I feel that when I pay a monthly fee that it should cover any newly released content, however it seems if you want to get a full experience in the game I have to spend MORE money on a game that I bought and then payed a monthly fee for. I have not played any other mmo that need more then my monthly fee for me to get everything that the game had to offer.
I feel that when I pay a monthly fee that it should cover any newly released content, however it seems if you want to get a full experience in the game I have to spend MORE money on a game that I bought and then payed a monthly fee for. I have not played any other mmo that need more then my monthly fee for me to get everything that the game had to offer.
What content are you talking about?
btw some mmo call them expansion and charge you 30$ for it... but c-store has no content.
There's no content per se on the C-Store. At the moment it is nothing but optional cosmetic and utilitarian enhancements. You don't have to buy anything. What are you really upset about?
All the C-Store has are just Cosmetic items, nothing in the store will give you an advantage over anyone. This is not like DDO where you have to buy in order to advance further.
He's probably talking about the refits, which can be bought on the C-Store. I had a couple people I know see them and automagically assume the refits are C-Store only, when in fact, you can earn all of them in game.
All the C-Store has are just Cosmetic items, nothing in the store will give you an advantage over anyone.
That's not true, almost all of the species on sale in the nickel & dime store have unique species abilities that you can't have access to unless you buy those species. They're definitely not just cosmetic.
That's not true, almost all of the species on sale in the nickel & dime store have unique species abilities that you can't have access to unless you buy those species. They're definitely not just cosmetic.
Yes they are... They are all equal and they already posted info about that and they are not required to play the game... Even if you do not believe it.
While I agree that way too much is being shoved into the C-Store for sale, I do have to point out that none of the items thus far are required for you to enjoy the game. If there's something that you don't want, then don't buy it. It's as simple as that.
And for those who are saying that these items aren't content, then you are wrong. Any little thing from a costume/uniform piece all the way to a quest/mission/episode can be considered content.
EDIT: Oh, and Cryptic's not the only company with an MT store...
people obviously define "Content" in diffrent ways.
on the Xbox 360 EVERYTHING from a Playerskin in The Force Unleashed over a Map Pack for Modern Warfare to a new Campaign like GTA4 The Lost and the Damned is called "DLC" = Downloadable CONTENT.
By that definition pretty much everyting besides respecs and slots in the C-Store is "DLC"
In MMO's it is called "Microtransactions". It's just another word with the same meaning.
It offers the very same stuff as on the Xbox so why shouldn't i call it content?
The very word "content" defines itself as EVERYTHING that is "included" or better said "belongs" inside the game.
You may call it "fluff" or "cosmetic" but in the end it is all DLC. Game Content for $.
Now looking at STO's C-Store you cant tell me that as a Star Trek Fan you do not want the Constitution Class, Galaxy-X or the Series Uniforms inside the Game... and considder nothing of that a MUST HAVE?
You can either continue trying to tell the OP that he used the wrong term, which depends on your viewpoint.
Or you can aknowledge the very real Issue he brought up.
I think Cryptic would have recieved far less backlash and far less general grumpiness about the C-Store, had they approached it differently.
"How should they have done it then, Mr. Smartypants?" you may ask.
Well, given that:
Captain Matt Schwab presents:
1. Canon is core.
What does this mean? Simply put, if it is canon, then it wouldn't have gone into the C-Store. Let's talk ships for example: I would have made all the canon ships available in the game, in their default appearance and configuration. Period, no exceptions. Then, I would have made the "Cryptic" ships and any alternate variations like Galaxy X purchaseable from the C-Store. So, from the base game, you would have all the canon ships, but in terms of customization, you wouldn't be able to change much except for colors, patterns, window types, etc. If you want to cutomize your ship further, you would then go to the C-Store, purchase the ship(s) that fit the ship type you fly, and then you would have the ability to kitbash unlocked.
So, for example, the Galaxy class would exist in it's TNG default configuration. To customize it, you would buy either the Celestial or the Envoy (or both if you wanted) which then allows you to change your hull, nacelles, saucer, pylons, etc.
2. Canon is core, Part II.
In terms of uniforms, you would have access to all the canon uniforms from all the series and movies. ENT, TOS, TMP, TWOK, TNG, DS9, VOY, Nemesis. Anything else beyond that, including the Cryptic variations and Mirror Universe uniforms would be purchaseable.
3. Canon is core, Part III.
In terms of equipment (Weapons, Tricorders, etc.) all the skins used would make your equipment look canon. you would have access to 5 eras of equipment to choose from. ENT, TOS, TMP/TWOK, TNG and DS9/VOY/TNG Movie. If you want the flashy honkin space guns, then you would purchase a weapon skins pack from the C-Store.
That's it. That is all there is to it. Anything which is canon goes into the game for free. Then, it's up to Cryptic to develop the items which reflect the new era in such a way that it makes people want to purchase them. That satisfies the people who don't feel they should be paying for fan favorites, and it still gives Cryptic a chance to make a profit on people's desires to be unique and customize their avatars!
The Series Uniforms and Captain Kirks Enterprise are not required to enjoy a STAR TREK game?
I very much "require" Star Trek things in a Star Trek game to enjoy it.
I was actually referring to gameplay. Nothing released up to this point gives any noticeable advantage over what you can currently get in game.
As a huge Trekkie myself, I would want to have the canon uniforms and ships, some of which, unfortunately, have become micro-transactions. So, I do see where you are coming from that perspective.
Yes they are... They are all equal and they already posted info about that and they are not required to play the game... Even if you do not believe it.
Okay, how does someone who never uses the C-Store get the Caitian feline instincts and pounce abilities? How about the Pakled dumb luck ability which has a huge game effect on ground PvP (which Klingon's don't even get the option to buy)? What about the Joined Trill Symbiote ability wich gives in game space combat effects? Since you think I'm the one in denial, you tell me how I can get those traits without purchasing them from the nickel & dime store? They're definitely not in the "create a alien race" part of the character creator.
Again "must have" is defined by point of view, I'm a fan, but for me the Galaxy-X and Series Uniforms aren't necessary. For others they are necessary, while I don't agree with Cryptic with how they're handling the C-Store. I can understand why they are doing it, sadly its the monthly people who get the short end of the stick.
But, it is true, nothing in the store affect the game to a breaking point. Yes species in the C-Store get unique traits, but anyone who plays this game can tell you. Traits only go so far.
Okay, how does someone who never uses the C-Store get the Caitian feline instincts and pounce abilities? How about the Pakled dumb luck ability which has a huge game effect on ground PvP (which Klingon's don't even get the option to buy)? What about the Joined Trill Symbiote ability wich gives in game space combat effects? Since you think I'm the one in denial, you tell me how I can get those traits without purchasing them from the nickel & dime store? They're definitely not in the "create a alien race" part of the character creator.
Efficient Captain is an option for Alien captains however.
I was gonna start a new thread about the massive amounts of WIN that the c-store is... but I saw this and thought I'd just cancel it out with a post:
I LOVE that the c-store is pimpin' gear/services and [abilities]!!! I will continue to buy stuff offa the store to illustrate to the devs how pimp this idea is! As a casual player, this is the kinda stuff I'm looking for, things that won't break the game, but minimize the amounts of time I have to grind/spend away from the fam!
to those who arnt bothered with the c-store..... you should be...
With the new retrofit ships cryptic are pretty much showing the way the games heading.... you want choice you have to buy it via the c-store....
Sure you can acquire more retrofit ships per character via ingame means but to do that takes over a month worth of grinding emblems.... that's not a viable way to get a new ship considering all previous ships could be bought via ingame money...
With such a radical change of ingame item acquisition, you can bet your TRIBBLE that in the near future if you want something you are gonna have to pay real money for it... which is a load of TRIBBLE considering thats what our monthly fees (or in my case the large lump sum) pays for... as is the case with most other MMO's
All the C-Store has are just Cosmetic items, nothing in the store will give you an advantage over anyone. This is not like DDO where you have to buy in order to advance further.
A tier 1 ship with more, hull, more consoles, and scalable phasers does not give you an advantage?
A cloakable battlecruiser with a phaser lance does not give you an advantage?
Multiple player races that have access to unique Traits do not give an advantage?
Buying a tribble that can cut the breeding process by half is not an advantage?
Buying a Boff that has an in-game trait automatically, that others can only get randomly is not an advantage?
Cpt.William2;2896249]A tier 1 ship with more, hull, more consoles, and scalable phasers does not give you an advantage? Oh the mighty Connie with his phaser... You buy can ingame phaser with the same stats has the Connie one. They do not scale but they are the same... For the hull, you get a few point more 1 more console slot.
A cloakable battlecruiser with a phaser lance does not give you an advantage? Did you read all the talk about the Gal-X... it seem that you did not and they have free alternative in the game aka Defiant, Voyager and Galaxy Refit
Multiple player races that have access to unique Traits do not give an advantage? What advantage? Skills are balanced because it would not work otherwise. BO and Captain can not have all skill so one skill might beat one but another one will beat that skill. If skill where not balanced all player would have to get all skill if they really had and advantage.
Buying a tribble that can cut the breeding process by half is not an advantage? Geez... ok so you have to wait a few more hours for your tribble...
Buying a Boff that has an in-game trait automatically, that others can only get randomly is not an advantage? So you can get them in game right?
Cpt.William2;2896249]A tier 1 ship with more, hull, more consoles, and scalable phasers does not give you an advantage? Oh the mighty Connie with his phaser... You buy can ingame phaser with the same stats has the Connie one. They do not scale but they are the same... For the hull, you get a few point more 1 more console slot.
I would say 20% more is a pretty good advantage. A Console that can make you faster, stronger, or more efficient.
A cloakable battlecruiser with a phaser lance does not give you an advantage? Did you read all the talk about the Gal-X... it seem that you did not and they have free alternative in the game aka Defiant, Voyager and Galaxy Refit
It still is a very good vehicle with three extremely unique powers (cloak, phaser lance, and It is also the only Cruiser that can equip cannons)
Multiple player races that have access to unique Traits do not give an advantage? What advantage? Skills are balanced because it would not work otherwise. BO and Captain can not have all skill so one skill might beat one but another one will beat that skill. If skill where not balanced all player would have to get all skill if they really had and advantage.
Oh, the special traits and abilities (Feline Instincts, Dumb Luck, Pounce, Symbiote) are available to everyone, I had no idea. :cool:
Buying a tribble that can cut the breeding process by half is not an advantage? Geez... ok so you have to wait a few more hours for your tribble...
It is an advantage, it saves a lot of time.
Buying a Boff that has an in-game trait automatically, that others can only get randomly is not an advantage? So you can get them in game right?
It is very hard but with this, a few dollars and you instantly get it, therefore you have an ADVANTAGE.
My point was, they are more than cosmetic, they do give an advantage.
Love the guy and his if its canon it shouldnt be there bs, because everything can be considerd canon if you put the right spin on it. and cpt williams thinks it all should be free because for some reason he thinks his 14.99 a month covers it all, ohh yea hes a blue name so he dont pay a monthly anyway. I don't mind paying a little extra to get things in game that problily wont make it there any other way . Answer me this why does it seam to me anyways that the biggest complainers are the lifers that feel they are better than all the rest and because they paid 300 up front it all should be free for them now?
Love the guy and his if its canon it shouldnt be there bs, because everything can be considerd canon if you put the right spin on it. and cpt williams thinks it all should be free because for some reason he thinks his 14.99 a month covers it all, ohh yea hes a blue name so he dont pay a monthly anyway. I don't mind paying a little extra to get things in game that problily wont make it there any other way . Answer me this why does it seam to me anyways that the biggest complainers are the lifers that feel they are better than all the rest and because they paid 300 up front it all should be free for them now?
I don't feel I am "better" than the monthlies, that is slander. Actually, according to the DEVs it would end up there, just later. I have paid my dues and technically, I paid 16 months at $14.99 all up front so don't even dare act as if this is free for me. I'm pretty sick of monthlies acting like Lifers are just playin for free, we paid, end of story.
Multiple player races that have access to unique Traits do not give an advantage? What advantage? Skills are balanced because it would not work otherwise. BO and Captain can not have all skill so one skill might beat one but another one will beat that skill. If skill where not balanced all player would have to get all skill if they really had and advantage.
They have unique traits that you can't have access to unless you buy them. Play a Pakled with certain ground chosen traits in Ground PvP, you'll rarely be stunned or placated because of the added "dumb luck" trait you can buy.
The rest of your blind defending is pointless, because you miss the point where it was said items in the nickel & dime store were cosmetic only, when it's clearly obvious they're more than "just cosmetic" and have blatantly obvious game effects on some of the items being sold. :rolleyes:
I don't feel I am "better" than the monthlies, that is slander. Actually, according to the DEVs it would end up there, just later. I have paid my dues and technically, I paid 16 months at $14.99 all up front so don't even dare act as if this is free for me. I'm pretty sick of monthlies acting like Lifers are just playin for free, we paid, end of story.
Read the blue comments.
and i pay by the month get over it. and show me were it says the it would be put in game eventually from my understanding it was said that it wouldnt. Slander plz,
What content are you talking about?
btw some mmo call them expansion and charge you 30$ for it... but c-store has no content.
That's not true, almost all of the species on sale in the nickel & dime store have unique species abilities that you can't have access to unless you buy those species. They're definitely not just cosmetic.
Yes they are... They are all equal and they already posted info about that and they are not required to play the game... Even if you do not believe it.
And for those who are saying that these items aren't content, then you are wrong. Any little thing from a costume/uniform piece all the way to a quest/mission/episode can be considered content.
EDIT: Oh, and Cryptic's not the only company with an MT store...
on the Xbox 360 EVERYTHING from a Playerskin in The Force Unleashed over a Map Pack for Modern Warfare to a new Campaign like GTA4 The Lost and the Damned is called "DLC" = Downloadable CONTENT.
By that definition pretty much everyting besides respecs and slots in the C-Store is "DLC"
In MMO's it is called "Microtransactions". It's just another word with the same meaning.
It offers the very same stuff as on the Xbox so why shouldn't i call it content?
The very word "content" defines itself as EVERYTHING that is "included" or better said "belongs" inside the game.
You may call it "fluff" or "cosmetic" but in the end it is all DLC. Game Content for $.
Now looking at STO's C-Store you cant tell me that as a Star Trek Fan you do not want the Constitution Class, Galaxy-X or the Series Uniforms inside the Game... and considder nothing of that a MUST HAVE?
You can either continue trying to tell the OP that he used the wrong term, which depends on your viewpoint.
Or you can aknowledge the very real Issue he brought up.
"How should they have done it then, Mr. Smartypants?" you may ask.
Well, given that:
Captain Matt Schwab presents:
1. Canon is core.
What does this mean? Simply put, if it is canon, then it wouldn't have gone into the C-Store. Let's talk ships for example: I would have made all the canon ships available in the game, in their default appearance and configuration. Period, no exceptions. Then, I would have made the "Cryptic" ships and any alternate variations like Galaxy X purchaseable from the C-Store. So, from the base game, you would have all the canon ships, but in terms of customization, you wouldn't be able to change much except for colors, patterns, window types, etc. If you want to cutomize your ship further, you would then go to the C-Store, purchase the ship(s) that fit the ship type you fly, and then you would have the ability to kitbash unlocked.
So, for example, the Galaxy class would exist in it's TNG default configuration. To customize it, you would buy either the Celestial or the Envoy (or both if you wanted) which then allows you to change your hull, nacelles, saucer, pylons, etc.
2. Canon is core, Part II.
In terms of uniforms, you would have access to all the canon uniforms from all the series and movies. ENT, TOS, TMP, TWOK, TNG, DS9, VOY, Nemesis. Anything else beyond that, including the Cryptic variations and Mirror Universe uniforms would be purchaseable.
3. Canon is core, Part III.
In terms of equipment (Weapons, Tricorders, etc.) all the skins used would make your equipment look canon. you would have access to 5 eras of equipment to choose from. ENT, TOS, TMP/TWOK, TNG and DS9/VOY/TNG Movie. If you want the flashy honkin space guns, then you would purchase a weapon skins pack from the C-Store.
That's it. That is all there is to it. Anything which is canon goes into the game for free. Then, it's up to Cryptic to develop the items which reflect the new era in such a way that it makes people want to purchase them. That satisfies the people who don't feel they should be paying for fan favorites, and it still gives Cryptic a chance to make a profit on people's desires to be unique and customize their avatars!
Thus ends my public service announcement.
The Series Uniforms and Captain Kirks Enterprise are not required to enjoy a STAR TREK game?
I very much "require" Star Trek things in a Star Trek game to enjoy it.
I was actually referring to gameplay. Nothing released up to this point gives any noticeable advantage over what you can currently get in game.
As a huge Trekkie myself, I would want to have the canon uniforms and ships, some of which, unfortunately, have become micro-transactions. So, I do see where you are coming from that perspective.
Okay, how does someone who never uses the C-Store get the Caitian feline instincts and pounce abilities? How about the Pakled dumb luck ability which has a huge game effect on ground PvP (which Klingon's don't even get the option to buy)? What about the Joined Trill Symbiote ability wich gives in game space combat effects? Since you think I'm the one in denial, you tell me how I can get those traits without purchasing them from the nickel & dime store? They're definitely not in the "create a alien race" part of the character creator.
But, it is true, nothing in the store affect the game to a breaking point. Yes species in the C-Store get unique traits, but anyone who plays this game can tell you. Traits only go so far.
Efficient Captain is an option for Alien captains however.
I LOVE that the c-store is pimpin' gear/services and [abilities]!!! I will continue to buy stuff offa the store to illustrate to the devs how pimp this idea is! As a casual player, this is the kinda stuff I'm looking for, things that won't break the game, but minimize the amounts of time I have to grind/spend away from the fam!
The c-store is nice.
just make a comparable in-game way to gain them as well... that is real nice.
then everybodys happy.
With the new retrofit ships cryptic are pretty much showing the way the games heading.... you want choice you have to buy it via the c-store....
Sure you can acquire more retrofit ships per character via ingame means but to do that takes over a month worth of grinding emblems.... that's not a viable way to get a new ship considering all previous ships could be bought via ingame money...
With such a radical change of ingame item acquisition, you can bet your TRIBBLE that in the near future if you want something you are gonna have to pay real money for it... which is a load of TRIBBLE considering thats what our monthly fees (or in my case the large lump sum) pays for... as is the case with most other MMO's
aren't happy in the doom cloud all by yourself ?
A tier 1 ship with more, hull, more consoles, and scalable phasers does not give you an advantage?
A cloakable battlecruiser with a phaser lance does not give you an advantage?
Multiple player races that have access to unique Traits do not give an advantage?
Buying a tribble that can cut the breeding process by half is not an advantage?
Buying a Boff that has an in-game trait automatically, that others can only get randomly is not an advantage?
Oh the mighty Connie with his phaser... You buy can ingame phaser with the same stats has the Connie one. They do not scale but they are the same... For the hull, you get a few point more 1 more console slot.
A cloakable battlecruiser with a phaser lance does not give you an advantage?
Did you read all the talk about the Gal-X... it seem that you did not and they have free alternative in the game aka Defiant, Voyager and Galaxy Refit
Multiple player races that have access to unique Traits do not give an advantage?
What advantage? Skills are balanced because it would not work otherwise. BO and Captain can not have all skill so one skill might beat one but another one will beat that skill. If skill where not balanced all player would have to get all skill if they really had and advantage.
Buying a tribble that can cut the breeding process by half is not an advantage?
Geez... ok so you have to wait a few more hours for your tribble...
Buying a Boff that has an in-game trait automatically, that others can only get randomly is not an advantage?
So you can get them in game right?
My point was, they are more than cosmetic, they do give an advantage.
Like i say before which advantage. Even if a player has dumb luck, something in game balance it. Unless we can have all the skill, there balanced.
The Connie does not have much hull so you are not that much stronger..geez... My litthe Connie has 200 more hull point than you... Boo you cheated...
And what do you call mmo you that sell expansion pack?
I don't feel I am "better" than the monthlies, that is slander. Actually, according to the DEVs it would end up there, just later. I have paid my dues and technically, I paid 16 months at $14.99 all up front so don't even dare act as if this is free for me. I'm pretty sick of monthlies acting like Lifers are just playin for free, we paid, end of story.
Read the blue comments.
They have unique traits that you can't have access to unless you buy them. Play a Pakled with certain ground chosen traits in Ground PvP, you'll rarely be stunned or placated because of the added "dumb luck" trait you can buy.
The rest of your blind defending is pointless, because you miss the point where it was said items in the nickel & dime store were cosmetic only, when it's clearly obvious they're more than "just cosmetic" and have blatantly obvious game effects on some of the items being sold. :rolleyes:
and i pay by the month get over it. and show me were it says the it would be put in game eventually from my understanding it was said that it wouldnt. Slander plz,
well, i guess this all comes down to personal opinion. to some it is, to others it isnt.
myself, not played any of the races. so have no clue
far as the ships, oh yes I have those, and the Gx, wasnt an advantage, my AC still runs circles around it. Even phaser spec.
tribble? heck one of the best tribbles you can get is the borg on, and that was free.. what does a klingon need with a tribble?
Buffs that Fed players get to have in PvP?