Thanks for the very handy tool. This spreadsheet provides a key build planning tool that has been missing from all the other resources out there. Keep up the good work!
Thanks RedShirt and Roach. I've been real busy with work (60hrs on the clock last week!), so haven't had the change to play around with the damage formula. When I do, I'll add it to the next Calculator version.
Thanks QS-ZiA! Yeah, I had the Efficiency skills "all wrong" when I first started, had to respec those, and was able to "recover" many skill points doing that.
To tritium4ever and Roach: I haven't forgot about you two. I've just been busy with lots of work overtime and then family and friends visiting from out of town (the last batch just left, but we have another set coming in a couple of days). My first priority when I get a chance will be to add the weapons damage formula, since that's based (in part) off power levels. I'll then check out that MS stuff.
Anyone notice any changes in Season 2.0 that affect what's already existing in the Calc? I've only played S2 a little, but from what I can tell, nothing's changed in regards to ship's power. The Engineering/Release Notes didn't say anything either.
To tritium4ever and Roach: I haven't forgot about you two. I've just been busy with lots of work overtime and then family and friends visiting from out of town (the last batch just left, but we have another set coming in a couple of days). My first priority when I get a chance will be to add the weapons damage formula, since that's based (in part) off power levels. I'll then check out that MS stuff.
HI great work but i have a little trouble in the enginering section of our character skill there is the starship shield msintentenance, starship weapon maintenance and so on wht is the use of thi maintenance ability?
efficiency is usefull only for setting under 70
performance add power to sebsistem setting
and maintenance?
HI great work but i have a little trouble in the enginering section of our character skill there is the starship shield msintentenance, starship weapon maintenance and so on wht is the use of thi maintenance ability?
efficiency is usefull only for setting under 70
performance add power to sebsistem setting
and maintenance?
The Maintenance skills are like other skills in that they help certain abilities. Off the top of my head, for example: Starship Aux Maint. applies it's skill bonus to powers like Aux to Structural Integrity Field (SIF), and Starship Shield and Weapon Maints. improves the effect of Emergency Power to Shields and Weapons, respectively. I think (will have to double-check later), that the Engine Maint. helps with your ship's innate Hull Repair ability as well as Engineering Team.
Read each skill and it will tell you what it helps with. Also, in your captain's skill listing you can filter by a specific power to see what helps it... So you see, the Maintenance Skills have their uses, but they do not affect your ship's power levels.
thanks finally i understand :-)
i suspected that they only affect powers and not power levels and finally i have a confirmation now i can respec with clear ideas
A most excellent guide!
A big S! to PV for his epicmad Excel skillz and research !:D
This has helped me immensely with my respec of both characters (Tac and Sci) and will be invaluable in the creation of my Engineer.
Vote for sticky!
Tool shows following when I input my game values.
Attack Display Defense Display
(126) 125 / 100 W 85 / 50
73 / 50 S 114 / 100
55 / 25 E 55 / 25
52 / 25 A 52 / 25
Speed Display Balanced Display
69 / 25 W 85 / 50
57 / 25 S 73 / 50
114 / 100 E 72 / 50
69 / 50 A 69 / 50
But actual game displays lower values so game Attack is
Thanks for the posts everyone. I'm happy people are finding use for the Calc. I still want to add more features (Engine speed, weapon dmg, etc.), but Life has been busy (50+ hour work weeks, personal events, etc.).
I don't suppose you could make one that isn't a .zip file. Either that or point me to a free unzipper. I refuse to buy one since I only ever encounter .zip files every so often.
I don't suppose you could make one that isn't a .zip file. Either that or point me to a free unzipper. I refuse to buy one since I only ever encounter .zip files every so often.
Until I host it otherwise I have to leave it zipped, sorry. Freeware zip program: 7-Zip.
As I've said in earlier posts, I don't like the way the document looks in Google Docs and some of the features (for example the cell comments) do not work correctly.
I have Excel 07 I think?? or Office 07 and how do you unzip it?
it just says open w/ what prog. and I open it w/ excel
I believe Windows from at least XP forward (XP, Vista, Win7) should all be able to open the zip file. When you download the zip, just click the "Open Folder" or "View File" button after it download, or browse to the file in your Windows Explorer. Double-click the zip file and it should open right up. If for some reason your flavor of Windows won't open the archive, you can get the free 7zip program to unzip it ( Contained within will be the XLS file for Excel.
Office 2007 will include Excel 2007, so if you have either, you're good to go!
If you cannot get PV's file to open, why mess around with expensive Microsoft TRIBBLE when you can just download the bloatware free OpenOffice for free?
Someone in another thread asked the purpose of Aux power, how it affected their abilities. I wrote up this little test, and thought it would be good to quote/add here:
If you want to know exactly how Aux is affecting the powers you have, do this:
Go to System Space. Orbitting in your ship outside Earth Space Dock will be fine.
On your ability tray, locate the ability you want to see affected. For instance, Tractor Beam (TB). Hover your mouse pointer over TB and you'll get a pop-up window that shows you the effects at your current Aux settings. Write these down on a scratch paper, or type them into Notepad or something.
Now, locate your Ship's Power Settings, you'll see a little box in the upper right that let's you change the Power Settings UI. Click that and change your setting to option 3. This will give you slide bars that you can use to adjust each power level manually.
Slide your Aux Power all the way to the top.
Again, hover your mouse over TB, you'll see your settings at your strongest possible Aux Power. Write/type this.
Slide your Aux Power as far to the bottom as you can go.
Hover your mouse over TB again, and you'll see your effects at your lowest setting. Write/type this as above.
Now compare your settings and you'll see how much altering Aux power affects your Ability's effects.
Repeat the above for all your Abilities to see what is affected by Aux, and by how much.
Other things you can try are to trigger Emergency Power to Aux and/or pop an Aux battery, and then see the results.
You can do the above tests with Weapons, Shield, and Engine power levels. For example you can see how your speed and turn rate are changed when you change Engine Power, or your damage is altered with Weapons Power, etc.
Play around with your Power Settings until you find that Happy Medium. Before you make any respec or change in skills though, I'd recommend trying my Calculator to see how your skill levels would affect your power settings.
Great Work... We have shared your Forum thread with everyone in our Guild (on both factions). It has met rounds of applause. Well Done, and thanks for all your effort. Calc version 3.2.1 and It works just fine. Who needs Micro$oft anyway? Notice I replaced the letter s in Microsoft with a dollar sign. Lol.
You once mentioned wanting to know.
The equation he gives still holds true and is used as part of the combat dammage computations.
I just became "aware" of efficiency thing with 75+ power setting... I'll be respecing accordingly, lol...
Thanks again, keep up with fine tuning!
STICKY STICKY bump bump!
To tritium4ever and Roach: I haven't forgot about you two. I've just been busy with lots of work overtime and then family and friends visiting from out of town (the last batch just left, but we have another set coming in a couple of days). My first priority when I get a chance will be to add the weapons damage formula, since that's based (in part) off power levels. I'll then check out that MS stuff.
Anyone notice any changes in Season 2.0 that affect what's already existing in the Calc? I've only played S2 a little, but from what I can tell, nothing's changed in regards to ship's power. The Engineering/Release Notes didn't say anything either.
No worries from me. R/L must come first.:)
efficiency is usefull only for setting under 70
performance add power to sebsistem setting
and maintenance?
The Maintenance skills are like other skills in that they help certain abilities. Off the top of my head, for example: Starship Aux Maint. applies it's skill bonus to powers like Aux to Structural Integrity Field (SIF), and Starship Shield and Weapon Maints. improves the effect of Emergency Power to Shields and Weapons, respectively. I think (will have to double-check later), that the Engine Maint. helps with your ship's innate Hull Repair ability as well as Engineering Team.
Read each skill and it will tell you what it helps with. Also, in your captain's skill listing you can filter by a specific power to see what helps it... So you see, the Maintenance Skills have their uses, but they do not affect your ship's power levels.
i suspected that they only affect powers and not power levels and finally i have a confirmation now i can respec with clear ideas
A big S! to PV for his epicmad Excel skillz and research !:D
This has helped me immensely with my respec of both characters (Tac and Sci) and will be invaluable in the creation of my Engineer.
Vote for sticky!
Tool shows following when I input my game values.
Attack Display Defense Display
(126) 125 / 100 W 85 / 50
73 / 50 S 114 / 100
55 / 25 E 55 / 25
52 / 25 A 52 / 25
Speed Display Balanced Display
69 / 25 W 85 / 50
57 / 25 S 73 / 50
114 / 100 E 72 / 50
69 / 50 A 69 / 50
But actual game displays lower values so game Attack is
Any idea whats going on in game
Upload it to google docs, it'll work just fine.
it just says open w/ what prog. and I open it w/ excel
Office 2007 will include Excel 2007, so if you have either, you're good to go!