On top of that, the concerted effort to flesh out something that never was meant to be fleshed out at all, as a playable race? i think Cryptic can toot their horn for doing a pretty freaking good job so far.
Sigh. Look, the KDF was promised since BEFORE LAUNCH to be a fully fleshed-out faction. They changed their minds at the last minute to push the game out on time. So, we got the "PvP-centric" excuse to justify the lame release. You can go and claim that this was never the case all you want, but look at the past and you'll see that we WERE given the shaft. It wasn't until recently that we've been slowly getting what we were promised.
I can't believe that so many still hold on to that false notion.
Its so easy to blame the others who have been given so less...yet those who have been given so much take each gift for granted and then expect the "have nots" to just lay down and accept it.
That entire post rings so true, but I wanted to especially highlight the above. It seems like the Federation-only players only want things for themselves and damn the "other" faction. How would THEY like it if they were the ones with little and the KDF had all of the attention? I'd think that they'd be singing a different tune.
Armstrong, that is exactly what I have been saying all along. Fed only players have no idea the (pardon the pun) trials and tribbleations (funny eh?) that KDF pilots go through.
Do we ask for much? Certainly not. We ask for our refit ships that were supposed to be delivered months ago. We ask for our due veteran rewards (which nobody has...and nobody at Cryptic is willing to give us an example of what it looks like...figures...). We ask for feedback on questions that we ask...It seems to me that they give us vague ideas of what is coming down the pipeline so we won't be as disappointed when the product comes to us and falls WAY short of what it was intended to do.
The only thing we have received that really infuriates me is the new Vor'Cha. No, I am not really upset about the BO layout, turn rate, or anything else. What I am miffed about is the fact the KDF pilots HAVE NO CUSTOMIZATION with their new ships...I mean we have NO VARIANTS of it. If we want a variant of the hull, we have to pay CP to get it. Every fed ship I have seen so far has at least 2, if not 3 variants to it along with window changes, and such. We KDF pilots have to spend more cash to get something that should be an optional skin in the game as it is...I say to the KDF players to look at the new ships (when and IF we get them) and make sure they have more than 1 skin/variant on them. I doubt they will. If they make us buy variants in the C-Store for CP, I shall (and I believe a number of KDF players will as well) be very, very disappointed. I will be all Shaka when the walls fell when that happens....
Sigh. Look, the KDF was promised since BEFORE LAUNCH to be a fully fleshed-out faction. They changed their minds at the last minute to push the game out on time. So, we got the "PvP-centric" excuse to justify the lame release. You can go and claim that this was never the case all you want, but look at the past and you'll see that we WERE given the shaft. It wasn't until recently that we've been slowly getting what we were promised.
I can't believe that so many still hold on to that false notion.
That entire post rings so true, but I wanted to especially highlight the above. It seems like the Federation-only players only want things for themselves and damn the "other" faction. How would THEY like it if they were the ones with little and the KDF had all of the attention? I'd think that they'd be singing a different tune.
Do we ask for much? Certainly not. We ask for our refit ships that were supposed to be delivered months ago. We ask for our due veteran rewards (which nobody has...and nobody at Cryptic is willing to give us an example of what it looks like...figures...). We ask for feedback on questions that we ask...It seems to me that they give us vague ideas of what is coming down the pipeline so we won't be as disappointed when the product comes to us and falls WAY short of what it was intended to do.
The only thing we have received that really infuriates me is the new Vor'Cha. No, I am not really upset about the BO layout, turn rate, or anything else. What I am miffed about is the fact the KDF pilots HAVE NO CUSTOMIZATION with their new ships...I mean we have NO VARIANTS of it. If we want a variant of the hull, we have to pay CP to get it. Every fed ship I have seen so far has at least 2, if not 3 variants to it along with window changes, and such. We KDF pilots have to spend more cash to get something that should be an optional skin in the game as it is...I say to the KDF players to look at the new ships (when and IF we get them) and make sure they have more than 1 skin/variant on them. I doubt they will. If they make us buy variants in the C-Store for CP, I shall (and I believe a number of KDF players will as well) be very, very disappointed. I will be all Shaka when the walls fell when that happens....