Epitome of an innocent caught between matters beyond their control and then paying the ultimate price. Jaded innocence is a fuel that burns hot, though.
OK then....Alien Captain Draco of the USS MUSTANG in OB. Just casual but like all Navy seamen I kinda fell for her ( and I liked the original '67 auto)
Liked it so much I took it on over to headstart. Now its...
LT4 Horatio Richard Bolitho (nick - Jason - golden haired)
Horatio Hornblower, Richard Bolitho and Cap'n Hazard are my lifelong companions
Thinking about names such as Jaques Cousteau (Explorer and sea scientist)
Calypso (his wonderful ship and love the John Denver song)
Also 'Durendal"...Sword of Charleroi (Charles Magnus - Charlemagne)
And mabey the 'Charon'...to lead you cross the river to death
Final cute quote: Inimicus - Amicus - Politicus....Enemy before you, friend beside you, politician behind you - Be afraid !!!
I chose the U.S.S. Zebulon. This was derived from the name Zebular, an old child-hood nick-name of mine that I have no idea how I got. All I can recall from child-hood is that one of my many hundreds of German relatives called me Zebular whenever he would address me. Sometime in my late-teens, I embraced the nickname and have used it ever since. Yes, I did come up with "Zebulon" without even knowing it was once used as an actual planet name in some science-fiction somewhere that I cannot recall. I was surprised to one day find it on google many years later.
Mayhaps I am really an alien from the planet Zebulon, adopted by my parents, who won't admit to it and this relative of mine wanted me to know the "truth."
Before I got into the game I was considering USS Sulu :P He was one of my favorite characters in the original series, and I figured it'd make sense to name a ship after him after all these years. Don't think the name would work out now though.
Before I got into the game I was considering USS Sulu :P He was one of my favorite characters in the original series, and I figured it'd make sense to name a ship after him after all these years. Don't think the name would work out now though.
You should go with the "U.S.S. Sulu Homage" then, for that would be synonymous with giving honor to Sulu.
However, Starfleet has a long history of naming ships after famous officers, so the U.S.S. Sulu should be expected at some point. Unless there already is one in Starfleet History, that is.
Most welcome. I am glad I still can recollect my English and Grammar properly, that is just about the only thing I have that hasn't completely failed me yet. :eek:
Just be aware that there are those who won't know the meaning of Homage and might think you're trying to just copy Sulu's name. Any educated GM should be able to understand however.
I like that... I suggested the USS Higgs-Bosun for the Deep Space exploration vessel.. It too would have been a proper science based name for a science based vessel.
I havn't decided on my ship name yet but I will change it per ship type. Im also going to base it on what I find suitable for that kind of ship. Im eventually going to be piloting a Tier 5 cruiser and ill probably end up calling it something similar or along the lines of Juggernaut, Titan, Colossus etc
Mine is the USS Nimiz Named for Adm. Nimitz also the name of the ship / local chapter of the Star trek Intrnational fan club which I have been a member of for around 10 years now
USS Enlightenment - as in enlightened self interest.
Captain John Taggart
They may think that absence of money in Starfleet means some kind of utopian, post-capitalist society but I laugh at that. On the USS Enlightenment, trade is recognized as the highest form of respect between intelligent, rational life forms. A gold plate mounted above the main deflector array reads "A is A."
Borrowed from the song 'Cygnus X-1' by RUSH on the album "A Farewell to Kings". It's the story of a voyager who flies his ship into a Black Hole and it goes a little something like this:
In the constellation of
Cygnus, there lurks a
mysterious, invisible
force: the black hole
of Cygnus X-1...
Six Stars of the Northern Cross
In mourning for their
sister's loss
In a final flash of glory
Nevermore to grace the night...
Invisible to telescopic eye
Infinity, the star
that would not die
All who dare to cross her course
Are swallowed by her
fearsome force
Through the void
To be destroyed
Or is there something more?
Atomized...at the core?
Or through the Astral Door?
To soar...
I set a course just east of Lyra
And northwest of Pegasus
Flew into the light of Deneb
Sailed across the Milky Way
On my ship, the 'Rocinante'
Wheeling through the galaxies
Headed for the heart of Cygnus
Headlong into mystery
The x-ray is her siren song
My ship cannot resist her long
Nearer to my deadly goal
Until the black hole
Gains control...
Spinning, whirling
Still descending
Like a spiral sea
Sound and fury
Drown my heart
Every nerve
Is torn apart...
To be continued... (on their next concept album "Hemispheres")
Rocinante is also the name of Don Quixote's horse, loosely translated as 'no longer a nag'
NCC-630405-V .... 630405 is the YYMMDD of first contact and the V is for Vulcans ...So first contact with the Vulcans
the remembrance of humanity and its last stand...
U.S.S. Anaximander
U.S.S. Xenophanes
I can think of a few more - theres still lots of presocratic philosophers to chose from
Look her up here if you don't already know.
Epitome of an innocent caught between matters beyond their control and then paying the ultimate price. Jaded innocence is a fuel that burns hot, though.
Liked it so much I took it on over to headstart. Now its...
LT4 Horatio Richard Bolitho (nick - Jason - golden haired)
Horatio Hornblower, Richard Bolitho and Cap'n Hazard are my lifelong companions
Thinking about names such as Jaques Cousteau (Explorer and sea scientist)
Calypso (his wonderful ship and love the John Denver song)
Also 'Durendal"...Sword of Charleroi (Charles Magnus - Charlemagne)
And mabey the 'Charon'...to lead you cross the river to death
Final cute quote: Inimicus - Amicus - Politicus....Enemy before you, friend beside you, politician behind you - Be afraid !!!
Mayhaps I am really an alien from the planet Zebulon, adopted by my parents, who won't admit to it and this relative of mine wanted me to know the "truth."
>>insert X-Files theme music<<
A nod to the Revelation Space series of novels by Alastair Reynolds
Some of the greatest modern sci-fi ever written
Go read and let it blow your mind
Because this game is like opening Pandora's box for me. If it weren't for server outages, I might not get any sleep.
However, Starfleet has a long history of naming ships after famous officers, so the U.S.S. Sulu should be expected at some point. Unless there already is one in Starfleet History, that is.
Good idea, thanks.
This is also the name I submitted during the contest to name the Star Cruiser. Unfortunately they chose Emisary but there is no counting for taste.
When I submitted it I doubt they even got the reference.
Most welcome. I am glad I still can recollect my English and Grammar properly, that is just about the only thing I have that hasn't completely failed me yet. :eek:
Just be aware that there are those who won't know the meaning of Homage and might think you're trying to just copy Sulu's name. Any educated GM should be able to understand however.
USS Tesla.
Nikola Tesla
I like that... I suggested the USS Higgs-Bosun for the Deep Space exploration vessel.. It too would have been a proper science based name for a science based vessel.
I honestly had no idea, before playing this that is, that there was a ship class Vigilant. Either way though, it's a bad-TRIBBLE name.
Captain John Taggart
They may think that absence of money in Starfleet means some kind of utopian, post-capitalist society but I laugh at that. On the USS Enlightenment, trade is recognized as the highest form of respect between intelligent, rational life forms. A gold plate mounted above the main deflector array reads "A is A."
Borrowed from the song 'Cygnus X-1' by RUSH on the album "A Farewell to Kings". It's the story of a voyager who flies his ship into a Black Hole and it goes a little something like this:
Cygnus X-1, Book One: the Voyage
(click to listen)
Rocinante is also the name of Don Quixote's horse, loosely translated as 'no longer a nag'