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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    MrSpook wrote:
    Yeah, that was my bad. I only entered preorder. Having two keys for the same game confused me and the second one came later which I didn't pay attention to. Once I entered the second key the billing process came up and all was good.

    The other issue I had was I was looking for a billing link or some link that would give me more account info letting me know exactly what my current sub was. The dashboard isn't informative enough and I had to use an outside link to get the enter key screen. I would suggest redesigning the account interface. I've played many of mmo's from beta to live and never had a problem or issue with setup until now.

    I would be willing to guess that more people have done exactlly what I did.

    If you go to the main page, you will see up at the top right, Account. Go there and you will see your sub and what is currently active on your account. As for inputting your key, its right on the main page on the right hand side. It says Redeem your key, or something on the lines of that.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Hello to all, first I must apologise to the Criptic, technology denied access to the game depends on one of my error of submit key Pre-order. I have purchased the Pre-order Deluxe by activating the key to play in beta after that before it expires the promotion I bought the package 12 months. Now my dushboard I see as "actvate features" is the package Pre-order and the 12 months, but below the section "subscription" there is nothing.
    I tried to validate the key to the package Pre-order Deluxe but in the confirmation asks me to select the type of subscription (where the only possible choice and a new subscription of other 12 months), I note that I suggest (correctly) already enabled the subscription of 12 months. To date now can't play, I opened a reporting I hope in a quick solution.

    Sorry any orthographic errors, I am using a translator.

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