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I'm sick of everything having to be bought from the c-store



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Matunus wrote:
    and i pay by the month get over it. and show me were it says the it would be put in game eventually from my understanding it was said that it wouldnt. Slander plz,

    Where did I say I have a problem with all monthlies, where did I act like I was better than you? I have no problem with monthlies, I don't think I'm better, I have a problem with those who act like all Lifers are playin for free and think they are better than anyone else.

    BTW, Mr. Stahl himself
    dstahl wrote: »
    This leads to ... hmm.. we only have x number of ship artists... if we put it in the C-Store it will allow us to offset costs and get it to you sooner than later.

    Mongoson wrote: »
    well, i guess this all comes down to personal opinion. to some it is, to others it isnt.

    myself, not played any of the races. so have no clue

    far as the ships, oh yes I have those, and the Gx, wasnt an advantage, my AC still runs circles around it. Even phaser spec.

    tribble? heck one of the best tribbles you can get is the borg on, and that was free.. what does a klingon need with a tribble?

    My point was, they are more than cosmetic, it isn't an opinion. Cosmetic items are visual only, such as uniforms or skins, those items had effects and are therefore more than just "cosmetic"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Ripcurl wrote:
    Buffs that Fed players get to have in PvP?

    Klinks don't OMG thats just soooooo unfair thats game breaking and must be fix .

    See can be applied to almost anything.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Ripcurl wrote:
    They have unique traits that you can't have access to unless you buy them. Play a Pakled with certain ground chosen traits in Ground PvP, you'll rarely be stunned or placated because of the added "dumb luck" trait you can buy.

    The rest of your blind defending is pointless, because you miss the point where it was said items in the nickel & dime store were cosmetic only, when it's clearly obvious they're more than "just cosmetic" and have blatantly obvious game effects on some of the items being sold.

    Unique does not equal advantage... Because if that was the case my ship is unique so i should have the advange right??? .... But wait your ship is also unique so it should also have the advantage???

    Also when you chose your Captain you have a list of skill right? Can you chose all of them... No right? So you chose your skills and i chose mine... You might chose warp specialist and i might chose something else. At the end we might end up with the same skills or we might not. The important point if we do not have the same skill that make me unique so does you... HIs my captain better or is your?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Where did I say I have a problem with all monthlies, where did I act like I was better than you? I have no problem with monthlies, I don't think I'm better, I have a problem with those who act like all Lifers are playin for free and think they are better than anyone else.

    BTW, Mr. Stahl himself

    My point was, they are more than cosmetic, it isn't an opinion. Cosmetic items are visual only, such as uniforms or skins, those items had effects and are therefore more than just "cosmetic"

    I belive in another post he states that it wouldn't make it into game either. just cant find it, anyways and I dont have a problem with lifers its just that alot of thies threads that complain about the c store or what sould be free in game are started by them.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Diomasach wrote: »
    Unique does not equal advantage... Because if that was the case my ship is unique so i should have the advange right??? .... But wait your ship is also unique so it should also have the advantage???

    Also when you chose your Captain you have a list of skill right? Can you chose all of them... No right? So you chose your skills and i chose mine... You might chose warp specialist and i might chose something else. At the end we might end up with the same skills or we might not. The important point if we do not have the same skill that make me unique so does you... HIs my captain better or is your?

    But they get to pay extra and have more Skills, therefore they have an advantage, having more options and a better ability to make a stronger Captain.
    Matunus wrote:
    I belive in another post he states that it wouldn't make it into game either. just cant find it, anyways and I dont have a problem with lifers its just that alot of thies threads that complain about the c store or what sould be free in game are started by them.

    If you don't have a problem with lifers than why post this:
    Matunus wrote:
    . Answer me this why does it seam to me anyways that the biggest complainers are the lifers that feel they are better than all the rest and because they paid 300 up front it all should be free for them now?

    Btw, this thread was started by a non-lifer and some of the people against this are lifers, so that statement makes little sense
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    But they get to pay extra and have more Skills, therefore they have an advantage, having more options and a better ability to make a stronger Captain.

    If you don't have a problem with lifers than why post this:

    Btw, this thread was started by a non-lifer and some of the people against this are lifers, so that statement makes little sense

    I give UP William for you unique skill sold on the C-Store mean better yet you did not answer my question before that...

    Just another quick one for William... since i got my Connie from Gamestop when i bought the game in December and i am also a lifer playing with a liberated Bord for a Captain does mean i am paying to be better?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    meehee wrote: »
    to those who arnt bothered with the c-store..... you should be...

    With the new retrofit ships cryptic are pretty much showing the way the games heading.... you want choice you have to buy it via the c-store....

    Sure you can acquire more retrofit ships per character via ingame means but to do that takes over a month worth of grinding emblems.... that's not a viable way to get a new ship considering all previous ships could be bought via ingame money...

    With such a radical change of ingame item acquisition, you can bet your TRIBBLE that in the near future if you want something you are gonna have to pay real money for it... which is a load of TRIBBLE considering thats what our monthly fees (or in my case the large lump sum) pays for... as is the case with most other MMO's

    I would like to see an option to earn 90%+ of the C-store items via in game play
    Jackalope wrote: »
    Bill and I have both posted over on the Champions boards to respond to questions raised by microtransactions. I'll just reiterate what's already been copied and pasted from Bill's State of the Game address on Champions:
    • The vast majority are aesthetic items, such as costume pieces, action figures, emblems, etc.
    • A very few are account-level management tools, such as being able to rename a character
    • Micro-transactions should never limit your ability to enjoy the game or reach the level cap
    • Any micro-transaction that has a game effect can also be earned in the game through play

    These principles apply also to Star Trek.

    BTW, I haven't been too active on these boards over the past few months. In my role, I oversee development of both Champions and STO (as well as another mystery project); a lot of focus has been on Champions as it approaches launch. But as soon as it hits shelves (Sept. 1st), I'll be turning my "lidless eye" (gratuitous geek reference) to STO. I'm even moving my office downstairs to be with the team. Craig tells me that the STO crew met that with a lot of...excitement (or fear, not sure which). So you'll be seeing my bright shining face a tad more in the days to come.

    Still waiting
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Diomasach wrote: »
    I give UP William for you unique skill sold on the C-Store mean better yet you did not answer my question before that...

    Just another quick one for William... since i got my Connie from Gamestop when i bought the game in December and i am also a lifer playing with a liberated Bord for a Captain does mean i am paying to be better?

    Technically yes, but at the same time, they were given simply for buying, but money was exchanged, so that is somewhat tricky to determine. That is up to interpretation.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Sakuroshin wrote: »
    I'm sick of everything having to be bought from the c-store
    I'm sick of reading threads about "everything having to be bought from the c-store," so I guess we're even :p

    It's not only bad English, but horrible hyperbole. I need to buy "everything" from the C-Store? Like being able to roll some characters, the ability to go through all of the game content, being able to store things in the bank, picking up items, having access to fleets and the exchange, being bale to chat, being able to log in, being able to alter my character or ship's looks? I have to buy that all from the C-Store?

    <Plays the game for a moment>

    Hey! I can do all of that stuff without paying! What are you trying to pull over on me?

    <Investigates rest of the OP's post>
    I feel that when I pay a monthly fee that it should cover any newly released content, however it seems if you want to get a full experience in the game I have to spend MORE money on a game that I bought and then payed a monthly fee for. I have not played any other mmo that need more then my monthly fee for me to get everything that the game had to offer.
    Heh, you should walk over to the Blizzard Store and tell them that :p At least here you don't have to invest in collectible cards to get some of the most unique items in the game :p

    Besides, what is the full experience of the game? Being able to play up to the level cap? Collecting every ship in the game? Collecting every Tribble in the game? Collecting a ton of Data Samples and going hog wild at Memory Alpha? Hording all the Chateau Picard you can stuff into your bank?

    The problem is that "a full experience in the game" is a subjective term based upon individual experience.

    I also find it kind of hard that you "have not played any other mmo that need more then my monthly fee for me to get everything that the game had to offer." Heck, even Farmville and YoVille have optional buy-ins. DDO is free to play, sure, but to get the better experience, you'll want a subscription, and even then there's stuff that you can purchase from their online store that arguably makes the experience better. Blizzard and Sony, two of the bigger MMO houses out there, are even "guilty" of having microtransactions on top of any monthly subs.

    So if this sort of thing is new to you, you might want to get used to it. Don't blame Cryptic for doing something that has become a standard in MMOs. After all, even if you buy a ticket to get into Disneyworld, you still have to pay for the souvenirs.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    meehee wrote: »
    to those who arnt bothered with the c-store..... you should be...

    I'm not bothered with the C-Store in and of itself. I'm bothered with the amount of stuff going up there...and the seeming randomness of the pricing. And the per-character TRIBBLE is incredibly scary and has me concerned...but the concept in theory is still sound.
    With the new retrofit ships cryptic are pretty much showing the way the games heading.... you want choice you have to buy it via the c-store...

    Sure you can acquire more retrofit ships per character via ingame means but to do that takes over a month worth of grinding emblems.... that's not a viable way to get a new ship considering all previous ships could be bought via ingame money...

    Um...I should direct you to the refit ship FAQ...You can still get a ship just as soon as you hit VA1...the same way you get the rest of the ships every time you gain a rank. The other two options (grind for emblems or purchase through the C-Store) are merely other ways that you can get it. I have no idea how long it takes to level from RA5 to VA1, but it won't take a month unless you're a casual player that only has time to play a couple hours a day.
    With such a radical change of ingame item acquisition, you can bet your TRIBBLE that in the near future if you want something you are gonna have to pay real money for it... which is a load of TRIBBLE considering thats what our monthly fees (or in my case the large lump sum) pays for... as is the case with most other MMO's

    Um, you do know that most other companies have some form of micro-transaction store, right? Cryptic's not the first nor will it be the last.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010

    Um, you do know that most other companies have some form of micro-transaction store, right? Cryptic's not the first nor will it be the last.

    But many are free to play or have small Microtansaction stores.

    STO is a Pay to Play MMO, with almost $230 worth of content in the C-Store after only half a year.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    ....yet you are not forced to buy that $230 worth of content; you do so by your own free will.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    georgh wrote: »
    ....yet you are not forced to buy that $230 worth of content; you do so by your own free will.

    But it still means that their is content, Unique Races, Ships, and items, that we pay a sub or paid a sub for, that we have to pay for seperately.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Diomasach wrote: »
    Unique does not equal advantage... Because if that was the case my ship is unique so i should have the advange right??? .... But wait your ship is also unique so it should also have the advantage???

    Also when you chose your Captain you have a list of skill right? Can you chose all of them... No right? So you chose your skills and i chose mine... You might chose warp specialist and i might chose something else. At the end we might end up with the same skills or we might not. The important point if we do not have the same skill that make me unique so does you... HIs my captain better or is your?

    It doesn't matter how big an advantage an item has, we're talking about game effects. Somebody above mentioned all the items in the nickel & dime store are cosmetic only, I'm pointing out that they're not all cosmetic, many of them have game effects. According to Jackalope (his exact quote is in my signature) STO will not sell any items in the store with game effects that you can't obtain through game play. Sure you can't choose all of the species traits, but some of the store species exclusive traits aren't available for the option of choosing, unless you purchase them at this time.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Obsidius wrote: »
    I'm sick of reading threads about "everything having to be bought from the c-store," so I guess we're even :p

    It's not only bad English, but horrible hyperbole. I need to buy "everything" from the C-Store? Like being able to roll some characters, the ability to go through all of the game content, being able to store things in the bank, picking up items, having access to fleets and the exchange, being bale to chat, being able to log in, being able to alter my character or ship's looks? I have to buy that all from the C-Store?

    <Plays the game for a moment>

    Hey! I can do all of that stuff without paying! What are you trying to pull over on me?

    <Investigates rest of the OP's post>

    Heh, you should walk over to the Blizzard Store and tell them that :p At least here you don't have to invest in collectible cards to get some of the most unique items in the game :p

    Besides, what is the full experience of the game? Being able to play up to the level cap? Collecting every ship in the game? Collecting every Tribble in the game? Collecting a ton of Data Samples and going hog wild at Memory Alpha? Hording all the Chateau Picard you can stuff into your bank?

    The problem is that "a full experience in the game" is a subjective term based upon individual experience.

    I also find it kind of hard that you "have not played any other mmo that need more then my monthly fee for me to get everything that the game had to offer." Heck, even Farmville and YoVille have optional buy-ins. DDO is free to play, sure, but to get the better experience, you'll want a subscription, and even then there's stuff that you can purchase from their online store that arguably makes the experience better. Blizzard and Sony, two of the bigger MMO houses out there, are even "guilty" of having microtransactions on top of any monthly subs.

    So if this sort of thing is new to you, you might want to get used to it. Don't blame Cryptic for doing something that has become a standard in MMOs. After all, even if you buy a ticket to get into Disneyworld, you still have to pay for the souvenirs.

    HAHA!Classic!Bottom line is this...nothing is for free.Cryptic needs to make money so we can have more content.Blizzard pulls in millions of dollars yet they too have a MT store.No such thing as a "free" MMO.Go play runescape or Runes of Magic then come back and tell me how "free" they are.

    For the small advantages the joined trill have or any of the other races have ,they are negated in PvP ...trust me.Heres a hint...group fire.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    But it still means that their is content, Unique Races, Ships, and items, that we pay a sub or paid a sub for, that we have to pay for seperately.

    how come nearly all of your posts start with "but" ?

    arguing for the sake of argument perhaps ?

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    DCMS wrote: »
    HAHA!Classic!Bottom line is this...nothing is for free.Cryptic needs to make money so we can have more content.Blizzard pulls in millions of dollars yet they too have a MT store.No such thing as a "free" MMO.Go play runescape or Runes of Magic then come back and tell me how "free" they are.

    For the small advantages the joined trill have or any of the other races have ,they are negated in PvP ...trust me.Heres a hint...group fire.

    As for free MMO's, of course there is not, that is why the have SUBSCRIPTIONS. Cryptic gets money from Monthlies every month and got 16 months upfront from Lifers, they have money, they just want more.

    By the way , WOW's entire MT Store is 6 pets, two of which come with a real life stuffed animal, all equaling $95 total. That is the entire MT store from a game that has been out for 5.5 years. I think they also have some services, couldn't find em.

    STO's MT store, consists of Several different species, bridge officers, pets, emotes, uniforms, ship costumes, bridges, ships, services and more, totalling just under $230 in only .5 years.

    A little different.
    how come nearly all of your posts start with "but" ?

    arguing for the sake of argument perhaps ?


    No, he made a point that moved away from the point, I was saying But, as in "yes that is true, but..."
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Ripcurl wrote:

    It doesn't matter how big an advantage an item has, we're talking about game effects. Somebody above mentioned all the items in the nickel & dime store are cosmetic only, I'm pointing out that they're not all cosmetic, many of them have game effects. According to Jackalope (his exact quote is in my signature) STO will not sell any items in the store with game effects that you can't obtain through game play. Sure you can't choose all of the species traits, but some of the store species exclusive traits aren't available for the option of choosing, unless you purchase them at this time.

    like are already told some one else... i will say the same thing to you.... i gave up.... Unique does not translate to being better or having an advantage.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Diomasach wrote: »
    like are already told some one else... i will say the same thing to you.... i gave up.... Unique does not translate to being better or having an advantage.

    And like I said to you 2 times now, the argument isn't how minor or major or how much of an advantage an effect has. The argument is that there are C-Store items being sold that are more than "just cosmetic" and indeed have game effects on them.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I agree that c-store is getting way out of control for a subscription game, the're are items in it that affect gameplay such as efficient BO's and ships with unique abilities.

    We used to get extra BO slots with every rank, these were removed from in game at new ranks as soon as they appeared in c-store at per char prices.

    The excuse of the additional ship options being available in game is a farce, we used to get 1 free ship per rank and ALL other options were available for in game EC currency at realistic prices. 500 Emblems is not what i would consider being available in game as it would take months of monotonous repetitive missions to acquire this number of emblems without getting any MK xi gear from npc's.

    I would not consider $15 or $25 for a ship a micro-transaction for a subscription game and fear that c-store is going to get worse. It is making me seriously reconsider playing STO due to the direction c-store is taking.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I think that you should get a few Cryptic Points for free as a veterans reward every now and again, so you can buy some of the basic things you want. Choosing your own rewards is a better way of giving people what they like than just giving away the same tihng to everyone.

    Personally I don't mind the C-store too much, but I don't plan on buying Cryptic points at any point. As long as I get enough points from various promos etc. to get a ship costume or something every once in a while I'm alright...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Sorry for the bad English as it is not my first language. Seriously I would have bought this game but I opted not to after browsing thru the C-Store. I believe most of the stuff should be ingame. This is a P2P MMO not F2P. You cannot compare WOW with STO lol. WOW 11 million players and STO "cough" players lol.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Just wanted to agree with the OP about the CStore. The number of items added to it (STO/CO), is unprecedented in a a sub MMO. I don't care if you call it "fluff". Cryptics been called out on Massively, people freaked out that they wanted to charge for Revelation & yet they are adding more & more now?

    I can't really buy the idea that CS revenue is going into making CStore stuff. Money doesn't create time & manpower unless you are outsourcing stuff & Dstahl specifically pointed out the limited # of ship artists as a reason you can't add the ships for free. Something doesn't add up. Unless Cryptic only sells about 100 of the $5 items it certainly isn't just used to pay for the manpower to make a ship. And did it really take that much manpower to change NCC to NX? I don't think we buy the "$$ from the CStore is only used to make CStore items". Please STOP charging for the lack of content. MMOs are supposed to have all this kind of (what Cryptic calls) "fluff" as rewards to playing the game! It's supposed to part of our goals & rewards.

    Stop charging for the content that should be inherent to the game. You charge us already.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I like the C-store just the way it is.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~InfoNinja
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Sakuroshin wrote: »
    I feel that when I pay a monthly fee that it should cover any newly released content, however it seems if you want to get a full experience in the game I have to spend MORE money on a game that I bought and then payed a monthly fee for. I have not played any other mmo that need more then my monthly fee for me to get everything that the game had to offer.

    If you haven't played another MMO that charges you for something above and beyond your monthly subscription fee, you aren't really playing a MMO. So "Farmville" doesn't really count ... :p

    Just about every MMO on the market charges you for something or other beyond the monthly subscription fee. It is a fact of life for MMOs and something you need to accept. If you don't like it, don't pay for the added fluff content.

    Also, read the Terms of Service again... your monthly subscription grants you access to the game - it does not entitle you to any future content updates.... which, btw, have been free (ie. Seasons 1 and 2).

    If you do not want to spend the money on fluff items in the C-Store, don't. No one is forcing you to do so.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    If you haven't played another MMO that charges you for something above and beyond your monthly subscription fee, you aren't really playing a MMO. So "Farmville" doesn't really count ... :p

    Just about every MMO on the market charges you for something or other beyond the monthly subscription fee. It is a fact of life for MMOs and something you need to accept. If you don't like it, don't pay for the added fluff content.

    Also, read the Terms of Service again... your monthly subscription grants you access to the game - it does not entitle you to any future content updates.... which, btw, have been free (ie. Seasons 1 and 2).

    If you do not want to spend the money on fluff items in the C-Store, don't. No one is forcing you to do so.

    Thank you !!!!!! i agree totally your sub fee says that you can play the game not get everything your heart desires. I do not know any mmo were you dont pay for new content. Except maby EVE and well i already have a job don't need another one.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Matunus wrote:
    Thank you !!!!!! i agree totally your sub fee says that you can play the game not get everything your heart desires. I do not know any mmo were you dont pay for new content. Except maby EVE and well i already have a job don't need another one.

    They can add all that stuff into the game just fine based on subs. Heck, the game is still in development, and I don't mean "it's evolving & growing". Most full, P2P MMOs have a 5 year cycle, they did STO in 2. So with the obvious lack of content, polish & depth that players & reviewers (and even Dstahl) have pointed out, I really don't see this game as done until about 2 1/2 years from now. By that point they will have had money from your subs (that most MMOs don't get during development) and money from the C-Store under the guise of "giving the community what it wanted" when it's really "Finishing the game" & probably even try to sell an expansion. They tried to see what they could get away with, & we obliged them.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I'd personally rather see all the c-store stuff show up in a 30 dollar expansion pack., especially the different race officers available. The fluff stuff i.e. different uniform sets would be nice mission rewards. I like the unlockable ports from the diplomatic missions, they could have done the ship costumes and player costumes in a similar fashion.

    I understand the feeling of being nickle and dimed to death, your paying 40-50 bucks for the game and paying 15 a month to play it, then if you want some of the "extras" you ahve to pay more money. That being said I dont have a problem with the C-store as long as its only fluff items, if they start putting in high end gear that gives advantages then thats a problem.

    I scored 500 cstore pts back when the game was just starting for doing a survey, id like to see more stuff like that where people can earn them as well as buy them if they choose too.
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