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Miracle Worker Flight Deck Cruiser VS. Temporal Cruiser

mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Member Posts: 391 Arc User
I am close to finishing the Event Campaign, and I have long decided that I would pick one of these two ships as my reward.

Old Trek is "my" Trek, and so I want something classic (or at least classic-looking) to fly.
I am currently in a Kelvin cruiser (closest T6 to the TOS Enterprise, chosen over the Temporal battlecruiser using the old-school skin), but these two ships are both much closer.

The thing is, as much as I just want to get the Temporal Cruiser and have the "real" TOS Enterprise to fly, I can't see much that makes it a better game choice than the Miracle Worker Flight Deck Carrier.

So maybe someone that does the number-crunching thing can help me out... What am I missing?

Why, strictly from a mechanical standpoint, should anyone pick the Temporal Cruiser over the Miracle Worker Flight Deck Carrier?

What I see is the Miracle Worker ship offers more hull, more shield, better weapon and aux power levels, two shuttle bays, and more consoles.

The Temporal Cruiser has more higher-level BOFF abilities, but this is offset by the Miracle Worker ship having an extra BOFF seat. If the MW Captain wishes they can load up on extra Tac or Eng BOFF abilities at the expense of Sci, as well as take advantage of more BOFF space traits. That works out as even in my mind, if not favoring the Miracle Worker ship.

The Temporal Cruiser has an extra cruiser command (energy weapon efficiency) and a better turn rate. That's it. That is where I see a clear edge, and that, to me, doesn't come close to equaling what the Miracle Worker ship has.

The Temporal Cruiser has all the sentimental advantages, but mechanically?


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  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,940 Community Moderator
    Its really just down to what you want to fly. Both ships are good, and have their own advantages.

    My main has been flying the Temporal Cruiser for a while because it fits my playstyle. However the MW FDC also fits my playstyle, and I'm running one on my DSC Character.

    The main thing that the Flight Deck Carrier has over the Temporal is the hanger slots, extended duration Slipstream native to all Miracle Worker ships, and the universal console slot. And the unlocked Advanced Phaser Arrays.

    Ok mechanically the Miracle Worker ship is probably superior. However... again its really down to personal preference as both ships perform very well when set up properly. If you want the classic TOS look, go for it. Nothing says you can't fly a ship you enjoy because some other ship is stat wise better.

    Also note that... just because the stats say one is better than the other, doesn't mean that is true for EVERY instance. You may have the best ship in the game that CAN hit uber DPS numbers, but if you don't put a good build on it you're gonna do shtako damage. This is true of ANY ship in game. Base stats are just that. Baseline unaugmented. You put a good build on a ship, it will perform better. You put a bad build on a ship, it will perform worse.

    So really... it depends on the LOOK you want between the two. The Temporal has more customization options, which include the Exeter Cruiser Refit if you have that ship, alongside the TOS, Vesper, Excalibur, and Connie Refit. The Miracle Worker... really only has the DSC Connie look unless you have the Legendary (which gives the straight pylon concept version) and the Mirror Warship (which gives the version we saw in Discovery with what the Terrans did to the USS Defiant).
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    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,997 Arc User
    To me it is mainly the aesthetics, not the mechanics. The MW is newer, so it has power creep in its favor and unless the buyer prefers Temporal over MW seating or whatever there is little the "Temporal Light Cruiser" can do to catch up system wise outside of rather arcane synergy tricks.

    What the TOS ship brings to the table is mainly its distinctive and unique googie design, while aesthetically the MW ship is a rather dull and squat art deco knockoff of the original (so is the "Legendary Temporal Flight Deck Cruiser", which is another DSC variant).

    I would have picked up the "Temporal Light Cruiser" version with the first event campaign token except that by that time I had more Temporal ships than any other specialty and did not want to add yet another at that point. I will probably get it eventually though.
  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Member Posts: 391 Arc User
    I know that I can fly whatever, and that a superior build on one ship can out-perform a bad build on an otherwise superior ship, I was just wondering if I was missing anything here.

    Apparently not.

    So mechanically the MW cruiser is superior. The Tempral cruiser has a couple of things that work in its favor, but that's it.
    The MW ship wasn't built to be as good as but different from the Temporal ship in the hope that people would want it for its differences, it was built better to help make sure that it would sell.

    So I am where I was... Buy the version of the ship that is ultimately why I play the game in the first place, or buy a close-but-not-quite version that offers more mechanical benefits.

    Thanks for the input.

  • lasoniolasonio Member Posts: 490 Arc User
    well for what its worth if its down to ships the MW is just better in dps, and has more versatility specially with the launchers. It can at max output of all the gimmicks put out just ungodly levels of firepower that the Light just can't compete with. From the phasers to extra universal slot that becomes 2 universal slots and so on it's just a better dps platform.

    Only issue is is that its too powerful. it outclasses everything else in dps that its hard to even have yourself leave it for anything else if you're into dps. that's my current issue with it. I have all the highest dps ships and i can't even find myself wanting to fly the jugg over it.... so that's that.

    But everyone has their own choices and decisions to make in these types of situations but it's not really a problem since you can get the MW this time and the Light cruiser next time.

    Though i would prefer if people got better traits and universals before getting ships but thats just me
    Even god rested. No work ethic.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,789 Arc User
    edited December 2022
    > Why, strictly from a mechanical standpoint, should anyone pick the Temporal Cruiser over the Miracle Worker Flight Deck Carrier?

    No real reason to do so, so ask yourself: Which is more important, the higher DPS or the classic TOS look?

    That's an easy choice for me. My TOS captain flies the Temporal, wears a TOS uniform, uses TOS phasers for ground missions, and the away team also has TOS uniforms and weapons. DPS is "good enough" which is all I need.
  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Member Posts: 391 Arc User
    > Why, strictly from a mechanical standpoint, should anyone pick the Temporal Cruiser over the Miracle Worker Flight Deck Carrier?

    No real reason to do so, so ask yourself: Which is more important, the higher DPS or the classic TOS look?

    That's an easy choice for me. My TOS captain flies the Temporal, wears a TOS uniform, uses TOS phasers for ground missions, and the away team also has TOS uniforms and weapons. DPS is "good enough" which is all I need.

    I ended up picking the Temporal light cruiser.

    Like I said, the TOS is ultimately why I am here. I had to follow my heart.
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,940 Community Moderator
    I ended up picking the Temporal light cruiser.

    Like I said, the TOS is ultimately why I am here. I had to follow my heart.

    And there is nothing wrong with that. You do you.
    There's also nothing stopping you from picking up the other one at a later date. ;)
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,789 Arc User
    edited December 2022
    > Why, strictly from a mechanical standpoint, should anyone pick the Temporal Cruiser over the Miracle Worker Flight Deck Carrier?

    No real reason to do so, so ask yourself: Which is more important, the higher DPS or the classic TOS look?

    That's an easy choice for me. My TOS captain flies the Temporal, wears a TOS uniform, uses TOS phasers for ground missions, and the away team also has TOS uniforms and weapons. DPS is "good enough" which is all I need.

    I ended up picking the Temporal light cruiser.

    Like I said, the TOS is ultimately why I am here. I had to follow my heart.

    Enjoy, it's a TOSriffic ship and is fine for all elite content once you get your build set up right. TOS phasers (or at least blue phasers if you dislike the sound) are a must. Try slotting Beam Overload for a change of pace if you normally use BFAW.
  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,997 Arc User
    > Why, strictly from a mechanical standpoint, should anyone pick the Temporal Cruiser over the Miracle Worker Flight Deck Carrier?

    No real reason to do so, so ask yourself: Which is more important, the higher DPS or the classic TOS look?

    That's an easy choice for me. My TOS captain flies the Temporal, wears a TOS uniform, uses TOS phasers for ground missions, and the away team also has TOS uniforms and weapons. DPS is "good enough" which is all I need.

    I ended up picking the Temporal light cruiser.

    Like I said, the TOS is ultimately why I am here. I had to follow my heart.

    Enjoy, it's a TOSriffic ship and is fine for all elite content once you get your build set up right. TOS phasers (or at least blue phasers if you dislike the sound) are a must. Try slotting Beam Overload for a change of pace if you normally use BFAW.

    Red phasers work too, in TOS they actually used red slightly more often than blue (unless you are going for the Remastered version specifically, since they changed all the phasers in that to blue), though the full beam (instead of DSC pulse) red phasers are rather hard for non-whales to get in STO (they even used green in the show once, to stun a few city blocks of gangsters from orbit).
  • vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,963 Arc User
    I don't know about the MW but the legendary has an extra tac console slot
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,789 Arc User
    > Why, strictly from a mechanical standpoint, should anyone pick the Temporal Cruiser over the Miracle Worker Flight Deck Carrier?

    No real reason to do so, so ask yourself: Which is more important, the higher DPS or the classic TOS look?

    That's an easy choice for me. My TOS captain flies the Temporal, wears a TOS uniform, uses TOS phasers for ground missions, and the away team also has TOS uniforms and weapons. DPS is "good enough" which is all I need.

    I ended up picking the Temporal light cruiser.

    Like I said, the TOS is ultimately why I am here. I had to follow my heart.

    Enjoy, it's a TOSriffic ship and is fine for all elite content once you get your build set up right. TOS phasers (or at least blue phasers if you dislike the sound) are a must. Try slotting Beam Overload for a change of pace if you normally use BFAW.

    Red phasers work too, in TOS they actually used red slightly more often than blue (unless you are going for the Remastered version specifically, since they changed all the phasers in that to blue), though the full beam (instead of DSC pulse) red phasers are rather hard for non-whales to get in STO (they even used green in the show once, to stun a few city blocks of gangsters from orbit).

    Are there any good red beam phasers? My captain flying a Fek'ihri carrier uses Krieger Wave Disruptors that look great, but they are disruptors.

  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,940 Community Moderator
    Covert Phaser Arrays are red beams and have the DSC style toned down TOS sound.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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  • misachii87misachii87 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    I ended up picking the Temporal light cruiser.

    Like I said, the TOS is ultimately why I am here. I had to follow my heart.

    temporal enterprise is an exelent beam overload platform, with commander temporal shearing 3 is possible which is great singe target killer, and with lt com command life support to weapons 3 is possible, which slows down boff skills, but with boimler+calm before storm you should have no problems, slap photonic officer 1 or 2 on it depending if you want to use gravity well1. the only side effect is the need of Superweapon Ingenuity which is a lobi ship.

    overall temporal great for Beam overload, miracle great for fire at will/cannon scatter volley builds.

    also the universal should be tac to slap cannon scatter volley 1 on it to trigger SaD, preferential targeting, overpowered and overgunned (with 2 fire mods if you stagger the activation you can keep this trait permanent)
    if you use many universal console clickys the trait https://sto.fandom.com/wiki/Trait:_Unconventional_Systems is great as it cool downs them with control abilitys which considering commander temporal and lt com sci you could equip quite a few.

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