did any of you think that this wasnt a money scheme in the first place. well the jokes on you guys really. its always been about money. from the 1st day the game was rolled out. Half content, half game play but oh look at the store have so much junk to buy oh such a wonderful store. i can only laugh lofl
I think $25 is a pretty steep price for fluff DLC, but Cryptic is hardly the innovator here.
Both WOW and Everquest 2 have had $25 endgame vanity items for a while now.
If you want to blame anyone for the price of the Galaxy-X, blame the 100000+ WOW players who proved that $25 wasn't too high a price for a sparkling space pony.
Good that the price is high!
I don't want to see everyone and their dog fly around in a Galaxy X.
it should haven't been in the c store anyways. all i have seen today is the galaxy x. I mean is there anyone still flying there sci ship or there normal cruiser?
2000 Cryptic points is not as much as buying 5 copies of the game with 5 subscriptions. However, it is prohibitively expensive enough to push people to recruit new players and get it for free.
If people absolutely have to have it now they can buy it, but I think Cryptic would prefer us to recruit new players. This is not supposed to be a ship that is required to be competitive in the game.
it should haven't been in the c store anyways. all i have seen today is the galaxy x. I mean is there anyone still flying there sci ship or there normal cruiser?
i think the difference between a typical tier 5 and the g-x isn't so far off.
If you decloak and open it up on an enemy from 10 k away you've got a helluva and alpha with the lance and the decloaking attack buff on top of dual cannons. In PvE you're a beast, maybe not so much in PvP.
The Galaxy-X has a cloak, its phaser lance and can equip dual cannons, however it pays with a low turn rate that makes the cannons pretty much useless, the phaser lance only good for first strikes and fewer weapon and tactical console slots than the normal assault cruiser.
Actually it has the same number of consoles as an assault cruiser (in the same distribution), and one less REAR weapons slot. Because of this, with the Lance considered a front weapon slot, it can be viewed as a FIVE (5) front, three (3) rear Assault cruiser.
This ship is designed around "FLEET TACTICS".. meaning you need several ships to help defend it while I uses it's primary weapon configuration on a target. I would guess it's primary target would be the KDF carrier. Using the right consoles to make it "HEAVITY ARMORED" would be a key. It is NOT a "Stand Alone" ship... it's a "Fleet Flagship"
I will say that 25 bucks is a drop in the bucket for most people, I mean you may not play WoW at all, but I cant tell you how many sparkle ponies I saw when they were released.
Look at how many of us added additional copies of the game, at $20-$50 each, just to get things like the tribble and the Borg Bridge Officer. Cryptic will have no problem collecting the 2000 points ( $25.00 ) for this ship. I do feel the price is appropriate... Tier 1 Constitution = 800, Tier 5 Galaxy (Call it the Tier 5Galaxy) for a bit more than 2x that price.
If you buy both the TOS and the Galaxy-X, you can put the blue phasers on the Galaxy (so the BLAST from the lance REALLY stands out), Also, I would consider putting either Beam Banks or non-heavy cannons on the front to increase the firing angle to 90 from 45.
Look at the "Demand" for this ship in the polls. You will see LOTS of them.
It's discriminating against sane people who don't do crazy TRIBBLE like buy multiple copies of the same game just for a few extra rewards. They're really alienating a lot of their customers.
Both WOW and Everquest 2 have had $25 endgame vanity items for a while now.
If you want to blame anyone for the price of the Galaxy-X, blame the 100000+ WOW players who proved that $25 wasn't too high a price for a sparkling space pony.
it should haven't been in the c store anyways. all i have seen today is the galaxy x. I mean is there anyone still flying there sci ship or there normal cruiser?
If people absolutely have to have it now they can buy it, but I think Cryptic would prefer us to recruit new players. This is not supposed to be a ship that is required to be competitive in the game.
*raises hand*
If you decloak and open it up on an enemy from 10 k away you've got a helluva and alpha with the lance and the decloaking attack buff on top of dual cannons. In PvE you're a beast, maybe not so much in PvP.
Referr 5 players = get 2000 C-Points free + Galaxy X free.
Tell that to the CO lifers. The MU unis should have been just as much, but nope. They're in the game for 280CP. THAT'S an insult.
And i bought the MU uniform for those 280cp. :cool:
Besides, the two cannot really be compared since the one was only a "perk" and the other is actually a "reward" item, the later being the Galaxy X.
Actually it has the same number of consoles as an assault cruiser (in the same distribution), and one less REAR weapons slot. Because of this, with the Lance considered a front weapon slot, it can be viewed as a FIVE (5) front, three (3) rear Assault cruiser.
This ship is designed around "FLEET TACTICS".. meaning you need several ships to help defend it while I uses it's primary weapon configuration on a target. I would guess it's primary target would be the KDF carrier. Using the right consoles to make it "HEAVITY ARMORED" would be a key. It is NOT a "Stand Alone" ship... it's a "Fleet Flagship"
Look at how many of us added additional copies of the game, at $20-$50 each, just to get things like the tribble and the Borg Bridge Officer. Cryptic will have no problem collecting the 2000 points ( $25.00 ) for this ship. I do feel the price is appropriate... Tier 1 Constitution = 800, Tier 5 Galaxy (Call it the Tier 5Galaxy) for a bit more than 2x that price.
If you buy both the TOS and the Galaxy-X, you can put the blue phasers on the Galaxy (so the BLAST from the lance REALLY stands out), Also, I would consider putting either Beam Banks or non-heavy cannons on the front to increase the firing angle to 90 from 45.
Look at the "Demand" for this ship in the polls. You will see LOTS of them.