I play both sides (get your mind out of the gutter!) and somewhat prefer Klingon except for the lack of missions and this seems almost a good idea (even though it was a bug). After all, as someone mentioned there is a Y axis. What if they keep this and as part of a Klingon skill/ability you could send out a false or multiple 'arrows'? The higher the skill the more false arrows or something... perhaps this is already part of a skill (false signatures) and I'm just missing it...
Lovely, another klingon debuff removed riiiight when it didnt need to be. Should have been fixed simultaneously with the SB/VM nerf, THEN it wouldn't matter. Now pvp is a joke, a joke with no punchline...
Things have been fixed. All is as it should be regarding Cloaks. Kudos to the devs for actually fixing a Klingon issue in very, very short time. The fact that a Klingon issue was fixed upon it being brought up is a nice enough surprise!
Lovely, another klingon debuff removed riiiight when it didnt need to be. Should have been fixed simultaneously with the SB/VM nerf, THEN it wouldn't matter. Now pvp is a joke, a joke with no punchline...
honestly, as a fed speaking, this bug (and thats what it is) made very little difference in a fight, it was just good for scaring the pants off klinks that didn't know we could see them on the map.
The bug was lame overall. It lets you know where the Klingons were generally at. It may not tell you on the Z-axis, but it at least tells you what general direction they'll be coming from, how many there are, and from their points of assembly and what direction they are facing, you can tell exactly who they are going to decloak and concentrate on.
The fact alone that it tells you when the cloaked Klingons are at completely removes any suspense from PvP as a Fed player.
You didn't have to worry if the Bogeyman was hanging around somewhere nearby. You just rolled around like as if on a walk through a park on a warm, sunny day with absolutely no worries. Only when the first red blip showed up that you started getting ready, with the red blip screaming "HEY, US KLINGONS ARE COMING NOW UNDER CLOAK. YOU CAN'T SEE US, BUT ARE YOU READY NOW?!?"
You didn't have to worry if the Bogeyman was hanging around somewhere nearby. You just rolled around like as if on a walk through a park on a warm, sunny day with absolutely no worries."
....After all, as someone mentioned there is a Y axis. What if they keep this and as part of a Klingon skill/ability you could send out a false or multiple 'arrows'? The higher the skill the more false arrows or something... perhaps this is already part of a skill (false signatures) and I'm just missing it...
X and Y axis define the 2D of the map. Z-axis is what gives it depth.
X and Y only tells you coords on a flat map. Z tells you if you are above or below.
Stop arguing about Y-axis.:mad:
The amount of FAIL from all the fedbears on this post is EPIC.... too bad they are all 12 year olds Id like to have an actual argument with them..... so funny fedbears coming on here QQing cuz they cant pvp....sigh.
It was your choice to roll Fed. When the differences became more pronounced between the 2 factions, it was still your choice to stay Fed. From the sound of your post, you haven't even rolled a KDF toon just to see how it was like playing as one, or better yet, experience first hand what it IS like to fight as one.
1) There's a lineup of ships in STO that have a wide variety of ship classes that compliment each other extremely well. Well balanced overall, IMO, and leaning towards durability compared to their counterpart faction's ships. Suited for a standup, prolonged fight, but at the cost of no stealth.
2) There's a lineup of ships in STO that have a more limited scope of ships, but heavily lean towards maneuverability, offense, and stealth. But it comes at a price of less durable ships. "Offense is the best defense" is the mindset here, as well as the stalking hunter, since trading blows with the general lineup of ships for this faction isn't ideal.
You stubbornly choose to be in selection 1, and want to remove or take a piece of a unique characteristic of the opposing faction?
Devs lie all the time, look at swg, aoc, lotro, every korean mmo ever made. I never played wow, so i can't comment on that.
Same thing that leads to stereotyping being mostly true... commonality of experience.
honestly, as a fed speaking, this bug (and thats what it is) made very little difference in a fight, it was just good for scaring the pants off klinks that didn't know we could see them on the map.
The fact alone that it tells you when the cloaked Klingons are at completely removes any suspense from PvP as a Fed player.
You didn't have to worry if the Bogeyman was hanging around somewhere nearby. You just rolled around like as if on a walk through a park on a warm, sunny day with absolutely no worries. Only when the first red blip showed up that you started getting ready, with the red blip screaming "HEY, US KLINGONS ARE COMING NOW UNDER CLOAK. YOU CAN'T SEE US, BUT ARE YOU READY NOW?!?"
What? Like Klingons do all the time?
X and Y only tells you coords on a flat map. Z tells you if you are above or below.
Stop arguing about Y-axis.:mad:
all 12 year olds? on at Noon? On school day?
It was your choice to roll Fed. When the differences became more pronounced between the 2 factions, it was still your choice to stay Fed. From the sound of your post, you haven't even rolled a KDF toon just to see how it was like playing as one, or better yet, experience first hand what it IS like to fight as one.
1) There's a lineup of ships in STO that have a wide variety of ship classes that compliment each other extremely well. Well balanced overall, IMO, and leaning towards durability compared to their counterpart faction's ships. Suited for a standup, prolonged fight, but at the cost of no stealth.
2) There's a lineup of ships in STO that have a more limited scope of ships, but heavily lean towards maneuverability, offense, and stealth. But it comes at a price of less durable ships. "Offense is the best defense" is the mindset here, as well as the stalking hunter, since trading blows with the general lineup of ships for this faction isn't ideal.
You stubbornly choose to be in selection 1, and want to remove or take a piece of a unique characteristic of the opposing faction?