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The one Thing Bad About This Game Is Ungreatful People



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well yes and no.

    It's a good game I agree.

    Is it for everybody? NO WAY not in your wildest dreams!

    People are gonna want refunds simply because no one will make a product that EVERYBODY wants.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ok well i dont think this discussion is going to cause people to quit.
    if it did it would have been removed along time ago.
    but if you were offended well thats fine.
    but what i am saying is that there a few who have been to quick to place blame.
    and not looking at there end of the problem.
    its up to you do what you want.
    but nobody wants to hear this in local chat.
    there is a place for it and thats here on the forum.
    and its fine if people dont fly with me becouse of this.
    i cant stand to hear them whine.
    in eve we would pod members who whined in chat.
    and thats all you will hear for me on this.
    i have spent to much time on this already.
    Bye all
    Good luck and have fun

    Are you posting from a mobile client, or are your posts meant to be "sung"? Or am I the only one seeing weird formatting as though I was reading lyrics?

    srs reply, you seem to be largely intolerant for someone who holds a tolerant and forgiving, albeit fictional, universe/organisation in high esteem. You also seem to be taking it's virtual existence a might to seriously there good buddy. A little less fizzy pop maybe.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Most startrek fans have waited for this game for a while play games like eve till this cam out.
    when it comes out people arnt happy.
    i missed my life time sub due to the fact i liver in australia. our pre order key came out after the deal finished.
    i was in the beta but still missed out. and what realy gets me is i saw a post from a guy trying to get a refund.
    very poor form there i will say.
    there are many out there who would like a life time sub.
    these people need to wake up and realize that they got a good deal.
    or just get lost.
    if you dont have any faith in the game why did you buy it.
    lay off cryptic its not like these people could dont a better job.
    there quick to ***** about anything.
    and have no love for the game.:eek:

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If I could say... PLAY the f'n game I paid for I would be a lot more grateful. I know it's out of the norm to think that using and playing things people paid for is just pure silliness. And once you fanboys and TRIBBLE figure out that they have your money, and now they don't give a rats TRIBBLE about you the sooner. Crypic is a corperation they want money, they do not care about the end consumer, IE you. So when you stop waving their banner in hopes they the give you a pat on the back or a cookie the better. So yeah, when I pay for a product and it's rifled with problems I'm not the most grateful person. When I have a problem and say get customer service and the problem gets resolved in a timely manner you bet I'm grateful. But since we allow this kind of nonsence excuse for launch and people are actually applauding it. It just show why games kept getting dumbed down, because you moron fanboys will bend over and take anything, not only that YOU PAY for it, so quit being consumer *****s and sucking up to companies who just exploit the general populas to fill their pockets... or you can go vote for Obama again...

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Grateful? It is a product I pay for. I am happy with the game and I can accept the bugs and current issues as long as they remain current and not future problems.

    Always two types of people you see on the forums. People who laud a game regardless and people who complain about their consumer rights being violated and the cynical "they are only after our money".

    My understanding is not complete on the development of these games but my current understanding is the following:

    Games developers must receive financial funding from publishers, much like the music industry. It's the publishers who push release dates, because quite frankly they want a return on their investment. Developers therefore need to make their products financially viable and keep up a good reputation within the industry or nobody will publish their game.

    People above are always raging on about developers being money grabbing, immoral bad guys. Look at Warrax23' post, obviously clueless consumer rights ignorance. The developers need to make money sure, they have bills to pay and future projects and people to invest in. Do you honestly think they've spent the best part of two years of their life making this game for fun? That doesn't mean they don't take pride in their work, or enjoy doing it and giving something back to the community.

    Regarding sucking up to companies, every industry doesn't make 100% perfect products. My if you get this upset over loose change like buying games, I'd pay to see your reaction when you spend £100,000 on car for it to fall apart!

    That doesn't mean to say you have to worship the ground these people walk on, they are still putting out a product you pay for, and we should expect a high level of quality control. If they can't meet that level of quality due to technical issues, like most games in this genre, then they need to invest in the support people and structure to help their consumer base address problems.

    You people need to learn to move away from extremes of opinion. There is such a thing as a middle ground you know. If you can't accept that then don't play computer games or buy into anything made by human hands.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i missed my life time sub due to the fact i liver in australia. our pre order key came out after the deal finished.
    i was in the beta but still missed out. and what realy gets me is i saw a post from a guy trying to get a refund.
    very poor form there i will say.

    Nah, poor form would be using an invalid argument to validate your complaint.

    An Aussie with a $260 pre order lifetime sub.

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