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Unexpected Downtime (January 23, 2010)



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Servers not responding again...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Lol...... That must have taken FOREVER to put together. Though, I could only read 80% of it, wall of text.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    TCA16 wrote: »
    Lol...... That must have taken FOREVER to put together. Though, I could only read 80% of it, wall of text.

    No, not really...26 minutes...Just enough time to try slamming the login servers again (how long before I start hexing packet headers now? ;))...

    You think that was long? Clearly you've not read my routine posts that actually hit the character limit per post :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I cant focus on posts that long, unless I am forming a rebuttal. I like to keep things short and sweet, 2 - 3 sentences + a few run-on sentences to keep it in my criteria.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Perhaps, young one...Perhaps...

    Let me tell you this, though...That saying your father liked so much, the one you carry around, likely came from the sum of his own experiences in life, not from a book or from some indy-film about family and life. Or from any other media source except himself.

    You will discover what he means as you grow older...That you can be sure of. We all do, at some point...Some of us mature a little more slowly than others (can't count how many 30 year-old man-children are in this thread so far...Stopped after I counted about 47 people spamming nonsense just to hike post-counts and try to provoke something from the moderators...Most of the people aren't genuinely children, a lot are simply impatient fools who should have learned better than to behave this way many years ago)...

    When are you going to update your forum avatar pic to reflect your in-game version of yourself...? Oops! Forgot I still have not done so yet, my bad...;)

    There are many ways to dupe yourself (to an extent) in the game, at least facially...I like the ability to adjust for weight, too...That is really a nice touch, considering how many of us Trek lifers around here are about as bad as Doohan used to be. Trust me, I know...I grew up just two blocks from him, and frequently bumped into him while shopping, but always asking my mother and me to not talk about him, he did not like the fanfare...I always respected him for that, he knew when his time for public nonsense was over...

    Ironic that I end up being equally as heavy as he was later in life...Of course, I have genetic issues that cannot be resolved (not even sure if they should be, sometimes), so standard weight loss simply never works with me...

    Bah! Anyway, you have every right to stand up for yourself...Just don't go too far like the rest of these people tend to...;)

    Oh, and no, I'm afraid I cannot accept invitations, please, do not trouble yourself...I am probably not too much older than you are, but with females these days, age is the hardest thing to define at a distance...Between makeup and kids in general wanting to look 20 by the time they are 15, even to extent that they force their thick-headed parents into letting them get...Well, "physical augmentation" might be the most gentle term to use for it...

    Altering your body so young, it ruins you ten years later...I've seen it happen to a few people, not pretty to see after 5-10 years...

    I will never understand a lot of the things 'normal' people are doing these days, period. Perhaps it is better that I do not...Sigh...Then I have to observe endless trolling on simple outage threads like this...Not a one of these trolls likely has open beta, and if they do, they aren't reporting bugs if they slam into a brick wall...So far, I have been pretty lucky in avoiding bugs outside the Delta Volanus (or whatever it's called) sector...That place needs another bug-squashing run, guys...Very annoying, there...Especially that one mission to secure a former Starfleet base over-run by Orions, I always get through 2/3 of the enemy groups, then when I get to the final room, I still don't find a third group of them, very annoying bug...Just one example among many.

    I've submitted bug reports about it, and it seems like others reported on the same issues, so I'm wondering when they'll fix some of those bugged missions in that sector...

    Sorry, was getting distracted...Always doing that stuff...

    Anyway, just remember that everyone usually finds their path(s) in life, but not if they actually try to search for them...People must be patient enough to let things come to them in that regard. Kids have an instinct to search for such answers instead of simply waiting for the answers to come to them with experience and age.

    Stay true to yourself, even in the game if you have to, and ignore the trolls...Even me...I wish more people in the game would learn that concept and stop the nonsense in threads of this sort...

    altering what? I'm perfectly happy with myself as is. I wear very little makeup and have no desire for cosmetic enhancement if that's what you meant.

    thank you for the rest.

    that saying is not my dad's, he doesn;t know where he got it either, but I do nderstand it more than you might think. 24 years is not a long time on the planet, but a lot can happen in that time :-)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    altering what? I'm perfectly happy with myself as is. I wear very little makeup and have no desire for cosmetic enhancement if that's what you meant.

    thank you for the rest.

    that saying is not my dad's, he doesn;t know where he got it either, but I do nderstand it more than you might think. 24 years is not a long time on the planet, but a lot can happen in that time :-)

    I think he was referring to women in general. I do not think he could get that much information from your picture. lol.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    It's Down Again!!!:mad:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I'm playing perfectly fine.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    It's Down Again!!!:mad:

    is not!!!!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    So is Utopia NOW? :P
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    TCA16 wrote: »
    I cant focus on posts that long, unless I am forming a rebuttal. I like to keep things short and sweet, 2 - 3 sentences + a few run-on sentences to keep it in my criteria.

    Heh...Yeah, I do have a habit of just cutting loose...I do know better, but my instincts get in the way. I would imagine a lot of people trolling threads the way they have been over the last week probably just troll for the same reason, they just use it to spam nonsense about server admin that they have no actual training or experience to talk about the subject...Or to talk smack about booze or something else just for kicks...Pretty f'n stupid when threads degrade into p-contests over who has a better beer or stout...

    Bah! Compared to 24+-year Scotch, that stuff is still water...I just wish we had Aldeberan Whiskey, that stuff was supposed to be stronger than Scotch...

    I remember one episode of TOS (too lazy to look up the name/number right now), where Scotty lured a Klink into his quarters and started sharing drinks with 'em, they went through all of his Scotch, even the stuff from the 20th he had stashed away...Eventually he brought up the Aldeberan and the Klink finally passed out...Heh...Should have just gotten a sedative from McCoy and slipped it into the Klink's drink, then he'd have saved the Scotch. Forget the whales! We must save the 20th century Scotch!! :D

    Erm, yeah, sorry for off-topic...Oh, and you kids may resume trolling now...It can be amusing, sometimes ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    yukonsam wrote: »

    I can hear the wooooosh from here.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    There were a lot of little tweaks they put in tonight, especially to the UI.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Apparently it is down again. Keep getting disconnected when trying to log in...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    looks like they are down again...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    lol I had just thought of getting on STO but after reading last 2 post going to give up on it till the head start. Hopefully they will have the servers working properly or head start might be a waste 2. Anyway hope it all works because I love the game but have to be able to play once people start paying.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Regent420 wrote:
    lol I had just thought of getting on STO but after reading last 2 post going to give up on it till the head start. Hopefully they will have the servers working properly or head start might be a waste 2. Anyway hope it all works because I love the game but have to be able to play once people start paying.

    The last 2 posts were people having individual issues, I got in when the servers went up and only am out now because I need to sleep... get STO, you'll love it
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I have had no problems since it has went back up, I would definitely buy STO.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    My dad used to tell it to me, I wish I knew where it orginated from.
    Even Google doesn't know. :(
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    nutcase82 wrote: »
    OMG MUD.... Talk about my 33Kb modem days.

    300 baud acoustic coupled :eek:

    it was the ultimate when we got 1200, and we couldn't believe our friend interning at a back had access to 9600s
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Again, I would suggest digging around past media sources for that type of insight ;)

    Of course, the lady here probably would not take kindly to that, so I would not suggest it, just saying...:D

    Bah! Who knows, maybe one day we'll all end up in PVP with one another...Never can tell when someone's going to show up with an MMO, what with all the stalkers from Facebook and ****ter around here...Some devs even took down their pages for that stuff, which I can agree with. Those 'social networking' sites are the bane of the Internet, if you want to cyber, get on IRC if you don't want to do that TRIBBLE privately...;)

    Heck, back in the 90's, people like me were inventing what the kids today refer to as "l33tspeak" on IRC, I was all of 15 then, when I was really into it (although I started with that stuff much earlier, I just didn't get really into IRC stuff until later on just because I was more interesting in learning every single trick of every single game, then creating new ones just because I love being unpredictable, and we only had non-RPG gaming to go with then, not like STO where there's many different races to choose from, or create, with their own racial skills and then all the ways each career path works in regards to skills, then you have your ship's design, then you have your well-trained BO's, on and on and on...None of that existed for many of us at that time, especially not over the Web)...

    Now kids run around spamming that TRIBBLE like it's still fresh...Sorry children: It was created in the very early 1990's before TCP Internet existed, even in the late 1980's some people were toying with it...Mostly it was using ACSII to insert very unique characters into their hacking, which they would then share with others they considered in their league...This whole numbers-letters thing today, well, I bet if I showed you l33t ACSII-speak that today's l33t evolved from, you'd never have a chance of understanding it properly, the syntax and everything would be foreign to number-letter-based l33t.

    Still, regardless, I would avoid bothering Dagny here, regardless of her real name or anything else (and no, you won't get anything from me, so ask away, but don't be at all surprised when you find yourself entirely covered by cloaked tricobalt mines)...

    Everyone has the right to privacy to one extent or another...Despite what the media outlets want everyone to think, this freedom of the press stuff isn't meant for anyone else than trained and experienced journalists...I don't know where people get off grabbing personal info and then cutting loose with it, then when they get nailed for it, they sit there and try to say they were doing it for "educational purposes" or some other TRIBBLE line...Nope. Denied: Do NOT pass Go, do NOT collect 2 million energy credits :D

    Only reason I'm here again is because while I'm in the middle of FINISHING A MISSION that I had just spent at least 30 minutes doing, the server goes offline at random, then starts again after roughly 20 mins...Sigh.

    I think too many of us are just hammering the server clusters, regardless of if they installed the new hardware or not, AND if they bought the needed bandwidth for those servers to utilize as well, since one doesn't work well without the other...It's too much right now, I think.

    Sometimes I traceroute the servers and I get a standard sub-100, sometimes it's well over 1,400, and it's just doing that at random, as if there are gaps in either the servers OR the bandwidth provider they have...

    QWest isn't the only provider, they are of course the largest on PST, but there are others that function the same way and don't have nearly as many people clogging their bandwidth as QWest routinely does...Heh, back when I actually worked for someone else, I can remember the up-down stuff coming out of QWest's corner nearly every week...If their pipe either gets narrowed by over-use or gets closed off entirely for one reason or another, then we won't know it's not Cryptic that is having the trouble.

    For all anyone knows, QWest might have trouble from time to time, or Cryptic and Atari are trying to work out bandwidth deals because this sucker is going to cost a HUGE monthly bill for them both, with so many people already in the game and many many more waiting for the beta to end before they leap in...Some people did preorder, but decided open beta was too chaotic, so they are simply waiting for early start...I am considering that option, this last week has been quite annoying, I run a business, I get home around 5PM PST, takes me an hour to eat and watch TOS/ENT/TNG/DS9/VOY episode at random, then I shut down the media player and get ready to tear things apart in STO, only to find out it's down until at least 7PM PST, so I watch the threads here even if I'm not posting sometimes...

    What I am trying to figure out, is why the server has all these 'unexpected' gaps in the service, then when it comes online around 7PM, I find a 200~ MB patch waiting (naturally: they are trying to whack-a-mole with bugs in the space of days before early start)...No problem, I have a huge 15MBit up/down link into my fiber trunk (well, it's not an ISP, so don't get on me about not having an OC-192 or such, sheesh, it's a personal and business connection), so it does not take long provided the servers are not being hammered by simple weekend traffic overloads...Naturally it does take longer just because their patch server is slow for some reason, I wish the launcher had a display of the Kbit/second during the patching, in addition to the size and percentage done...That way I could tell for sure just what is going on...

    Anyway, once the patch is done, I jump into the game, but on a prime weekend, they try to have a patch day, and the servers cannot handle being up and then being forced down by more traffic than I-5 has over in Cali (hate that smog-ridden place, glad I live on the other side of the Sierra, since Seattle just got to be just as bad with the traffic problems in the mid-90's, so we left after 15 years there, and I hate the summers here in the desert, I really do, even after living here for a long time now)...

    Then tonight it's really odd, it's up for an hour or two, then it just goes off for 20 mins, then it comes back slowly (although the login server gets hammered of course for the first 5-10 mins)...

    Either they HAVE installed new servers and are rebooting the clusters/shards or whatever they call them, explaining the short bursts of downtime, or there are just too many people and the server now has failsafes to prevent such a load from totally crashing a server, but it does have to be restarted of course...

    They did say they were looking into software measures, maybe one of them asides from not letting people hammer the login server all at one time when it comes online again, was shutting certain server clusters down to protect them from crashing and needing admins there 24/7 for it...

    I've heard a lot of ignorant opinions that somehow Cryptic has people working there 24/7 because it's so close to early start which is the real launch of the game for those of us who have been here for a long time...Sorry to burst your bubbles guys: Servers NORMALLY have pre-programmed safeguards on whatever software they run, which forces a restart to prevent crashing, so admins aren't a requirement 24/7, almost no one can afford to pay admins 24/7 anymore for anything, so the resolution is simply to auto-restart the server if it detects a crash coming or some other variables none of us know about...

    I know, a lot of you would probably volunteer to help do admin if 24/7 was required, I would if I wasn't running my own show, but somehow I don't think Cryptic is taking volunteers or employees at the moment...Atari likely put a freeze on that type of thing so close to launch of such a major game driven by one of the best space sci-fi universes ever created, with millions of Trekkies and Trekkers (sigh) pouring in...Granted: Not everyone who likes Trek will be on STO simply because if you honestly expect to run the game, your system has to be relatively high-spec (may not be DX10, but DX10 is a joke and DX11 is a bigger one, DX9 works just fine and is far faster and less prone to crashing too) to handle all the details asides from the ever-slow anti-aliasing at high-res (one or the other, honestly...), and the glitched shadowing...

    Not every Trek fan, no matter how much of a fan they are, will be in this game, a lot of people thought that if you are a Trek fan, you're in STO, well, that is really ignorant of you. Sure, a lot of us are here, but not everyone can be...Some few people sitting around somewhere are still waiting for Cryptic to announce a console version, lol...Now that is just silly.

    Asides from Final Fantasy XI, I don't think I've seen any major MMO that isn't PC because the controls are just too complex for a 12-button controller to deal with properly, much less the fact that I doubt they could make a simple port that would allow anyone on a console to play STO with the PC players, which would ruin the whole deal, I imagine...Fail.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Down again.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Kaboom @ 5:53 EST. At least it was up for more than 6 hours this time.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    yep - down again
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Ugh. No notice. Right in the middle of an instance...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    no notice again as above in middle of instance.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Can't connect to login servers 05:55 EST
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Somebody get a crash cart to the server hamster! STAT!!!!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Wrong thread. Delete please.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    happened to me to just was getting to deepspace k7

    charge to 300.... clear..... charge again ..... clear..... time of death 2:56 pst
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