Ok, so since just about anything and everything is on the C-Store and nothing is sacred, I sat down and honestly thought of things to benefit players AND mostly Cryptic that we could get for various priced fees from the C-Store
Levels - Bought at on of those character slots but don't wanna grind through more Kill 10 Klingon b.s? Now for a small fee of 800 C-Store points you too can get alts leveled and fast! With each instance of Levels you buy from the C-Store you get a token to redeem in game to instantly level a character up one full level. Are you 8 levels from hitting RA5 at level 45? Don't feel like more work? No problem! Just visit the C-Store and you can make up those 8 levels fast!
Species Change - Just buy a cool new species to play as? Don't want to re-roll a new character for it or buy levels? Then use our handy dandy Species Change! Just 1200 Cryptic Points lets you swap dna from any of the cool species in game.
Auto Play - Remember wanting Auto Fire for all ship weapons in space combat? We'll we listened hard to the player base and put our ear to the ground. Now you no longer need to bind three dozen keys to skills, shields, items and movement! Our Auto Play feature is a special item equipment piece that fills a slot of your character equipment screen, activating it with a single keypress will auto target any enemies in range, use your skills, and conduct Fleet management business in Fleet chat all for you! Grab one today and change how you enjoy STO for just 2500 Cryptic Points.
Item Copy-ization - Only purchase a regular retail box copy? See that cool Borg Bridge Officer, or that totally wicked Galaxy X class ship? They too can be yours! Item Copy-Ization acts as a 5th Trait for your character, passive ability, whenever you encounter another player with some rare item you don't have, it's instantly duplicated on your account, forever! Why struggle to recruit 5 people to the game, when for just the low introductory price (subject to change based on popularity) of 4200 C-Store points, you can copy your own Galaxy X ship, or items too!
Ok, so since just about anything and everything is on the C-Store and nothing is sacred, I sat down and honestly thought of things to benefit players AND mostly Cryptic that we could get for various priced fees from the C-Store
Levels - Bought at on of those character slots but don't wanna grind through more Kill 10 Klingon b.s? Now for a small fee of 800 C-Store points you too can get alts leveled and fast! With each instance of Levels you buy from the C-Store you get a token to redeem in game to instantly level a character up one full level. Are you 8 levels from hitting RA5 at level 45? Don't feel like more work? No problem! Just visit the C-Store and you can make up those 8 levels fast!
Species Change - Just buy a cool new species to play as? Don't want to re-roll a new character for it or buy levels? Then use our handy dandy Species Change! Just 1200 Cryptic Points lets you swap dna from any of the cool species in game.
Auto Play - Remember wanting Auto Fire for all ship weapons in space combat? We'll we listened hard to the player base and put our ear to the ground. Now you no longer need to bind three dozen keys to skills, shields, items and movement! Our Auto Play feature is a special item equipment piece that fills a slot of your character equipment screen, activating it with a single keypress will auto target any enemies in range, use your skills, and conduct Fleet management business in Fleet chat all for you! Grab one today and change how you enjoy STO for just 2500 Cryptic Points.
Item Copy-ization - Only purchase a regular retail box copy? See that cool Borg Bridge Officer, or that totally wicked Galaxy X class ship? They too can be yours! Item Copy-Ization acts as a 5th Trait for your character, passive ability, whenever you encounter another player with some rare item you don't have, it's instantly duplicated on your account, forever! Why struggle to recruit 5 people to the game, when for just the low introductory price (subject to change based on popularity) of 4200 C-Store points, you can copy your own Galaxy X ship, or items too!
Loser much.....well...saddly i do see his point. I thought the c store as it was said from the devs would just be for like bridges, and other COSMETIC things. hmm..they lied, like they do about everything.
Loser much.....well...saddly i do see his point. I thought the c store as it was said from the devs would just be for like bridges, and other COSMETIC things. hmm..they lied, like they do about everything.
Then again perhaps a cost/benefit analysis indicated that the few people who would be lost over the issue are far outweighed by potential profit gained from those who stay and newcomers/non forum goers who know nothing of the issue and don't care.
EC-205. Required coursework for all snaggle-toothed big-eared business aliens.
Then again perhaps a cost/benefit analysis indicated that the few people who would be lost over the issue are far outweighed by potential profit gained from those who stay and newcomers/non forum goers who know nothing of the issue and don't care.
EC-205. Required coursework for all snaggle-toothed big-eared business aliens.
Lesson #1: After you've exploited someone, it never hurts to thank them. That way, it's easier to exploit them next time.
Loser much.....well...saddly i do see his point. I thought the c store as it was said from the devs would just be for like bridges, and other COSMETIC things. hmm..they lied, like they do about everything.
I rely do not see what they lied about, and you do not have to purchase stuff from the C-Store. Plus most of the C-Store stuff is cosmetic and simple things like extra character slots.:rolleyes:
Ok, so since just about anything and everything is on the C-Store and nothing is sacred, I sat down and honestly thought of things to benefit players AND mostly Cryptic that we could get for various priced fees from the C-Store
Levels - Bought at on of those character slots but don't wanna grind through more Kill 10 Klingon b.s? Now for a small fee of 800 C-Store points you too can get alts leveled and fast! With each instance of Levels you buy from the C-Store you get a token to redeem in game to instantly level a character up one full level. Are you 8 levels from hitting RA5 at level 45? Don't feel like more work? No problem! Just visit the C-Store and you can make up those 8 levels fast!
Species Change - Just buy a cool new species to play as? Don't want to re-roll a new character for it or buy levels? Then use our handy dandy Species Change! Just 1200 Cryptic Points lets you swap dna from any of the cool species in game.
Auto Play - Remember wanting Auto Fire for all ship weapons in space combat? We'll we listened hard to the player base and put our ear to the ground. Now you no longer need to bind three dozen keys to skills, shields, items and movement! Our Auto Play feature is a special item equipment piece that fills a slot of your character equipment screen, activating it with a single keypress will auto target any enemies in range, use your skills, and conduct Fleet management business in Fleet chat all for you! Grab one today and change how you enjoy STO for just 2500 Cryptic Points.
Item Copy-ization - Only purchase a regular retail box copy? See that cool Borg Bridge Officer, or that totally wicked Galaxy X class ship? They too can be yours! Item Copy-Ization acts as a 5th Trait for your character, passive ability, whenever you encounter another player with some rare item you don't have, it's instantly duplicated on your account, forever! Why struggle to recruit 5 people to the game, when for just the low introductory price (subject to change based on popularity) of 4200 C-Store points, you can copy your own Galaxy X ship, or items too!
Coming soon in Season 2.5 update
Methinks you spend more time under the bridge than on it....
Well at least we know why you are so bitterly angry all the time about the developers not listening to your ideas....
You have very bad ideas, and a poor disposition....you should do well in politics.
Levels - Bought at on of those character slots but don't wanna grind through more Kill 10 Klingon b.s? Now for a small fee of 800 C-Store points you too can get alts leveled and fast! With each instance of Levels you buy from the C-Store you get a token to redeem in game to instantly level a character up one full level. Are you 8 levels from hitting RA5 at level 45? Don't feel like more work? No problem! Just visit the C-Store and you can make up those 8 levels fast!
Auto Play - Remember wanting Auto Fire for all ship weapons in space combat? We'll we listened hard to the player base and put our ear to the ground. Now you no longer need to bind three dozen keys to skills, shields, items and movement! Our Auto Play feature is a special item equipment piece that fills a slot of your character equipment screen, activating it with a single keypress will auto target any enemies in range, use your skills, and conduct Fleet management business in Fleet chat all for you! Grab one today and change how you enjoy STO for just 2500 Cryptic Points.
So, you want to make it easier for gold farmers to not only level but also hit cap to grind dailies? :rolleyes:
At this point, the game would be effectively ruined.
I'm not sure how serious the OP was.
No, it would simply facilitate another way to play the game. The main issue would be it'd still cost a monthly fee. Almost every single Free To Play mmorpg, has some of item shop where you can usually buy game breaking things, like buffs to experience gain or money making, items, etc. Why not just go ahead and do that with STO? We're already being nickle and dimed for things that should be free, and things that were "exclusive" to certain copies of the game. Go all the way, give us the option to just fully play the game how we want, via the C-Store.
Like the old saying goes, in for a penny in for a pound. Why go at it half way, just give us the option to buy our way to 45 or other things. I would honestly play the game more, if I could roll an Engineering alt, drop some cash, and have him be 45 within a few minutes time (gear not withstanding, though they could offer that for sale too in the C-Store), then I would totally do it.
No, it would simply facilitate another way to play the game. The main issue would be it'd still cost a monthly fee. Almost every single Free To Play mmorpg, has some of item shop where you can usually buy game breaking things, like buffs to experience gain or money making, items, etc. Why not just go ahead and do that with STO? We're already being nickle and dimed for things that should be free, and things that were "exclusive" to certain copies of the game. Go all the way, give us the option to just fully play the game how we want, via the C-Store.
Like the old saying goes, in for a penny in for a pound. Why go at it half way, just give us the option to buy our way to 45 or other things. I would honestly play the game more, if I could roll an Engineering alt, drop some cash, and have him be 45 within a few minutes time (gear not withstanding, though they could offer that for sale too in the C-Store), then I would totally do it.
Ah... so this is a continuation of your other thread about their business practices.
I was laughing until I hit the part about buying levels/skill points. Several people have asked for this in-game that I've seen. People really want the game to just play itself don't they?
Others = no. kthxbai.
Bitter much?
I think their marketing team are Ferengi. ^_^
Nah... Ferengi wouldn't have alienated a potential source of further profit...
You assume they have the lobes for business.
EC-205. Required coursework for all snaggle-toothed big-eared business aliens.
Lesson #1: After you've exploited someone, it never hurts to thank them. That way, it's easier to exploit them next time.
Lesson #2, you can't please everyone, so choose to please accounting. They write your paycheck. :rolleyes:
I rely do not see what they lied about, and you do not have to purchase stuff from the C-Store. Plus most of the C-Store stuff is cosmetic and simple things like extra character slots.:rolleyes:
No, not a rant. And no not sarcasm either.
These are legitimate ideas I'd love to see implemented. I'll totally pay to not level a toon again.
Sacrasm? What sarcasm??
Since they have shown that they are willing to sell anything in the C Store, I find the OPs requests quite reasonable...
Methinks you spend more time under the bridge than on it....
Well at least we know why you are so bitterly angry all the time about the developers not listening to your ideas....
You have very bad ideas, and a poor disposition....you should do well in politics.
Isn't that what gold farmers do asside from sell in-game money and spam us like mad? >_>
Disclaimer: I 100% do NOT advocate the use of gold farmers.
So, you want to make it easier for gold farmers to not only level but also hit cap to grind dailies? :rolleyes:
They could get rid of the gold farmers by selling "gold" in the C-Store too...
I'm not sure how serious the OP was.
Actually, it wouldn't be ruined at all... not from a buisness standpoint...
They could also sell adventure packs... even entire sectors!
Heck, it could even be profitable enough for them to stop charging a subscription fee!!!
No, it would simply facilitate another way to play the game. The main issue would be it'd still cost a monthly fee. Almost every single Free To Play mmorpg, has some of item shop where you can usually buy game breaking things, like buffs to experience gain or money making, items, etc. Why not just go ahead and do that with STO? We're already being nickle and dimed for things that should be free, and things that were "exclusive" to certain copies of the game. Go all the way, give us the option to just fully play the game how we want, via the C-Store.
Like the old saying goes, in for a penny in for a pound. Why go at it half way, just give us the option to buy our way to 45 or other things. I would honestly play the game more, if I could roll an Engineering alt, drop some cash, and have him be 45 within a few minutes time (gear not withstanding, though they could offer that for sale too in the C-Store), then I would totally do it.
Yeah, probably get an embolism too, from trying to understand where he's coming from....
Ah... so this is a continuation of your other thread about their business practices.
Yes, the good ol' reducttio ad absurdum, but a little harder to see due to a deficit in irony.