92518 Member Posts: 268
    edited July 2012
    The special console for the Ambassador Class should be a power where for X amount of time the ship can turn ON A DIME. Just as evidenced here at 52 SECONDS..........


    The Devs should use canon footage when determining which special power to give Ambassador and I think this power fits the bill completely. Also, it would finally give players a cruiser a turn rate that doesn't totally suck.
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    podsixpodsix Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Those Quad-Engine abominations should be called Frigates. Stargazer and Reliant seemed like they were both built for the same kinds of duty. The Ambassador Class (and a couple of more modern tech skins) should go into the Cruiser Tier left vacant by that move.
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    paragon92518paragon92518 Member Posts: 268
    edited July 2012
    I (believe) if the Devs do give Ambassador the turning power (as mentioned above) ^^^ then it will fit nicely into the game. It seems a rather large group of players want a cruiser with a turn rate that doesn't suck. Many of them likely were/are not fortunate enough to get a Galor Class. I think Ambassador in this role would really be a nice addition into the game.

    Better even, if there are different variants (Probert drawings), TNG yesterday's Enterprise design, etc. then there's even more room to make minor tweaks here n' there.
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    tlamstriketlamstrike Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    podsix wrote: »
    Those Quad-Engine abominations should be called Frigates. Stargazer and Reliant seemed like they were both built for the same kinds of duty. The Ambassador Class (and a couple of more modern tech skins) should go into the Cruiser Tier left vacant by that move.

    In fairness the term 'Frigate' is not very well defined. Originality they were fast, maneuverable coastal vessels. They then became fast, ocean going ships capable of independent operations (What we think of as Cruisers today). In 1793 the US put to sea six Frigates that we might call a Pocket Battleship or Battlecruiser today. In the World Wars they became small escort ships unsuitable for the open ocean (but never the less deployed on it). Between the end of WWII and 1975 what the US Navy called 'Frigates' were really guided missile cruisers (some nuclear powered!) Today its back to small escort ships.

    I kinda like calling the Ambassador a 'Frigate' since it comes from a time when conflict with the Klingons was winding down and the Federation might decide to call a Cruiser a 'Frigate' to make it sound less threatening, much like we did after WWII.
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