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So Steam screwed me. 10Gb patch.



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Full_Metal wrote: »
    Ok I guess you still dont understand...

    This is a REQUIREMENT for Steam Beta Games... It needs to get the full release to make sure there are no Beta files that will F any thing up. I have used Steam for Years and have never had one issue with it. If a game comes out of beta (Even if the Beta game is a 1:1 copy of the Retail Steam/Valve requires a full download of the game again) this only happends one time and only one time. Its not that big of a deal.

    No, i guess not. I can leave it updating while i sleep. Just very angry that i didnt know this was going to happen...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    dirwulf wrote: »
    You people are all a bunch of frilling whiners. Do you know what 'delay of gratification" means. Its only going to be a few hours. So the frel what? Calm your nerd rage down and go get laid or something. Pu55sy is a hell of a lot better than STO anyway.

    You see how everyone got on your nerves and you couldn't resist the urge to speak up????

    That's the same urge the rest of us are getting with steam.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I've tried 6 different steam servers and I can't get better than 85 - 120KB/s. ARGHHHH!

    14-16 hours at this rate!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Corinthar wrote: »
    Full, although I'm sure many of us value your insight, I would wager that 90% of STO's population will not have a link which will download anything like as fast as yours does, going off the figures you stated.

    Personally I have the fastest connection available to me in my area and I'm downloading via Steam at an average of 812K/Sec. If you do the calculations you can see that it will take me a good 5-6 hours (assuming there is no dropout) to re-download the client, even though the client I have alowed me to log in and create a character befoer disconnecting me before I could play it! Steam didn't crash out, the game dc'd me and now I'm forced to download the client again even though the files are identical (besides the version numbers, they just re-stamped the final OP files with the first retail version numbers). I'm frustrated, and I'm sure the rest of the 90% of STO's population who don't have a rediculous link feel the same.

    Try and have a little empathy for those less fortunate then you :P

    I was really getting at; that Steam has a far better download speed then Cryptic and should be used for the game updates any ways if possible. Not trying to rub any thing in. I know most people on steam wont have my connection speed and I bet even less have my crazy TRIBBLE 4 Modem setup. Again I meant no disrespect I was just pointing out that Steam is faster in the long run.

    Make sure you are pointed to a nearby download server also.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Full_Metal wrote: »
    Ok I guess you still dont understand...

    This is a REQUIREMENT for Steam Beta Games... It needs to get the full release to make sure there are no Beta files that will F any thing up. I have used Steam for Years and have never had one issue with it. If a game comes out of beta (Even if the Beta game is a 1:1 copy of the Retail Steam/Valve requires a full download of the game again) this only happends one time and only one time. Its not that big of a deal.

    Please tell me, once my cryptic launcher here has reached 100%, if I use the .exe directly from the steamapps folder, the game will work? Just make sure Steam is not running at all, right?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Wish steam or cryptic would do something, Cryptic staff are probably all drunk by now, STOP CELEBRATING and please PAY attention to the issues!

    This is why they don't allow drinks at the work place!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Is there any commonality as to who is being forced to reload?

    I'm using Vista-64.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Sslack wrote: »
    Wish steam or cryptic would do something, Cryptic staff are probably all drunk by now, STOP CELEBRATING and please PAY attention to the issues!

    This is why they don't allow drinks at the work place!

    Lack of support for a product is RULE #1 you don't break if you want a successful MMO.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    DieScream wrote: »
    Please tell me, once my cryptic launcher here has reached 100%, if I use the .exe directly from the steamapps folder, the game will work? Just make sure Steam is not running at all, right?

    You'll be fine Die.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Saskifried wrote:
    I understand this perfectly.. I'm just trying to clarify what you said.. You said this redownload was happening to steam clients, and I noticed that.. However I have 2 clients, and the one outside of steam is still making me redownload and I'm using the patcher not steam, which means it isn't exactly a steam only issue.. I'm downloading as fast as my ISP allows from Cryptic anyways, so using steam wouldn't matter there... My steam client folder was wiped, and is sitting at 1 gig or so, the bit I downloaded thru steam.. Im running the other client which is sitting at almost 8 gigs, yet its forcing me to redownload... It is a redundant download for some reason, and its straining Cryptic servers cause that is where I'm downloading from.. I'm trying to clarify things thats all.. 27.8% done! 8 hours or so to download the same files I already have on my hard drive... See my confusion? lol.. Yet people are playing and haven't had to download the files again.. I'm slowly trying to realize whats going on, because I have the time now hehe =)

    Yah, thats very odd that Cryptic its self is forcing that redownload on you. I know Atari is also forcing it. And I agree this is all a waist of bandwidth and all they should of done was is do a MD5 hash check to see if all the files where their and fix the ones that need fixed/updated.

    But this is the way its been done for the last 7 years now? God I have been using steam forever >.< lol
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    DieScream wrote: »
    Please tell me, once my cryptic launcher here has reached 100%, if I use the .exe directly from the steamapps folder, the game will work? Just make sure Steam is not running at all, right?

    It should, most of the Games from steam will lunch from any folder but some have a small lunch encryption that requires steam to be logged in to run but I dont think STO falls under that.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Nope it will be a Steam TRIBBLE with his PC via registry setting and such issue. If he has access to a second net pc he'll want to copy over his working /up to date STO install and try launching it from that (as long as it doesn't have steam on it). That will tell him right away.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    As long as I don't have to DL it a 3rd time then I have no problem with this. beta was over 2 days ago you think if any company had half a brain they would of let everyone get there downloads correct and updated before servers went up.

    I mean Im sorry if I took the day off wanting to play the game then watch it re download.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Just another story of someone who didn't read the forums before launching, and is left with a 10GB download.

    I'm not too ****ed really, just annoyed that I'll have to wait longer to play, as by the time my download is finished, I'll be at a mates bucks party, and with church all day sunday, it'll probably be monday before I get to play.

    But I will have all day monday and tuesday to play. Yay for unemployment!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Nope it will be a Steam TRIBBLE with his PC via registry setting and such issue. Ih he has access to a second net pc he'll want to copy over his working /up to date STO install and try launching it from that (as long as it doesn't have steam on it). That will tell him right away.

    I agree making a backup will be the best bet... But moving the game out will not TRIBBLE with any "registry settings" basicly if you move a game out of the Steam Directory (Do it with steam shut down) when you log back in it will just say you need to download it again. That is all ^_^
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I can see Steam not wanting any beta files left over.

    But then why wait until about an hour after head start, starts?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    You'll be fine Die.

    I hope so, I hate these kinds of issues. Not so much the wait either, the waste of 10Gb of DL on my account sucks too. After being disappointed this morning, and waiting all day, I guess I'm paranoid it will all be for naught again.
    Full_Metal wrote: »
    It should, most of the Games from steam will lunch from any folder but some have a small lunch encryption that requires steam to be logged in to run but I dont think STO falls under that.

    Ok, well I made the shortcut direct from the steamapps folder, so I'll cross my fingers and eyes and hope when I click it....in several hours when the DL finishes:mad:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    bodean wrote:
    Lack of support for a product is RULE #1 you don't break if you want a successful MMO.

    Dang, guess I have to wait and see what happens, Hopefully it'll at least let me on before AVP comes out...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Enizer wrote:
    go into the steam subfolder that stores the game, copy the game somewhere else, make a shortcut to that gameclient directly, and voila, game is running, OUTSIDE steam :)
    just did that myself :)

    That is what I did. Make a copy to the "Star Trek Online.exe" file on your desktop and you're good to go. No need to have Steam launch it - EVER.... Just using steam for the keys.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Full_Metal wrote: »
    I agree making a backup will be the best bet... But moving the game out will not TRIBBLE with any "registry settings" basicly if you move a game out of the Steam Directory (Do it with steam shut down) when you log back in it will just say you need to download it again. That is all ^_^

    Probably best in the long term to keep it updated via Steam then?

    So... have you fully downloaded again via Steam?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    you're missing my point. Steam will have STO registry settings in place that effect Star Trek Online.exe.

    I'd also bet it makes sure that the path for that exe is where steam wants it.

    So even though steam may not be running, there'd still be steam related registry entries affecting any STO exe on his pc

    it's simple enough to test. I might even do it now.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    DieScream wrote: »
    I hope so, I hate these kinds of issues. Not so much the wait either, the waste of 10Gb of DL on my account sucks too. After being disappointed this morning, and waiting all day, I guess I'm paranoid it will all be for naught again.

    Ok, well I made the shortcut direct from the steamapps folder, so I'll cross my fingers and eyes and hope when I click it....in several hours when the DL finishes:mad:

    I hear you DieScream. I'm in Aus and i got up at 5am to get stuck into my headstart only to have this happen.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Full_Metal wrote: »
    Only took me 15 mins to update on steam. Maybe look at a Faster connections ?

    yeah that works when your in a major city in the US, I how ever live in remote far north Queensland in Australia

    this makes me so frustrated, I'm not even sure I want to play anymore

    and where the F**k is the Dev post about this issue, someone needs there TRIBBLE kicked

    I'm just really glad i didnt buy a life time sub
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    WHY oh WHY does Cryptic remain SILENT on this issue? Damn!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    you're missing my point. Steam will have STO registry settings in place that effect Star Trek Online.exe.

    I'd also bet it makes sure that the path for that exe is where steam wants it.

    So even though steam may not be running, there'd still be steam related registry entries affecting any STO exe on his pc

    it's simple enough to test. I might even do it now.

    I dont think MMO's need any reg keys to run.

    EVE online is a good example of this. It is just a standalone folder with all the files it needs to run within it. So even if you format windows, so long as it is on a different partition or hd. It will continue to run.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Full_Metal wrote: »
    Yah, thats very odd that Cryptic its self is forcing that redownload on you. I know Atari is also forcing it. And I agree this is all a waist of bandwidth and all they should of done was is do a MD5 hash check to see if all the files where their and fix the ones that need fixed/updated.

    But this is the way its been done for the last 7 years now? God I have been using steam forever >.< lol

    I expected Steam would want to re-download the client when I noticed in beta the install said - beta at the end... I totally understood steam would make people re-download the retail client. However less than 2 hours before head start, no patch, no update or even a post warning users they'd need to re-download.. I was happy I had 2 installs, because steam wiped the files and started re-downloading.. So I closed steam, rebooted the comp and ran the launcher from the other install.. the install with 8 gigs physical size on my hard drive, meaning, it wasn't or isn't connected to steam.. I ran that launcher and since then, hours ago, Ive been downloading..

    Whatever, I'm just wondering why they didnt allow people to download prior to head start? Games always do this so people aren't slamming servers downloading the clients when the servers are open to play... I mean, this isn't new... Waiting on a official explanation, however what is that going to help? I still have to sit and download redundant files without any prior notice I'd have to do so.. :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    So... have you fully downloaded again via Steam?

    Yes, Logged in and every just fine. Still waiting for my Borg though >.>
    you're missing my point. Steam will have STO registry settings in place that effect Star Trek Online.exe.

    I'd also bet it makes sure that the path for that exe is where steam wants it.

    So even though steam may not be running, there'd still be steam related registry entries affecting any STO exe on his pc

    it's simple enough to test. I might even do it now.

    Actually Steam doesn't keep track of settings like that. The game keeps track of the settings. I was the Lead Beta Tester of Metal Drift and had to constantly move TRIBBLE around and delete stuff and no issues at all from steam. All steam really does with 3rd party company's is basically download the files for you create links and keep files verified if requested by the user thats about it. Unless the game says Steam Cloud by it there is no issues by removing it (as long as steam is shut down)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    devilrage wrote:
    I dont think MMO's need any reg keys to run.

    EVE online is a good example of this. It is just a standalone folder with all the files it needs to run within it. So even if you format windows, so long as it is on a different partition or hd. It will continue to run.

    Hehe well i am sitting in regedit on my machine right now and so far i've found 3 Star trek Online - Cryptic entries and about 5 Steam related STO entries.

    This is on an XP Pro 64 box btw

    ooh looky

    HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1265068887-3614117442-1743110360-1002\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache = c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\star trek online\Star Trek Online.exe
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Saskifried wrote:
    I expected Steam would want to re-download the client when I noticed in beta the install said - beta at the end... I totally understood steam would make people re-download the retail client. However less than 2 hours before head start, no patch, no update or even a post warning users they'd need to re-download.. I was happy I had 2 installs, because steam wiped the files and started re-downloading.. So I closed steam, rebooted the comp and ran the launcher from the other install.. the install with 8 gigs physical size on my hard drive, meaning, it wasn't or isn't connected to steam.. I ran that launcher and since then, hours ago, Ive been downloading..

    Whatever, I'm just wondering why they didnt allow people to download prior to head start? Games always do this so people aren't slamming servers downloading the clients when the servers are open to play... I mean, this isn't new... Waiting on a official explanation, however what is that going to help? I still have to sit and download redundant files without any prior notice I'd have to do so.. :p

    Actually Cryptic control's when the downloads go out. When I was working with Black Jacket Studios and their game Metal Drift every time they released a client update they submitted it and it only took about 12hrs to post on steams end and then start distributing the game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Hehe well i am sitting in regedit on my machine right now and so far i've found 3 Star trek Online - Cryptic entries and about 5 Steam related STO entries.

    This is on an XP Pro 64 box btw

    Only one way to find out i guess... ;)
This discussion has been closed.