while I agree with this... my point is the fact that after they chose to compensate the galaxy-x people, the time of the cut off date cut off a lot of the people who earned the galaxy-x ( still waiting on the final billing ), and the people who bought five copies were the ones being rewarded cryptic chose to extend it a month, and in doing so gave the 50 bucks worth of c-store points to the people who worked for it.
but I agree compensate all or none. ( more so on the none part ) compensation for all of the people is most likely not going to happen because of the amount of money that would lose off of the c-store. ( even if it doesn't cost them at first to give out C-store point, but it cost them down the road when those people use the free points instead of buying points. )
Yes, it was nice of them to expand that deadline... yet it's hard to say Thank You for it when I see how unfair it all is to other multi-copy purchasers...
I don't buy any C Store economy excuse as I feel there are A LOT more people who didn't buy multiple copies than did... I'm sorry, but you almost make it sound like that "multi-copy" minority is going to sink the game if they get compensation...
I agree, any gesture is nice... unless it's a single central digit... and now-a-days there a number of folks that still see that particular gesture when they dare glance in Cryptic's direction...
No, I did NOT pay $200.00 for the MU uniforms...because I did NOT BUY THE CO LTS!!! Reread my damn posts! I'm championing for those who DID shell out the money for the game. I feel that they got the worst of the deals thus far and I would like to see something for them. Why does everybody on these forums think that everyone is out for themselves?! I have lost very little in these dark deals so far. I only bought two...TWO copies of the game and the pre-order LTS to STAR TREK ONLINE. I want to see things done right for those who got sh** on by the marketing department.
All I see is whining...whining from BOTH F***ING SIDES!!! I try to help Cryptic come to a middle ground that would alienate as few people as possible but they go out and listen to the vocal few who feel that they have the right to get something for little-to-no effort/time/money/whatever while TRIBBLE over everyone else in the process. I also never said that these items should never be given out through other means...Veteran rewards...NOT the C-Store.
I also would like to point out, I'm willing to bet that NO ONE bought the CO LTS solely for the MU uniform...
Any STO fans purchased the CO LTS for the so called "EARLY CLOSED BETA ACCESS"! That seems to be largely ignored now... People are trying to belittle CO LTS buyers by implying that they spent $200 for a uniform...
The uniform was a bonus... what the STO players REALLY wanted was a chance to help shape the game through early access in Closed Beta...
I don't buy any C Store economy excuse as I feel there are A LOT more people who didn't buy multiple copies than did... I'm sorry, but you almost make it sound like that "multi-copy" minority is going to sink the game if they get compensation...
it would not sink the economy but they would lose a lot of profit. you see if they gave points to everyone ( it would have to be everyone ) then they would lose what ever income that would be generated by c-store from those points.
some people are calling for 1000 C-store points, and lets say we have 50000 people.
x $ 12.50 ( cost of the 1000 points )
$625000 of potential sales that would lose
or lets sat 10000 people, that would still be $125000 would be lost.
as you can see they would lose a lot of potential sales from doing that.
I got the 6-month sub to CO solely for the guaranteed Closed Beta access...and I didn't get my invite until a week or two before the Open Beta. :mad: The only thing that would have gotten me to "upgrade" to an LTS would have been the MU unis. I weighed the pros and cons and decided it wasn't worth it. I know that it was a major deciding factor for others who though that it WAS worth going for the lifetime.
I feel that they should get something for said loss, even if it's nothing more than...let's say $50.00 worth of CP (since that's what the people who worked the RAF are getting). If those people get around 4000 extra CP (in addition to the 400 they already get per sub) then I feel that those lifers should get something comparable.
it would not sink the economy but they would lose a lot of profit. you see if they gave points to everyone ( it would have to be everyone ) then they would lose what ever income that would be generated by c-store from those points.
some people are calling for 1000 C-store points, and lets say we have 50000 people.
x $ 12.50 ( cost of the 1000 points )
$625000 of potential sales that would lose
or lets sat 10000 people, that would still be $125000 would be lost.
as you can see they would lose a lot of potential sales from doing that.
I would assume that Cryptic has the ability to identify those who have multiple keys applied to an account and the source of those keys... I am NOT championing (see what I did there?) an across the board give away... I just feel that a lot of folks who bought multiple copies for the exclusives deserve compensation...
If I am incorrect in their ability to assertaine those accounts, then so be it... but I'd certainly be shocked...
I got the 6-month sub to CO solely for the guaranteed Closed Beta access...and I didn't get my invite until a week or two before the Open Beta. :mad: The only thing that would have gotten me to "upgrade" to an LTS would have been the MU unis. I weighed the pros and cons and decided it wasn't worth it. I know that it was a major deciding factor for others who though that it WAS worth going for the lifetime.
I feel that they should get something for said loss, even if it's nothing more than...let's say $50.00 worth of CP (since that's what the people who worked the RAF are getting). If those people get around 4000 extra CP (in addition to the 400 they already get per sub) then I feel that those lifers should get something comparable.
I truly feel for you... I got my CB access around Thanksgiving and I felt guilty because I was a CO player and I knew tons of STO folks dying to get in... :x
I balk at the amounts being thrown around... I find them extreme (although I find 4000 CP on top of 2000 already earned extreme as well)...
I checked out the C Store prices for available DD and Collecter's edition items and one came out a little over 500 CP and one came out a little under (not sure which, ain't doing it again right now)... So I propose 500CP per ADDITIONAL retail copy registered... One copy, like mine, wouldn't count... no CP for me...
And set a deadline to keep it from being exploited... That's one deadline they can set the date of the announcement...
I would assume that Cryptic has the ability to identify those who have multiple keys applied to an account and the source of those keys... I am NOT championing (see what I did there?) an across the board give away... I just feel that a lot of folks who bought multiple copies for the exclusives deserve compensation...
If I am incorrect in their ability to assertaine those accounts, then so be it... but I'd certainly be shocked...
all a lot of people bought multiple copies. added to that, then you would have the single copy people feeling left out.
tell me how many people you think bought multiple copies?
I truly feel for you... I got my CB access around Thanksgiving and I felt guilty because I was a CO player and I knew tons of STO folks dying to get in... :x
I balk at the amounts being thrown around... I find them extreme (although I find 4000 CP on top of 2000 already earned extreme as well)...
I checked out the C Store prices for available DD and Collecter's edition items and one came out a little over 500 CP and one came out a little under (not sure which, ain't doing it again right now)... So I propose 500CP per ADDITIONAL retail copy registered... One copy, like mine, wouldn't count... no CP for me...
And set a deadline to keep it from being exploited... That's one deadline they can set the date of the announcement...
I agree. I think 4000CP is a bit on the extreme side, especially when you factor in the 2000CP people are already gonna get with the five referrals. As for the multiple box compensation...500CP...1000CP...either would work. I think it's mostly about Cryptic offering some sort of olive branch to people who were supportive early on but felt like they were bent over when the announcement hit.
all a lot of people bought multiple copies. added to that, then you would have the single copy people feeling left out.
tell me how many people you think bought multiple copies?
Well, if anything even close to a majority of the STO subbers are multi-copy owners... that would speak volumes regarding the current success of this game... I wont go there 'cause I don't wanna... not the place... I'm not "that guy"...
Speaking of which... I want to apologize for threadjacking your Thank You OP...
Oh, it was threadjacked before this "winey" (sp) CO Lifer stepped in... I 'm just sorry I continued it...
So I feel I should gracefully stumble out...
My (hopefully?) final comment on topic is...
While what you see as a step forward I see more as a flinch, ANY movement forward is a good thing...
Well, if anything even close to a majority of the STO subbers are multi-copy owners... that would speak volumes regarding the current success of this game... I wont go there 'cause I don't wanna... not the place... I'm not "that guy"...
Speaking of which... I want to apologize for threadjacking your Thank You OP...
no problem in fact it was for the best. if it wasn't for you thread jacking I would of did the easy math that everyone refuses to do. fact is there is to much money to be lost to give people a gift. why they did it for the galaxy-x, I don't nor do I care because I did have anything to do with that. but what is done is done.
they deny pretty much any problem i mean read craigs responses to interviews hes always saying theres a phenominal love of what we are doing yak yak yak and im like wiat whut?
Well really what do you expect him to say? It's an interview going in a gaming magazine or website. He's giving them to try and sell the game. You think he's gonna say "yeah the players seem to think we've droped the ball at almost every turn, but oh well sucks to be them."
Actually, it was the Marketing department that adjusted the cutoff date from 6-24-10 to 7-23-10, thereby allowing all the referrals that had purchased the game before the C-Store announcement to complete their first billing cycle. Marketing deserves the credit for fixing this one.
And I thank you, Burnsy, but I still haven't seen an official post; just a clipped PM to you personally, Why was is clipped? What was the whole message? And is this 'solution' for YOU only? or the entire recruiter community?
And I thank you, Burnsy, but I still haven't seen an official post; just a clipped PM to you personally, Why was is clipped? What was the whole message? And is this 'solution' for YOU only? or the entire recruiter community?
OK. I don't think Rekhan would mind me sharing this at this point.
I had posted direct phone and e-mail contact information for Cryptic. I had the wrong name/extension, so the message was edited. In response I DIRECTLY send a mail msg Rekhan regarding this, and asked (actually demanded) a personal response regarding the Cpoint bonus. He responded back, including the "Clipped" portion that game the date extension details and removing the forum editing issue. I notified people of the facts, so that I could help "put out" the wildfire I had started, and afterwards informed him of the facts. He adterwards sent me one more reply saying "glad it all worked out".
Cygnus, I have noted that C-points are awarded 24 hours after the "Billed" status appears on the referral page. It apparently has something to do with how the "Scripts" work. If you continue to have problems after a few days then I would put a ticket in.
For the community, and for the sake of avoiding an unnessasary diversion from the fact, I will attach the two messages in their unedited forms:
[ The letter from Rekhan to Me]
Subject: to : Marketing
Hey there,
I edited your post because the forums really are the best way to share your feedback, and the person whose phone number you posted isn't on the STO dev team.
Anyway, good news. We'll be extending the Cryptic Points bonus until July 23, so you'll be awarded the bonus once your fifth referral matures.
[ My Original Message]
Subject: to : Marketing
I see you "Quickly" edited my posting this date, removing the E-mail / Telephone contact information for Cryptic Studios. Beyond the fact that my post was not against, nor contained any content against any policy of the forum, please PERSONALLY respond to me.
I bought a LIFETIME subscription, and added THREE (3) additional game copies for the exclusives, only to see these exclusives to into the C-Store. As a Lifetime account I did not get any credit from the 30-days per account. This was my choice, and I accepted it.
I "Promoted" this game, buying several copies and setting them up for "Demo", and as a result sent out FIFTY-THREE (53) referrals, of which THIRTEEN (13) purchased the game and became subscribers. The EXCLUSIVE reward is now going into the C-Store.
The "Adjustment" of $50.00 in Cryptic points for the recruiters has a Cut-Off date of 24 June. My referrals mature between now and 30 June. In other words "I GET SKREWED"
This is my first MMO, and I could not be more dissatified. Since you chose to close my thread, take the liberty to correspond with me DIRECTLY. I believe your company owes this to me!
well it is happening, it has happened, and nothing you or me can do about it. but they did take a step in the right direction to fixing, and I'm telling them thank you for taking a step in hopes that they will take more steps. that is what this thread is about.
I'm asking nicely, please stop trying to push your personal agenda on this thread. this has nothing to do with the COLTS, this has to deal with the referral people, so please if you must speak out on this make your own thread. I'm asking nicely.
Never said it had anything to do with the CO lifetime offer. Thanking them for at situation that shouldn't exist is a joke. Hence I am very much on topic.
They shouldn't be giving anyone CP's. They simply need to start trading ethically, and hold to their promotions. Instead of false advertising, then trying to backtrack after realsing they can grab a quick $ by putting so called exclusives on the c-store.
They shouldn't be giving anyone CP's. They simply need to start trading ethically, and hold to their promotions. Instead of false advertising, then trying to backtrack after realsing they can grab a quick $ by putting so called exclusives on the c-store.
I agree they should not be giving cryptic points to anyone. everyone got that they paid for, and as far as I know it has not been taken away, but cryptic already did gave the 50 dollars worth of points. the only problem with it was the fact that the cut off date gave the money mostly to the people who went out, and bought 5 copies of the game, and started 5 accounts. while the people who worked to bring their friends in to the games missed out because their friends billing did not come out until the cut off date. those people missed out.
well cryptic extended the date so the people who earned it will be rewarded also. that is what I'm thanking them for.. they are taking a step in the right direction. if you can't see that, then that is fine, and I'm also done fighting the fight over the exclusives. nothing illegal happened, and it comes down to the same people posting the same thing over, and over for the past week, and I'm done. there is no point fighting a fight with a group of people with a one tracked mind set. ( there is nothing wrong with that, it just means you can see both side, and you will not change your mind )
now I'm going to go and worry about important stuff like the the 2.0 patch that is coming on tribble.
well cryptic extended the date so the people who earned it will be rewarded also. that is what I'm thanking them for.. they are taking a step in the right direction. if you can't see that, then that is fine, and I'm also done fighting the fight over the exclusives. nothing illegal happened, and it comes down to the same people posting the same thing over, and over for the past week, and I'm done. there is no point fighting a fight with a group of people with a one tracked mind set. ( there is nothing wrong with that, it just means you can see both side, and you will not change your mind )
I have an eight-track mindset...
EDIT: This whole C-Store debacle is turning my brain to mush.
Finally got the last refer a friend to post as billed. So I got all 5 now. But I didnt get the bonus CS Points. The last did just clear today, So how long does it take for those to go in? And no I havent done a Ticket yet. Just was wondering if it was instant or if it took time.
I got my 5th referral billed on 6/25. I emailed support on 6/28. They responed with this on July 1.
Greetings Captain, Players who participated in the Star Trek Online Referral Program and recruited 5 new player accounts and achieved Master Recruiter status prior to July 23, 2010 will be eligible to receive 4,000 Cryptic Points as a special thank you for their continued efforts to promote Star Trek Online. This special gift has already been distributed to some who were eligible. We are still working on getting the rest pushed out to those who are still waiting. Thank you, Atari Support Thank you for
Support then closed the ticket and I still don't have the points. Who knows when or if we'll get our points. At least I finally learned my lesson and won't be participating in any further promotions. I've been supportive of Cryptics decisions in the past but I defintely will not recommend this game or any other Cryptic game in the future.
Also recently had my 5th RaF billed and no bonus, ticket #909131 no reply as yet, not a happy bunny, no thanks from me as you have yet to do the right thing for me :mad:
Mine too after 4 days and counting, I guess they got all the good will they wanted out of this and now everyone has coughed up their $25 at the c-store and forgotten about the galaxy x issues they want to sweep this under the carpet and hope we will just go quietly away.......very disappointing.
Yes, it was nice of them to expand that deadline... yet it's hard to say Thank You for it when I see how unfair it all is to other multi-copy purchasers...
I don't buy any C Store economy excuse as I feel there are A LOT more people who didn't buy multiple copies than did... I'm sorry, but you almost make it sound like that "multi-copy" minority is going to sink the game if they get compensation...
I agree, any gesture is nice... unless it's a single central digit... and now-a-days there a number of folks that still see that particular gesture when they dare glance in Cryptic's direction...
All your doing is showing that you need someone to argue with. End of conversation.
I also would like to point out, I'm willing to bet that NO ONE bought the CO LTS solely for the MU uniform...
Any STO fans purchased the CO LTS for the so called "EARLY CLOSED BETA ACCESS"! That seems to be largely ignored now... People are trying to belittle CO LTS buyers by implying that they spent $200 for a uniform...
The uniform was a bonus... what the STO players REALLY wanted was a chance to help shape the game through early access in Closed Beta...
And a majority of them didn't even get that...
it would not sink the economy but they would lose a lot of profit. you see if they gave points to everyone ( it would have to be everyone ) then they would lose what ever income that would be generated by c-store from those points.
some people are calling for 1000 C-store points, and lets say we have 50000 people.
x $ 12.50 ( cost of the 1000 points )
$625000 of potential sales that would lose
or lets sat 10000 people, that would still be $125000 would be lost.
as you can see they would lose a lot of potential sales from doing that.
I got the 6-month sub to CO solely for the guaranteed Closed Beta access...and I didn't get my invite until a week or two before the Open Beta. :mad: The only thing that would have gotten me to "upgrade" to an LTS would have been the MU unis. I weighed the pros and cons and decided it wasn't worth it. I know that it was a major deciding factor for others who though that it WAS worth going for the lifetime.
I feel that they should get something for said loss, even if it's nothing more than...let's say $50.00 worth of CP (since that's what the people who worked the RAF are getting). If those people get around 4000 extra CP (in addition to the 400 they already get per sub) then I feel that those lifers should get something comparable.
Y'all come back now, ya hear? :rolleyes:
I would assume that Cryptic has the ability to identify those who have multiple keys applied to an account and the source of those keys... I am NOT championing (see what I did there?) an across the board give away... I just feel that a lot of folks who bought multiple copies for the exclusives deserve compensation...
If I am incorrect in their ability to assertaine those accounts, then so be it... but I'd certainly be shocked...
I truly feel for you... I got my CB access around Thanksgiving and I felt guilty because I was a CO player and I knew tons of STO folks dying to get in... :x
I balk at the amounts being thrown around... I find them extreme (although I find 4000 CP on top of 2000 already earned extreme as well)...
I checked out the C Store prices for available DD and Collecter's edition items and one came out a little over 500 CP and one came out a little under (not sure which, ain't doing it again right now)... So I propose 500CP per ADDITIONAL retail copy registered... One copy, like mine, wouldn't count... no CP for me...
And set a deadline to keep it from being exploited... That's one deadline they can set the date of the announcement...
all a lot of people bought multiple copies. added to that, then you would have the single copy people feeling left out.
tell me how many people you think bought multiple copies?
I agree. I think 4000CP is a bit on the extreme side, especially when you factor in the 2000CP people are already gonna get with the five referrals. As for the multiple box compensation...500CP...1000CP...either would work. I think it's mostly about Cryptic offering some sort of olive branch to people who were supportive early on but felt like they were bent over when the announcement hit.
Well, if anything even close to a majority of the STO subbers are multi-copy owners... that would speak volumes regarding the current success of this game... I wont go there 'cause I don't wanna... not the place... I'm not "that guy"...
Speaking of which... I want to apologize for threadjacking your Thank You OP...
Oh, it was threadjacked before this "winey" (sp) CO Lifer stepped in... I 'm just sorry I continued it...
So I feel I should gracefully stumble out...
My (hopefully?) final comment on topic is...
While what you see as a step forward I see more as a flinch, ANY movement forward is a good thing...
no problem in fact it was for the best. if it wasn't for you thread jacking I would of did the easy math that everyone refuses to do. fact is there is to much money to be lost to give people a gift. why they did it for the galaxy-x, I don't nor do I care because I did have anything to do with that. but what is done is done.
Well really what do you expect him to say? It's an interview going in a gaming magazine or website. He's giving them to try and sell the game. You think he's gonna say "yeah the players seem to think we've droped the ball at almost every turn, but oh well sucks to be them."
And I thank you, Burnsy, but I still haven't seen an official post; just a clipped PM to you personally, Why was is clipped? What was the whole message? And is this 'solution' for YOU only? or the entire recruiter community?
Beverly Hillbillies? WOW, it's been so long since I heard that I think my brain farted some dust !
OK. I don't think Rekhan would mind me sharing this at this point.
I had posted direct phone and e-mail contact information for Cryptic. I had the wrong name/extension, so the message was edited. In response I DIRECTLY send a mail msg Rekhan regarding this, and asked (actually demanded) a personal response regarding the Cpoint bonus. He responded back, including the "Clipped" portion that game the date extension details and removing the forum editing issue. I notified people of the facts, so that I could help "put out" the wildfire I had started, and afterwards informed him of the facts. He adterwards sent me one more reply saying "glad it all worked out".
Cygnus, I have noted that C-points are awarded 24 hours after the "Billed" status appears on the referral page. It apparently has something to do with how the "Scripts" work. If you continue to have problems after a few days then I would put a ticket in.
For the community, and for the sake of avoiding an unnessasary diversion from the fact, I will attach the two messages in their unedited forms:
[ The letter from Rekhan to Me]
Subject: to : Marketing
Hey there,
I edited your post because the forums really are the best way to share your feedback, and the person whose phone number you posted isn't on the STO dev team.
Anyway, good news. We'll be extending the Cryptic Points bonus until July 23, so you'll be awarded the bonus once your fifth referral matures.
[ My Original Message]
Subject: to : Marketing
I see you "Quickly" edited my posting this date, removing the E-mail / Telephone contact information for Cryptic Studios. Beyond the fact that my post was not against, nor contained any content against any policy of the forum, please PERSONALLY respond to me.
I bought a LIFETIME subscription, and added THREE (3) additional game copies for the exclusives, only to see these exclusives to into the C-Store. As a Lifetime account I did not get any credit from the 30-days per account. This was my choice, and I accepted it.
I "Promoted" this game, buying several copies and setting them up for "Demo", and as a result sent out FIFTY-THREE (53) referrals, of which THIRTEEN (13) purchased the game and became subscribers. The EXCLUSIVE reward is now going into the C-Store.
The "Adjustment" of $50.00 in Cryptic points for the recruiters has a Cut-Off date of 24 June. My referrals mature between now and 30 June. In other words "I GET SKREWED"
This is my first MMO, and I could not be more dissatified. Since you chose to close my thread, take the liberty to correspond with me DIRECTLY. I believe your company owes this to me!
did you send them a ticket?
Never said it had anything to do with the CO lifetime offer. Thanking them for at situation that shouldn't exist is a joke. Hence I am very much on topic.
They shouldn't be giving anyone CP's. They simply need to start trading ethically, and hold to their promotions. Instead of false advertising, then trying to backtrack after realsing they can grab a quick $ by putting so called exclusives on the c-store.
I agree they should not be giving cryptic points to anyone. everyone got that they paid for, and as far as I know it has not been taken away, but cryptic already did gave the 50 dollars worth of points. the only problem with it was the fact that the cut off date gave the money mostly to the people who went out, and bought 5 copies of the game, and started 5 accounts. while the people who worked to bring their friends in to the games missed out because their friends billing did not come out until the cut off date. those people missed out.
well cryptic extended the date so the people who earned it will be rewarded also. that is what I'm thanking them for.. they are taking a step in the right direction. if you can't see that, then that is fine, and I'm also done fighting the fight over the exclusives. nothing illegal happened, and it comes down to the same people posting the same thing over, and over for the past week, and I'm done. there is no point fighting a fight with a group of people with a one tracked mind set. ( there is nothing wrong with that, it just means you can see both side, and you will not change your mind )
now I'm going to go and worry about important stuff like the the 2.0 patch that is coming on tribble.
have a good day dryan
I have an eight-track mindset...
EDIT: This whole C-Store debacle is turning my brain to mush.
Yes I did, no response yet.
Maybe they are reconsidering?
I am waiting on my 5th to mature... any hour since I have perhaps five dated 30-31 May. Keep us informed.
Note: there is another patch going in tormorrow, so maybe the change is in that patch ???
Support then closed the ticket and I still don't have the points. Who knows when or if we'll get our points. At least I finally learned my lesson and won't be participating in any further promotions. I've been supportive of Cryptics decisions in the past but I defintely will not recommend this game or any other Cryptic game in the future.
I resubmitted it.
Mine too after 4 days and counting, I guess they got all the good will they wanted out of this and now everyone has coughed up their $25 at the c-store and forgotten about the galaxy x issues they want to sweep this under the carpet and hope we will just go quietly away.......very disappointing.