The following ships show purchased on the Starship Requisition Officer, but their related bundles have not been purchased on the Zen Store.
Legendary Light Intel Warbird [T6]
Legendary Intel Support Cruiser [T6]
Legendary Scimitar Intel Dreadnought Warbird [T6]
Legendary Miranda Multi-Mission Cruiser [T6]
Terran Cygnus Battlecruiser [T6]
Terran Adamant Heavy Raider [T6]
Terran Trailblazer Science Warship [T6]
Legendary Jem'Hadar Vanguard Pilot Attack Ship [T6]
Legendary Caelian Multi-Mission Explorer [T6]
When the "purchased" filter is applied when talking to the Starship Requisition Officer. These ships will show as purchased, but you cannot claim them. Clicking the "Zen Store" link for these takes you to an unrelated offer on the Zen Store. This occurs on different PCs/installs (one Steam, one Arc) and across characters.
Screenshots attached.