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The one Thing Bad About This Game Is Ungreatful People



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    DieScream wrote: »
    I crossed the road the other day and I wasn't run over so I was grateful.

    You must be grateful to Microsoft for selling you that operating system too, and very grateful to your ISP, oh, and super grateful to the good people who made and sold you your monitor, don't forget that nice credit card company, be grateful they allow you to buy a sub!

    Hi....How are you :P
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    well in conclusion to what i have to say
    yes no one can say there is no flaws
    but this is an online game it will get better by the day
    and if this is how it now well then i am here forever
    better than EVE or WOW.
    they are only shadow in comparison to this.
    its time for weak people to leave federation space.
    as they are not Starfleet material.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Most startrek fans have waited for this game for a while play games like eve till this cam out.
    when it comes out people arnt happy.
    i missed my life time sub due to the fact i liver in australia. our pre order key came out after the deal finished.
    i was in the beta but still missed out. and what realy gets me is i saw a post from a guy trying to get a refund.
    very poor form there i will say.
    there are many out there who would like a life time sub.
    these people need to wake up and realize that they got a good deal.
    or just get lost.
    if you dont have any faith in the game why did you buy it.
    lay off cryptic its not like these people could dont a better job.
    there quick to ***** about anything.
    and have no love for the game.:eek:

    Are you for real?

    Do you really go through life grateful that someone has offered your mediocre product to spend your money on?

    I take it when you have brought your meal in a restaurant and its not what you ordered and its not cooked the way you asked, and ita not anywhere near what you were told you were going to get ... you just show them how grateful you are and just eat it?

    And then go back?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    No one has to be grateful that a company accepted their money.

    This man speaks the truth.

    Grateful? For what?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i just guess i was of the generation raised by starfleet.
    and i will defend it to the death.
    in any way shape or form.
    in all its incarnations.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i just guess i was of the generation raised by starfleet.
    and i will defend it to the death.
    in any way shape or form.
    in all its incarnations.

    Wow....just wow. Somebody needs to stop sipping the Koolaid.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    well in conclusion to what i have to say
    yes no one can say there is no flaws
    but this is an online game it will get better by the day
    and if this is how it now well then i am here forever
    better than EVE or WOW.
    they are only shadow in comparison to this.
    its time for weak people to leave federation space.
    as they are not Starfleet material.

    Let me play devil's advocate for you. You claim the game will get better, yet you have no proof. Lets look at how Cryptic managed CoX and particularly CO. CoX progressed at a snails pace until it was sold to NCSoft, CO, well go over to those forums and get a glimpse of how Cryptic treats its customers, and particularly its lifetimers.

    Its not weakness on some of our parts, its experience with this company mate. They will promise you the world but only hand you an empty bottle of scotch.

    Every problem this game has had has happened twice before, they obviously dont learn from their mistakes, luckily some of us former customers have.


    Edit: I am not bashing the IP, I enjoy Star Trek very much. Its the company behind this game that is the issue, dont confuse that when you pull out your flamethrowers.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Zepath wrote: »
    Are you for real?

    Do you really go through life grateful that someone has offered your mediocre product to spend your money on?

    I take it when you have brought your meal in a restaurant and its not what you ordered and its not cooked the way you asked, and ita not anywhere near what you were told you were going to get ... you just show them how grateful you are and just eat it?

    And then go back?

    well to tell you the truth i am not religious but people do that every day with out question.
    and i will do that right now.
    Hallowed be thy StarTrek!!!!!!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Most startrek fans have waited for this game for a while play games like eve till this cam out.
    when it comes out people arnt happy.
    i missed my life time sub due to the fact i liver in australia. our pre order key came out after the deal finished.
    i was in the beta but still missed out. and what realy gets me is i saw a post from a guy trying to get a refund.
    very poor form there i will say.
    there are many out there who would like a life time sub.
    these people need to wake up and realize that they got a good deal.
    or just get lost.
    if you dont have any faith in the game why did you buy it.
    lay off cryptic its not like these people could dont a better job.
    there quick to ***** about anything.
    and have no love for the game.:eek:

    Excuse me but Iv seen better games, better business practises, and better retail launches from MMO's that are FREE TO PLAY with ALOT MORE CONTENT AND ORIGINALITY rather than a cash cow rip off spam an MMO with crappy custormer service.

    So excuse players for expecting more from a PAY TO PLAY SUBSCRIPTION, pre order, with micro transanction mmo, from a company that has made mmo's in the past. Cryptic the company behind the game is the problem. They should be banned from making MMO's after the last couple of trash MMO's they have made plus STO literally emabarassing the star trek franchise by its lame attempt to sucker star trek fans for cash.....:rolleyes:

    Shame it worked on you....and me and everyone else...:rolleyes:

    I for one will be seeing the cryptic logo in the future and running in the other direction even if it is a decent franchise or name behind it.....because....

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Excuse me but Iv seen better games, better business practises, and better retail launches from MMO's that are FREE TO PLAY with ALOT MORE CONTENT AND ORIGINALITY rather than a cash cow rip off spam an MMO with crappy custormer service.

    So excuse players for expecting more from a PAY TO PLAY SUBSCRIPTION, pre order, with micro transanction mmo, from a company that has made mmo's in the past. Cryptic the company behind the game is the problem. They should be banned from making MMO's after the last couple of trash MMO's they have made plus STO literally emabarassing the star trek franchise by its lame attempt to sucker star trek fans for cash.....:rolleyes:

    Shame it worked on you....and me and everyone else...:rolleyes:

    like what name one they all have problems and dont say eve or wow unless your a noob
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'd say the worst part about this game is that i can't login.... and cryptic have ignored my appeal regarding my license key not triggering my retail license for.... 5 days now.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    like what name one they all have problems and dont say eve or wow unless your a noob

    You don't read and your the noob my friend....eve and wow are NOT FREE TO PLAY.....:rolleyes:

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    sigh i feel this is but a small picture of our great nation. We are pushed to keep our mouths shut when things seem wrong to us. all we hear is most peole think its ok get over it. And if we dont just fall in line then we are attacked as tea baggers or rasict ect ect.

    I gave cryptic 239.00 for a liftime sub i had my concerns but did like the perk to do so. But game play last nite was not good alot of lag issues packet loss ect. Now i know people will say all the same things get a better rig and so on.

    But thier were no less than 60 other peole in the same sector saying the same thing. and had 4 missions that not only i but no one could do. you go into the mission and get droped from server and you were in limbo for 20 min till you logged on 10 time to get droped back in sector space. and that was not the olly issues and it all stems from then short sheeting on servers.

    They even admit thier servers arent up to the load being put on them and they need to make changes. well for a company that hyped the game as the best game in years, and knew the projected sales of copies would be close to 600,000. Well lets just say they showed at the least bad judgement,at the most down right greed to not set up a server network that would handle the load of all the player they knew were going to play.

    so at least the last time i looked if you pay for a service and the company dose not deliver on what they promised you have a right to be angry and say somthing
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    you failed to make a relavent contribution do you have anything real to say or you just one of those guys that talk TRIBBLE in forums.
    its clear you have no idea "Pressing spacebar over and over again aint "skills". YES, to full autofire."
    What TRIBBLE go play eve sit over 100km away and exchange rail fire.

    Man, are you here to bash anyone who has a common sense or a functional mind? You are the guy who doesnt return a broken device to the store becasue your gratefull that they sold it to you in the first place , right?

    Damn, MMOs are tricky stuff but that does not imply that we have to be on our knees to paytest it.

    You know most of the peeps that are ranting here , LIKE the game and want it to become BETTER, yeah.

    And calling eveyone Moron or 'sad little man' wont get you any friends.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Most startrek fans have waited for this game for a while play games like eve till this cam out.
    when it comes out people arnt happy.
    i missed my life time sub due to the fact i liver in australia. our pre order key came out after the deal finished.
    i was in the beta but still missed out. and what realy gets me is i saw a post from a guy trying to get a refund.
    very poor form there i will say.
    there are many out there who would like a life time sub.
    these people need to wake up and realize that they got a good deal.
    or just get lost.
    if you dont have any faith in the game why did you buy it.
    lay off cryptic its not like these people could dont a better job.
    there quick to ***** about anything.
    and have no love for the game.:eek:

    You sir need to wake up and grow up.

    People aren't ungrateful they are annoyed at various and unavoidable inadequacies.

    Being grateful to a company that supplies you a substandard service is the same as going to the restaurant of the chef that gave you food poisoning and saying "I know you failed to do a good job and generally ripped me off but thanks anyway, I appreciate it"

    I am a lifetimer but a realist and so far disappointed. I am going to leave the game to lose half it's subs as it inevitably will then come back to a hopefully more stable and polished product. Sycophantic fanboys irritate me. I have always loved Star Trek but this game represents an epic fail for me thus far.

    The fact is this is a poor job at the IP so far, just ramming Star Trek into a Champions Online sized box and pass it off as original content. They could easily have done a better job but that would involve listening to the community which is something they are incapable of doing they just lie and brush problems under the carpet while sitting back and raking in the dollar.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i just guess i was of the generation raised by starfleet.
    and i will defend it to the death.
    in any way shape or form.
    in all its incarnations.

    Why are people taking this "Troll" serious...you mean you people have no clue who this really is ?

    *coughs* Hi cryptic.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i agree with the op here what a lot of people have not taken in to account is this is an online game it will have problems.
    when disney land opened nothing worked.
    yet its still there.
    from what i see most of the complaning has come from small minded players who like to see there name on a post.
    who are not will to watch the game develop in to what they want.
    or help with constructive comments.
    normaly i would't bother posting becouse you always get people talking rubbish and the one guy whos only skill is to spell check your post.
    well some of you need a life.
    Posting in a forum isn't a life.
    and i dont think he has anything to do with cryptic.
    just sounds like the small minded people got to him.
    there getting to me.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I am only allowed to be an ungrateful player.


    Because I can play for about 5 minutes, and then spend the next hour trying to get back on because it booted me.

    I'll have an opinion about the game when I can have a good stretch of play time.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The community killed SWG also, not SOE
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I agree with the OP, I am very grateful that Cryptic let me into the Beta so I could see how bad this game actually plays, it saved me £40, Cheers Cryptic, I am very grateful. :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    DigiMatt wrote: »
    I am only allowed to be an ungrateful player.


    Because I can play for about 5 minutes, and then spend the next hour trying to get back on because it booted me.

    I'll have an opinion about the game when I can have a good stretch of play time.

    i not saying your all ungreatful its just some are intent on killing the game b4 its got a chance to be good.
    and thats pretty sad.
    the game works fine for me yes i have seen some rubberbanding but there are ways to fix it.
    a good 80% of the time its on our end not cryptic's.
    i was a long time eve player and it had way more problems lag and not being able to log on.
    and its been around since 2003.
    and it was TRIBBLE back then.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i not saying your all ungreatful its just some are intent on killing the game b4 its got a chance to be good.
    and thats pretty sad.
    the game works fine for me yes i have seen some rubberbanding but there are ways to fix it.
    a good 80% of the time its on our end not cryptic's.
    i was a long time eve player and it had way more problems lag and not being able to log on.
    and its been around since 2003.
    and it was TRIBBLE back then.
    80% of the time on OUR end and their are ways to fix it? Attention everyone, we have a Network expert here ready to solve our connection issues. I am all ears!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    No, but I am profoundly crotchety.

    Still, it is utterly absurd to expect gratitude for a service simply rendered for payment. There is a point at which going above and beyond reasonable expectation for the compensation provided engenders gratitude, but right now Cryptic doesn't even have to duck to limbo under that bar. There are goods specifically listed in the terms of sale that have not been provided to me by the time promised. No, gratitude is not even remotely appropriate.

    Expectation of gratitude usually goes with ideas of superiority or entitlement.

    A person with a whip might say that a person should be grateful for only getting 10 lashes, but that is because in his perspective, 10 was being nice by his judgement of what is fair. Guy getting the lash would have a different view of things, if the reason was unwarranted.

    There are people that believe in many different views of who has the right to set rules. If a king says the peasants should be happy he doesn't burn their houses down, that is because of his perspective. If a peasant says the king should feel lucky they have not done more then talk about him, that is from the peasants perspective.

    If you think every person in a game is given something by the game, then they are lucky to be able to play at all, if you think the game company exists because of player money, then they are lucky to have people that are patient.

    Statements such as the OP title, include the perspective of the person saying them.

    However I do appreciate millions of people, including the people making this game better. Better in my perspective of coarse being based on my perceptions and the positions I offer arguments for. I also appreciate the hard work they did to get the mechanics of game right, even if there are issues with parts of it.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i not saying your all ungreatful its just some are intent on killing the game b4 its got a chance to be good.
    and thats pretty sad.
    the game works fine for me yes i have seen some rubberbanding but there are ways to fix it.
    a good 80% of the time its on our end not cryptic's.
    i was a long time eve player and it had way more problems lag and not being able to log on.
    and its been around since 2003.
    and it was TRIBBLE back then.

    I have to quote you here, "some are intent on killing the game b4 its got a chance to be good"

    moron or troll, whatever you are, you claim to be a fan of the game but in several posts just on this thread I see you tell people to leave the game and go back to wow or eve.

    Unless you are sending Cryptic a subscription for every player you persuade to leave, you're killing the game.
    I would rather play with anyone of the "sad" people who have posted thus far than spend one minute in game with you.
    Please stop asking people to quit the game, I dont want to be left cruising in game with low population.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    like what name one they all have problems and dont say eve or wow unless your a noob

    Atlantica Online, free to play. Has micro transactions but they are not required to play the game. They are only perks to make some parts easier.

    They had no downtime problems or major bugs when the game was in beta or release.

    Very cool turnbased MMORPG. Too bad by the time it had actually released I had been in beta long enough I hit lvl 100 a few times.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You have to remember that the majority of players who may be very happy with the game will not come here to say so. They will just quietly enjoy the game.

    The amount of users that are active and vocal on these forums will be a small subset of the larger user base.

    And those players that do get ultra-ticked off are much more likely to come here to complain than those that are happy.

    As a forum hound I try to help even it out a bit by voicing my support and my enjoyment of the game. I've been waiting for this game for about 2 years now and I am thrilled to death that it's finally here. Lifetime subscriber and look forward to many hours of play over the coming years.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ok well i dont think this discussion is going to cause people to quit.
    if it did it would have been removed along time ago.
    but if you were offended well thats fine.
    but what i am saying is that there a few who have been to quick to place blame.
    and not looking at there end of the problem.
    its up to you do what you want.
    but nobody wants to hear this in local chat.
    there is a place for it and thats here on the forum.
    and its fine if people dont fly with me becouse of this.
    i cant stand to hear them whine.
    in eve we would pod members who whined in chat.
    and thats all you will hear for me on this.
    i have spent to much time on this already.
    Bye all
    Good luck and have fun
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Guys, judging by the grammar and spelling of the replies thus far from the OP (and yes I have bored myself reading them), I would say that this is a young uneducated person merely trying to boost his post count by creating an incendiary thread. He/she doesn't accept or debate replies, simply because he/she can't understand them, merely mocking them as a result. The fact that the economic implications are all completely ignored implies to me that the fiscal element of playing this game has no impact on this person, therefore possibly implying that their subscription is parentally funded. Perhaps a method of dissuading this type of posting would be to only allow people to post on the forums if they can prove that the CC they use to subscribe is in fact their own, not their parents. It might radically improve the maturity levels.

    I would say that we're wasting our time with this one. Perhaps he/she's on a prolonged break from school, and will have to go back soon... we live in hope.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'm enjoying the game so far.

    Not bad for a week old release. We'll see how it goes.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well maybe you have a 100 bucks to give up for a game that half the time one can't log in but i don't. It's not that the game isn't kool.,most startrek fans will love it i just think a company that don't prepare servers while taking folks hard earned my should be run out of town....my money is gone now thats that by the way i am able to respond this post cause I AM NOT ALLOWED TO LOG IN AT THIS FREEKING TIME.............:mad:
This discussion has been closed.