Hello, scince the time i got the Emrald Chain Intel Juggernaut there is this strange moment where i should go to warp (like leaving sol system) but it never happened like the other ships simple as constituions. Is it perhpas my character as a different warp (discovery timeline) but would work fine if it's 25th century (classic fed or kdf in sto). So would be glad to finnaly see this ship warp out or in a system
And my graphics setting are high, i push them to the limits, so perhaps i miss a setting somewhere like you suggest here , and my drivers are uptodate.
If doing a force verify didn't help then a fresh install might be in order. OK might not be ideal but fresh insalls do rectify issues. I myself even though I might not need it I do a fresh install every 6 or months just to ensure things are kept fresh and in order.