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Dev's important: How about this for new defalt UI layout!

thejusticebeing#1940 thejusticebeing Member Posts: 14 Arc User
Please dev's, all you need is some slight HUD re-arranging and increase hud size from, game options, then make it auto go to them rough proportions per change of display resolutions, it only in effect with new characters.

You will get nice results look, it would be great if you could use near to my design or the same as, its a slight reworking of yours:



It would need x and y co-ordinates where you move the hud boxes, that would auto align to proper proportions due to them co ordinates.


Post edited by darkbladejk on


  • The co-ordinates might need to stretch for certain resolutions for example
  • thejusticebeing#1940 thejusticebeing Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2023
    i havent practiced the dice roll location for hud, just a rough where i would like it to be affect clicking to open loot and it wanting you to choose an option for greed etc. As on a different character, would mean having to re-do the lot of huds on others, just want to build my new character for meantime if thats alright. Was just practicing with the hud layout. Then inspired to help you guys.

    If old characters wanted new layout, they would only need to go to edit hud in Escape button then choose the following shortcuts it already offers to default layout Shift + Escape keys.
  • thejusticebeing#1940 thejusticebeing Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2023
    The map in deep space 9 picture needs to be zoomed in, on foot, in mini map, sorry about that. The bigger size is nicer though for the eyes, less squinting.
  • Notice in space, the ship shields buttons access, is center bottom of screen please. Should make nicer shield replace, button tapping.
  • thejusticebeing#1940 thejusticebeing Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2023
    Also notice on ground for hud ui layout, the team location on 4k hud. It overlaps nicely. Plus also where the two buttons to click are for hail and dock like in this space pic:


    Team appears snug in the bottom center:


    Something to play around with regarding world wide notifications being far top middle and attacker id locations still being bottom, like with ship but not as good as ships locations up above pictures? The target info in the green boxes pic for ship pic.


  • thejusticebeing#1940 thejusticebeing Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2023
    Sorry for almost spam type, last post: So end result looks like this:


    Notice how all the interactable buttons are together, player skill bar and activating your teams skills buttons.


    For the ship i think the seperation of the players and player skill bars makes it less... clunky?.. it not looking like a wall of skills.


  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,548 Arc User
    edited September 2023
    ...it would be great if you could use near to my design or the same as...
    One person's heavenly-HUD is another persons hellish-HUD.

    Screen resolution is also a consideration.

    The default HUD arrangement works well in all resolutions and offers a starting-point for those who want to change the way their HUD works for them.
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
  • Finally, what your new hud could look like whilst fighting in space:

  • thejusticebeing#1940 thejusticebeing Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2023
    Lets be fair, inferiority, the whole resolution whacks screen out of proportions. You can not tell me, default how it is would be better with where some windows are placed? Like open loot box in the corner, see where your team mates health is top left, top middle for enemy and yours at the bottom for example. You are looking top, left and bottom, saboteur. And i already taught them about co-ordinates for resolutions?

    "It would need x and y co-ordinates where you move the hud boxes, that would auto align to proper proportions due to them co ordinates."

    "The co-ordinates might need to stretch for certain resolutions for example"

    So certain resolution add peramiters: stretch by 15% as a guess of one.
    The old game needs a lick of new paint, fresh. This is very effective even at low costs. Its modernised not antiquated.
  • thejusticebeing#1940 thejusticebeing Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2023
    Inferiority, like you are trying to make the game, there is no need for antiquated layout of look top left for team, top middle for enemy and then bottom for your own, for the health bars, you are looking top, left and bottom to gain health info for different sources.

    Thats not hell, WTF?

    and i already mentioned resolutions, like say increase by 15% for one resolution to co-ordinates:

    "it would need x and y co-ordinates where you move the hud boxes, that would auto align to proper proportions due to them co ordinates."

    "The co-ordinates might need to stretch for certain resolutions for example"

  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    Why should the Devs put something else into the game which performs automatically? All of the changes you've made images of are something players can do for themselves currently. Such as you've done here. You propose to "fix" something which isn't currently broken.

    - How many different screen resolutions does your proposal support?
    - Will it work on XBox?
    - Will it work on Playstation?
    - I use a HTML cable to project my screen to a 42 inch flat screen TV. How does your proposal make such a setup better?
    - How much extra bandwidth does my internet connection need for this change?
    - Will this change cause additional lag and stuttering?
    - What about someone playing STO on a ten year old laptop using integrated graphics?
    - Are these changes capable of being implemented on all current GPUs Star Trek Online is being played on?
    - Have you checked your coding to make sure there are no errors in it?
    - Is any of your proposal borrowed from any other game? Will there be IP and copyright infringement issues?
    - What about if a player likes/uses the, ahem, "antiquated" layout? Will there be provisions made for them as well?

    I'm not trying to be difficult here. I'm just pointing out some things you might want to consider before coming in here to save us all from ourselves.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,961 Arc User
    What is really needed for the huds is instead of changing the default layout they should have a button to "make this the default layout" and a "use player default layout" button (for older characters) so the player can set up something that works for them and have it available to all the other characters on the account. No one layout works for everyone.
  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    What is really needed for the huds is instead of changing the default layout they should have a button to "make this the default layout" and a "use player default layout" button (for older characters) so the player can set up something that works for them and have it available to all the other characters on the account. No one layout works for everyone.

    ^ What the man said.^

    The above is a proposal I can support. Although I do regularly save a UI layout and then import to my other chars, one button to do so would be appreciated.

    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,963 Arc User
    OP, I think you are forgetting one thing.. this game's minimum system requirement is a GTX900 series video card. IIRC, thats a 2K resolution, probably smaller to get decent frame rates. I don't think you can fit all those controls like you have them
  • eazzieeazzie Member Posts: 4,384 Arc User
    ARRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Necro @baddmoonrizin @rattler2 @darkbladejk
  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,848 Community Moderator
    back to the necro world with ye zombiness. (white lantern ring blast here) /closed
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
This discussion has been closed.