Well, since the other thread apparently crashed and burned after I went to bed (note... NOT discussing moderation in the slightest), I thought it would be beneficial to have less of a discussion based thread and more of a "agree"/"disagree" thread to more succintly help Cryptic understand community sentiment.
Dear Cryptic,
The Game is Painfully Unfinished, Why Invite People Now?
Why would you want us to invite people to the game as it is now? With the current repetitiveness of the game, lack of proper crafting, an exploration system that is slightly embarrassing, and an entire faction that is hardly fleshed out (klingons), with there still being bugs in the game, and an extremely linear gameplay due to lack of content... why would you want people to see this?
I think it is a bad idea. It may help with short term goals with immediately boosting subscriptions, but those people might ultimately cancel their subs after reaching level cap like so many others have done. And these people are likely to ever give STO a second chance. You are hurting this games long term sustainability by trying to achieve short term goals. If anything, you should have waited till season 3, or season 2 at the very least when a flood of more things will supposedly be added.
The Galaxy X was a poor choice as a reward for the RAF reward system
Under the assumption that you do read the forums, you should know that the Galaxy X from "All Good Things" was something that people have wanted and asked for to be in the game. Another member sums this up more succintly:
Originally Posted by Lt.Expendable
Frankly, shilling the Galaxy X like this is basically a confession on Cryptic's part that STO can't stand on it's own merits.
Here's a ship design that a lot of people have said they wanted. So what do they do? Put it on the c-store? Make it a vet reward? Make it an upgrade for in-game merit? No! They dangle it in front of us like a carrot from a stick and tell us to not only convince 5 people to try the game, but to badger them into making at least a one-month sub.
"If you were REALLY my friend you'd put down the money so I can get a Galaxy X!"
Voice your opinion whether you agree or disagree and try to be mature and respectful of one another (Including Cryptic).
The majority of the people who get these rewards will be purchasing the accounts themselves. This is how this exact same scheme has worked on SOE games (not surprising, since Cryptic's CEO used to be in charge of this sort of thing at SOE).
The best way to market this game is to fix the glaring lack of content problem. We lack almost completely anything meaningful for a RA5 character to do. Fix this problem FIRST before trying to bring in more players, else, why waste the effort, we won't retain any of them!
more money to pay more employees to get more dev, to get more people working on content, to get a more finished well rounded game makes panda want to refer friends >_>
personally i think having the galaxy x for refering 5 friends is a good thing, it inspires people to not only stay with the game and see how it develops into something they will enjoy (like wow, coh, aoc, ffxi and just about every other mmo out there ever did) but also bringing friends into the game will give you something to do with them aswell so doing repeatative things don't seem so repeatative....
I love the idea of encouraging people to show this game to their friends, but getting 5 people? Yikes! I might convince 2 or 3 if I really try, but I'm scared they would just quit in a month anyway....
You think the money's going back to STO, when there's a new Cryptic game clamouring for attention?
As for Galaxy 5, I would love for it too to become a Vet reward as well. Recruit 5 people, get it now. Play for 250 days, get it then.
Would something like what I have in this list be of interest to you as a RA?
if you think that why are you paying for your sub? sincei t's not going towards sto either >_>
plus it's not announced yet, unconfirmed and just rumors.....
Great list, but I feel people are so Stockholmed that we'd be happy if there were new game mechanics that didn't involve spending real money.
Nice job.
Where did I suggest spending real money?
LIKE ME!!! ^_^ except i'm more of an "after-work" warrior =/ i'm still only a just hitting captian when i get off work today though o.o; and i've been playing for over a month now
personally i'd totally refer my friends to the game i like the game for how it plays and even if there is a lack of content we can all just sit around the bridge giggling about stuff while we wait for the next pvp match to start
friends aren't about getting to RA as quickly as possible, it's about just having fun and not worrying about how fast you get to RA and in most cases it's actually anti-lvling, which would you rather do, get to RA, or hang out with your best friend on the bridge and talk about that girl who works at the front desk, or that awesome dress at the clothing store, or w/e you do with your friend
I'm not recruiting anyone! I'll keep playing but I'm fragging done sticking up for Cryptic. I am beginning to see what the "haters" saw three months ago. This isn't the same company I had faith in for the last six years. They've changed... and not for the batter.
You're losing your fans Cryptic. Fix it quickly.
Where is your proof of this? Please link to actual data that can show this is what will happen with STO.
also if cryptic is losing fans why are you still able to complain about the game >_> do i smell hypocracy at work here? complain about somethng but refuse to do anything about out yourself ( like say cancelling your sub until the game is more to your liking?) (yes i notice you're a lifer, my example still stands both for none-lifers aswell as lifers, you have/had 30 days to request a refund for your life, and you also had a free 30 days to play the game before having to purchase a life/sub you could have taken advantage of both of those)
Life Sentence. I just skipped the blue name and went straight to the ugly Borg avatar.
yea and that 3rd game from what ive hurd was going to be D and D FR....but wizard pulled it and now its going to be magic the gathering...
plus how they have treated STO and CO i would never buy another game from them...they should stop the work on the 3rd and place all them devs and programers on STO and build it up.....
but i could be wrong and time will tell
And now it will be and there are certain requirements for you to get it. Either do the work to get it or don't.
I said this in another thread earlier but it applies here........
I already did invite 10 of my friends that I have been gaming with since MW2 Netmech days (like 1995ish) which forms the gaming crew I play online with in various games and forms. I brought them in when the game launched in early Feb. Now there are only 4 of us left, I and another have LT subs, one other is active, and the last one has been scarce since they FUBAR'd the Que system as he was heavily into gound PvP. The rest have canceled their subs for various valid reasons. So after bringing in 10 players that have mostly bailed out because of rather large game issues, Cryptic wants me to get 5 more? Sorry but that boat has sailed (and hit a 'berg). I brought up this promotion last night in our ArmA2 match on vent and was actually laughed at by the folks that already gave STO a shot.
And even IF I somehow talked them into taking another chance on STO, they wouldnt count as the same type of deal offered in CO demonstrated. So no, I have very little faith in Cryptic's Marketing arm not coming up with some crappy scheme to make us jump thru hoops for something they could just add to the C-store or make it earned in-game. I have already shucked out $300 for a LT Sub (got mine 2 days after the price jumped and no Borg either), paid for a CE and a DDE (before they cut the price in half), and regularly buy stuff thru the Cstore (including C points).....And marketing comes up with this plan?
Exactly how did I not do my part to promote this game?
Indeed, although I'm a little surprised you restarted the thread.
Well as I said before in the other post, the program isn't up and running, its only been announced (the page on the website isn't up and running yet). Given that Klingon Episodic content is coming in less than two months, along with another STF mission, to go with a mountain of planned improvements to the game. When do you believe would be a good time to begin a program?
I don't think you can be much more condescending there Jacob and still be civil
Could it have been offered through the C-Store? Sure, but you I both know that there would have been people who complained about it, and accusing Cryptic of trying to make a buck off a popular item as people have accused them in the past. Could they have made it available through an in game method? Sure if you wanted to wait a few months for the content patch, then listen to people complain that something was too hard to get (or something along those lines). But no matter how they get it, there will be somebody complaining that it's not a perfect replica of the ship seen in the episode, or that the cannon cannot blow holes in a Negh'var.
What's the morale of everything I just typed out? Everybody complains about something, and that's especially true since this is Star Trek and we're the biggest sticklers for detail in the world compared to other fans. No matter what Cryptic does they are not going to be able to make everybody happy.
DnD Online, they just want money, I wish they would listen to their customers, I'm going to play
LOTR, they just want money, I wish they would listen to their customers, I'm going to play
Champions Online, they just want money, I wish they would listen to their customers, I'm going to play
Aion, they just want money, I wish they would listen to their customers, I'm going to play
STO, they just want money, I wish they would listen to their customers, I'm going to play...............
Don't expect anything different for the next 10 MMO's
A misunderstanding!
It's just that the majority of recent new game mechanics (Deployable Phaser Turret, EMH Science Station, Radiometric Converter, Galaxyamato cannon ) are only available to folk who pay extra post-launch. And folk with the regular game just get the same old same old with higher numbers.
During the first CoH Valentine's Day Event (2005) you could only get the Wreath and Sandals (account wide) if you recruited another player and they subscribed. Otherwise you were out of luck. The year after they added the Wreath and Sandals as a reward for doing the Valentine's Day missions, where they have been achievable ever since on a character by character basis.
There was a huge backlash on the forums and many players just bought second accounts in order to get the goodies. Cryptic swore they would never do in game rewards in such a way again. And what are they doing now? Ship Variants, pets, BOffs as rewards for recruiting? Yeah, same thing but this time you have recruit or buy even more accounts to get them. Yay!
people are hypocritical, they want to feel like thier dollar is worth something and they would rather have TRIBBLE results now then great results later, since this isn't happening (i.e. the game is still being updated and developed as opose to being completely developed appon launch) they are complaining, but that's all they are doing, quick to point the finger but refusing to take up the pitch fork and do something about it, relying on others to do the heavy lifting for them.
that and people are selfish and become jealous easily, i want something he has because he has it.
aswell as being nacassistic, or, just wanting the galaxy for the sake of having it (and so they can brag to people about having it )
1, Money best spent elsewhere in these difficult times
2, (See 1) Have to pick best looking game if any
3, Massive negativity about STO, Cryptic and Atari
4, Perception of STO being a dying (not living and evolving) game
5, Perception of non players that the RAF policy is a money grabbing activity making Cryptic / Atari look desperate
Out of the four people I have tried to recruit since launch, only one has had enough faith in the game to use a buddy key - his key failed so he did not get to play - that is he entered key and all seemed fine but he could not log in.
As much as I sing the praises of the game or defend Cryptic*, I know that it is hard work to try and convince others that signing up is worth it.
I may eventually get that one guy I gave buddy key to in game. As for getting five new players to subscribe, blood and stone comes to mind.
A simple answer to both questions;
The RAF policy looks a lot like a money grab - especially when the ship in question has been offered as an incentive and the whole thing looks like a greedy marketing 'dream' rather than a guenuine and realistic promo.
* I do sing the praises of STO offline but have made comments on the forums that may seem negative at times. Thing is, I like STO and want it to succeed. I sometimes think that the makers are less concerned about the success of the game (from a playerbase point of view) though and more about money.Maybe that is unfair, but this RAF policy does nothing to make me and my non player friends think other ways.
i know =/ it was a retorichal question pointing out that the event was fixed in later years, and that has an extreme player bases and has survived such things as WoW (which took away some players only to have them come back) and even more close to home, champions online, which is just a better graphic version of coh with crappyer content.... the real cohers spotted the difference, didn't much like it and came back.
cryptic is a crappy marketing and they have admitted that, which honestly,i think is complete B.S. they are excellent marketers, letting thier actions speak louder they thier worlds and letting the product speak for it's self ( i know it doesn't seem like that with sto and it's downfalls but its like a marriage, gets better as time passes :P) and they rely more on "word of mouth" as opose to fancy commercials and tv adds, it's also a good way to see how well the game is doing, if more people keep joining, then they are doing something good, if people keep leaving, stop playing, or cancelling subscriptions (like i keep telling people that are disatisfied with the game, to do) they'll clue in and then look at the forums, polls, and player feed back to find out why people are leaving or not playing, and correct the problem...
as it stands, people keep playing even though they are complaining and more people keep subscribing so the problem isn't nearly as big as you would think... the forums are just a tiny foot note of player feed back at the corperate level that atari looks at, and as such is probably the slowest and hardest way to get any type of real changes made..
like ****ing in the ocean to try and change the water level....