I completed the Utopia Planitia mission last night. And was given a choice of rewards that was eerily familiar. It was the Fed rewards for a particularly awesome Fed mission.
And yes, EFFICIENT IMPULSE ENGINES MK IV are now available to the KDF!
My raptor is happily chugging along with them right now.
Nice they finally get Efficient Engines, too bad it seems its a bit too late for them.
Wow, come on... there must be a way that people who have done the missions before rewards were in game can also get them!!!
I hope so. They took this long to put them in. They really ought to figure out something for the folks who didn't get the rewards.
Thanks SC for this info!
Well its good engine for T2-T3 even for other ships.
Being able to torture the Fed Captain for the access codes before finally murdering him in cold blood was just the icing on the cake.
Edit: It's listed as a reward for "second star to the right, straight on 'til morning
Sorry about that, I didn't put the proper quest title in my post. It's the second star to the right quest. The same quest where you get to invade Utopia Planitia. I was a little excite at the time of my posting. S'been a long time coming for Klingons to get some decent PVE content, let alone decent REWARDS for that content.
I truly hope the do something to allow retroactive rewards to those who missed out by a day or two because S2 launched horribly incomplete. That's on the devs there and the players shouldn't be punished.
I'll trade some manuverability and speed for +5 power to all systems
Good thing I saved these missions for a rainy day. I didn't want to burn through them immediately... glad to know that's paid off.
I do feel sorry for everyone who completed their mission already, though. I would be nice if Cryptic could somehow reimburse people who've completed the episode; but I'm not sure how they'd go about doing that. I'd rather them spend their effort tackling the crippling PvP Queue bugs and the Explore mission bugs, though.
I will write a GM ticket.
edit:I wonder why they have a test server,or why we didnt get an early warning that they forgot to add the rewards to klingon missions.
Link it please because I can find nothing about it at all in the patch notes,missions and episodes forum,google,dev tracker(last 5-6 pages),general forum,engineering reports.If they indeed said something about adding rewards(and what kind of rewards,nobody wants the usual low level stuff on BG+) later they hid it really well(it should be a sticky at least on the klingon forum).All I found is a thread on the escorts forum talking about the efficient impulse engines MK IV,but according to the author it is a 'fed only technology' and not accessible for klingons.
I bet that the vast majority of the players with klingon mains completed these missions in the first few days so this is a serious problem.
# Klingon episodes need additional loot rewards other than the final mission arc item.
You could try running the mission again with another klingon, might work.
Is it bind on pickup or bind on equip?
edit:the fed quest reward is BoP,if this is BoP too doing it with another klingon is not an option
Found it thanks,but nothing in this indicates that we should wait because these missions will give worthwile rewards to high level players(and not just the usual green low level stuff).
I take it that engine is only available then, cuz my general did that mission and didn't get it
The Efficient trait does not add power directly like the reward engine or captain Performance skills.. It adds +5 to the combined ship efficiency skill (captain efficient skill X + 5 for the BO). Efficient adds power when a system is set below 75... It adds more power the lower the system is set. It does nothing if the system power is set above 75.
The reward Engine and Performance skills add power directly to a system regardless of what it is set at.
So the Borg BO Efficient trait is not the same as the power you get from the Engine.
Edit - The Engine also does not add power to the engines.. But it does to the other 3 systems.
I did it early in the morning on the 31st of July and got the efficient engines.
Customer service response:
Thank you for contacting us about not being able to have chosen a mission reward. We have reviewed your issue and have escalated it to the next tier of support for further review. Once we hear back from them we will relay their findings to you. Keep in mind that it may not be possible retroactively award a mission item. Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter. GM support Team.
you can, sort of. unlike the others, the Shard Sword stays in your hand when walking/running, but not when sprinting
I just wanted to chime in that we've heard you regarding being unable to get these rewards since they were added after you completed the mission.
We're discussing this now. I can't say which way the decision will fall, but we are discussing this issue.
Looks like they already decided(I just found ticket update in my mailbox).
customer service response:
Thank you for your ticket. At this time we are not retroactively granting any rewards for past missions that you have completed. We encourage you to run these missions again with new characters in order to enjoy the rewards that we have added. Thank you for playing Star Trek Online.
The problem is that the item is bind on pickup(correct me if I am wrong,I can find just the federation reward in the item database and it is BoP) so doing it on another character wont help at all,but here is a suggestion:change it to binds on equip,that would solve the problem(I admit that I know very little or almost nothing about programming but imo this wouldnt be hard).This way we can get it for our main characters with completing the mission on an alt or paying a good price for it on the exchange(I wouldnt mind).
If they decide to reward it retroactively it'll probably be done as a database query.